The Founding Monarch Became the Mastermind

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Various discussions took place, but in the end, the Brownwood Tribe by the river set up their tents right next to Burgos.

With Governor Si-on actively pushing for it and Crown Prince Philon guaranteeing both the orcs' status and the safety of the people from them, no one was reckless enough to object.

However, it was inevitable that the residents would feel uneasy when orcs—known to be as hostile and dangerous to humans as monsters, if not more so—settled just outside the city.

Their anxiety peaked when some orcs actually entered Burgos.

Even though Si-on, whose reputation for taking down dozens of knights had already spread widely, was standing beside them, the sheer presence of the orc warriors was enough to make people shrink in fear.

These beings stood at least 180 centimeters tall, with torsos nearly twice as broad as a sturdy adult man’s, and their thickly muscled limbs only added to their overwhelming presence.

When such hulking masses of brown muscle strutted around in a swaggering gait, shouldering enormous swords and axes, there was simply no way not to be intimidated.

Sure, impressive physiques alone weren’t unheard of. There were plenty of mercenaries with similarly massive builds and menacing appearances.

But the orcs took it a step further—adorning themselves with the bones and skulls of wild beasts and monsters they had personally hunted, stringing them together like trophies. Just the sight of them from a distance was enough to send shivers down spines.

Their piercing yellow eyes glowed as they scrutinized every passerby, muttering among themselves in hushed tones. It was an utterly chilling sight.

Some of the more faint-hearted residents even wet themselves and collapsed on the spot. (It was an open secret that one of them was Administrator Swart.)


"They're just curious. This is the first time they've ever been to a human village or city."

At first, the residents were skeptical of Si-on’s casual explanation.

But when the burly orc warriors started using exaggerated hand gestures and broken speech to attempt communication, the misunderstanding was quickly resolved.

"They're asking if there's someone who can repair their weapons."

"They want to buy herbs. Oh, and they’re also interested in learning how to make sauces."

"They’re wondering if they can get clothes tailored to fit their size if they provide the leather."

"They’re asking if wearing shoes is actually comfortable…."

Initially, Si-on had taken it upon himself to act as an interpreter, considering how important first impressions and future relations between the Brownwood Tribe and Burgos residents were.

But he soon lost patience and gathered the local officials and influential figures.

"Each household should assign two or three people. Orcish speech is similar to the northern dialect, so learning it shouldn’t be too difficult."

As a result, a few idle young men ended up being forcibly dragged into the task, crying and protesting all the way. Not that Si-on particularly cared.

In any case, within just a few days of the orcs’ arrival, public sentiment had significantly improved.

The residents, who had initially feared the orcs as if they were mindless brutes who did nothing but eat and kill, realized that despite their intimidating appearances, they weren’t as savage as expected.

And, surprisingly, they were quite talkative.

"Maybe they’re actually nice?"

"No way. But… they’re different from what I imagined."

"Yeah, I thought they’d just bash in every human skull they saw."

Burgos residents no longer feared or shunned the orcs as intensely as they had at first.

While their mere presence still made hearts race uncomfortably, the people at least came to accept that orcs were a ‘race’ capable of communication, rather than incomprehensible monsters.

"This is fantastic, Your Excellency the Governor! Hahaha!"

Administrator Swart and the city’s influential figures were the most pleased by the turn of events.

After all, trusting Si-on and Philon’s assurances was one thing, but seeing the terrifying orcs up close was another matter entirely.

"They're surprisingly well-mannered. They don’t rampage or threaten the residents."

"Exactly! Even the guards and mercenaries seem to be getting along with them. I’ve seen them exchanging jokes with hand gestures. If things go well, they might even start sparring together. Hahaha!"

"What? Absolutely not. Make sure that doesn’t happen. They need to be wary of the orcs."


As Administrator Swart blinked in confusion, Si-on’s expression hardened.

"The only reason the orc warriors aren’t harming the general populace is that they don’t see them as opponents."


Seeing the puzzled faces of the officials, Si-on sighed.

"When you’re walking down the street, do you ever feel the urge to fight a tiny puppy or a kitten?"

"Of course not."

If anything, people would want to pet them because they were cute—who would think of fighting a dog or a cat?

"That’s exactly how the orcs view ordinary residents. Weak beings that pose no threat to them. Even if someone scratched or bit them, they’d probably just let it slide. Why? Because it wouldn’t even tickle. But armed individuals? That’s a different story. They’re like wild dogs or feral cats."

Even in Korea, if a stray dog or cat showed aggression toward humans, authorities considered euthanizing them.

Now imagine a world without animal protection laws or even basic human rights for children.

And on top of that, imagine orcs—who were practically addicted to fighting—being challenged to a duel?

They would grin ear to ear and proceed to pummel the challenger into the ground. The infamous phrase from a certain game character, "You’ve been flattened," would become a reality.

"It’s fine to interact with them, but under no circumstances should they be provoked into sparring. This isn’t a joke—they will tear people apart."

"Y-yes, sir!"

At Si-on’s chilling warning, the officials quickly nodded.

Some of them had even entertained the idea of hiring an orc warrior as a personal bodyguard.

