The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 213 – Graduation

Time Stamp: Few days before High School Graduation

When Takei had first entered high school, he despaired at how far away graduation was going to be. He had to wait a few more years to finally be free from the shackles of school.

At the time, he dreaded the idea of having to go to school everyday for the next couple years, but it was different now. Takei finally enjoyed going to school after he met Akari and all of his other friends.

The years that he spent in high school were precious to him, so it was saddening to finally leave. In just a few short days, Takei and his friends would no longer be high schoolers.

This was a turning point in their lives that would forever affect how the rest of their lives would go on. It was needless to say that Takei was scared and anxious about graduation.

"I need some fresh air...." Takei said as he left the house to clear his mind.

Since final exams had just finished, Takei had a large amount of free time on his hands. Although he could do anything with that free time, he was spending most of his days seriously thinking over what path he wanted to take in life.

"Maybe a park would be a good place to go and think at?"

When in doubt, Takei would always go to the local park and sit on the swings to clear his thoughts. This was something that his father had shown him in the past and it stuck ever since.

Luckily for him, the park was very vacant today. There were a few families here and there, but it was just quiet enough for Takei to think to himself.

He went to sit down on the swing, but a familiar person came out of nowhere and sat down next to him.

"If you're not able to rely on your girlfriend, then what's my purpose?" Akari laughed as she swung herself back and forth on the swing.

"You knew I was having trouble?" Takei wryly smiled. "I thought I hid it pretty well."

"Anyone can see it from the way you're grimacing," she giggled.

The reason why Akari was here was due to Airi's interference. As his sister, Airi couldn't handle seeing Takei so despondent, so she called Akari and explained the situation to her.

When Takei left the house, Airi immediately called Akari and told her to follow and talk to him. Airi knew that Takei always went to the park to think, so she decided that this was the best time to intervene.

"It's just that... I'm really scared of the future. We've been in school our whole lives as kids, but now we're getting thrust into the unknown. I just don't know what to expect," Takei explained his fears.

All throughout his life, Takei had people there to tell him what to do and what not to do. Once he graduates, there would no longer be people there to keep him accountable for his actions.

Takei stopped swinging and looked down at his shoes. "We're going to have to fend for ourselves in the outside world, and I don't know if I'm ready for that task or not."

He held his head in his hands and despaired more as he looked into the abyss that was the outside world. "I'm really scared. I just don't know what to do. Akari, please... what do I do?"

Takei looked over to Akari and hoped for her to give him an answer that would calm his nerves.

"Nothing. Don't do anything."

Instead of something grand and majestic, Akari responded with a simple answer that required Takei to do nothing at all. With a calm and gentle look in her eyes, Akari grabbed Takei's hand and firmly squeezed it.

"Don't worry about the future, everything will be just fine. You have me, your parents, your friends, and so many other people who will keep you accountable and cheer you on."

Akari didn't just want to soothe his fears, she wanted to completely eliminate them. Rather than a long speech that would only push aside the problem, Akari focused on attacking the root of the problem by making sure that Takei knows that he's not alone.

"So, please. Rely on me and everyone else a bit more. We'll be here whenever you need us."

Akari leaned over and planted a small kiss on Takei's cheek. He hadn't expected a surprise attack from her, so his face was immediately flushed red.

"I-I think I feel better now! Ah, look at the time!" Takei scrambled to stand up. "Why don't we start going home now?"

Although Takei tried his best to maintain his composure, there was no way he could do so since his girlfriend had done such a heart throbbing act. Even if he did feel better in the end because of talking to her, this current embarrassment was a much stronger feeling than his despair was earlier.

Why did she have to attack me out of nowhere?!

Takei was really thankful for Akari because she was there to eliminate his fears and anxieties, although he was a bit miffed since Akari kept on laughing at his tomato-red face.

"Yes, let's go home. I'll give you a reward for helping me with my anxieties, but I'm going to have to punish you for laughing at me," Takei evilly smiled.

"Uh-oh... Is it too late to say sorry?" Akari nervously backed away.

"Yep, the damage has already been done."


On that day, Akari experienced both heaven and hell before eventually swearing to herself that she would no longer push Takei to his very limits.

Graduation arc (1/5)

The beginning of the graduation arc is now!

Serious-san: Let's graduate together!

Sugar-chan: Cheers~

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