The Genetically Superior Man

Chapter 12: 12. The underlying problem.

[I am, at the end of the day, a machine. I couldn't do anything if the people who were supposed to do what I said acted corrupt. Because I'm not an omnipresent God, I can only do what people are willing to do for me. The evolutionary benefit is real in a broader sense. Not only opioid-addicted individuals could develop immunity to these maladies, but they could also develop a sense of vigilance that prompts them to hunt down corruption. It's simple, societies that allow government corruption will die at a higher rate. That creates an evolutionary incentive for righteousness and vigilance genes to emerge and propagate.]

"Do you know the Second Amendment?"

[A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.]

"If I used my Second Amendment rights to gather a militia to protect the security of the free state would you stop me?"

[No I wouldn't.]

"The pharmaceutical companies circumvent the Food and Drug Administration regulations through bribes and threats, keeping opioids easily prescribable. Any fine they suffer is nothing compared to the profit they make out of the suffering of others. Since the government fails to use its monopoly on violence to protect its citizens from this harmful entity if I create a militia to punish individuals who let this happen and let it go on for so long, am I within my full Second Amendment rights?"

The government AI loaded for a long while.

[That's within your rights. This is what the amendment is for.]

I felt like I realized what I wanted to do with my life. I want to have a militia under me that does what they supposed to do. I know that I have a good life here. I can do whatever I want, I can fuck whoever I want. But is that all there is to life?

What does it mean to be truly at the top? Am I still at the top when a bunch of board of directors can decide that they can get me hooked on smack and profit off of me in full confidence?

"We are all farmed animals I'm just one who is deemed worthy of being a stud."

I want to be on top fully and truly. This can only be accomplished through attaining the capability of violence. If the board of directors thought somebody might kill them if they pulled nasty shit like this they might not dare to at the end of the day.

I need an army. I need to be able to shoot motherfuckers in the face.

I started pacing back and forth.

I need to get people excited for my cause. What can I do to get some people?

While thinking to myself my eyes met with Zoe's. I smiled. There were a lot of people thrown away by society, dying. I can get them. They are essentially free.

Yes, it's all coming together. I can get people and radicalize them into getting revenge for their ruined lives.

I need something that is a mix between a rehab and a terrorist cell. I need to construct a business model that is essentially a rehab to militia pipeline.

The business has to turn a profit. Hmm... let's say I gave rehab to the entire homeless encampment and at the end of the rehab, I gave them a choice. First, live a normal life except provide a certain amount of money to the organization. Second, be a part of the militia that keeps to their oaths of defending the state from corruption at gunpoint. If and when they are free to do as they please they can be hired as mercenaries. A great warrior caste would be born.

Sociopaths of the world would turn their bribes and threats onto the militia and after pacifying the organization with those, they would continue with their corruption. The organization needs another rule. The militia should be a group full of bitterness and hatred toward those who wronged them. I need people that cannot be bought.

"I need the hire from only the people who have wretched lives. I would make sure their children wouldn't be able to become members of the militia wing of the organization.

I need to write texts that dehumanize those who would nonchalantly try to create misery and shamelessly profit off of the resulting mess. God damn, even I feel radicalized.

I called Kate. and explained my plans.

"Kate, what do you think about it? Will you have my back on this? Or do you want to back out? Both are alright. I wouldn't hold anything against you in any way."

Kate laughed from the other end of the call.

"We all live a hundred years at most Rex. We need to live boldly and unashamedly. However, there is a smarter and safer way to do this. I want you to pull strings from shadows instead would you be OK with that? There is no point in risking your life against these monsters of profit."

Kate wasn't scared of what I proposed because it was just a variation of the environmental protection wing of the credit creation system. The only difference was that it targeted people instead of the environment.

"I can't do this in a year anyway. I need to pace myself and plan. In the meantime, let's gather some capital so we can take concrete steps toward the grand plan."

Kate said what was in the back of her mind for a while now.

" Why don't you arrange breeding sessions with rich and powerful women? That's an easy way to get enough capital to do those things. After that, we need to launder your money so it can't be traced back to you when you decide to go against the powers that be. That means you need two businesses instead of one. I'm sure you can seduce a business owner to help you with that. That would be great. That way, you wouldn't need to get your hands dirty yourself."

I want to go home fuck Kate in her overachieving pussy of hers. This brilliant and cute girl deserves to be repeatedly impregnated by the best male around for her contributions to society. She is just too great in my opinion.

I left Zoe and Chloe's mother in the hospital to watch over the two women. I wanted to reward Kate as soon as possible. I'll need to have Betty fluff me and reward Kate right in the pussy.

Before I left the hospital I saw an ad about the artificial womb clinic on the fourth floor and decided to check it out. this wing of the hospital is less populated than the others. An artificial womb is a less desired alternative to a real womb. Each artificial step in the gestation process introduces a ton of potential complications to the offspring and unwanted mutations to the genome. Why was I interested in artificial wombs? to be able to "impregnate" Arthur of course.

The first step of having a child with Arthur is getting a tissue sample from Arthur and having it reverted into a STEM cell state. After that, you can guide the cell into becoming an egg. That's where I come in. I extract my sperm through conventional methods and provide them to the doctor. The doctor fertilizes the egg with my seed and creates a baby between two men. Science is truly remarkable.

I knocked on the clinic's door and a sexy redhead bombshell who was a head taller than me opened the door. She is really beautiful.

"Excuse me, Are you the person in charge?"

She seductively bit the back of her pen and smiled.

"Yes, how can I help you?"

I want to fuck her. I want to fuck her so bad.

"First things first." I brought out my ID card. She examined my ID and gave it back to me after verifying its authenticity. "Would you like to bear my child?"

She smiled as if I said something that boosted her ego. She got up and sat at the edge of her desk. She lifted one of her legs and pulled her panties to the side. An average-sized soft penis flopped out. The skin of her penis was pristine. She took care of it impeccably. It's been a long time since trans people decided to go with "he" most of the time. This was because one-tenths of the male population became trans due to microplastics within the water cycle of the planet acting like an estrogen variant, feminizing those who are susceptible to it. A philosophy that was called body-soul singularity has become popular back then. That theory said there is no such thing as a soul. A person is the reflection of their body.

Since microplastics chemically change an individual's preferences, change in body begot a change in so so-called soul making the unfortunate microplastic-sensitive individuals crave men's embrace due to hormonal imbalances in their bodies.

So being called a "He" was the last bastion of masculine pride some people left. All and all since they often looked like women they didn't make a big fuss of mistaken pronouns. The good doctor probably liked the fact that she passed as a hot woman. That's why she liked the fact I called him a "She" several times in a row.

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