The General’s Wife of the Buddhist Family

Chapter 18

Chapter 17: Second two

Luo Jianjia saw everyone’s eyes when he left.

However, even if she saw it, she was still calm.

Whatever you see, selling things depends on their ability.

She can’t stop selling because of envy and jealousy of others.

After returning home, Boss Chu and Zhao looked at the money pouring out of the purse and laughed from ear to ear.

The Zhao family carefully picked up the money and said, “This is money.”

Mr. Chu laughed and nodded: “Yes, silver.”

Although Luo Jianjia felt that there was not much money, this was also the first time she saw silver. Looking at this little thing, she seemed to be infected by Boss Chu and Zhao, and her mood became slightly excited.

“Jianjia, you can count quickly, how much money did you make today.” Zhao urged.

Don’t look at Boss Chu and Zhao Clan going to buy food together every day. In fact, the two of them only know how many copper plates they receive each day, but they don’t know how much they cost and how much they earn.

Because of the wealthy businessman, he made a lot today.

Luo Jianjia quickly counted the copper plates he received today, and after a rough estimate in his mind, he said, “I touched about one hundred and ten wen.”

When I heard that it was more than a penny, the smiles of Boss Chu and Zhao deepened a little.

“Earn one hundred pens a day, isn’t it three…three taels of penny a month…”

Speaking of the word “three-twos”, Zhao suddenly got stuck.

Three or two?

Can they make three or twos a month?

She should be wrong.

When my son used to be a guard at the palace, he only had a few dollars a month, but after one year, their family only saved two taels of silver.

“His father, did I make a mistake?” Zhao asked uncertainly.

Boss Chu also calculated this number.

It’s just that, like Zhao, she is a little uncertain.

To be precise, I can’t believe it.

They just sold some food at the pier at the entrance of the village, and they were nothing more than a small business. Are they more profitable than their son’s decent work?

The other people in the village who do business in the town don’t seem to make so much money, right…

The two looked at each other, and then looked at Luo Jianjia at the same time.

Luo Jianjia understood the thoughts of these two people and analyzed it very calmly and objectively.

“My mother is right. If you earn a hundred wen a day, it will be about three taels of silver in a month. However, today’s situation is quite special. We got 25 ren rewards, and there are more ships going to and fro today. It is not yet known whether the customers who bought the egg fried rice will be as good as they are today. This still needs to be observed.”

Luo Jianjia’s words seemed to have magical powers, and they always calmed the boss and the Zhao family.

Of course, this is also because the two of them trust her.

Hearing what she said, Boss Chu took the lead to come back to his senses and said: “Brother Leng’s wife is right. Today’s situation is special.”

Zhao’s was slightly lost.

Luo Jianjia thought for a while and said, “However, even if we have sixty essays like yesterday, we can earn about two taels of silver a month.”

In fact, earning one or two, two or two or two and five in a month makes no difference to Boss Chu and Zhao.

As long as they can make more than one tael of silver a month, they think it is very much.

Listening to Luo Jianjia’s analysis now, they didn’t expect it for a while.

The Zhao family settled for a while, and said, “Jianjia is right, even if it is like yesterday, we can still make two and two.”

Boss Chu was slightly startled.

“That’s two taels of silver.” Zhao continued excitedly.

Boss Chu also came back to his senses and said: “Two taels…Twenty taels a month…”

After earning two or two in a month, Boss Chu and Zhao feel more energy.

They remembered that they made five cents on the first day, and they seemed to have more money later, but they didn’t think about it.

Today, it seems like I don’t know when they started. They are indeed making more and more, and they can earn at least one or two dollars a month.

Yesterday I heard that my son is coming back soon, and today I suddenly discovered that the monthly income is over two or two. Boss Chu and Zhao are in a good mood.

Although they did not sleep well last night, none of them slept after lunch today.

One person cleaned up the hall, and one went to rebuild the chicken coop.

Seeing that the two of them hadn’t rested, Luo Jianjia couldn’t go to the house alone to lie down.

However, Zhao persuaded her many times and pushed her back into the house.

Luo Jianjia went back to the house and lay down.

Woke up early in the morning, and went to cook and sell food. Luo Jianjia was used to taking a nap on weekdays, and he was indeed a little tired at the moment.

After all, Boss Chu and Zhao were very old. Although they were more excited during the day, at night, as soon as they finished eating, they were so sleepy that they went to bed early.

On the second day, Luo Jianjia fried another five catties of egg fried rice.

Although Boss Chu and Zhao looked at the good business yesterday and wanted her to make more speculations, they still resisted.

They trusted Luo Jianjia more and more, and they became more and more assured of letting her do things without any interference.

Unexpectedly, it still sells well today.

Although the rich businessman who made a big deal yesterday was not there, after all, the egg fried rice tastes very good, and here is the relatively high-end food closest to the pier, so there are still many people who buy it.

It’s just that it took about a quarter of an hour more today, and it didn’t sell as fast as yesterday.

Earned eighty essays today.

Boss Chu and Zhao still laughed happily.

After three or two days, the egg fried rice became more and more popular.

However, Luo Jianjia didn’t add it when it was about eight catties.

Because the weather is hot now, the eggs will smell fishy after being left for a long time. If they are cooked too much, they will lose their taste.

Even if it only sells about eight catties, one can earn more than one hundred wen a day.

