Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Missing Piece
"I want you to find out everything about that woman, Everything! and report to me immediately!" said Mr. Michael Whitmore to his private investigator. He was referring to Natalie.
Ever since Natalie humiliated his son, he hadn't rested, after the morgue incident, he made sure Natalie was captured by the cops and she was currently in police custody for tampering with a dead body and corpse raping Damian.
The world had already come to know about Damian's Demise and it shook the corporate industry in ways many couldn't have imagined. Damian had a lot of influence same to Adrian, and even though Adrian still overpowered his influence, he could also hold a candle of his own. But now that he was gone, the new second choice industry darling might just be Leonard Nobel as he was also strikingly handsome and rich.
"And Brent, I want you to also look into Vivienne Lancaster, I don't trust that bitch at all. Dig up every dirt you can find about her, then inform me." added Michael Whitmore.
Michael wasn't going to allow the possibility of any loose ends. As of now, he didn't have any allies, he perceived everyone as an enemy. And until he knew who killed his son or the people that aligned with him to kill him, he wasn't going to let his foot off their necks. He had to stay on high alert.
"Okay, sir, I'll look into everything you requested. If you would please excuse me, I'd like to leave," Brent, Michael's private investigator nodded to him and then he left his office.
Shortly after, Michael's secretary walked in, "Mr. Whitmore, you have some officers who are requesting for your presence, should I send them in?" she asked.
Michael had already talked to the police and he explained to them that he didn't think Damian, committed suicide as many thought, he actually blamed it on Vivienne and with a slight suspicion on Natalie. But why target the two women? One who was tricked by his son and the other who was just his crazy mistress that happened to confess her love to a dead corpse, it just didn't make a lot of sense and he knew, yet he still didn't fail to pursue Vivienne as the prime suspect. He needed to blame someone for this.
"Yes, send them in," replied Michael as he finished signing off some documents.
"Okay," said the secretary.
The two officers came, and before they walked in, they knocked, "Mr. Whitmore?"
Then Michael lifted his head from the sheets he was looking at and he saw two people who didn't actually look like officers but were rather in official clothes, "Please, come in and have a seat." Michael gestured to them.
The police officers were in their 40s, they looked at Michael with expressions of professionalism yet sympathetic. A recorder was placed on the table that was meant to capture every word, while Michael looked really exhausted, clearly he was still grieving however much he was trying to hide it by burying himself into work but his eyes burned with determination.
"Mr. Whitmore, first, let me express our deepest condolences for the loss of your son. We know the situation may be difficult but we need you to take us through everything that you said from the beginning. When did you first hear of your son's accident?" asked Officer Newt.
Michael cleared his voice with a heavy sense of a painful emotion, "I got the call in the morning around 11 a.m. The hospital called, then the police got involved afterwards because of some incidents with a woman I had with at the hospital. It's that woman called Natalie, she's in your custody now. They told me, he had fallen from the 72nd floor of Lancaster Enterprises. They ruled it as probable suicide, but I didn't believe that for a second."
Officer Diaz leaned forward as he took notes, "We understand that you suspect some inconsistencies with this incident but can you explain to us why you don't think your son took his own life?"
"Damian was happy. He had just secured a major business deal for our company. We had dinner the night before and we chatted normally. He was making plans to go on a trip. Nothing in his behavior suggested that he was going to kill himself." Why was Michael not telling the truth, if anything they quarreled about Vivienne before his accident.
"Did he mention anyone he was meeting that night? Anyone who might have been close to him?" asked officer Newt.
Michael nodded with a hesitating look, "Yes. He mentioned he was going to see his then ex-fiancé, Vivienne Lancaster. He wanted her to change her mind about marrying Adrian."
Officer Diaz exchanged a glance with Officer Newt, "Why do you suspect Vivienne Lancaster?"
"I believe she had every reason to want Damian dead. She and Damian were engaged, but she called it of immediately Damian proposed to her in front of National TV. After that, she didn't take it well. She tried to ruin his business reputation by spreading rumors and she even threatened him. I mean you guys saw the first part on TV. It was a countrywide scandal." Michael said with bitterness.
"YOU said she threatened him, do you have proof?" asked Officer Newt.
Michael opened his desk drawer as he pulled out a stack of printed emails and text messages. "Here they are, She sent him these messages after the night of the engagement ceremony, 'Damian, if I can never have you, no one will.' and another one 'You will regret what you did to me with your life.'
As officer Newt read the messages carefully he said, "This is serious. Did your son ever show any signs of fear of his safety because of her?"
"Yes. Damian told me she always had a temper. That before they broke it off, she always broke things, as she screamed at him. He was planning to end things with her but he never got the chance to, until she found her next victim, Adrian Blackwood, that was when he decided to end things with my son, but she wanted to go back to him overnight." Michael elaborated.
"We will need a full list of people Damian interacted with that day, as well as security footage from the building. One more question though, do you know if Vivienne has any history of violence of mental health issues?"
"I don't know officer, but after everything she has done to my son, I wouldn't be surprised. She's manipulative and her powerful family is what helps her cover her scandalous deeds." Said Michael with a distasteful tone.
"Mr. Whitmore, we appreciate your cooperation. We will be looking into Vivienne's whereabouts that morning and we will also carefully analyze his autopsy. If Damian didn't jump, we will find out who pushed him" said officer Diaz as he nodded.
The officer's gathered their notes and the recorder as they stood to leave. Michael's eyes shone in delight. He was finally going to get rid of Vivienne for his son.
"If you have any more questions officer, please don't come looking for me tomorrow, because tomorrow will be the day I'm going to bury my son."
"We understand Mr. Whitmore," said Officer Newt.
Then they exited and Michael smiled slightly and he thought, "I got you Vivienne and just like your father, you will be joining him, you crunchy bitch ass heiress."