The Goblin’s Pet (18+) (Now a CYOA!)

Chapter 16 – A Long Night Ends

Snib’s gruff laughter fills the room, sending shivers down my spine. I can feel his girth stretching me open, the wet slickness of my own arousal easing his entrance into me. It's an alien sensation - something so different from any other I've ever experienced.

My body convulses involuntarily as he pushes a little further inside, making Snib laugh with crude delight. "Ooh," he chortles with a grotesque grin on his face, "tight little twat ya’ve got there, ain’t it? Just squeezin’ around ma knob."

I try to block out his crude words, but they echo in my mind, stoking the fire of humiliation burning within me. My hands scramble for purchase on the sheets beside me as he pushes further in – now, only the bulbous head is lodged inside – but it feels so much more than that. He’s so big.

At the edge of my consciousness, I'm dimly aware of Snib's lewd chuckle — a sound that echoes throughout the room, coupled with the sickening sound of his cock pulling back, then pushing deeper into me, squelching obscenely with each thrust.

It's a moment that should be sacred, cherished... given to a lover. Instead it's this... this monster. A goblin — a creature so beneath me, a green thing I wouldn't have deigned to kill before. Yet here he is, wearing down my resolve and taking away from me that which should never have belonged to him in the first place.

And then…

With one brutal slam, his girthy cock-head rips through my untouched flesh. The pain is excruciating — a guttural cry escaping my throat as I feel that last bastion shatter — my hymen - replaced by the fullness of his cock stretching me far wider than I ever imagined.

Snib grins down at me victoriously, every muscular ridge and vein of his monstrous shaft buried balls-deep in my twitching body, spreading me open from the inside out. His girthy length throbs menacingly within me — marking its territory — claiming every last inch of me for himself.

"Look at ye… takin' all o' it like a good little slut." His cruel words are laced with malice and sadistic enjoyment as he leers down at me.

My mind spins with raw confusion and humiliation as I lay there whimpering like some fragile virgin maiden being deflowered by her brutish captor. This isn't supposed to be happening… not to me… not...

But even as the pain recedes and is replaced by a wave of perversely welcome pleasure, realization hits me harder than any physical blow ever could: This is happening… to me… and there's nothing I can do about it. My body wants it. Desperately.

My body rebels against my mind, dousing it in so much fuzz that I can’t think straight at all; every fiber of my being screaming for release amidst the onslaught of overwhelming pleasure coursing through me. The sensation of Snib’s massive member stretching my soaking cunt around him is too much.

With an obscene grunt, Snib pulls out only half-way before slamming back into me agai n— each hard thrust sending fresh cascades of ecstatic fullness and completeness washing over me. A gasping moan escapes my lips unbidden; the sound distinctly feminine and full of pleasure.

But along with the washed-out bliss came the familiar humiliation. The realization, like a cold slap in the face, that I’m being ridden mercilessly by a creature I once looked down upon.

As Snib grinds his hips into mine, he roars with delight, his grubby hands snaking their way up to my bouncing breasts.

"Fuckkn' hell," he grunts, wrapping his rough fingers around the heavy mass of my tits. "These fuckin' udders!" He squeezes harshly and I can't bite back a gasp, panting for breath as the pleasure builds. My nipples tighten painfully at the rough handling, stabbing jolts of pleasure shooting down to my swollen clit.

He chuckles darkly at my reaction, giving each breast a sharp smack before beginning to pump into me again. My breasts react insanely - bouncing in successively larger arcs under each brutal thrust of his goblin cock. Each movement sends more precum spilling out from the condom tied to my bikini top, sloshing heavily against my belly with each pendulous swing.

My mind spins helplessly and I can't help but whimper as he fucks me ruthlessly into the mattress - again and again with no reprieve for me or consideration for how it must look; a hero degraded like this...

"Like being stuffed fulla cock don't ya?" he chortles crudely at me as if hearing my thoughts. "Ye used ta slay dragons an' save kingdoms... now all ya good fer is taking dick... ain't that right? Ya like bein' reduced to this?"

Each insult is punctuated with a thrust - sharp and brutal in its promise of further degradation. His words sink into me - searing themselves deep within my subconscious until a frantic need to deny them build up within me.

I try to protest but it only serves to amuse him further; his laughter filling our small room along with the obscene squelching sounds coming from

Snib's cruel laughter chills me, even as his hot body presses against mine and sends tendrils of desire curling through my veins. His plump belly slaps against mine with every thrust, causing ripples to spread over my jelly-like flesh.

His wet bulbous cockhead pokes irresistibly at that sweet spot inside me - the one that makes stars explode behind my closed eyes and forces strangled moans from between gritted teeth.

The repeated jabs are too much - they push me closer and closer towards a precipice I don't want but can't avoid. The edge looms closer with every pounding slam of his monstrous cockhead into me – each one driving home just how helpless I am under him – until finally,

"Gonna cum fer me?" He grins down at me wickedly as he continues fucking into me relentlessly- sensing just how close I am teetering on oblivion’s edge.

His words are like poison gas seeping through every crack in my defenses - dissolving them away until I'm laid bare before him: vulnerable and exposed. He watches expectantly as if daring me…

"No… No…" I gasp out, the raw effort and strain of it making my teeth clench as I desperately try to hold back those rising waves of pleasure curling low in my belly.

He laughs again, his breath hot against the side of my neck. The stench of his musk makes me want to gag but I focus on that - the revulsion at his touch, the sickening scent of him. Anything to keep that unwanted climax at bay.

"Ye think yer better than me?" He jeers, angling his thrusts deeper inside me. My hips rise off the bed in reflex to meet his brutal rhythm - a traitorous response that only sends another wave of pleasure tearing through me.

"No! Oh, fuck no!" I can feel the orgasm looming closer - a roaring flame just waiting to consume me. It's a wild beast in my belly, clawing at my insides to get out.

