chapter 67 - Yuhwa Tests (3)
The Perks of a Monopoly
Controlling a specific market allows you to mold it as you wish. Even if prices go up, customers can’t complain much.
They simply can't get the product anywhere else. My cat café fit into this category—a healing space where people could relax and lounge around with idle cats, a concept that didn’t exist until now.
Sure, similar businesses might spring up eventually, but for now, I had to make the most of the café’s popularity.
I didn’t expect that one successful café alone would let me pass Yuhwa’s test.
So, I came up with the idea of a dog café.
I rented the building across from the cat café under a straw manager, bringing in a bunch of stray dogfolk—only the cutest ones, of course—all anonymously.
The dog café was structured much like the cat café, except it featured a backyard where patrons could play with the dogfolk instead of receiving massages.
Now, all that was left was to start business.
"A dog café? How is that any different from a cat café?"
"Shows how little you know. Dogfolk aren’t like those aloof catfolk. They’ll come running over as soon as you treat them right!"
"Well… now that you mention it, no matter how many treats you give to the catfolk, their reaction is pretty lukewarm. Maybe I’ll give the dog café a try."
A couple, frequent visitors of the cat café, headed for the dog café instead.
The catfolk clinging to the window watched their retreating backs, gritting their teeth in frustration.
"How could they ditch us for those dim-witted dogfolk? Traitors! They’d better not come back to our café!"
"They’re just blind. Dogfolk might wag their tails at anyone, but we catfolk are far superior as a species."
Every time we lost a customer, the catfolk were devastated. While it was profitable for the café, it was still tough on them.
"Excuse me, can I talk to you for a moment?"
Seyra led me to the back of the café, making sure no one else was around before speaking.
"You’re behind that dog café too, aren’t you?"
"Yep. One café alone isn’t enough to pass this test."
"But why a dog café? Wouldn’t it be better to branch into a different business and attract a broader customer base?"
"Ordinarily, yes."
I had other business ideas in mind, but time was a limiting factor.
Given that people were now familiar with the concept of a ‘beastfolk café,’ expanding the appeal to other beastfolk types didn’t require venturing into new territory.
And there was a reason I specifically chose dogfolk.
"Nothing attracts attention quite like a rivalry."
The next day, a headline appeared in Bestia’s newspaper:
"Catfolk vs. Dogfolk: Which Species Reigns Supreme? Check the Results at District 6 Cafés!"
The question of which species was superior had sparked debates since the days of tribal living before the founding of the Beastfolk Kingdom of Bestia.
Land creatures were superior to sea creatures, carnivores to herbivores, and of course, flying creatures trumped all—such were the arguments.
Though the fires of these debates had died down as Bestia grew, the embers still remained, ready to ignite with the right fuel.
And ignite they did.
In one café, a gentleman with a mustache and a lady with a fan were locked in a heated debate.
The topic was the recently trending question: dogfolk vs. catfolk.
"It’s obvious, really. Dogfolk are the ultimate companions—loyal, by our side through thick and thin."
"A true noble would favor catfolk, naturally. Their graceful movements and dignified demeanor are symbols of nobility."
"You have no eye for quality. Look at the dogfolk. They wag their tails and eagerly await your return, never abandoning their post."
"Catfolk do that too—"
The gentleman shook his head firmly.
"Such cats are simply called cat-dogs. In the end, cats are just inferior versions of dogs. And don’t get me started on their shedding."
"Some dogs shed too! A dogfolk that wags its tail for anyone is no different from a common… well, you know."
"Watch your tongue!"
The gentleman jumped to his feet, knocking over a glass that shattered on the table.
"Oh dear! You can’t keep your composure over a simple debate? So typical of dogfolk to be so reactive."
"Grrr… Hey, can you clean this up?"
"Are you hurt?"
"I’m fine. Apologies for the disturbance."
A dogfolk staff member approached, cleaning up the broken glass with a polite smile, which seemed to please the gentleman immensely.
