The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 32 - Battle Star Worms (2)

(Second more today, by the way for collection, comments, recommendations, and rewards.)

Such a distant cosmic sky, in the summer that has not yet been involved in the world, today will face the unknown enemy alone and command the first star war in his life! Without reinforcements, the soldiers fought alone. He has a spaceship, a computer, and a bunch of robots. All orders must be decided by him and given by him.

Although there are still ten hours before direct, direct contact, there is still much to be done before the war. Before obtaining more detailed information about the enemy, another important thing to do in the summer is to become familiar with the combat system of Dawn-2 as soon as possible.

“Chief of Staff.”

“Sir, I’m here.” Diao Chan replied.

“Tell me the general situation and working principle of the shield in the most concise and easy-to-understand language.”

“Yes, Master,” Diao Chan said, “The energy wave shield is provided by the energy crystal to provide energy support. It is a protective cover wrapped on the surface of the spaceship. The thickness is about ten meters.” Diao Chan also began to use it The unit of measurement, which is also required in the summer.

“It works on the principle that you can only get in and out,” Diao Chan continued.

Summer asked: “What is meant by only going out or not?”

“When attacking an enemy, the energy weapon fired by our ship can penetrate the shield. The enemy’s energy attack will be blocked by the shield.”

“In other words, the shield can effectively protect the spacecraft from harm? Does it have any side effects?”

“Yes, every time you block an attack, you will consume a certain amount of energy. The shield is very energy intensive. When the energy is not enough to support, the shield will lose its effectiveness. The spaceship without shield protection is a paper spaceship. “

“Paper spaceship? I’m going! Do you want to turn off the shield for the time being?”

“No, my lord, without being attacked, the shield consumes little energy. In addition, what I want to tell you is that both attack and protection consume energy.”

“I know this. It must consume energy.”

“But the energy consumption of the two sides is also strong and weak.” Diao Chan tried to explain the fighting principle of the offensive and defensive sides to Xia Xian, only listening to her said: “This is like a spear and shield in ancient combat, as long as the spear is sharp enough, it will The shield can be pierced, and if the shield is not to be pierced, it must be hard enough. “

“I understand what you mean,” the summer will pass, “You mean, for the enemy’s attack, the energy generated by the shield must cover the attack?”

“Yes, this is the truth. As long as the energy generated by the shield is large enough, it can resist the attack 100%.”

“What if the enemy’s attack is higher than the shield?”

“Pierce the shield and damage the hull.”

Listening to Diao Chan said, if you ca n’t help but take a breath in the summer, if the hull is damaged, it will cause damage to the interior of the spaceship. The worst possible thing is that the ship is destroyed!

“In order to prevent the enemy’s attack from damaging the hull, the shield must have strong energy support. In this way, it is very easy to cause energy overload, burn the engine, and greatly reduce the efficiency of the shield.”

Nodded in the summer, digesting what Diao Chan explained. Then asked: “You just said that the fighting principle of the shield is that you can’t get in and out. How can the star destroyer fighting abroad return to the spacecraft before the battle is over?”

“The returning star destroyer and the spacecraft keep a synchronized flight, and after reaching the spacecraft’s relatively safe position, open the shield gap and let it in.”

“Open the shield gap? Are you saying that the shield does not need to maintain a fixed shape? It can change its shape at will? The thickness and strength of different locations can be different? Even the shield is not required in some areas?” Summer asked several questions, He already has a very bold battle plan in his mind.

“Yes, you are right!”

“How many poison scorpion destroyers can we use for combat?”

“30 ships.”

“How many armed robots can participate in the battle?”


“Will it be possible to fly the star destroyer?”

“In theory, you can drive, just need to write a driving program.”

“The priority is to overhaul 30 robots, all of which are written into the driving program. I want them to board the boat in the fastest time and enter combat readiness.” Xia ordered. He understands the truth that war is essential for the transmission and feedback of information. In space warfare, the operational radius is tens of thousands of kilometers, or even hundreds of thousands of kilometers. unrealistic.

“Yes, adult, it takes about an hour.”

“Is there a drone?” Summer asked again.

“Some adults, 3000 poisonous mosquito miniature high-speed attack reconnaissance boats.”

“Poisonous mosquito? It was a poisonous scorpion just now. It is interesting now. Well, I will conduct a comprehensive overhaul immediately, first overhaul 300 ships, and investigate the wandering planet.”

“Yes, adult.”

“How many nano-robots are in stock? Can they be produced at any time? What is the production speed?”

“There are currently a thousand boxes of nanorobots in stock, and another 120 boxes are working everywhere in the spaceship. They can be produced and processed at any time, and ten boxes can be produced in an hour of full-load work.”


“Yes, all the nano robots in stock are boxed. UU reading, a box is exactly 100 million.”

Nano robots are invisible to the naked eye, so the number is huge, and it is a way to use boxed to count the number. Summer nodded and said, “All nanorobots have been upgraded to the preparation state, and the production workshop has also begun to operate to prepare for production supplementation at any time.”

Thinking about summer, think about what else is not considered. He stopped walking and sat down, holding his chin in his hands, looking at the starry sky in the three-dimensional array. A green dot was in the middle of the array, it was Dawning No. 2, and there was a red dot not far from it. Blinking, this red dot is the mysterious wandering planet. A few small green dots separated from the green dots toward the red dots are 300 poisonous mosquito drones. They will fly the task of gathering intelligence to the wandering planet. They may go back and forth.

Stray planet? What the **** are you? Summer gently tapped on the desktop. This universe actually has a planet that can run around on its own. What on earth is there above? What made you run like this?

Earth is not safe, this universe is also not safe!

At this time of summer, I even thought of communicating with Mira or talking with my parents. Seeing that he has commanded well just now, in fact, he has no bottom of heart. This is, after all, the first command of battle in his life, and it is an interstellar battle. However, it is not possible to carry out quantum communication with the earth now, and we must always call the Tianshi headquarters to seek support.

Looked at the time in the summer, Earth Time (BJ) 7:05, Xiao Anzi brought breakfast, two fried poached eggs, a bowl of rice porridge, a rice cake, and a dish of pickled convolvulus.

The command cabin is busy, preparing for the upcoming Star Wars. Diao Chan and other robots are working intensively. At one moment, Diao Chan turned around and looked at the summer with a respectful look.

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