But I won't let it win - can't let it win. I can't give this... this creature any more satisfaction than he already gets from defiling me like this.

With a grimace and a scream locked inside my throat, I pull on all my warrior’s training – mustering every ounce of willpower within me like a shield against the onslaught of ecstasy threatening to break through.

I close my eyes tightly and force myself to picture Elara – beautiful Elara. Her soft smiles and gentle whispers help push back against Snib's onslaught – barricading myself within thought; willing away thoughts of Snib's cock plunging into the slick warmth of my bared cunt.

"Y-You' re nothing," I manage to choke out after a moment, even as another brutal thrust has stars flashing behind closed eyelids. "I've... I’ve faced much worse enemies than you!"

Snib laughs cruelly at that and squeezes on one fat tit harder making me squeal aloud, “Yeah? Fought dragons with yer tits out, did ya?”

With each lewd slap of his balls against my rear , he continues to taunt me – crude words flowing from him like venomous poison: "Stupid slut, thinkin' she's some hero... yer just another whore with big ol’ tits and a slutty pussy begging for cock."

His malicious words slam into me again and again with each pounding thrust – pushing – forcing every last shred of decency out of sight until all that's left is this aberrant caricature: Elise , bracing herself against her own traitorous body’s desperate craving for release from Snib’s thick monstrous erection hammering relentlessly into her.

Every snap of his hips sends shockwaves rippling through me– each burst sending electrifying bursts of heavenly agony ripping through every inch my senses.

A muffled scream tears free from clenched teeth as I throw all caution aside and clasp onto whatever will help keep me grounded in reality– hold off that impending climax now threatening to crash into existence with an intensity that terrifies even myself; so close now...

Snib’s pace become frantic, snarls erupting from his throat every time he slams into me. His fingers dig painfully into my fat tits, lighting them afire with sharp sparks of inexplicable pleasure – sending me even closer to that precipice.

With a primal roar, Snib buries himself to the hilt inside me. My body instinctively clenches around his invading monster of a cock, furthering my own arousal in the process.

His belly slaps heavily against mine with every hard thrust as he grinds himself against me, his ragged breaths harsh against my neck. The disgusting scent of him mingles with the overpowering odor of our mixed sweat and amorous activities and it's almost enough to make me gag.

The bed squeaks and creaks madly beneath us as Snib continues to rut into me with all his strength; all semblance of self-control gone as his release looms over him.

Then suddenly, Snib gives a final guttural groan and stiffens atop me. The obscene flesh-log lodged inside my cunt twitches and throbs ominously as I feel a sudden rush of warmth spreading through his length.

"Oh fuck," I whimper at the feeling before quickly clamping down on the moan that wants to follow. But it's too late – whether from exhaustion or pure shock – I feel myself teetering dangerously at the edge again.

I hold onto every ounce of control left in me but it's all draining out fast - being sucked out by the gravity-pull sensation at Snib’s final thrust - coupled with the sudden expansion deep inside my pussy - like hot furnace bellows pumping molten magma into an already overstuffed condom within my quivering depths

"No… No…" I gasp out desperately, clenching my eyes shut hard as my sweaty palms claw futilely at the bed sheets beneath us.

I can feel every ripple – each pulsating jet streaming from his cockhead filling up the condom within me; each shot inflating it more and extending deeper within its impaled depths. It's humiliatingly enormous now - turgid with spunk – distending itself audaciously to accommodate the fat jets of his potent seed stirring crazily within its rubbery shell - ready… just ready to burst forth from its confined prison.

Just when I think I'm on the precipice of surrender, my control slips back into place. A white-knuckled grip on the last shred of my willpower as I hold off the impending wave of ecstasy that threatens to crash down on me. My body shakes, my teeth clench and a whimper slips past my lips. Somehow, some way, I manage to stave off the climax.

But it's not quite over.

A sudden emptiness floods me as Snib pulls his cock free from me with a wet schlick. My pussy clenches around nothing, unfulfilled and aching for something I refuse to give in to. The condom is still inside me, full to brimming with his potent goblin cum. It's an alien sensation - the feeling of a rubbery bag full of hot, wriggling sperm stuffed inside me.

The smell hits me almost immediately - a pungent cocktail of bleach and musk cutting through the air to make my stomach churn. It's disgusting yet strangely erotic in its own obscene way; a testament to the filthy act we've just committed.

Snib yanks at the end of the condom still sticking out of me and slowly pulls it out, making me wince with every inch it drags along my oversensitive folds. A wet pop echoes through the room as it finally comes free, trailing streaks of pussy juice down my thighs.

Then, he grins that grotesque grin again and dangles it in front of my face. Fat droplets fall from it onto the sheets between us - each one a potent bullet loaded with his vile offspring.

Humiliation burns hot on my cheeks as he forces me to look at our combined mess; his powerful goblin seed swirling within, kept at bay only by thin rubber confines streaked on the outside by my own glistening juices.

The sight is disgusting and yet... the perverse satisfaction of having survived another round without giving him what he wanted delivers its own twisted thrill.

My mind spins, caught between relief and fear as Snib speaks again: "Ye did good.. .But ye ain't done yet." His voice is like an icy finger tracing down my spine.

I follow his gaze down to his loins where his thick goblin cock still stands erect – dauntingly potent even after having spent itself not moments before within me – its green flesh pulsating demandingly for more despite what it’s already taken from me.

"No... no more," I whimper out, my voice barely audible. "I did what you said... you came."

His laughter makes my skin crawl. "Ye tried, didn't ya?" Snib grins down at me, his yellow eyes gleaming with amusement. "But I ain't satisfied yet, am I?"

My heart plummets at his words. His cock twitches against my thighs and despite the overwhelming exhaustion flooding my body, a jolt of fear surges through me. He can't be serious...

But the wicked grin on his face leaves no room for doubt.

