The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 69 - Remote investigation (1)

“Hey, I said the two of you, one is my girlfriend and the other is my good friend,” Xia called out, “I’m not talking about other women, but I’m talking about other irrelevant women. I said you two can Can’t it work? “

“Why is it irrelevant?” Wu Ruize said, “She is your boss.”

“Whatever, it didn’t help me at all. She was blind to the last Star Wars and this signal crisis. Even if it was to give some constructive advice.” Summer looked sad. .

“Okay, let ’s get back to the topic,” Mila said. “It ’s better to ask for help. In the summer, since the headquarters does n’t help solve the problem, let ’s find a way. The older sister, oh no, it should be grandma, she provided A very important piece of information. This is a defected Yunying-class battleship. In the summer, what is the concept of this Yunying-class battleship? “

In the summer, the data was transferred and said: “Yunying-class battleship, which can hold 100 crew members, plug-in 60 poisonous scorpions and 50 landing craft. The overall combat effectiveness is 12 times that of Dawning 2. I went, how could this be!” , Such a powerful fighting ability, if it really fights, then how to fight.

Mila said: “You don’t have to worry about it. The so-called combat power comparison is based on the data of the full compilation and full load. Sugon 2 experienced a battle of Star Worms, which consumes a lot, and the combat power must have declined. But this anti-thief cloud eagle ship is not necessarily good. You must know that he is an anti-thief. After the suppression, the loss will definitely be greater than our Dawn II. “

“Why do you see it?” Summer asked.

“If you think about it, if he has a little combat power, he will not send a distress signal to you. He can quietly approach you and give you a sudden attack. Instead of sending a signal to expose himself now The location and distance. Although there is only four light-years between the Earth and the other shore star, this distance is very broad. There will be no third civilization except Earth and Daming. “

“What about Star Grinder?”

“Starworm is a special case. The Yunying ship has some scruples about you because its resources are exhausted.” Mila said, “I have another point to ask, how is the spacecraft’s fuel loaded? Or is it the fuel? How to collect it. “

Xia Xia said: “This I know that energy crystallization is stored by converting energy into a solid material form. You also know that through the conversion of matter, that kind of energy is very huge. I do n’t know the principle of Daming ’s technology, but I know This way of storing energy is very space-saving and mass energy storage … “

“Okay,” Mila interrupted him and asked, “What I want to know is when a spaceship runs out of space in front of the village and behind the shop, how can it be supplemented? For example, solar energy or something.”

“There is no way to add it,” Summer said. “Solar energy? Are you kidding that the sun is just an ordinary star at this time, and that weak energy is simply not enough for the spacecraft’s energy supply. The only thing the spacecraft can do at this time is to rely on In inertial flight, the crew enters hibernation and waits for the spacecraft to slowly recharge or wait for rescue. Such an approach will make it possible for the crew to wait for tens of thousands of years in hibernation. “

“Well,” Mila nodded and said, “It is unlikely that the crew of this cloud eagle ship will hibernate at this time. He will not enter hibernation just after sending a distress model, because he knows that we can’t spend at most ten days. He will meet. He does n’t know whether we are benign or malicious, so hibernation at this time is equivalent to seeking death. But this possibility is not ruled out, but the possibility of this hibernation is very small. Well, summer, comprehensive As mentioned above, my views are as follows:

“This unidentified distress signal was sent by a Daming anti-thief. The Yunying class warship they were riding on was exhausted of resources and basically lost power and combat power. He could only fly to the solar system by inertia. On the route, he We were the first to discover us. He sent us a distress signal. The biggest possibility is that he set a trap for us to step on, and then hijacked our spaceship and snatched the resources on our spaceship. “

“Mila, good,” Xia Tian praised, “Simple four-word distress signal: save us, let you analyze it so thoroughly for us.”

“Is Xueba worthy of fame?” Mila smiled and said, “However, this conjecture can only say that the possibility is very high, and other possibilities are not ruled out. So, all I can say is You can do so much. It depends on you how to do it next. “

“No problem,” Xia Xuan rubbed his hands and said that for more than half a year, he has been handy for directing space emergencies. Just listen to him start to issue commander orders: “Diao Chan, how many poisonous scorpions and poisonous mosquitoes do we still have?”

“Master Qiqi, at present, we have eleven poison scorpion destroyers and 5000 poison mosquito drones.”

“Okay, I’m going to recruit four poisonous scorpion pilots ~ ~ to investigate the unknown Yunying class warship. Who is going to perform this mission?”

“Prince Qiqiu, the last will be willing to go!” “General, I’m going!” Immediately, male and female robot commanders in the command cabin fought for battle.

Summer was very satisfied with this scene, and he began to issue orders: “Okay, don’t fight anymore. Here are my orders: Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Gan Ning, Tai Shici, I ordered you four to drive a poison Scorpion Destroyer, headed for investigation. “

“Observe the order, hero!”

“Also, you four people, each carrying a thousand poisonous mosquito drones. The drone is externally mounted on the star destroyer. At a distance of one light, the drone is released and the star destroyer is used as the axis. Spiral flight clockwise, the speed should not be too fast. When encountering the Yunying ship, four star destroyers revolve around the enemy ship for reconnaissance. All drones are changed to use the enemy ship as the axis for counterclockwise spiral flight. , Turn on all active and passive detection devices. “

Detailed deployment of the operation content in the summer, because the distance of the day, the delay of radio communication will be very severe, so you can only rely on the robots to deal with various emergencies, and therefore, you need to carry out tactical deployment in advance.

The command to continue tactical deployment in the summer: “You begin to report the detected information to the spacecraft every hour after departure. When you reach a light time, you will feedback every ten minutes. When you encounter an enemy ship, every minute Give feedback once. You are conducting spiral flight detection on the enemy ship until you meet our ship and then decide whether to return according to the interim order. At the same time, while spiral flight detection is already on the way to the reconnaissance, if you encounter an attack, immediately counterattack and full speed Retreat and return! Do you understand? “

“Understand, hero!”

“Okay, go!”

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