The Giant Creator

Chapter 20 - Episode [020]: Leeds United is not your toy

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A surprising news was announced at the press conference, with Loya the head coach of Leeds United.

As soon as the news came out, the whole British continent exploded.

Even the most daring can’t guess that Zhong Cheng was able to make such a crazy move, and he even took the lead in the world as the head coach of Leeds United.

When the media reporters at the scene learned the news, they were all stunned.

The media reporters at the scene did not believe what they heard in their ears.

“Leeds United Post” beauty reporter Kelly widened her eyes and stared deadly at Zhong Cheng, whose big mouth was enough to squeeze two big duck eggs side by side.

Mad, Loia is really crazy!

Everyone had this idea in their heads now, and Loya, the lunatic, was crazy.

Kelly finally understood why Kevin Blackwell was being driven away by Loya, who was crazy, so everyone had to be driven away.

“Manchester Evening News” reporter Bradley Wilson was extremely shocked, and then ecstatic in his heart, lunatic Loya did this by himself, which is simply God’s help.

There was chaos at the press conference, and everyone was shocked.

Now the whole British continent is stunned. They can be seen as the madness of the lunatic Loya, which is exactly the rhythm to kill Leeds United.

People in the British mainland started to laugh at Zhong Cheng madly again, and they said one after another that this kind of thing was really something that Loya could do, and only a lunatic like him could make such a crazy move.

“This is crazy Loya, this is exactly his rhythm. We ordinary people are difficult to measure, otherwise how could he be crazy?”

“Should we now congratulate Leeds United, or congratulate Leeds United? They have a strong chairman and head coach, and they are really not far from hell!”

Countless people have expressed their opinions. They are ironic that Zhong Cheng will bring Leeds United into the abyss and will never be able to stand up.

“Mannstead Evening News” reporter Bradley Wilson also wrote in his column: “I said long ago that it would be her greatest sorrow that Leeds fell into the hands of a lunatic. Now it seems that Loya the lunatic will be the biggest joke of this century. His madness is simply the most classic comedy show. Let us all widen our eyes to see how a lunatic brought Leeds United into the abyss! “

Former Leeds chairman Gerald Krasner also wrote in his own column: “I had already asserted very early that the lunatic Loya did not run a club well. Now it seems I am wrong because I use ‘ The word ‘management’ describes him as an insult. This is the craziest and worst act I have ever seen. Let us mourn for Leeds now! “

The beauty reporter Kelly of the “Leeds United Post” wrote: “The lunatic Loya is the most loyal fan of Leeds United, but he is not a qualified chairman. His actions are too crazy, crazy to us ordinary people It ’s hard to understand. Even we would think that Kevin Blackwell was right in saying that Madman Loya used Leeds as his personal toy! “


Zhong Cheng’s appointment as the head coach of Leeds United has caused a great sensation in the British mainland, which has attracted a lot of people’s irony and ridicule. Zhong Cheng has completely become a chatter for everyone after dinner, and has become the laughingstock of the British mainland.

Many people even claimed that they had lived so many years and had never seen crazy and strange people like Loia. They really had a long experience and at the same time they mourned for Liz United in their hearts.

And in Leeds, the wind has changed completely.

At this time, when Zhong Cheng acquired Leeds United and became the chairman of Leeds United, almost all Leeds supported Zhong Cheng unconditionally, and they became Zhong Cheng’s most loyal supporters. The fans of Leeds United praised Zhong Cheng all the time, and they even wrote a special song for Zhong Cheng to praise Zhong Cheng.

The fans of Leeds United were almost holding Zhong Cheng as a **** at that time, and now the fans of Leeds United are all mad by Zhong Cheng and cursed Zhong Cheng. They have now slaughtered the official website of Leeds United. All cursed Zhong Cheng.

Moreover, these Leeds fans still gathered. In the last game, they held up “hitting crazy man Loya”, “lunatic man Loya gets out of the way, Leeds don’t need you”, “crazy garbage gives Lao Tzu to stay away from Leeds”, etc. Waiting for the banner, shouting the slogan “Leeds United is not your personal toy, roll out Leeds for Lao Tzu”, slamming Zhong Cheng wildly.

These Leeds United fans gathered under the club building of Leeds United, slamming Zhong Cheng madly, cursing Zhong Cheng, the cursing sound was unpleasant, the words were filthy, enough to suffocate a person.

The fans of Leeds United are now all soldiers, slamming Zhong Cheng wildly.

Zhong Cheng suddenly changed from the **** of heaven to the devil in hell. The fans of Leeds United were anxious to slay Zhong Cheng’s flesh and drink Zhong Cheng’s blood.

And there are also some Leeds fans who set up an organization specifically to attack the organization that humiliates Zhong Cheng. The name is called [Mad Processing Center].