"Ephemerals, no..." I gasp as he reaches down and ties another bloated condom next to its sibling on my bikini top. The scent of spent jizz hits me like a punch to the gut - thick and heavy with his musk mixed with a pungent smell that's undeniably... dominant.

The second condom is heavier than the first one - so engorged with cum it feels like a small water balloon pressing against my belly. The rubbery mass squishes obscenely under its own weight, sending streaks of cold precum spilling over my glistening underbelly in long trails.

It's disgusting, but there's an undeniable thrill coiling within me; a spark of perverse satisfaction that comes from seeing him empty himself into me and then leaving his seed as a mark of our twisted encounter.

The sight is beyond humiliating - each filled condom is a testament to how far I've fallen; from Aldric the Great to Elise the Cumdump.

His next words send chills racing down my spine: "Now let's see how much more ye can take before ya break."

I shudder involuntarily at his threat, glancing down between us where his monstrous cock still stands erect – hungry for more despite having just emptied itself inside me.

His skin pulses ominously against mine – each beat sending sparks of panic shooting up and down my spine as he leans in closer to whisper darkly in my ear: “This time… I want ye screaming.”

The world seems to tilt as Snib spins me around, my body responding sluggishly through the haze clouding my mind. My knees sink into the soft mattress as I’m manhandled into position; ass up, face down, arms braced wide to support the weight of my massive tits dragging along the bed.

The ache in my thighs is a far-off thing, distant and vague compared to the all-encompassing haze that my mind has descended into. Everything's blurry, my vision hazy as if seen through a clouded window.

It feels like I'm floating in an ocean of heated desire and overwhelming pleasure – drowning under relentless waves of sweet torment that lap dangerously at the fragile shores of my sanity.

Each breath I take is labored - coming out in short, sharp gasps as I struggle to keep conscious.

As Snib maneuvers me onto all fours, his fingers dig into the soft flesh of my bottom like iron claws - pulling apart my ass cheeks roughly so he can have easy access. The cool air against my exposed pussy sends flutters of sensation spiraling up through me, making me whimper.

My fat tits hang heavily beneath me - swaying with each breath I take; their weight pulling them down towards the bed where they move like pudding along the sheets. They’re so hot and sensitive against the rough fabric – nipples hardening instantly with every brush against it as they bounce rhythmically along with my every ear-splitting heartbeat.

Looking down between my forearms braced wide on the bed beneath me, I'm met with a sight that's both humiliating and grotesquely erotic. Two bloated condoms tied to the strained strings on both sides of my bikini top - each filled to bursting with his potent seed - one cun, one precum - now swing lewdly below me; their weight tugging incessantly at their strings, sending tremors rippling up and down sensitive paths within my overstuffed bosom.

The rubbery masses sway back and forth like obscene pendulums - leaving slimy trails all over the sheets beneath them; precum mixing into cum mixing into more precum… dripping… dribbling… oozing right onto – right across – right through those portions where my massive G-cup tits flatten against sheets under their own humongous weight.

Another smack to my asscheeks sends tendrils of pain scorching up through all senses, making me yelp out loud before quickly clamping down on it.

Incoherent words slip past dry lips as Snib moves behind me – his gruff voice echoing eerily amidst our twisted interplay: "Ready fer round two?"

"N... nngh," I gasp out nonsensically, amidst heated panting. “Condom…”

I hear the crinkle of a wrapper being torn open, and my heart clenches.

"Master, please... I need... I need a moment..." I gasp out but my plea falls on deaf ears. There's a pause as Snib stretches another woefully inadequate condom over his monstrous girth. My mind is a stormy sea of pleasure and humiliation, making coherent thought impossible.

Despite everything, I'm still teetering on the edge of an orgasm that threatens to consume me completely. My body is hot and flushed, every inch of me hyper-sensitive to the slightest touch. My pussy is sopping wet, having been pounded once already in missionary and now about to be taken from behind.

I'm there, on all fours, my heavy tits swaying beneath me with each panting breath I take.

I feel him prodding at my drooling cunt once again. A whimper escapes my lips as his bulbous cockhead nudges against my slick folds. My world narrows down to that one point of contact between us - the place where he's about to penetrate me once more.

From this vantage point, all I can see is the bedspread beneath me - a plain white fabric that seems absurdly normal amidst the debauchery taking place atop it.

The anticipation gnaws at me like a starving beast and then... He enters me.

A gasp tears from my throat as Snib slides into me from behind - his massive girth squelching through my soaked pussy with an obscene slurp. His entire 12 inches buries itself inside me in one smooth motion that leaves me breathless.

Suddenly, the small goblin mounts up behind me like some rutting beast in heat - taking full advantage of our size difference to plunder my pussy again with his condom-sheathed cock.

His short legs are barely enough to bring him up to the height of my jiggling ass but he manages somehow - standing upright behind me on his tiptoes while his pudgy belly presses up against the soft globes of my ass.

The sight would be laughable if it wasn't so mortifyingly erotic - Snib's small body pressed against mine while he takes what he wants from me. Despite everything - despite all logic and reason - this act triggers something deep within me that responds almost instinctively to his primal dominance.

His grubby hands grab hold of my wide hips as he starts to thrust into me in earnest - each powerful drive sending shockwaves through my body that make my oversized tits bounce lewdly beneath me.

My mind swims with pleasure and humiliation as he takes what he wants from me without care or concern for anything else but his own satisfaction.

My mind is a hurricane of pleasure, an unfathomable sea that I'm steadily drowning in. Every thought, every memory, every shred of my former self is swallowed up in a deluge of sensation as Snib pounds into me from behind.

My skin tingles with it – the feel of his rough hands on my hips, the slap of his fat balls against my clit with each thrust, the feel of his girth spreading me wide and ramming into my cervix over and over again. Each slap resonates through me like a thunderclap – booming echoes of raw pleasure that rumble through every fiber of my being.