"See that? Such courtesy. Whereas catfolk…"
"A catfolk would’ve caught it before it hit the floor."
"And then given you a back massage with soft little paws to calm you down."
"Ha! A dogfolk would’ve brought you a feast instead of a mere massage."
"A catfolk would’ve spoon-fed you each bite. Catfolk are superior. No further discussion. If you disagree, may Cerberus take you."
"You insolent—!"
The rivalry between catfolk and dogfolk became the talk of Bestia.
What started as a lighthearted debate between the two species soon grew. It was no longer just a matter of dogs vs. cats; it turned into a full-blown dog-family vs. cat-family conflict.
Even Princess Hilde of Bestia got caught up in it. She sprawled on her couch as if formalities were beneath her. Stretching lazily, she couldn’t resist asking:
"Bandy, do you know what everyone in the kingdom is fussing about these days?"
The raccoon beastfolk, Bandy, startled and responded in a small voice.
"Y-Yes… It’s about which is superior—dogfolk or catfolk…"
"Such a pointless argument, making a big fuss over nothing. The answer was obvious from the start. Of course, the cat family is—"
"Yes, all beastfolk are equal."
"Um, what?"
Their gazes met mid-air.
"All beastfolk are equal, but cats are at the top of that equality, Bandy."
"But… that’s not…"
"But? Are you questioning your princess, you adorable little raccoon?"
Hilde smirked, approaching Bandy with an ominous air.
Hilde slammed her hand down on the table, cracking it.
"Are you suggesting that I, and the other Lioness royalty, are no different from those lowly creatures out there?"
"I-I have gravely erred, Your Highness!"
"Hmm, so you don’t disagree?"
Bandy trembled as Hilde glared down at her.
"Repeat after me."
"Cats are superior to all other species."
"C-Cats are superior to all other species…"
"Dogs are inferior to cats."
"Dogs are inferior…"
Bandy clenched her teeth, shaking with frustration.
Suddenly, there was a burst of smoke, and when it cleared, only a leaf lay where Bandy had been. She had used her raccoon escape magic.
Hilde let out a small laugh. That adorable thing, running from her princess?
Well, they were close, and Hilde—who found Bandy amusing—wouldn’t punish her.
But she’d certainly make her pay later with some acrobatics—maybe a handstand or a tumble roll.
But first, she had someone to thank.
Stretching, Hilde decided it was time to see who was behind this ruckus.
After the article came out, customers flooded the café.
It didn’t matter that I was human or that there was a red fox here. What mattered was determining which species was superior and defending their pride.
The cat and dog factions had practically drawn a border in the street, snarling at each other.
I had the staff hand out cold drinks to them.
"Ah! This is extra sweet, probably because a catfolk served it!"
"That’s just fur flavor. Aren’t you chewing on a hairball right now?"
The tension was escalating.
The noisier, the better for me. At this rate, Yuhwa in Cheonsangru would undoubtedly hear about it.
The profits were rolling in, and it was safe to say I’d passed the test without having to take it.
Rin, who had been sitting on my lap and watching the commotion, tilted her head to look up at me.
"Master, do you like doggies or kitties better?"
"Me? Well…"
Honestly, I liked them both.
Dogfolk were great for protection, with bonus skills to boot, while catfolk had unique charms, like their massages.
It all depended on the situation.
Rin’s gaze bore into me with a seriousness that made me chuckle.
"I like foxes best."
Her face lit up with joy.
"I like you best too, Master!"
Rin’s three tails wrapped around my waist.
"Two foxes, then."
Seyra, watching with an icy expression, muttered to herself, but then her eyes widened as she looked past me.
"What, another fox?"
I joked, but her expression grew serious.
It wasn’t often that Seyra looked this flustered. Curious, I followed her gaze.
A woman with a mane of black hair, like a lion’s, was striding towards us. Her golden eyes were slitted with a line of black.
‘Why is that lunatic here?’
Hilde Something-or-other Lioness.
The future tyrant of Bestia.