The Freed S*aves Became Obsessed

chapter 65 - Yuhwa Tests (1)

"What in the world was that just now…?"
Yuhwa, pinned down by Rin, gazed blankly into the sky, muttering incomprehensible words.

I still didn’t know what exactly happened or why she was acting that way.
It was as if I had been in a dream, my mind wandering, only to snap back to reality and find that everything had been resolved.
Maybe it was because I’d done so much good in my life that Santa Claus decided to drop by with a gift. Since this was a land of beastfolk, perhaps Rudolph would have an anthropomorphic form too?

I let my mind drift along these thoughts as I calmed down.
"So, what will it be, Celestial Fox? Do you still refuse to become Rin's teacher?"
Yuhwa, who had been dazed, refocused her gaze on me.

"You’re asking me to defy destiny…?"
"It’s more humane to take care of the helpless child in front of you than to obey some invisible will of heaven. Even a slave trader like me knows that much."
"In the end, many innocent people will suffer. Are you unconcerned with the harm that will befall them?"

"Haha, all I see are happy, well-off futures for everyone. I guess your clairvoyance isn’t all that impressive."
Yuhwa fell silent, lowering her gaze, seemingly lost in thought. She pondered for a while before looking back at me.
"What do you want from me?"

"Just one thing—to teach Rin magic."
"And if someone gets hurt because of the fox spirit’s misfortune, what then?"
"I’ll ensure it doesn’t happen. But if it does, I’ll take responsibility. It’s a master’s duty to cover for his slave’s mistakes."

"…Very well."
At last, Yuhwa gave her consent.
A smile broke across my face.

"But there is a condition."
Why did I feel so uneasy?
"What condition?"

"You must pass a test of my choosing."
I was wondering when that would come up. I thought we might skip it this time, but here we were, back to a test.

"No thanks. I’m the one in charge here; why should I be tested?"
"If you don’t want to, that’s fine. Just order the fox spirit to tear out my throat. I’ve lived long enough, and I have no lingering attachment to this life."
Usually, when old folks say things like that, they’re the ones most attached. If I made some threats, wouldn’t she fold and hand over her trading business and magic, pleading for her life?

"Whatever scheme you’re plotting, there must be a reason for raising this child into a true fox spirit. So I guess I’m not entirely in control here."
No, this old lady was determined.
As expected of the Celestial Fox Yuhwa, her mind moved at an extraordinary pace.

I couldn’t reject this either. This was part of my original plan, so it was no problem.
"Now, can you release me from these bindings?"

"What are you talking about? We need to draw up a contract."
"A contract…?"
"Come on, surely you, of all people, know what I mean."

Yuhwa looked at me with a wavering gaze, but I didn’t budge.
A verbal agreement is never enough between merchants.
"I trust slaves, but I don’t trust people."

We drafted a contract.
It felt a bit awkward, as if I were abusing an elderly person while she lay on the ground, but there was no other way.
Even if she said she’d keep her word, I had no guarantee she wouldn’t change her mind. Things had only worked out so far by sheer luck, and I wasn’t counting on fortune to keep favoring me.

"Will this suffice?"
Yuhwa handed me the contract. It was crafted with her magic.
The terms were simple: no actions that would harm us. If I passed her test, she would teach Rin magic.

Details would be negotiated again after passing the test, and breaking the contract would result in divine punishment.
"That’ll do. Rin, release her."
"Old lady, one more funny move, and I’ll snap your neck! Got it?"

Rin stepped aside, giving Yuhwa a neck-slashing gesture as she got up, shaking the clouds from her body.
Yuhwa gave me a complicated look before shifting her gaze to Rin.
Don’t look at me like that—I did my best here.

"So, about this test. What exactly is it?"
"It’s just to see if you have the minimum qualifications to raise a fox spirit."
The qualifications to raise a fox spirit. Yuhwa's test.

"You’re a merchant, aren’t you? Then make a name for yourself as a merchant in Bestia."
It was a tycoon challenge.

"What, what? You actually met the Celestial Fox?"
"Well, things ended up that way."
"How was she? Still as young and beautiful as ever, right?"

"No comment."
After leaving Cheonsangru, I had a little gathering with Seyra and Bolt.
Bolt kept pestering me about Yuhwa’s appearance, but I didn’t indulge him.

