The Goblin’s Pet (18+) (Now a CYOA!)

Chapter 1 – The Hero’s Departure

I wake up, warm and snug, wrapped in the heavenly scent of my wife, Elara. Her auburn locks sprawl across my chest, tickling my bare skin. Her curvaceous body nestles against mine, the morning chill doing nothing to distract from the warmth radiating from her.

Carefully, I extricate myself from her embrace. The last thing I want is to wake her. As I tiptoe towards the balcony, I take one last glance at her sleeping form. I swear by the gods, she's the best thing that ever happened to me - all sweet curves and kindness.

Stepping onto the balcony, I drink in the view of Eboncrest. My town. The morning light dapples across the cobblestone streets, and the bustling market slowly stirs to life. It's humble, it's chaotic, and it's home.

Before I can get too lost in thought, I feel a pair of soft arms wrapping around my waist from behind, pulling me back against a warm body. "Thought you could escape me, did you?" Elara's husky voice sends a thrill down my spine. I laugh, low and deep, turning around in her arms.

“Guilty as charged,” I respond, hooking an arm around her waist, pulling her close. My other hand dances up her side, her soft skin under my rough fingers is intoxicating. I cup one of her generous breasts, giving it a gentle squeeze. Her sapphire eyes sparkle with mischief, her full lips curving into a sinful smile.

“You’re insatiable, Aldric,” she chides, but there's no real reprimand in her voice. Instead, she leans into my touch, her eyes half-closing in pleasure.

“You make it hard not to be, darling,” I say, my voice dropping an octave. I watch her eyes darken, the desire apparent in her gaze.

There's no more talk after that. Our lips meet in a heated kiss, filled with familiarity and fiery passion. I press her against the balcony railing, her body yielding under mine. As I explore her with my hands and mouth, I relish the feel of her beneath me - the way she moans into my mouth, the way her body arches into my touch. The world outside our little bubble ceases to exist.

Her fingers dig into my back, pulling me closer as the sun continues to rise. Our bodies move in a familiar rhythm, as natural and easy as breathing. The slap of our bodies mingling with the birdsong, the scent of her arousal mingling with the morning air.

Elara's fingers rake through my hair, tugging just the way I like it, sending sparks of pleasure down my spine. I growl low in my throat, nibbling on her pulse point. "Aldric," she moans, the sound a sinful melody to my ears.

My hand slides down her side, tracing the dip of her waist before cupping her ass. She's soft and pliant under my hands, but damn strong too. The way she rolls her hips, driving me deeper inside her, has me seeing stars.

Her nails are digging into my back, egging me on. It's wild, it's primal, it's us. Her body is familiar terrain, and I know exactly which spots to hit to have her writhing in pleasure.

“Is that what you want, sweetheart?” I murmur against her lips, my voice husky with desire. My cock throbs inside her, her tight, wet heat driving me insane.

“Oh gods, yes!” she gasps, her sapphire eyes clouded with lust. "Harder, Aldric."

Her wish is my command. My thrusts pick up the pace, every slide in and out of her drenching me in pure ecstasy. Her breasts bounce with each thrust, the sight spurring me on. I latch onto a rosy nipple, my tongue swirling around the hardened bud. Her gasp of pleasure is drowned by my growl of satisfaction.

Her body starts to tense beneath me, her moans growing louder and more erratic. I know she's close. She wraps her legs around my waist, pulling me in even deeper.

Her walls clench around me and I know she's there. "Let go, Elara," I command, my voice rough and husky.

And she does. She throws her head back, her body arching off the bed as she climaxes. Her inner walls pulsate around me, milking my cock, and it's the most incredible sensation in the world.

With a few more thrusts, I follow her over the edge, my release filling her. It’s raw and primal and perfect. Our bodies slowly relax, spent and sated. I collapse onto her, my heart pounding against her chest. "I love you, Elara," I whisper, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

“I love you too, Aldric,” she replies, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on my back. As I pull out of her, I can't help but hope. Maybe this will be the month. Maybe soon, our love will bear fruit.