But now, they promptly abandoned such thoughts.

No one wanted a guard who saw them as nothing more than a helpless kitten.

"In any case, orcs have little interest in money or wealth. The only thing they truly desire is high-quality weaponry. So provide them with whatever they need. They’ll repay us in full within two weeks."


Once Si-on’s orders were given, things moved swiftly.

Of course, since the orcs ate at least two or three times as much as even the most robust mercenary, a vast amount of food—especially meat—was required.

However, compared to Burgos' recently booming economy, it was a negligible cost.

As the city provided full support, the Brownwood Tribe found themselves bewildered.

They had come to Burgos solely on Si-on’s name, but, truthfully, they had been skeptical.

After all, one had to experience something firsthand to truly understand it, and the Brownwood Tribe had never once interacted with humans before.

Yet, Si-on had kept his promise. No—he had done even more than they had dared to hope.

"Every month, you’ll receive as much drinking water, staple food, and salt as you need. Here’s this month’s supply. Also, from now on, give your old tents to the warriors."


"You relocate every few months anyway, right? Just leave the tents here permanently and set up the old ones whenever you move to a new place."


"Or, you can pre-select a few locations in advance. Setting up and breaking down tents every time is a hassle, isn’t it? If you leave about ten people behind to manage them, it’ll be much easier. This entire region is under my jurisdiction, so just pick spots you like."


"Alright, our dwarven craftsman has finished all the repairs. If anything breaks or you need new weapons, just let me know anytime."


"For every medium-sized monster, you get three sheep or pigs. If you bring them down without damaging the limbs, you get five."


The Brownwood Orcs by the river erupted in excitement at such an enticing reward.

Without a second thought, the warriors immediately split into groups of ten and scattered across the wastelands.

Planning? Strategy?

Those things didn’t exist.

The orc warriors simply grabbed enough food and water to last three or four days and dashed straight into the wilderness.

It was only natural that Philon and Sirvan were completely stunned.

"Isn’t that far too reckless? No matter how strong they are, even orc warriors—"

"Even if we assume their skills are up to par, they don’t know the terrain here, do they?"

Si-on smirked.

"What do you think happens when an elf from our duchy steps outside and enters an unfamiliar mountain or forest?"

"Huh? Well…."

They weren’t entirely sure, but they figured elves would at least manage decently.

"Wherever they go—mountains or forests—they’ll be at least as good as seasoned hunters who’ve lived there for decades. That’s just the nature of their race. The same goes for orcs. They’re born monster hunters."

Orcs were nomads from birth.

Even though they followed a set migration route, they roamed hundreds of kilometers every year, surviving by hunting beasts and monsters alike.

To a race like that, the wasteland’s environment wasn’t much of a threat.

"Grandfather, then why haven’t the orcs of Orcland ever expanded into the Dragon’s Wasteland?"

"Isn’t it obvious? Because real dragons live there."

"Oh, right."

"And no matter how well orcs fight, they can’t survive without water and food. Sure, they can hunt monsters for food, but water is essential. That’s why the Brownwood Tribe has always moved up and down the river."

During the dry season, it was difficult to find water downstream.

Moreover, the water quality was so poor that it wasn’t fit for drinking.

Since orcs neither had advanced purification techniques nor even boiled their water before drinking, their only option for survival was to move upstream.

Of course, staying in one place too long meant they’d become a target for attacks from other tribes.

So before the rainy season began, they would head back downstream again.

"And after a few months, when they return, the animals and monsters they had wiped out before would have repopulated. Then, they’d hunt and survive off them again. Most orc tribes live this way."

"But this time, the Brownwood Tribe is receiving crucial food and water support from us. Right now, they’re still clinging to their old habits, planning to establish multiple bases and move between them. But give it a few months. I guarantee they’ll settle here permanently."

Si-on was confident.

And he had good reason to be.

"Orcs love to fight. They move around not just for survival, but also because they want to fight."

"Originally, orcs would submit to a stronger opponent once a battle’s outcome was clear. But the Black Wind Clan, or whatever they’re called, don’t follow that rule. They just kill everyone."

"That’s why these guys ran away. But deep down, I bet they want a proper battle, no matter what happens. Their stress has probably built up to the breaking point."

Si-on raised his hand to his forehead and continued.

"So, they need an outlet for their stress. And who will they take it out on? The monsters, of course. Just wait a few days."

"Uh… yes, sir."

Though they weren’t entirely convinced, Philon and Sirvan decided to trust Si-on’s judgment.

And so, a few days passed.


From early morning, Administrator Swart, along with Burgos' officials and prominent figures, had gathered in response to Si-on’s summons.

And now, they stood slack-jawed in utter disbelief.

There had been no mountains before.

But now, there were.

Yesterday, the orc settlement—what Burgos residents had started calling Brownwood Village—had only a few scattered tents.

Now, three small hills had appeared.

They were, quite literally, mountains of monster corpses.

The overwhelming stench, potent enough to numb the senses, filled the air, and swarms of flies buzzed over the piles.

But rather than finding the sight repulsive, the humans saw those heaps of carcasses as nothing short of hills of gold.

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