I wasn’t about to crush his fantasies by shattering the illusion with reality.
"So, did she agree to help you?"
"Not exactly. She gave me a test."

"A test, you say?"
"She told me to succeed in business in Bestia. If I pass, she’ll help us."
[Yuhwa’s Test: Gain Yuhwa’s approval by succeeding in business.]
Time Limit: 30 days
Reward: Yuhwa’s assistance.

If this were a game, that would be the quest description.
Why was business her test? It seemed odd, but then again, it wasn’t out of place. After all, this was a tycoon game at its core.
I just had to operate a shop and reach a certain revenue and reputation within the time limit to pass.

"You can tell a lot about a person by how they handle business—their skills, wit, adaptability, and relationships. And with the fox spirit at your side, it’ll be harder than usual. The purpose of the test is to see if you can overcome any hardship."
That was exactly it.
Running a business with Rin around would be more difficult than usual.

With the tycoon mechanics, if one part goes awry, the rest can be affected. With Rin, you could expect three or four parts to break down.
Every kind of misfortune would happen.
"You look doubtful. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. But of course, you’ll fail the test."

"No, I’ll do it. Just keep those wrinkles smooth and wait for me."
This was my specialty.

After such a taunt, there was no way I could back down.
"But still, business, out of the blue? With no capital and only 30 days to earn her approval—it’s practically impossible. Besides, you…"
"Because I’m a human, right? That makes it even harder."

Beastfolk tend to dislike humans.
But there’s no rule that says I need to appeal to the beastfolk.
"I plan to set up shop in District 6."

"District 6? You mean Edenbar? True, most humans in Bestia live there."
Just like how there are Chinatowns in Korea and Koreatowns in the U.S., Bestia has places where humans gather.
My primary target would be human customers, not beastfolk. I’d cater to them.

"Seyra, the street catfolk have been a headache, right?"
"Yes, but why do you ask?"
"They’ll play a major role in this."

I’d set the groundwork for this as soon as I arrived in Bestia.
They’re a breed that invites trouble, but cuteness saved them from extinction.
"I’m going to open a cat café."

"You want us to work?"
I headed straight to the alley where the catfolk lived.

I shared my proposal, but the response was chilly. Of course, these freeloaders would resist when asked to work.
"When we first made a deal, you said we didn’t have to do anything, human. This is a breach of contract."
These fluffballs, talking about contracts.

I thought all they knew was grooming and eating fish, but they were sharper than I expected.
"You're right. I did say you wouldn’t have to do any work when we made the deal."

"But the contract’s been nullified, hasn’t it? So no breach here. I’m offering you a new deal."
Mirabel’s reaper had cut the chains binding the catfolk.
Contracts were one-time deals, and they couldn’t be renewed.

I had tested this by attempting to re-contract my first slave, hoping to duplicate points, but it hadn’t worked. This is why I am always extremely cautious when freeing a main slave.
Once freed, that was the end of it. Mirabel’s case was an exception.
In other words, they were no longer my slaves. But even so, I was still supplying them with fish.

"If you’re not interested, that’s fine. I’m no longer obligated to feed you. I’m not a charity worker."
"That’s unfair!"
"Yeah, you started this, so you should see it through!"

The catfolk protested. They had grown accustomed to eating comfortably without having to steal.
Animals that have known human comfort rarely return to the wild. They’d gotten too comfortable.
I pressed them further.

"Responsibility? I’ll take it. But there are limited spots. Only ten people, first come, first served."
There were about thirty catfolk here, so twenty would be left out.
"Don’t fall for it! It’s a trap!"

"Yeah! Let’s show our solidarity!"
The catfolk rallied together.
"Oh, did I forget to mention? If you work at my café, you’ll get three meals a day with a full fish course, plus lodging—"

"Traitor! How could you? Don’t you have any pride as a street cat?"
"Pride? There’s no pride left among street cats! Those who tried to keep it all died!"

The catfolk started to bicker amongst themselves.
Once a crack appears in even the smallest alliance, the whole thing can shatter in an instant.
"Okay, we’ve got one spot filled. Next. Hands up if you want to work at my café."

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