The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 2 - Nimajie computer can\\\'t speak English

Three days ago, when I made up my mind to stop being addicted and not to skip classes, to be a good student and to fight for the last ten days, I could n’t think of it. The moment I started, the next three days actually It will be my last three days on earth.

The year was AD 2013, I was summer, summer summer, summer day, Daming spokesperson was me.

——Tianyuan May 20, 1314.

Summer completely collapsed. He sat on the ground, leaned against the bulkhead, and wept bitterly. If this woman named Chuntao is telling the truth, then he is now on a spaceship, away from the Earth, and heading to Alpha Centauri! Star C is 4.22 light-years away from Earth. It is now 2013, and human technology is simply not capable of such a distant manned interstellar voyage. So it means that this spaceship is not a human creation, it is an alien spaceship! He was hijacked by aliens! But why should an alien hijack him? He was just a normal high school student in the summer, he didn’t like to learn, he didn’t like to talk, he was useless.

“Adult, adult …” Chun Tao’s voice sounded again.

“Don’t call me lord!” Xia called out, “I’m just a student, will you let me go back? I beg you.”

“Sorry, I can’t do it.”

“Why can’t you do it? You can fly the spacecraft back to the earth. For you, this is only a matter of minutes, isn’t it right?”

“Earth? Okay, Earth. Master, you know, the position of Dawn 2 at the moment, if you want to go back to the stars, no, it ’s Earth, it will take at least 300 years.”

“Is it true? But I was just on the earth? Did I say I have slept for three hundred years?” Summer remembered the yellow “crystal coffin”, maybe it was the hibernation cabin on this alien spaceship, He just woke up from there.

“No, sir, you only slept for half an hour.”

Half an hour? Summer knows that this hour is the time unit of ancient China. There are 12 hours in a day, so half an hour is an hour. In other words, he only left the earth in an hour in the summer. An hour ago, what he was doing, how did he get to this spaceship, he could n’t remember it at all, his mind was blank, the last memory was that he hid in the classroom during class, and then he slept I don’t know anything.

“Then tell me, you, where are you from?” Summer asked a little calmer, “Which planet?”

“Master Qijun,” Chun Tao replied, “Dawn 2 is just one of the very ordinary comprehensive supply ships of the division of the tomorrow. The entire heavenly master is from the world star, which is the earth you said.”

“What? You are from the earth? How is this possible?”

“Yes, we are from the earth,” Chun Tao said, “It has been more than five hundred years since we left the earth.”

How does this make summer believe? No matter how bad it is to study in summer, he also knows that it was the Ming Dynasty more than 500 years ago. At that time, the people of the earth were unable to fly out of the earth anyway!

“Can you tell me more about it?” Xia Tian knew very well that he could not leave here for a while, regardless of whether the person who claimed to be called Chuntao was a computer or a real person hiding in the dark said it was true, and listened to her How to scream?

“Yes, sir, but could you please help me correct the waterway first?”

“How to fix it? The cabin is so dark, I can’t see it at all.”

“Sorry, I have been used to the darkness for five hundred years. I forget that you humans need light. Chuntao will turn on the lighting for you.”

Chuntao turns on the light in turn, and the cabin becomes brighter and brighter. A 3D virtual light and shadow image was raised in front of a circle of equipment. It turns out that this computer room is not without a computer, but has a more advanced 3D display technology than our earth. Summer basically can’t understand these images, but one thing makes Summer feel strange. In this 3D computer graphics array, where the text is involved, traditional Chinese characters and Arabic numerals are used, and no one uses English, even one English. There are no letters! And the character strings composed of some strokes are: one, 丨, 丿, 、, 乛, 〇, a total of six kinds.

There is a blue light ball as big as a tennis ball floating in front of summer eyes. Chun Tao said: “Master, have you seen the glowing ball in front of you? Hold it.”

“What are you doing?” Xia Xian carefully stretched out her palm to grab the ball of light. The sphere of light was held in the palm of the hand, and the streamer was scattered, and soon the streamer disappeared, and the sphere of light disappeared. Summer asked: “What else should I do?”

Chun Tao ’s voice was not as euphemistic as it was just now, but said mechanically: “The target personnel ’s genes have been collected and all the indicators are normal. The Dawning Project is launched. The Dawning-2 spacecraft begins to accelerate. “

“Hey, hi, what are you talking about?” Summer asked.

Chun Tao once again responded to the soft voice at the beginning, saying: “Okay, thank you. The waterway has been revised. You have been confirmed by the system as the official tube of Shuguang 2. Please tell me your real name. comm is easy to enter into the database. “

“My name is Xia Tian, ​​OK Chun Tao, what is all this about, can you make it clear?”

“Summer? Okay, the name has been entered, and will be uploaded to the Sky Division headquarters at a suitable opportunity. You are now the belt of Shuguang 2 and an officer of the Sky Division. You have the authority to know all of the Sky Division, including your ship. Information. In order to make you familiar with your job and the teacher as soon as possible, Chun Tao will give you a brief introduction. “

“You say it, I listen.”

“I will introduce myself first. My name is Chuntao. It is my ship’s super abacus, which is the computer you said. I control all the operations of my ship. The Shuguang 2 Skyship is affiliated with the Da tomorrow division. The Sky Master was established in the top ten of Tianyuan Five years, which is the sixteenth year of Ming Ming Yongle. In the first year of Tianyuan, flying from the black ground to leave the world star, which is the earth you said. “

“What do you say? Your fleet is from the Ming Dynasty, and there are spaceships in the Ming Dynasty? Well, you continue.”

“Dai Mingshi, leaving Tian Xia Xing, the first astronomical goal is Proximity Star, we call it the other side star, and the history book calls it Nanmen Erbing. I don’t know how modern Tian Xingxing humans call it.”

“Alpha C.” The summer replied casually.

“C? How to write?” As a super computer, Chun Tao actually can’t speak the English alphabet, very hard to say the letter “C”.

“You don’t know English?” Summer was a little puzzled and used his finger to write “C” in the 3D virtual image array. Then he suddenly realized: “Understood, when you left the earth, it was still the Ming Dynasty. English is a natural thing. “

“Yes, in Chuntao’s language library, in addition to Chinese, there are dozens of languages ​​such as Hindi, Persian, and Arabic, but you don’t have English as you speak.”

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