The Flip Side

Chapter 55: Déjà vu

Brian seems annoyed, and Dan merely listens and grins, when Alla takes over the radio and changes the station while finding songs for us to sing. She and I spend quite a while singing since we know most of them and occasionally dancing in our seats when a particularly good song would come on. Both of us find it funny that our dancing garners us some odd looks from passersby, which only makes us smile and wave at them.

It helps to pass the time of the long ride home. A bit later, we got to talking about the island and how much fun we had. Everyone agrees that it’s been a great week, even accounting for the Kevin/Kennedy situation.

On that note, I plan on having a conversation with Mother when I have some alone time. Specifically about Kennedy. I want to discuss dropping the punishment aspect of this situation. No, I'm not asking for her to change Kennedy back into a boy, but rather to alter her memories to believe that she has always been a girl and to reduce her obsession with boys. Additionally, I would like to change things to where her having sex with Lucas and Jerome in the pool didn’t happen. I don't want her to be shunned or judged for something she had no control over. And let's face it, she's going to face enough challenges in life with that body of hers. She exudes sex appeal just by existing.

A moment later, Mother’s voice pops into my head, asking, ‘Are you sure you want to do that?’

I chuckle to myself for a moment since I should have known she was listening, I’m still somewhat amazed at the amount of attention she’s willing to devote to me, although I have to admit, having a Goddess as a doting Mother isn’t so bad. Anyway, I reply, ‘Yes. Changing Kevin into Kennedy is enough to deal with the situation. Now, he won’t be hurting anyone else, and I’m sure there were others.’

‘There were.’

‘Mhmm… It makes sense, seeing how he was a total scumbag. Anyway, making her a slut isn’t going to help anything, and I don’t want to ruin some girl's life. Changing her solved the problem and that’s enough as far as I’m concerned.’

‘Alright. Then it’s done.’

‘Thanks, Mother. Love you.’

‘Love you, too, and you’re welcome.’

Finally, we arrive in Key West, Brian drops us off at the house, and our first order of business is saying hello and filling in our mother's about our vacation. Then, we head upstairs to unpack.

Dan, as usual, will be staying with me. Suffice it to say that things with his father, read that as his father's opinion about me, have left their relationship rather strained and Dan doesn’t want to deal with him. His mother is a total sweetheart and she gave us her blessing and permission for him to stay with me. Hopefully, at some point, his father will realize what he’s doing. If not, then Dan probably won’t have anything to do with him. He’s made it clear, on several occasions, that I’m the most important thing in his life. It makes me happy he feels that way, but it also saddens me that I’m a point of contention between him and his father.

Next is packing what we'll need for cheer camp. We don’t need to take much with us. Simply a few casual clothes to hang out in, a nice dress and heels for the dance we have at the end of camp, workout sets, and a few other sundries we'll need for the two weeks we'll be there.

After packing for cheer camp, I flopped onto my bed and let out a contented sigh. Dan joins me, wrapping his arms around me as we cuddle. He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck and I can feel his warm breath against my skin.

“Thanks for letting me stay with you,” he murmurs.

I turn my head to kiss him softly on the lips. “Of course, babe. Always.”

He smiles and returns the kiss before pulling away slightly to look at me. “I love you, Andie.”

“I love you, too.” I lean in for another kiss, but it quickly turns passionate and soon our make-out session escalates to almost tearing our clothes off.

Before long, I'm straddling him on the bed, my hands tangled in his hair as his hands roam over my body. Our kisses become more frantic and needy as desire courses through us both.

I break away from his lips to trail kisses down his chest and stomach, making him shiver and moan beneath me. As I reach the waistband of his boxers, I look up at him with a seductive smirk. “Are you sure you want this?” I tease.

He nods eagerly, practically begging for me to continue. With a wink, I slide off his boxers and take him into my mouth. His fingers clutch onto the sheets beneath us as he lets out a loud groan of pleasure.

Once he's fully erect, I lay down beside him and he climbs on top. I pull him into a deep kiss as he slowly enters me, our bodies moving in sync as we make love. The pleasure is intense and overwhelming, and I begin shaking as I get closer to cumming. As he drives me over the edge, My orgasm roars through me like a tidal wave. I dig my nails into his back and let out a breathy moan.

