The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 26: Meadow…

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Fenris seethed, clenching his teeth together.

Cora bolted with me a moment later, leaving me with little choice but to hold on to her. The speed at which she jumped out of there was blinding. Even during the daylight, vampires were too strong for the average human to do anything about it.

However, her stamina drained as she exerted more than she would during the night hours. Her white hair shined in the sun, hopping from place to place to outrun Fenris, who was right on her tail in his beast form.

"Man, the wolf doesn’t give up, does he? Why does he care so much, anyway?" Cora clicked her tongue.

Unable to answer her, I held on to her for dear life. Poor Shade clung to me, not wanting to be blown off by the high speed we were traveling. I didn’t know where she was taking me, either, nor did I know what she wanted.

However, it wouldn’t take long until I knew when she entered the forest before going towards a clearing.

"Phew, we’re here," Cora announced, gently setting me down.

Once my world stabilized, I was in a flowery meadow, amazed at the colorful sight before me. Shade jumped off me, only to disappear from the flowers below.

Someone like me can still see beautiful scenery like this.

It was fourteen years since I stepped outside of the facility without armed guards around me. They never took me to somewhere as lovely as this, either. Fenris tried once, but Ryker prohibited it, leaving me to think I would never see anything out of the four walls that was my home.

I could stare at it all day and say it wouldn’t be enough. The sky above us was so clear that I felt I could fall into it any minute.

"Seems we lost the mutt." Cora celebrated, unaware of her looming doom.

I shook my head, seeing a light glow within my sleeve.

"No... He’ll find me." I informed her.

"Don’t see how. I lost him in the forest." She assured me.

Her words tickled me, prompting a giggle to leave me. This vampire knew little about what Fenris and I were to each other.

He’s my protector, and I’m his charge. He’ll do anything to find me.

Perhaps she knew, but not to the extent that he would go for me.

"Cora... why did you bring me here?" I asked, staring into the bright blue sky.

Shade hopped like a rabbit between the flowers, enjoying the feeling of the petals on her paws. Tearing my sight away from the sky, Cora grabbed my hands, pulling them into her chest. This vampire was resilient.

She had been trying to befriend me for half a year, and I didn’t know why.

Now you kiss me.

Everyone avoided me, especially after the 'accidental spell' when rumors swirled that I was the cause—true in this case.

"Because it looked like you needed to be out of that cage. I’ve seen you do the same routine every day for the past half year. I thought you deserved a break from all of them." Cora gazed towards the side for a second.

Again, her words tickled me, triggering another giggle to leave me.

A break. You’re out of your mind.

If anything, all of them needed to get away from me.

"This is stupid, I’m dangerous, Cora. There’s a reason they don’t want me out." I enjoyed her ignorance to a point.

It was nice to have someone around me who didn’t know what happened or hated me for another reason, but her stupidity could cost many lives.

"It’s unfair. No matter the reason. You witches aren’t treated right." She sighed, not letting go of my hands.

It was a sweet gesture, but she had the opposite effect, leaving me uncomfortable.

"Even if it means thousands die?" I questioned, gazing away from her red gaze.

"What are you talking about? You aren’t capable of that! You’re a kind witch that makes plants come to life when no one’s watching!" she answered, holding me tighter.

I shook my head, "You’ve been watching me, haven't you..." I trailed off, glancing down onto the floor before releasing a sigh.

The crystal that had been controlling my emotions hadn’t activated in years since the accident. I had been forcing myself to control them so they wouldn’t trigger and had been successful with Tania’s help. Yet, I didn’t trust myself without them.

"Yes, I’ve been watching you for months and fallen for you!" Cora declared.

I couldn’t help but laugh in return.

What are you saying? No one could ever love me. I know it, and I’m okay with it.

Even though Fenris's words earlier made me doubt my resolve. No, every moment I spent with him made me question everything.

I must’ve heard him wrong again.

"Don’t say that. You know nothing of me. I don’t deserve your feelings, Cora, or anyone else’s. Please forget about me in that way." I simpered at her, feeling happy for her feelings, but even so, I would never respond to them.

My heart and soul already belonged to someone else.

"I won’t. Don’t worry; I’ll make you fall for me." Cora declared, suddenly grabbing onto my chin, wanting to pull me into another kiss.

It was a foolish action, as Fenris would never allow that to happen again. He owned my body and soul, after all. In a blink of an eye, he, in his beast form, tackled the vampire onto the floor, disappearing from my sight from how fast it happened.

They were only a few spaces away from me, where she whiffled the white flag to a giant wolf with his paw on her chest. His silver hair was also beautiful in the sunlight.

"I give up!" she nervously laughed in defeat.

Fenris growled at her, leaning closer to her while flashing his fangs.

"I’m fine, Fenris; she only wanted to talk," I explained, turning away from them.

This scenery was more appealing than seeing them fight. My wolf huffed, releasing her from his grip.

"Woah... You can control this beast?" Cora asked, sitting up.

Her words, though, tickled me.

How ignorant are you? But it’s better that way.

"No... I’m his charge. You really should do your research before kidnapping someone." I giggled.

It was entertaining for once. It was refreshing because I hadn’t laughed like this in so long. Yet her stupidity was also worrisome.

Another act like this could be dangerous. I’m lucky Fenris was near when she took me.

However, this scenery was a blessing to see.

If only I could stay here and forget everything that happened.

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