Next morning, the warmth of the sun streamed in through the windows into Mei Xing's room, greeting her from an uncomfortable slumber. Stirring, she was still very foggy as her loyal maid, Chuchui, entered with a tray of steaming hot breakfast.
"My lady, wake up for breakfast," said Chuchui gently, laying down the tray on the nearby table.
Opening her eyes, Mei Xing rubbed off the sleep. She looked around her. "Where am I?" she asked in a hoarse voice because of her sleep.
Smiling, Chuchui said, "You are in the General's mansion, my lady. Yesterday, you fainted and were brought back by the General's servant, Cai Wei."
Mei Xing suddenly sat up and rubbed her sleepy eyes as recollections of yesterday's events came flooding back to her mind. "Oh, now I remember," she exclaimed. "You know what-that demonic General, he can walk."
Chuchui looked bemused. She reached out her hand to feel Mei Xing's forehead. "My lady, are you sick? But the General is still in his wheelchair, right?"
Meixing sent her a dismissive wave. "Forget it, even you wouldn't believe it either. Let's just eat our breakfast."
Nodding, albeit with a faintly worried face, Chuchui said, "Yes, my lady." She helped support Mei Xing out of the bed and into a chair.
The whole breakfast, Chuchui could not get rid of the feeling that Mei Xing was sick. How would General-ge ever walk if his legs were injured? Mei Xing must have dreamed.
The two sat at the breakfast table, and Mei Xing's face turned solemn. "Chuchui, I need to find a way out of the General's mansion," she whispered low.
Chuchui's eyes went wide with horror. "Uhhh, what did you say, my lady?" she stuttered, her face pale.
Mei Xing looked around the room for some indication that they were well and truly alone. "I hate that demon," she spat, her voice venomous. "I will not stay in prison here for him. I have to find a way out."
The one thing that perplexed Chuchui was, on one hand, fear; on the other hand, the concern of results. She heard of the General's reputation-a person from whom one could barely run away from his mansion. But she also knew Mei Xing was so determined for her aim and never lagged in anything.
Meanwhile, in the General's study chamber, Cai Wei stood before his master and reported all that he had overheard. "General, I have news," he said in a low tone. "Mei Xing is planning to escape from the mansion."
The General's face was impassive, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Let her be," he said calmly. "See where she is heading. I want to know what she's planning."
Cai Wei nodded expressionlessly. "Will do, General. I'll keep a close watch on her."
As he exited from the study chamber, his eyes chanced upon a small and exquisitely crafted box lying on the desk of General. He unclosed it to reveal an inimitable silver dagger shining bright. A thin smile crossed his lips as he closed the case, his mind already treading across the many angles.
Just when Mei Xing's plan of escape was getting a lot interesting.
As night began to fall over the General's mansion, Mei Xing knew this was getting more desperate by the minute. She summoned Chuchui, her serving girl, to follow her as both slipped out of Mei Xing's quarters.
Chuchui clutched her staff tightly, peering through the darkness beyond the hallways they were cautiously and quietly going into the mansion. Ahead of them, Mei Xing suddenly darted forward, swift and silent, turning the corner like a thief to see if there was anyone pursuing them.
"Come, hurry up," Mei Xing whispered urgently, her eyes gleaming bright with fear and determination.
She came running behind him with a barely above whisper: "My lady, I'm scared. Let's not go, it's not safe."
Mei Xing never wavered but forged ahead. "I cannot cohabitate with that devil General," she coldly and full of venom uttered. "He will kill me just because I found out he can walk.
Chuchui's grip on her staff tightened. "But the General's mansion is heavily guarded, my lady. How are we to get away?"
Mei Xing hesitated for a moment as her mind worked over the possibilities. A sly smile then spread across her face. "Wait, you are right. Let's climb the wall."
Alarm lit in Chuchui's wide eyes, though Mei Xing did not appear very fazed. She threaded her way right up to the wall and surveyed the circumference keen-eyed for guards.
At the wall, Mei Xing turned to Chuchui. "Help me up," she whispered, eyes alight with intent.
Chuchui demurred an instant before nodding; her face had set. Slightly stooping, she interlaced her hands into a makeshift stirrup.
She placed her foot upon Chuchui's hands and pressed off with a lot of strength, so she could reach upwards and take a hold on top of the wall. While she did that-just as she was starting to pull herself up-Chuchui suddenly gave away, and Mei Xing felt herself tumbling backward.
Time appeared to slow down, and her stomach dropped while her heart was racing with fear. Just about when she would hit the ground, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her, holding her up.
Mei Xing's eyes opened, and she stared into the fierce gaze of the General himself.
"My lady, do you want to kill yourself?" he asked in that low husky voice, with just a tint of mirth lacing it.
Mei Xing's face was on fire as she wracked her brains for a plausible explanation. "I just wanted to get some fresh air," she stammered, "but then I thought of playing with Chuchui."
The General raised an eyebrow, shining skeptical. "Then what about the luggage your maid carries? Was that too used in playing?"
Having her mind rack, Mei Xing replied, "Of course not. I am just so unaccustomed to playing without my stuff present, right, Chuchui?"
Chuchui looked up at Mei Xing in dumb amazement but nodded. Her face remained set in resolve. "Yes, my lady."
She smiled sweetly, hoping the General wouldn't suspect anything. "Well, if you'll excuse me, General, I think I shall retire to my room now."
With that, she broke loose from the General's clutches and darted away into the mansion complex in a matter of seconds.
But the General did not look worried; there was even a faint smile on his face as he turned toward Cai Wei, facing him for further orders that had to be done.
"Sorry, General," said Cai Wei contritely. "Our plan did not come off."
The General burst into a roar of laughter. "Perhaps the next time, you should get rid of the guards at the gate," he said with a twinkle of merriment in his eyes.
Cai Wei looked very grave and nodded. "Yes, General. I will make sure of that.".