The Goddess Needs A Break!

SS – Halloween 2022

October 31.

This was a day that was considered a national holiday around the world. A day where it wouldn't be strange to see ghouls and monsters roaming the streets. Today was the day known as Halloween.

For a lot of kids, that meant dressing up and getting free candy.

"Mom! Mom! We have to leave right now or all the best houses are gonna be taken!"

A very young Takei grabbed and pulled on his mom's arm repeatedly to get her attention. This version of Takei was still in elementary school, so his bright personality was still visible. Although he was in an impatient mood with a pouty face, the sight of him in a raccoon costume was too cute to overlook.

"Ehh~ My little Takei is so cute!~" Flora yelled in glee as she attempted an attack on Takei's cheeks.

Luckily for the nimble and small Takei, he barely managed to escape her grasp. "Mom, stop that! Let's go already!"

"Muuu... Is your rebellious phase starting this early? Mommy just wants to love you!~"

"Agh! Let go!"

For her costume, Flora decided to dress up as a robber. Her black pants, white-and-black striped shirt, and black mask was easily discernible to be the outfit of a robber. Although, she was a bit too cheery and bubbly so that was a problem on the personality side.

Takei's father yelled from upstairs, "Airi's still changing so you two can go first!"

"That's our cue~ It's time to get some candy!" Flora ran out of the house while pulling Takei along.

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?!" Takei screamed for dear life.


After about an hour and a half of trick or treating, Takei was starting to get tired from carrying his bag around since it was so heavy. His father and sister had joined up with them about 10 minutes after they left, but Takei had yet to get any candy by that time since Flora was pulling him around like a wild animal. Sighing due to his mom's eccentricities, Takei looked off to the distance.

"Wow, your children have grown so big! It's been a while since we've talked to each other, hasn't it?"

"It has been a while. My wife and I have been busy so I apologize for not visiting and talking more."

"No, no. Life happens. Actually, did you hear..."

Takei's parents were currently in the middle of a conversation with a neighbor. It was quite boring for the young Takei to hear the adults talking, so he was trying to set his mind aside by observing the area around him.

As he was looking around, Takei noticed a singular girl sitting on the swings at the park near his home. Since today was Halloween, it wouldn't make sense for anyone to be at the park, so why was she there? With curiosity taking over, Takei stealthily left the scene without the adults noticing.

Since he had a bad feeling, Takei sprinted as fast as he could to the park. As a result, he managed to arrive in only three minutes.

And just like he had seen from afar, there was a singular girl on the swings by herself. Judging from her lonely back, it seemed like she was here all alone.

"Hey, are you okay?" Takei worriedly asked.

The moment that the girl turned around and looked at him, Takei's heart jumped a beat at how beautiful this girl was. Although he was still young and didn't know what love was, Takei still knew that this girl's beauty was akin to a goddess.

In fact, she was dressed up as one too. It was evident by her white dress that was adorned with gold accents and the small golden tiara on her head.

"I'm... okay. You don't have to worry," the girl shook her head while wiping her tears away with her arm.

The girl's beauty was tainted by her tears and bitter expression, which made Takei immensely sad about the situation. Remembering seeing that lonely back, Takei worked up a hypothesis. There weren't any bags around, no parents around, and she was crying with an immensely lonely back.

That means... She probably doesn't have anyone to trick or treat with her. And the night is almost over, which means that Halloween is about to be done.

Trick or treating was a fun thing to do with friends and family, but it was an oddly lonely thing to do when alone. Takei felt his heart splitting in two at the sight of a poor girl enduring loneliness. Refusing to accept the situation anymore, Takei went over to the swings and sat down right next to the girl.

The next thing he did was open his bag and take a few candy bars out. Before he started eating then, Takei sighed as if he was sad about something.

"Ahh, there's too much candy. There's no way I can finish all of this candy by myself!" Takei exaggeratedly said before he turned to the girl and offered her the candy. "Would you like to help me eat this candy?"

"Really?!" The girl's eyes glinted with happiness.

Takei nodded. "Please help me. I might get a cavity if I eat too much."

"Mhm! Thank you," the girl smiled as she grabbed a few candy bars.

The two began to eat the candy over a light conversation about each other's hobbies and dreams. Before they knew it, half the bag was emptied out and the two were beginning to have large stomachs.

"I really can't eat anymore..." Takei groaned.

"Me neither," the girl agreed with him while holding her stomach with a pale face.

The two looked at each other in pain and started laughing at the sight of something so comedic.



While they were laughing, Takei could hear the sounds of his parents looking for him.

"Son, where are you?! Please don't be dead! Your mother will kill me if you don't come back, y'know?!"

"Dear~ Please shut your mouth, okay?~"

"Yes, ma'am!"

It was the usual comedic routine done by his parents so Takei could easily identify them. Since he had left without saying anything, Takei knew he was in trouble so he grabbed his bag in a hurry. If he stayed here any longer, there was a chance he would be grounded forever.

"Sorry, bye! I gotta go!"

Before the girl could answer, Takei ran off without hearing her reply in fear of what his parents would do to him if he dilly dallied any longer.

""I don't think we exchanged names...""

Both Takei and the girl realized this after the fact and regretted it to this day. However, oddly enough, fate had a way of bringing these two back to each other. 

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