As the morning sun shines on us, I hold Elara close, cherishing the peaceful moment. I can't imagine a better way to start the day. We bask in the afterglow, the sounds of Eboncrest awakening filling the air. No matter what happens outside our little haven, for now, we have this moment. And it's perfect.

The morning sun spills into the cozy kitchen, casting a golden glow on Elara as she busies herself at the stove. I lean against the door frame, savoring the moment as I watch my wife. Her auburn hair is tied up in a messy bun, tendrils escaping to frame her face. Her cheeks are rosy, the heat from the cooking filling the room.

The sizzle and pop of bacon frying in the pan fills the room, mingling with the scent of fresh bread Elara baked earlier. A bowl of scrambled eggs, fluffy and inviting, sits on the table. I take a moment to appreciate the simple charm of the place we've made our home.

"I can feel you watching me," Elara teases, glancing over her shoulder with a playful smirk.

"I can't help it," I respond, pushing off the door frame and wrapping my arms around her waist. "You're just too tempting."

She laughs, the sound like music to my ears, and swats my hand away playfully when I reach for a piece of bacon.

"Patience, Aldric," she chides, turning to face me. Her sapphire eyes are twinkling with laughter. "Tell me about your day. What heroic feats have you accomplished?"

I chuckle, recounting my exploits of fending off a rampaging Griffin and helping the blacksmith fix the town's water wheel, but her worry becomes apparent when I mention the goblin situation at the local mine.

"Aldric..." She starts, biting her lower lip, but I cut her off.

"It's just a few goblins, Elara. You know I've dealt with worse." I reassure her, pulling her into a comforting hug. She rests her head on my chest, her body relaxing against mine.

"I know," she sighs, "but promise me you'll be careful?"

"Always," I assure her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. The goblins may be a minor threat, but I've learned not to underestimate any foe.

As we sit down to eat, our conversation drifts to our shared dreams, of a child we hope to bring into the world soon. I tease her about the names she's picked out - she insists it'll be a boy, while I argue for a girl. It's a playful argument, full of laughter and shared hopes for the future.

Ascending the wooden steps to our sanctuary, my bedroom, I catch sight of the familiar figure that lays peacefully on the carved oak stand - my sword, Whisperwind. Crafted from a rare iridescent alloy, her 30-inch blade glows softly in the morning light, intricate engravings dancing along her length like secrets whispering tales of epic battles and heroic deeds. Her hilt, adorned with a magical gemstone that pulses with an ethereal blue light, fits perfectly in my grip. Each touch reminds me of victories won, lives saved, and the heavy weight of the destiny I bear.

Lifting Whisperwind from her resting place, I feel her comforting balance, her uncanny lightness. Despite her slender elegance, she is a formidable weapon, an unyielding testament to my many battles. I've learned to guide her swift strikes as gently as the wind, and her edges have tasted the defeat of countless foes. She is an extension of my will, the edge to my resolve. In my grip, she is the storm, a tempest embodied in metal, a gale that cuts through any enemy with unerring precision.

With a swift, practiced motion, I sheath Whisperwind at my side. The familiar weight of her against my hip is a constant reminder of the duty I bear. Each clink of her against my armor reverberates through me, a silent promise of protection, a vow to never yield, to never falter.

My armor, burnished to a mirror shine, awaits me. Each piece, from the sturdy breastplate that protects my heart to the greaves that guard my legs, is an old friend. I know their every curve, every joint, every imperfection. I've worn them through so many battles, and they've kept me safe, their cool embrace as comforting as a lover's touch.

One by one, I strap them on, each familiar clink of metal a testament to the many times I've done this before. My gauntlets, each finger articulating perfectly, encase my hands, the cold touch of metal a stark contrast to the warmth of Elara's touch. But it's a contrast I've grown familiar with, the life of a warrior, of a hero, always a balance between the cold of duty and the warmth of love.

Once fully armored, I look down at myself, my reflection mirrored on the shining breastplate. The seasoned warrior looking back is a familiar sight. The same steeled, green eyes, the same rugged scars, a map of my life's battles, and the same set jaw, filled with determination. This is who I am. Aldric the Great, the protector of Zaelasia.