Boss Chu’s body is getting better, his legs are sharper, and he walks with wind.

Zhao originally had a lot of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and his eyelids drooped down, gradually gaining some energy.

On this day, after selling things at the pier, Mr. Chu and Mr. Zhao went to town.

Luo Jianjia pushed the scooter back home alone.

As soon as he entered the house, the aunt Wang next door came over.

“Brother Leng’s wife.”

Luo Jianjia put the cart away and called back: “Good aunt.”

“Where is your father and mother?” Aunt Wang asked.

Luo Jianjia explained: “They went shopping in town.”

“Oh.” After listening, Aunt Wang not only didn’t leave, but also walked over, moved a bench, and sat under the eaves of the hall.

Upon seeing this, Luo Jianjia knew that she was in no hurry, so he continued to pack her things.

Luo Jianjia was so strong that he unloaded everything from the car in twos or twos.

After unloading, she squatted by the well to clean the buckets containing vegetables and rice, as well as the used bowls and chopsticks.

The bucket was okay. Luo Jianjia was very careful when washing the bowls and chopsticks, for fear of crushing them accidentally.

During this period, Luo Jianjia could feel Aunt Wang staring at her.

Finally, when Luo Jianjia was about to clean up, Aunt Wang spoke again.

“Your mother was here today.” Aunt Wang said.

“Oh.” Luo Jianjia faintly replied, the movement on his hand remained unchanged, and he continued to wash.

Aunt Wang did not miss the change in the expression on her face. Seeing that she was still calm, she was very satisfied.

“Did she go to the dock to look for you?” Aunt Wang said again.

When I asked this, there was obviously something of gossip.

Luo Jianjia told the truth: “No.”

She doesn’t know whether the mother of the original owner has been to the dock.

According to her speculation, based on Zhang’s temperament, ten percent had gone.

But Luo Jianjia did not say these words.

Hearing this answer, Aunt Wang rolled her eyes and continued: “Your mother told me to tell you. If you have time in the past few days, I will go back to your mother’s house. Your father has something important to tell you.”

Luo Jianjia just finished cleaning the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, picked up the basin in his hands, poured water into the vegetable field, and answered calmly, “Oh, I see.”

After speaking, seeing Wang staring at her strangely, she immediately added: “Thank you auntie.”

Aunt Wang discovered that the daughter-in-law of the next door was indeed completely different from the original.

This temperament has changed too much.

When I came to see people, I was always superior, and didn’t take people seriously.

Although it is still indifferent now, it reveals a trace of enthusiasm.

“Do you know what your father told you to do?” Aunt Wang asked gossiping.

“I don’t know.” Luo Jianjia said concisely.

Although Luo Jianjia’s performance was cold, Aunt Wang was still satisfied.

“I heard that your father recently walked very close to a wealthy foreign businessman surnamed Liu. He often ate together and went to your natal family.” Aunt Wang looked at Luo Jianjia and said, “Your father and mother said that Brother Leng is Coming back soon.”

Luo Jianjia frowned slightly.

Aunt Wang didn’t say much about the latter, she glanced at Luo Jianjia and went home.

In fact, according to Aunt Wang’s original idea, women like Luo Jianjia should be divorced.

However, in recent days, she looked at him coldly, Luo Jianjia is more and more different from the original, is a person who can make money and live a house.

Moreover, Boss Zhao and Chu are more satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

She said a few more words.

What Aunt Wang didn’t know was that the reason for Luo Jianjia’s frowning was that she had just learned from Aunt Wang’s words that the rich businessman who took the original owner in the book had really come.

The plot in the book also walks quietly in her daily firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Presumably the wealthy businessman surnamed Liu had already seen her secretly.

Some doubts also appeared in her heart.

Counting the days, is it too late for the rich businessman to appear?

It seems that in the book he will come a long time earlier than the male lead. By this time, the female lead has already run away with him, right?

Is it because her arrival has produced a butterfly effect, affecting everyone’s timeline?

However, these things stayed in her mind for a while, and she quickly left them behind.

If she does not cooperate, it will be difficult for this matter to be implemented smoothly.

Even if she was forced to cooperate, she would have to ask her fist whether she agreed.

On that day, Luo Jianjia did not go back to her family’s home.

She knew that Luo Fusheng told her to go back for two reasons.

Their business and remarriage on the dock.

Either one or both.

No matter which one it was, Luo Jianjia wanted to tell.

Going to Luo’s house will only make herself angry, and Luo Jianjia is not a person who will find herself unhappy. Therefore, after she cleaned up, she went to sort out the little flowers that she had planted in the corner.

Now the small flowers bloom very well, pink, yellow, and purple, scattered in the corners, and the whole yard looks a lot warmer.

Turning his head, Luo Jianjia saw the morning glory and tidied them up so that they all climbed up the fence.

After finishing the arrangement, Luo Jianjia immediately became cheerful.

Looking up at the sun, they guessed that Zhao and the others would not eat in the town, so they went to the kitchen to cook.

Before going to the pier on the second day, Luo Jianjia remembered what Aunt Wang said yesterday as soon as she walked to the door. She picked up a top door stick from behind the door and placed it on the cart.

“What are you doing with this thing?” Zhao asked inexplicably.

Luo Jianjia said calmly: “I’m afraid that someone will disturb us selling vegetables for self-defense.”

“Oh.” Although Zhao still had some doubts, he didn’t say much.

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