The fans of Leeds United were madly opposed to Zhong Cheng, shouting “Crazy Loya is out of class, mad Loya is gone!”


At yesterday’s press conference, one more thing became a weapon for everyone to attack Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Chengli’s introduction of Huntelaar, Ribery, Sarnia, Zimbunda, Bomsson, Russ Diarra, Luca Modric and Joel Luca made a collective appearance. Already.

Looking at this young man with a single vote, the media reporters at the scene couldn’t help but give Thumbs up to Zhong Cheng, marveled at Zhong Cheng’s ability to die, and they were admired in their hearts, and it was indeed Madman Loya This crazy move is like nothing before.

Seeing Zhong Cheng’s help, Bradley Wilson immediately laughed and ridiculed, even he felt a little boring. Fighting this lunatic with a negative IQ, even if he wins, there is no sense of pleasure and accomplishment.

At this time, everyone understood why Kevin Blackwell would be forced to go. Looking at these signings, which head coach can still stand it? This Nima is completely Hu Lai!

After seeing these signings, many famous football players in the British mainland have stood up, and they are afraid that you will attack Zhong Cheng.

Gary Lineker: “This is one of the worst signings I’ve ever seen, none of them. I really can’t figure out what’s going on in the mind of Loia, the lunatic? Sure enough, the lunatic and ordinary people’s world is completely Different, Loya the lunatic is the strangest lunatic I’ve ever seen! “

McMalaman: “This signing is the boldest I have ever seen, and the least promising of me. I don’t even know where the logic of Madman Loya fell. We have never heard of the names of these players. There are even a few amateur players. Are such players here to help Leeds United? Jokes, this is the most funny joke I have ever heard. Sure enough, it is Loya, who is crazy. “

In addition to these famous places, some famous places in the former Leeds United have stood up, published their dissatisfaction, frantically accused Zhong Cheng, and even called on Zhong Cheng to get out of the way and leave Leeds United. .

David O’Reilly, the founder of the Young Guards of the Leeds United, also stood up and slammed Zhong Cheng wildly: “The lunatic Loya is completely in Hulai. He is trying to destroy the Leeds. The people of Leeds It should be united to resist Loya the lunatic. I can’t even see what he wants to do with this help? This is a person with a problem in IQ. Leeds must not be ruined in his hands, lunatic Roya, please leave! “

David O’Reilly’s words were supported by all Leeds United fans. They all stood behind David O’Reilly, cursing Zhong Cheng frantically, accusing Zhong Cheng, shouting to let Zhong Honestly.


The recruitment of Zhong Cheng and his role as head coach of the club was to push Zhong Cheng to the forefront. He was almost humiliated and ridiculed by ridicule and satire from all over the world. At this time, Zhong Cheng was in time against the world.

The entire interior of Leeds United is heartbroken, and the atmosphere inside the entire Leeds United is very depressing.

Trevor Birch is very worried recently, he did not expect Leeds United States to fall into such a desperate situation.

Yes, this situation is now desperate for Leeds United.

Now almost all the Leeds United fans are standing on the opposite side of Zhong Cheng, gathered together all day, slamming Zhong Cheng frantically, calling for Zhong Cheng to get away, and now there are almost no people who support Zhong Cheng.

Trevor Birch really did not expect that before the blink of an eye, the man who was previously called God is now tied to the pillar of history’s shame for a moment, and his heart was worried.

Huntelaar and others were in a very bad mood. They did not expect that they would face such a situation after coming to Leeds United. They didn’t expect Leeds United States to be in such an awkward situation.

Huntelaar and others are also very angry and very angry. Those **** media reporters are just making up and vilifying them.

These media reporters have never watched them play football, even devalued them worthless, and mocked them madly, which made them very angry, with endless anger and energy flowing in their hearts.

Among them, Ribery’s anger is the biggest, because he has received the most criticism, countless media have used him as a weapon to attack Zhong Cheng, because Ribery has the worst mix in it before, media reporters have claimed this one The guy with a scar on his face is the least rhythmic and crazy action made by loyalty.

Ribery is grateful to Zhong Cheng, because it is Zhong Cheng who let him get rid of his poor life, Zhong Cheng gave him a chance, and Zhong Cheng gave him a new life.

Ribery does not want to return to the past. He cherishes this opportunity very much. He is determined in his heart that he must play well, don’t let Zhong Cheng be disappointed, and he must make a face for Zhong Cheng.

However, now that he has not earned face for Zhong Cheng, he has instead become a weapon attacked by Zhong Cheng, which makes Ribery extremely angry. His heart is depressing anger, and he wants to show favor to those who look down on him. , His fierce counterattack, so that everyone could not look up in front of him.

Everyone else has the same mindset. They are both grieved and angry. The unwarranted slander of these fans and media reporters has made them angry and vowed in their hearts that one day, we will make you regret it.

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