As I descend the steps, the clinking of my armor and the swish of Whisperwind at my side fills the quiet house. I am ready. Ready to face whatever challenge awaits me, ready to protect the peace and safety of my town, ready to come back to the woman I love. I am Aldric. And this is my promise.

Standing on the porch, I gaze down at Elara, her sapphire eyes filled with a mixture of love and worry. I take her hands in my gauntleted ones, giving them a gentle squeeze. "I'll be back before sunset, my love," I promise, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

She nods, her lips curving into a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "I'll be waiting," she whispers, her fingers lightly tracing over the locket she wears around her neck, the same one I'd given her on our wedding day.

As I pull away, I catch a last glimpse of her, standing alone on our porch, the locket held tightly in her hand. The sight wrenches at my heart, and I find myself silently promising to return to her once more.

Stepping into the town of Eboncrest, the morning sun reflects off the cobblestone streets. The market is in full swing, vendors hawking their wares, children running around, and the aroma of fresh bread filling the air. The villagers greet me with familiar smiles and warm nods, their eyes lighting up at the sight of their town's hero.

"Good luck, Aldric!" the baker calls out from his stall, waving a crusty loaf in my direction.

"Bring us back a goblin's head!" shouts a group of children, playing heroes and monsters in the town square.

Every shout of encouragement, every well-wishing only fuels my determination further. I am their shield, their sword. Their safety is my responsibility, a responsibility I carry with honor and pride.

As I near the town's edge, Mayor Bramble, a rotund man with a bushy mustache, awaits me. His warm eyes crinkle with a smile, but the crease on his forehead gives away his worry.

"The goblins have taken over the Ironrock Mine," he informs me, pointing towards the west. "We've lost contact with the miners. We need you, Aldric."

I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'll get them out, Bramble. Ironrock will be back in our control before you know it."

The cheers of the townsfolk follow me as I set off towards the west, their faith in me a comforting cloak. As I venture further from Eboncrest, Elara's face swims into my mind. Her smile, her laughter, the warmth of her touch. I'll face anything, any threat, for the promise of coming back to her. For the promise of our shared dreams. For the love we have, and the life we've built.

As the mine's silhouette looms in the distance, I square my shoulders and march forward. I am Aldric, the valiant hero of Eboncrest. This is my duty. This is my promise.

The path to the Ironrock mine is a familiar one, winding its way through the thick pine forest that skirts our town. The mine’s entrance looms ominously, a gaping maw in the side of a towering hill. Huddled just outside the entrance, a lone miner, shirtless and dust-covered, shivers uncontrollably. His eyes bulge with terror as they meet mine.

“They came outta nowhere, Aldric,” he stammers, pointing a shaky finger towards the darkened entrance. “Goblins…dozens of them. We didn’t stand a chance.”

Nodding, I assure him. “Stay here, I’ll handle this.”

A wry smile spreads across my face as I crack my knuckles, Whisperwind’s cool touch a reassuring presence at my side. Time to get to work.

As I step into the gloom of the mine, the stench of goblin fills the air – a sickening mix of rot, filth, and the pungent musk of fear. I can hear their guttural voices echoing off the stone walls, the grating chatter of their speech ringing in my ears.

With a swift pull, I unsheath Whisperwind, her blade glinting ominously in the dim light. The first goblin turns the corner, and I'm upon him before he can react. The creature barely has time to squeal before my sword passes cleanly through him, and he crumples to the stone floor.

This is easy. Too easy. They come at me in waves, scrabbling claws and gnashing teeth. But I am Aldric the Great. Each swipe of my blade cuts down a foe, each spell I unleash sends goblins flying.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see him. A goblin so pathetic, so grotesquely repulsive that I almost feel sorry for him. His skin is an awful shade of green, covered in warts and filth. He’s smaller than the others, barely reaching my waist. What catches me off guard, though, is the monstrous, veiny appendage swinging between his spindly legs, barely covered by a filthy loincloth. I suppress a shudder, remembering the tales of goblins carrying off village maidens in the night.

