The Genius of Konoha, Sakura

Chapter 96, Fierce Battle on the Lake!

Chapter 96, Fierce Battle on the Lake!
The powerful stream of fire, under Sasuke's control, turned into a straight line and blasted towards Sakura in the air without using marks such as steel wires as guides.

Facing this extremely fast and powerful Dragon Fire Art, even Sakura couldn't dodge it successfully.In this situation where there was almost no escape route, the whole person had no choice but to use the chakra shield again to block the blow.

"If this continues, Sasuke will only consume Chakra in vain."

Looking down at Sasuke who was chasing towards her again, Sakura couldn't help biting her teeth, and her face became a little embarrassed.This feeling of being crushed and beaten is simply a great shame.What's more, a month ago, the other party belonged to the existence that was suppressed by him and couldn't stand up. Under this kind of exchange, Sakura became even more resentful.

But Sasuke below will not stop his offensive because of Sakura's thoughts.

I saw his whole body speeding up, and his pair of sharing eyes were staring at Sakura's body closely, obviously he had already calculated where Sakura would land next.

"If that's the case!" Sakura's eyes flashed with determination, and her hands even formed ninja marks in the air.She is not a character who allows the opponent to attack, even if the opponent is Sasuke.

"Water escape, water gun technique!"

A very strong stream of water formed from Sakura's mouth, and after aiming at Sasuke below, it sprayed out directly.


Although it was only a low-level ninjutsu, Sasuke did not relax at all, and directly dodged the attack by shifting his body.

But it was just such a time difference, Sakura twisted her body in the air to form a vertical falling posture, and fell straight to the top of the stone statue between the Thousand Hands Pillars.

"Although the tactics are simple, you have successfully consumed a lot of Chakra!"

Sakura looked down at Sasuke, who showed a trace of annoyance, and at the same time with the corners of her mouth twitching, she quickly put her hands together.

Seeing this, Sasuke didn't answer, but after a deep voice, he broke out again and chased Sakura at full speed.It was at this moment that both sides lost each other's figure at the same time.

But both of them know that the next battle is the most critical and important!
"Water escape, water circle cut!"

The blue water blade spun rapidly from Sakura's right hand, but Sakura didn't throw it directly, but floated on the back of her right hand through the control of Chakra.

This is actually a very simple technique, just like a puppeteer controlling a puppet, locking Shuiyuanzhan in his own hand, and attacking the enemy by waving his hand.At the same time, because it is directly connected to the chakra, it can also stabilize the water circle, maintaining speed and power.

But Sakura was not born as a sand ninja puppeteer after all, even now, she still can only attach it to the back of her hand, and cannot throw it out and take it back.Not to mention being like a puppet master, controlling puppets to dance as they want, and fight as they want.

"Beep beep beep beep!"

At this moment, under the stone statue of Thousand Hands Pillar, there was also a sound of electricity, obviously the ninjutsu has been successfully sealed.

"This is not Chidori!"

Sakura, however, heard a different feeling in this electric beep.

This is not the same as Chidori, which has the sound of hasty chirping.And yes, not long after the electric beep sounded, it directly sank down.

"Could it be that……"

"Thunder flash!"

With bursts of thunder, Sasuke jumped up instantly, tapped his toes to the ground quickly, and chased Sakura straight.

Seeing Sasuke approaching so quickly, Sakura was startled, but she didn't show timidity.Instead, he went head-on, waving his right hand and slashing at Sasuke.

"too slow!"

Sasuke didn't even think about it, and when he bent his right foot, he slid past Sakura's Mizuen Zhan's slash in an instant, opened his palms, and launched an attack on Sakura's abdomen.

"Mistake! Thunder and Flash can increase his speed too much!"

Facing Sasuke who rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed, Sakura had no intention of holding back.A pinch of the right hand directly cut off the connection of Mizumoto Zhan, and the whole person rushed away, and started a head-on confrontation with Sasuke.


The four palms clashed, and the strong impact directly blew a gust of wind around them.And Sakura couldn't bear this force directly, and retreated three steps quickly to counteract this force.

How can it be!

Sakura was shocked immediately.She didn't expect that the strength and speed brought by Sasuke after Thunder Flash's blessing would be so amazing.

But Sasuke didn't let Sakura have the opportunity and time to spare at all. When she took three steps back, he immediately caught up quickly and threw his fists at Sakura quickly.

"Bang bang!"

The sound of two bodies intersecting came out in a hurry, but Sakura failed to block Sasuke's left fist this time, so she had to cast her Chakra Shield again to block the blow.