I’m panting desperately for breath - each gasp catching in my throat before coming out as a moan; mewling sounds that I barely recognize as my own. Each word tumbles out broken and incoherent; pleas and prayers to a deity that has long since abandoned me.

Through it all, Snib grins down at me from atop my jiggling ass - his stubby body dwarfed by mine yet filled with such raw power and dominance. He straddles me like some sort of obscene king on his throne, using his weight to pin me down while he takes what he wants from me.

He taunts and teases me; prodding and poking at the edges of my control until I’m teetering on the brink. My orgasm builds up within me - swelling up like an unstoppable tidal wave about to crash down upon the shore.

I beg him to stop - to give me just a moment’s respite. But Snib only laughs - a deep, guttural sound that reverberates off the walls around us.

“Give in,” he grunts between thrusts, his voice low and cruel. “Let GO.”

The words are like needles piercing through the fog clouding my mind - sharp and clear amidst all the chaos. And suddenly… I can’t hold it back anymore.

A scream tears itself from my throat - loud and uncontained, echoing throughout our tiny room. My body convulses against him; back arching up off the bed as heat radiates out from between my legs like wildfire.

It’s coming. I’m gonna cum.

Snib doesn’t let up even then; fucking into my shaking form with abandon… until… until…

Until everything goes blank.

My awareness sloshes back to me in sickening waves. An ecstasy so potent, so powerful, it eclipses every thought, every notion of reality and self. I'm cumming around Snib's cock, his thrusts never faltering for a moment as my body convulses beneath him.

My eyelids flutter open only for my vision to blur instantly as my eyes cross from the sheer intensity of what I'm experiencing. My tongue lolls out of my mouth, dangling limply between open lips that are quivering in rhythm with the rest of my jiggling body.

The lewd smack of his loincloth-clad hips against my ass resonates in a perverse symphony with the slap-slap-slap of my giant tits on the bed beneath us; swaying wildly with each harsh rut into me. Each smack sends a new wave crashing through me – a pulsating rhythm that fans the flames consuming me from within.

My pussy clenches around him spasmodically – a wet vice squeezing down on his girth as if trying to milk him for all he's worth. And then suddenly… everything else fades into insignificance when I feel something warm and sticky gushing out from between my legs.

My heart lurches in mortification as I realize what’s happening – I’m squirting! Thick spurts of juices spraying out from me with every new convulsion wracking through me; squirting out in time with the rhythmic pounding of Snib's merciless thrusts. My orgasm is making an obscene spectacle – shooting streams of cunt syrup up and onto Snib's belly, spattering on his balls before dripping down onto the bed beneath us.

I scream at the top of my lungs – each guttural note echoing deafeningly off the cold stone walls enclosing us. The whimpering noises following right after are high pitched – reminiscent more of pig squealing than anything else; an all too apt comparison given how low I’ve fallen tonight.

The two bloated condoms tied to either side of my bikini top flop against the sheets, squashed beneath the weighty mass of my tits which are now moving independently - bouncing violently as their bounds lose control - while being ruthlessly pounded into by Snib on top.

His grunts and growls ring loud above mine – interjecting oddly masculine against feminine noises flooding our little room. His weight bears down on me like some sort of perverse anchor keeping me grounded through this tumultuous storm tearing through me - holding me captive as he plows away into my body without relenting for even a moment.

There’s nothing left anymore… nothing but this perverse pleasure ravaging through me like wildfire consuming dry forest land in its path. I can't think... Can't... Can't...

Every pore is aflame, every muscle trembling… every nerve singing paeans to this obscene pleasure radiating out from where Snib is buried within me - riding out every wave crashing over us; riding out every buck and jerk originating from deep within me; riding it all until...

Until there's nothing left but spent gasps echoing around our room - all coherent thought obliterated in that one singular moment.

In the wake of my climax, every thought is a cloud of haze, each sensation a mere whisper against the roaring silence within my mind. I can hardly register anything, except for a vague pressure against my insides. Then, an oddly warm fullness that gradually ebbs and flows within me.

Barely cognizant, I remain pinned under Snib's stubby form as he shudders against me. The monstrous cock within me pulses ominously and I realize with a numb kind of detachment that he's cumming.

His muscular buttocks clench rhythmically behind him as he grunts in satisfaction. A slow inflation blooms within my pussy - the condom inside me filling up with fat wads of goblin seed until it feels fit to burst. My mind’s still hazy from the orgasmic onslaught but through it all, I can feel that obscene fullness growing inside me – Snib’s hot, potent spunk stretching out the rubbery sheath buried deep in my cunt.

Suddenly, with an audible squelch, he pulls out of me – his girthy cock dragging along my slick inner walls until it finally pops free. It hangs heavily between his legs - a third condom of the night swaying obscenely from his semi-erect length, filled to near bursting point with his virile load.

The sight sends a new wave of mortification flooding through me but before I can even attempt to regain any semblance of dignity or composure, Snib's grating voice fills the room.

"Heh," He chuckles smugly at my prone form beneath him. "Looks like yer lost again, cow tits."

The words barely register in my orgasm-addled brain - they seem to echo around our tiny room without making any sense to me at all. It’s only when he grinds his slick cockhead against my entrance again that reality begins to filter back through the fog clouding my mind.

"I ain't done with ya yet," He grins down at me – his yellow eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction as he lines himself up for another round. "I'm gonna keep poundin' this sweet little pussy 'til I've had my fill."

His words are just noise now - meaningless syllables that bounce off my scrambled senses without leaving any impact. All coherent thought has long since fled from me; leaving behind only primal sensations and raw physical responses in its wake.

The evening continues with unabated depravity, each vignette a further erosion of my sense of self, drowning in the sea of mind-numbing pleasure Snib forces upon me. Every thrust, every groan and grunt of the goblin master etches deeper into my brain, blurring the lines between humiliation and ecstasy. Each cum-filled condom that dangles from my obscene outfit bears testament to this inescapable debauchery.