He doesn’t even allow the reverberations to die down before he begins pounding into me again, and my body unconsciously follows his every move as all I can do is cling to him, moaning and whimpering. Every thrust brings us closer and just as I’m about to cum all over him again, Mom walks in, she immediately stops with her eyes wide and turns around to leave. Dan looks at me at murmurs, “Déjà vu,” which makes me giggle and him laugh. As soon as my mom closes the door, we resume, determined to finish what we started. We continue our passionate lovemaking, with both of us quickly lost in the moment. Soon, Dan brings me to an intense, unforgettable orgasm before cumming deep inside of me.

I lay beneath him, trying to catch my breath, and enjoying his warmth against my skin. He runs his fingers through my hair and kisses my forehead softly.

“I love you,” he whispers.

“I know,” I reply with a smirk, which makes him snort and playfully slap my hip.

After a few moments of silence, Dan speaks up. “You know, I’m really going to miss this while you're at cheer camp,” he says with a sad tone in his voice.

“It’ll only be two weeks,” I reply, running my fingers through his hair. “And we can make up for lost time when we get back.”

He nods and kisses my forehead before getting up. I watch him with admiration, feeling grateful for having such an amazing boyfriend. I offer my hand and he pulls me up to my feet. Together, we make our way into the bathroom to clean up.

I delve into my drawer, and pull out some fresh panties, shorts, and a halter top. Once we're both dressed, we make our way downstairs to see what Mom needs. It turns out she just wanted to confirm our departure time for tomorrow and check if Dan will be heading back home while we're away.

To clarify, it's not that she doesn't like Dan; on the contrary, she loves him as if he were her own child. But there is a practical aspect to her question - meal planning. Dan has a larger appetite than anyone else here, which isn't a problem by any means, but it does affect how much we need to prepare for meals when he's around. Of course, he'll mostly be staying here, but if his father is not home, he will go back home.

“We plan to leave around 8 tomorrow, and no, he isn’t going home,” I tell her. Then I can't help but smirk and add, “If you had walked into my room just a couple of minutes later, you would have seen a completely different side of your daughter!”

She doesn’t even bat an eye, she just laughs and lightly slaps my arm. “Yeah. No thanks.”

Anyway, let’s skip on to our 2 weeks at cheer camp.

Our first day at cheer camp was a whirlwind of excitement and nerves. Alla and I arrived with our team, unloaded our bags into our cabin, and quickly got ready for the first practice. We were greeted by our coaches, who seem to be somewhat strict.

The next two weeks were filled with intense workouts, long practices, and bonding with our team. We all pushed each other to be the best we could be, knowing that we had a huge competition coming up at the end of camp.

Alla was always there for me during those grueling practices. Whether it was giving me a pep talk when I felt like I couldn’t do another flip or holding my hand during stretching when my muscles were burning.

After days filled with intense practices, it was a nice change of pace to have some downtime. Our team took full advantage of our breaks between practices and explored the campgrounds. We played games, went on hikes in the surrounding woods, and even had a bonfire one night where we all sang cheesy campfire songs.

Earlier in the day, Alla and I explored the camp together. We stumbled upon a beautiful lake hidden behind some trees and spent a whole afternoon swimming and sunbathing. It was moments like these that made me realize how lucky I was to have such an amazing sister.

That night after curfew, a few girls in another cabin snuck out. One of the coaches caught them drinking and immediately called an emergency meeting for all teams.

The image of those girls stumbling back into their cabin, reeking of alcohol and trying to act sober, was burned into my memory. I could see the disgust in Alla's eyes as we made our way to the meeting. The coaches sat us down and gave us a stern lecture about responsibility and consequences. We had always been taught that drinking and drugs was an instant removal from a team and hearing that these girls were told to pack and leave tomorrow was a wake-up call for all of us.

Before we knew it, the two weeks had flown by and it was time for the team competition. The pressure was on as we performed in front of judges from different schools. Every one of us felt confident and gave our all in every routine. In the end, all of our hard work paid off as our team took home first place in dance, and second in every other category we competed in. We celebrated with hugs, tears of joy, and lots of high-fives before heading back to our cabins.

As the sun set on our last night at camp, we gathered together for one final dinner as a team and the coaches had a big surprise for us. They announced the individual awards. They announced each award with suspense, making us all hold our breath in anticipation.

I sat nervously at the table, my heart beating faster and faster with each announcement. My name wasn’t called for any of the awards, but I couldn’t help but feel proud of the ones who were recognized for their talent and hard work.

As we finished our meal, our coaches stood up to give their final speeches. They thanked us for our dedication and reminded us that this was just the beginning of our journey as dancers. I don’t know how everyone else felt, but I was happy and sad. Happy that I get to go home and see Dan, but sad that this was over so quickly.

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