With a swift, powerful leap, I close the distance between us. The runt goblin squeaks in fear, a rusty, decrepit iron collar around his neck clinking as he stumbles backward, trying to evade my advance.

“It’s over, beast,” I growl, pointing my sword at the quaking goblin. Whisperwind thrums with anticipation, the wind itself seeming to hold its breath. As I close in, ready to strike the final blow, I can't help but smirk.

The wiry goblin is faster than I'd anticipated though. It darts and weaves through the dim tunnels with a desperate agility, always just out of reach. With a low growl, I give chase, Whisperwind singing a deadly song as I slice through the intervening shadows.

The goblin's route takes us deeper into the mine, down into an area I've never seen before. An unearthed section of the mine, so it seems, its stones older and far different from the rest, as if they are part of an ancient civilization, long buried and forgotten. The air is thicker here, heavy with centuries of untouched history and an undercurrent of unease.

Stalactites drip steadily from the ceiling, their quiet patter drowned out by the frenetic scrambling of the goblin ahead. The tunnel gives way to a vast, underground chamber. Huge pillars carved with strange symbols tower up into the darkness, catching the meager light filtering from somewhere high above. An underground temple, of all things.

The goblin takes advantage of my momentary distraction, skittering up the side of a crumbling statue. I grit my teeth and launch a fireball towards the goblin, illuminating the shadows with a brilliant burst of flame. The heat washes over me, the crackling fire echoing loudly in the confined space.

The goblin squeals as the fireball singes his back, but instead of dropping, it propels itself further up, clinging onto the statue with an almost manic desperation.

"Stay still, damn you!" I grunt, rushing towards the base of the statue. It’s like chasing a shadow, a grotesque, oversized appendage-swinging shadow.

How the BLAZES does it move, carrying that thing?

The creature reaches a ledge high up, and in its frenzy, it stumbles onto a wooden chest half-buried in rubble. The box rattles open under the goblin’s weight, revealing an ancient-looking metal ring, about the size of a collar, with inscriptions on the side. The rusted iron thing looks evil, almost pulsating with a dark, menacing energy.

I watch, perplexed, as the goblin fumbles with the ring, terror etched into its grimy features. It’s almost laughable. What’s it going to do? Throw the collar at me?

The moment slows down, each breath heavy with anticipation. The goblin clutches the collar with both hands, its beady eyes wide with fear and defiance. It’s a pitiful sight. But there’s something about the determined set of its jaw, the defiance in its grimy features, that hints at a strength beyond its grotesque exterior.

As if on cue, the creature lunges. Its movements are sudden, frantic, the collar swinging wildly in its hands. But there's an awkward precision to its assault, a desperate cleverness that's almost admirable. Its bulbous appendage swings in tandem with its arm movements, drawing my eyes despite myself. Gross, really gross.

I sidestep its advance, Whisperwind flashing with lethal accuracy as I slice at the open air the creature just vacated. I follow through, twirling on the spot and redirecting my momentum into a backhanded strike aimed at the goblin’s retreat. But again, it's already out of my range, the screech of displaced air behind it a clear indicator of how close my attack was.

Its next attack is almost laughable. The creature spins around, its collar weapon leading, and charges at me in a desperate bid to push me back. Its nine-inch terror swings wildly in its loincloth. Seriously, I need to finish this fight.

I stand my ground, ready to counter its reckless charge. I brace myself for the impact, but it never comes.

As the goblin’s collar connects with Whisperwind, there’s a spark, a sudden surge of energy that sends a jolt up my arm. The sword in my hand recoils as if alive, and for a moment, I feel like I've just clashed with another weapon, not a rusty piece of iron.

And then, the world shifts.

The collar, once a simple ring of iron, springs open as if released from some ancient seal. A shockwave of force radiates out, and I can do nothing as it flies towards me. It wraps around my neck, its cold metal digging into my skin, and an intense, searing pain spreads throughout my body.

I hear myself scream, a raw, primal sound that echoes through the chamber. My vision blurs, the chamber spinning around me in a dizzying dance of shadows and lights. My legs give out, and the cold stone of the underground temple rushes up to meet me.

And then, the darkness takes me.

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