I’m sprawled flat on the bed, gasping for breath as Snib mounts me once more. His stubby fingers dig into my soft hips as he grinds against me from behind - his hulking girth impaling me over and over again in this prone position. My large breasts spread out beneath me like pancakes on a griddle - their jiggling mass reduced to a soft mush squashed against the rough sheets beneath us. It’s when I feel another rush of warmth filling up the space inside me that I realize he’s cum again.

“Yer so fucking tight,” Snib grunts above me as he pulls out of me, tying another condom to the side of my panties.

I want to beg him for mercy, plead for a reprieve, but words fail me when he forces my head up by my hair and thrusts his cock into my mouth. The slick taste of his after-cum fills my mouth and slides down my throat leaving an acrid taste that makes every nerve in my body scream in protest. The intoxicating musk radiating off him wraps around me - a shroud suffocating all senses.

His rough hands pull away from my hair as I bob obediently on his cock - a perverse marionette dancing to his tunes. He groans something low and crude above me but it's just noise against the lewd wet sounds filling our room - flesh meeting flesh; echoing endlessly around us.

On our fourth round for the night, he’s got me on my side; legs curled up to expose myself better for him while he fucks into me with reckless abandon - pounding away until we're nothing more than sweaty bodies rutting mindlessly on a bed too small for us.

Each full condom hanging off me swings wildly with our movements - bumping obscenely against each other at every heavy thrust shaking through us; making strange wet noises that join the cacophony around us.

Just when I think I can't take any more, Snib flips me onto him – forcing himself back inside my quivering pussy while his hands grip onto mine and guide them onto his pudgy chest for leverage.

His hot gaze never wavers from mine as he guides my hips up and down his shaft – forcing me to ride him till I’m bouncing on his lap like some sort of cheap whore.

A sob catches in my throat as another orgasm rips through me – obliterating all thought and self-awareness with its unrelenting onslaught. My body convulses wildly atop him while Snib only leers up at me – never missing a beat; continuing to fuck up into me even through my orgasmic aftershocks rocking both our bodies relentlessly.


The aftermath of our depraved session is a scene of complete and utter ruin. The bedsheets, once crisp and clean, are now a soiled mess - saturated with my spent fluids and Snib’s cum. My body has become an obscene canvas of debauchery; multiple condoms hanging off me, each filled to near bursting point with potent goblin seed. Puddles and streaks of my own pussy juices mixed with Snib’s cum create a grotesque tableau on the ruined sheets beneath us.

I’m lying flat on my back, utterly spent and defeated - the sounds of the waking world outside drifting in like a faint echo from another life. My breasts heave with ragged breaths; their weighty mass jiggling at each inhale and exhale.

A total of eleven jiggling, cum-filled condoms are haphazardly tied to various parts of my body; weighing me down with their obscene fullness. Four tied to my bikini top; adding to the already oppressive weight of my tits that continue their jiggling dance even now - a constant reminder of the debasement I’ve endured tonight. Two more are attached to my metal collar; their cool fullness brushing against the sides of my overheated neck every time I turn my head slightly.

Four more condoms hang from the sides of my panties - their warm weight causing them to sway obscenely every time I shift or squirm on the bed beneath Snib. And as if that wasn’t enough, somehow, he’d managed to tie one condom into my long, messy hair.

Each condom is heavy with potent goblin seed - some still scalding hot with recently released loads, while others have cooled off considerably but remain just as heavy - moving in rhythm with every tiny motion I make on our bed.

The last remnants of rational thought seem like nothing more than fleeting echoes within the hollow caverns that were once my mind. My eyes cross stupidly from sheer exhaustion as my tongue hangs limply out of open lips – saliva dribbling down onto sweat-soaked sheets beneath me.


The once pristine sheets are nothing more than a sordid mess now. Splatters and puddles of my pussy juices smear across the rough fabric, making lewd patterns that capture the debauchery of the night. Incongruous streaks of Snib's spent seed mark their grotesque trail along the bedspread - a testament to our obscene coupling that just went on and on until time itself lost all meaning.

Lying there in my own squalor, I can feel my mind teetering on the edge of madness - a frail boat bobbing amidst stormy seas. My tits rise and fall in rhythm with my heavy panting – their full weight now magnified by the condoms tied onto my bikini top.

Five fat sacks of potent goblin cum sway heavily against me; pulling down on the scant fabric struggling to keep them contained. The tug-of-war between gravity and my skimpy attire sends fresh waves of humiliation coursing through me.

My pussy quivers beneath me – bare and vulnerable, still gaping from where Snib’s monstrous cock had pounded into me over and over again until there was nothing left anymore… until all I knew was him.

Every pulse within me still echoes with his grunts; every squishy noise filling up our room… every wet slap resonating off the walls around us… it’s all him… it’s always been him.

The rest of the condoms are tied onto various parts of my body - hanging heavily from my panties, dangling off my collar, one even somehow ended up in my hair; forming a lewd tiara that crowns me for what I’ve become tonight - a cum-soaked whore at Snib's command.

Every move I make sends them swaying around me – their grotesque presence a perverse reminder of how much Snib owns every part of me now… every thrust, every spurt, every gasping moan – they're all trophies he has claimed from tonight's ordeal.

Snib stands over me then – legs apart and eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction as he surveys his handiwork laid out beneath him. His stubby fingers wrap around his girth as he starts stroking himself again – coaxing out one final offering to add to his collection.

I can hear birds chirping faintly outside our window – their cheerful serenade an incongruous counterpoint to the obscene tableau playing out inside the little room. The morning sunlight filters in through half-drawn blinds; casting dappled shadows across Snib’s pudgy form looming above mine.