"Why don't you use your ninjutsu? Could it be that the previous battle with others has been exhausted?!" Sasuke watched Sakura being pushed into the disadvantage by himself, but he didn't have the slightest feeling of joy, just Continue to attack again and again.

Facing Sasuke's blazing offensive, Sakura couldn't resist for a while.

'If this continues.Can not be done! '

Then, we can only fight hard, linger!
At this moment, Sasuke stepped on the ground with both feet, and after raising his right fist quickly, his whole body exploded in an instant, surged up, and suddenly used it to attack Sakura's head again.


An extremely crisp sound sounded from the Valley of the End.

Sasuke looked at the hands tightly held by Sakura, but a pair of Sharingan eyes spun at an unprecedented speed.At the same time, the corners of the mouth are slowly outlined.



The answer to him was a heavy kick from Sakura at high speed.

Feeling the severe pain from the abdomen, Sasuke didn't feel depressed because of the pain, but really started to get excited.

Since Sasuke and Sakura got acquainted, the battle between Sasuke and her has always been more losing than winning.Even after the end of the mission of the Kingdom of Waves, the several battles that the two fought in their busy schedules all ended in his defeat.But now, both sides are finally able to go all out, and it's not just an ordinary exchange of ideas like before.

This time, Sasuke fought with Sakura with a strong fighting spirit!
But Sakura didn't think so much like Sasuke.

Now, just after kicking Sasuke into the air, she directly took out several Bingliang Pills from her ninja bag and ate them all at once.

In the previous battle with the four people and Dou, she had already consumed a lot of chakra.Then just now, they used Chakra Shield one after another to block Sasuke's attack.

Therefore, for her now, the remaining amount of chakra can be said to be very thin, and she must replenish it once through Bingliang Pills.

That's why Sakura didn't attack Sasuke again in the first place, but instead began to supplement her own chakra.

On the other side, Sasuke had been on guard for a long time, but after realizing that Sakura didn't attack him directly, he immediately narrowed his eyes slightly, and silently mobilized the power of the curse seal in his body.

'Sorry, Sakura.I won this battle! '

At this moment, on Sasuke's body, the blood-red curse mark slowly climbed up, and finally, after occupying half of the body, it solidified into a black rune, and his eyes were fixed on Sakura. .At the same time, Sakura has also successfully transformed all the power of Bingliangmaru, and looked at Sasuke with full vigilance.

Their eyes met, and an electric light that others couldn't see shot up from the eyes of the two of them!

The next moment, the two disappeared on the stone statue at the same time, turned into two extremely fast black shadows, and started a fierce attack on the Valley of the End!


The battle between the two was extremely fast and fierce.

One moment, the two were still fighting on top of the stone statue, and the next moment, they appeared on the surface of the lake and fought with each other.The strong wind that surged up directly caused a huge burst of water mist!

Sasuke danced wildly with his hands, his body whirled in the air with the speed of the explosion, and launched an endless offensive against Sakura.

And after Sakura used entanglement, both her strength and her speed had been multiplied.Facing Sasuke's offensive, he not only resisted and dodged one after another, but even passed his own reflexes, taking the opportunity to continuously launch counterattacks.

"Bang bang bang!"

After another series of passionate battles, the two waved their fists at the same time, and slammed into each other's fists fiercely.


After the ultimate confrontation of the strengths of the two sides, the two of them were blown away by the generated air passage, and fell to a distance of nearly 30 meters.

"Hmph, your Chakra must have been exhausted. Forget it, next, I will use this blow to declare the end of this battle!"

Sasuke looked far ahead at Sakura who was panting a little, and after pursing his lips slightly, he lowered his face, and his hands began to quickly form seals.


Black lightning bolts crossed.

Sasuke raised his head, fixed his gaze on Sakura in front of him, without stopping at all, he raised his black Chidori and drew a dark straight line towards Sakura's chest.

At this moment, the fluttering water droplets turned into small splashes.The water dew scattered in all directions, after flying for a while, sprinkled into the lake again, forming one body again.

On the water lake, Sakura looked at Sasuke who was galloping forward with the black Chidori in his right hand, and after sighing, his whole body twisted, and after clenching his right fist, he suddenly moved towards the back fiercely. One blow away!


A dull sound resounded from the lake, and the sound that was originally like a thousand birds mourning, also fell into silence at this moment.

However, Sasuke did not stop attacking because of this. On the contrary, after taking the heavy hammer from Sakura, he fell down and slapped his hands on the water. It surged up and hit Sakura on the back of the neck!

(End of this chapter)

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