His grunts grow louder as he jerks off faster – forcing out that last load for what feels like an eternity... Until finally…

As the final waves of Snib's orgasm surge through him, he grips my head firmly and aims his cock at my face. The first shot is thick and hot, landing with a wet splat across my nose. The concentrated stench of goblin sperm invades my nostrils, overwhelming me. My nose is glued shut, forcing me to breathe through my mouth as the second shot drapes over my eye, sealing it shut with the thick, gooey mess.

My vision is obscured now, but I can still feel the last three heavy spurts firing straight into my open mouth. Despite this being his thirteenth cumshot of the night, it's shockingly thick and pungent, filling every corner of my mouth with its mind-melting submission pheromones.

Snib grins at me, a devilish glint in his eyes as he reaches down and almost tenderly closes my chin. My mind numbed and broken, I swallow the hot, steaming, bleachy mess without a second thought. It slides down my throat and into my stomach as though to remind me that I'm nothing more than a receptacle for Snib's pleasure.

Covered in the heavy sticky spurts that now drape wetly across my face, I can't help but sob as the full weight of what just happened sinks in. Snib collapses next to me on the bed, sounding refreshed and satisfied after blowing an unbelievable 13 loads. "Heh, needed that," he says lewdly. "And now you're finally mine... my cumdump." His gruff voice sends shivers down my spine as he continues to taunt me even in this ruined state. "Ye can go now," he says dismissively. "I'll see ya again tonight."

Tears… not of sadness, but of something else, stream down my cheeks as I try to get out of bed - condoms filled with Snib's potent goblin sperm still hanging heavily from my body. My waterlogged bikini top sags under the weight of five cum-filled condoms, while four more dangle from my soaked panties, almost pulling them down. The metal collar around my neck bears the weight of two more cum-filled condoms, and the last one in my hair seems to press against my brain with each jiggling movement.

My vacant eyes struggle to focus on the wooden door of Snib's inn room as I shakily push myself up from the bed. Each movement sends ripples through my fat, jiggling tits, weighed down by the obscene fullness of the cum-filled condoms. Snib's lewd laughter and cruel mockery ring in my ears as I stumble towards the door. "Good luck explainin' this to yer wife," he sneers, and a fresh wave of shame washes over me.

I glance at my leather skirt lying torn on the floor - another casualty of tonight's debauchery.

As I reach for the door handle, my legs give out, almost sending me crashing to the floor. I manage to catch myself against the wall, panting heavily from exhaustion and humiliation. Sweat glistens on my skin, slick and sticky like Snib's seed that still clings to every inch of me. With a deep breath, I force myself upright once more - determined to make it back home.

As soon as I step into the hallway of the Silver Stag inn, I feel exposed and vulnerable - like a hunted animal with nowhere left to run. My thick legs shake with every step; barefoot and uncertain on the cold wooden floorboards beneath me. My massive breasts jiggle obscenely with each movement; their weight now magnified by the heated condoms full of cum pulling down on my bikini top.

With each step, my panties begin to slip - their elastic waistband strained under the weight of four more cum-filled condoms threatening to bare my slick pussy to anyone who might see. My shaking hands desperately tug at them; trying to keep them in place as best as I can manage in my dazed state.

The condom bouncing atop my head feels like a cruel crown, mocking me with each weighted slap against my skull; a constant reminder of how far I've fallen from grace as it spills goblin sperm onto me.

A soft moan escapes my lips - sounding broken and lost even to my own ears - as I begin to descend the inn's staircase. Each step is a painful reminder of how hollowed out and thoroughly fucked I feel.

I just need to make it home before anyone sees me like this.

The dining hall of the Silver Stag lies empty and quiet, save for the faint echoes of my own unsteady footsteps. I'm thankful that no one is at the front desk, but as I navigate through the dimly lit room, I notice a figure sitting in the shadows - smoking a pipe. My heart skips a beat as I recognize him - Zephyrion.

I stare blankly at the wizard, tears streaming down my cum-covered cheeks as he speaks to me in that cold, calculating tone of his. The weight of the remaining condoms still clings to my body, dragging me down both physically and emotionally. As Zephyrion approaches, I feel my legs wobble beneath me, ready to buckle at any moment.

He raises his metal rod to cast light on my humiliated form, inspecting the mess that I have become. My eyes avoid his piercing gaze, their focus too blurred by my state of arousal and shame.

"I have been observing the magical fields from afar," Zephyrion says without a hint of sympathy. "The bond between you and the artifact appears to be greatly reinforced during certain... activities." His eyes narrow as he glances at the cum-filled condoms adorning my body.

"Why didn't you stop him?" I sob quietly, feeling utterly defeated and betrayed.

Zephyrion ignores my question and continues his inspection - examining each condom with clinical detachment. His rod hovers over me like an icy specter as he studies every debauched detail. He seems particularly intrigued by how flushed my skin has become and the glazed look in my half-open eye.

"I noticed a significant spike in energy in the evening," he continues coldly. "It seems that when Snib dominates you... or when you 'form a bond' with him..." He pauses for a moment before continuing, "the connection with Maraan becomes stronger."

With an air of disgusted disinterest, Zephyrion uses a pair of metal tongs to remove one of the massive cum-filled condoms from my body, placing it into a sealed bag for further analysis. I shudder at the humiliating touch but make no move to resist or protest.

"Now listen carefully," he says in a tone that brooks no argument. "I understand this experience is unpleasant for you, but when you do nothing, there is no progress for me to study. I've given Snib permission to be aggressive, as long as he does not impregnate you. Mayor Brambles has made it clear that prolonging your transformation is not acceptable. We all want this situation resolved quickly."

As his words sink in, my heart races with a mix of fear and despair. I feel like a pawn in their twisted game - an expendable piece to be manipulated for their purposes. I can’t think of a response that does justice to my feelings. Plus… I can barely. Talk.

My heart hammers in my chest as Zephyrion turns away, his words lingering in the air like a cruel echo. "Do not fret," he says with cold assurance. "Once this is over, the goblin will die."

My eyes widen in shock, thoughts racing. Snib... dead? I manage to sputter out, "B- but... but you promised him-"

"A contract made with a creature such as Snib is not legally binding under Valarian law, as it is assumed to be made under duress," Zephyrion cuts me off, an icy smile playing on his lips. "He is, after all, a monster... and we are at liberty to dispose of him as we see fit."

His words send shivers down my spine. Snib's demise was something I should be anticipating with relish, yet why do I feel this strange pang of discomfort? Is it simply because of the obscene amount of cum still trickling down my thighs and coating my tongue?

Zephyrion continues unperturbed, promising that once freed from this humiliating predicament, I will be rewarded handsomely for playing a crucial part in the tide of war.

Numbly, I watch him leave.

With shaky legs and cum-soaked panties sagging under the weight of Snib's filth-filled condoms, I waddle outside into the breaking dawn. The cold morning air does nothing to soothe my burning cheeks or quell the churning shame within me.

I turn into an alleyway and sink onto the cobblestones – their chill seeping into my bare flesh does little to cool my inflamed body or clear my muddled mind.

With a deep, resigned sigh, I start the humiliating process of detaching the cum-filled condoms from my body. I reach for the first one tied to my bikini top and start untying the knot. My trembling fingers fumble with the string as my oversized breasts bounce and sway beneath me, no longer held down by the weight of Snib's filthy spunk.

One by one, I peel away the sticky, obscene trophies of my degradation. Each time I pull one free, I can't help but shudder in revulsion at how squelchy and swollen they are – distended with so much goblin seed that it feels like they could burst at any moment.

The sight of the growing pile of full condoms in the grimy alleyway is sickening. They sit there like grotesque jellyfish – glistening and bulging with an obscene, curdled, squirming vitality.

Relief floods through me as I finally manage to detach all four condoms from my bikini top. My massive tits seem to sigh with relief as they are released from their burdens. They bounce freely now – their weight less cumbersome but still a stark reminder of my predicament.

Working on my panties is more difficult. The string has gotten wet and slick, soaked through with my own arousal and Snib's oozing precum. As I untie them, more cum leaks out, running down my thighs in slimy rivulets.

One condom proves particularly tricky to remove. It's tightly knotted around the string of my panties and as I tug at it, there's a sudden 'pop'. A spray of hot cum bursts forth from a tiny puncture in the condom. The thick liquid sprays against the rough stone wall of the alleyway and onto me, some even splashing back onto my face.

I curse under my breath as I toss it aside quickly - adding yet another layer of filth to this humiliating situation.

The sound of morning in Eboncrest builds gradually, along with my anxiety. At first, only the distant crowing of roosters breaks the silence, followed by the soft fluttering of wings as birds take flight from their perches. Then come the first rays of light, casting long shadows that hide me in my disgrace.

I remain crouched behind a water trough in an alleyway for what feels like ages, listening to the town come alive. The clatter of wooden carts and horse hooves against cobblestones grows louder as merchants begin setting up for the day's trade.

Taking a shaky breath, I make my move - pulling my cum-streaked body out from behind the trough and padding lightly towards the main street. Each step sends a sharp throb through my abused pussy and another jiggle through my massive tits.

The air smells faintly of fresh bread and dew-kissed earth, tainted only by the lingering musk of goblin still coating me. I desperately hope that no one will pick up on Snib's scent. The thought sends fresh waves of mortification through me, despite my hazy arousal.

Sweat trickles down between my fat tits, pooling at the base where the skimpy white bikini top barely covers my dark pink areolas. My ass jiggles obscenely with each step, squeezed tightly within the damp confines of my panties.

I duck behind stalls just as bakers and brewers start to roll their carts out into the streets. Their warm smiles greet passersby who exchange pleasantries or stop to inspect their wares. My heart hammers in my chest as I creep past them unnoticed.

Taking advantage of a wagon passing by to mask any potential sounds I might make, I dart across the main road and head towards another alleyway that will take me closer home.

My body protests each hurried step, wincing as tenderness flares across my nether regions with each movement. A nagging emptiness throbs within me – an unpleasant reminder of Snib's rough rutting just hours ago.

Suddenly, a familiar face rounds the corner - Farmer Olek hauling his cart full of ripe vegetables to market. Inwardly cursing at this unfortunate timing, I drop down behind a pile of wooden crates just in time.

My soft hips splay out wide as I land on rough cobbles - an indecent position that has more than once drawn Snib's attention. My sore pussy clenches painfully against nothingness – another unwanted reaction to Snib's domineering presence during our humiliating encounters.

Once Olek passes by without noticing me - whistling cheerfully while absentmindedly arranging his carrots - I pull myself up again with great difficulty and continue to sneak through Eboncrest in shameful secrecy.

Every sound heightens my anxiety - from clanging bells announcing the opening of local taverns to children waking up early for school chanting their lessons in unison - but they also offer perfect cover for my stealthy trek back home.

Every once in awhile, early risers wave at each other across narrow streets or exchange good mornings in warm tones while they start their daily chores - filling their buckets at public wells or sweeping storefronts clean before customers arrive.

When finally Elara’s quaint flower garden comes into view – its vibrant colors muted under morning fog – relief floods through me like sweet wine after a long day’s labor.

As I push open the door, the familiar creaking hinges sound loud and intrusive in the quiet morning. Home. The four walls that have always been a sanctuary, a refuge from the world outside - now feeling more like a stage for ongoing humiliation.

And there, in the middle of our simple living room, is Elara.

Her sapphire eyes are wide, bloodshot - it’s clear she hasn't slept all night. Her gaze flickers over my body, then narrows as she takes in my state – cum-streaked, shaking and flushed with humiliation.

A gasp escapes her lips as her hand flies to her mouth. The teacup she was holding clatters to the floor, tea spreading across the worn rug like spilled blood.

She rises abruptly from her chair, sending it toppling backward with a loud crash. Her cheeks pale dramatically - contrasting starkly against her fiery hair and blue eyes which are now shining with unshed tears.

"Elise…" her voice cracks as she whispers my name. The heartbreaking mix of despair and anger evident in just that single word tears through me.

Tears well up in her eyes as she takes another step back, shaking her head as though trying to dispel a horrid vision. "You said... you said you were only going to... You promised," she chokes out.

Her words hit me harder than any physical blow ever could. "Elara… I…” My throat tightens painfully around the words I want to say but can’t seem to form. I grip my collar, trying desperately to tear it off. “I can’t… I can’t fight it…”

A sob escapes from Elara's lips and it sounds like shattered glass echoing throughout our home. “You fucking...” She stops herself before letting out another choked sob. "How could you?!"

Her voice rises shrilly as pain twists her beautiful features into an anguished grimace. She clutches at her chest, nails biting into fabric as if trying to physically anchor herself amidst this storm of hurt and betrayal.

"Did it feel good?” She finally cries out through gritted teeth, sapphire eyes sparkling with unshed tears and raw fury beneath hooded lids. “Did being his fucktoy feel good?”

The question hangs in the air between us - stinging and raw like an open wound; every word like acid on my heart’s flesh.

I open my mouth but no words come out; my own betrayal mirroring hers in its depth and intensity.

And as Elara breaks down completely – sobs wracking her beautiful face.

She crumples to the floor, her slender shoulders shaking as sobs rack her body. "I... I thought... I hoped it wasn't true..." Her voice is a raspy whisper, choked with tears.

The weight of her words, her grief... it's too much. Hot, shameful tears spill over from my own eyes, streaking down my cheeks. I sink to the floor across from her, our shared pain creating an invisible barrier between us.

Elara's sobs subside for a moment as she lifts her head to the ceiling, her chest heaving with each shuddering breath she takes.

"Eon!" she screams. The name of the Ephemeral governing time and past echoes through the room with raw desperation. "You who rule time! Why did you not warn us?"

Her words are a plea, filled with a desolation so deep it makes my heart clench painfully in my chest.

"Flux!" Her cry grows louder and angrier as she invokes the deity of change and present. "Where is your essence of transience now? Where is your so-called balance when this... this abomination," she gestures at me with a trembling hand, "is forced upon us?"

Her blue eyes flash as she gazes upwards again, fierce determination replacing some of the hopelessness on her face.

"And Verge!" She practically spits out the name - an accusation aimed directly at the deity symbolizing transcendence and future. "How can you expect us to strive for any kind of future when our present is so desecrated? Are we expected to find transcendence in suffering?"

Her voice breaks on that last word, letting out a heart-wrenching wail that fills our once peaceful home. The despair in it is overwhelming – Elara’s wrath turned towards the heavens.

She falls silent then, save for her quiet sobbing; all anger spent leaving only exhaustion and sorrow in its wake.

I watch her cry for what feels like an eternity – every tear that falls from her beautiful face another dagger twisting in my already shattered heart. And yet all I can do is sit there and share in our misery - another puppet bound by strings too intricate for mere mortals to untangle.

[Editor’s note: Dr. Ignatius Bramblethorne, M.A., D.Phil., F.R.S., Chair of Evolutionary Xenobiology, University of Thuulk]

The phenomenon detailed in this chapter, of a goblin male achieving a staggering thirteen orgasms in a single mating session, might seem like an exaggeration to the uninitiated. However, this is actually well within the realm of possibility when considering the unique physiology and evolutionary pressures shaping the goblinoid reproductive system.

Goblins belong to the rare class of species known as polyseminators, capable of producing copious amounts of ejaculate in a relatively short time. This peculiar capability is attributed to the presence of their auxiliary gonads embedded deep within their abdominal cavity. These secondary glands are designed for rapid semen production and storage - a remarkable adaptation that enables a goblin male to mate repeatedly without needing significant recovery time.

This physiological adaptation is hypothesized to be an evolutionary response to goblinoid mating practices. In traditional goblin societies, males compete fiercely for breeding rights. The male who can inseminate the most females with his potent seed often secures superior genetic proliferation. Hence, this capacity for multi-ejaculatory copulation provides a significant advantage in these reproductive contests.

Additionally, their ejaculate carries high levels of potent pheromones that serve dual purposes: enhancing female arousal and inducing ovulation on contact. This 'forced ovulation' mechanism ensures that each mating session has a high likelihood of resulting in pregnancy.

These pheromones are also believed to have psychoactive properties, generating feelings of submission and docility in exposed females - an unpleasant truth that was unintentionally demonstrated during an unfortunate incident at our research facility some years ago involving one of our junior researchers and our goblin specimen.

It's pertinent to mention here that these pheromones have demonstrated abortifacient properties as well; they appear capable of prematurely terminating any non-goblin pregnancies within the inseminated female - another evolutionary advantage that ensures any offspring resulting from such encounters will be purely goblinoid.

Our understanding about these extraordinary features has been primarily gleaned from field observations coupled with rigorous laboratory studies (some involuntary as aforementioned).

Goblins thus represent an interesting case study in Evolutionary Xenobiology – they illustrate how creatures can adapt extreme reproductive strategies under specific environmental pressures.

However, I must caution here that despite our academic interest in these creatures, their inherent biology makes them extremely dangerous for human females who may inadvertently come into contact with them. One cannot stress enough the necessity for vigilance and safety while dealing with or studying Goblinoids.

— Dr. Ignatius Bramblethorne, Chair of Evolutionary Xenobiology at the University of Thuulk. Recipient of The Haversham Medal for Exceptional Scholarship and Research Excellence in Evolutionary Xenobiology.

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