The First World Sphere

Chapter 131 Mera POV

Chapter 131 Mera POV

Mera walked through the shelves in the brewery storage room.  It was her brewery, Storme had said as much many times.  She checked the preservation runes, making sure they were charged.  She had spent most of the coin Strome had paid her on books detailing different brewing methods.  And this locker had dozens of grains she experimented with.  She was searching for something that Storme would find amazing.  Her latest experiments had yielded a sweet and sour honey-apple ale and a very dark stout that was finally not bitter.

Storme had liked both and even requested production runs for them.  She was ashamed to admit she had tried to get him drunk to steal a kiss or two.  She did not tell Storme, but it had taken her over fifty experiments to get those two brews to the final product.  She did not want to tell him that she worked late into the night, every night, trying to find the perfect ale to please him.

Lachlan walked into the storage room behind her, “What are you trying now?”  She looked over her shoulder at the alchemist.  He was not unattractive, at least until you got to know him.  He was so self-absorbed it was hard to listen to him talk.  Unfortunately, Storme had saddled Lachlan with her as his alchemy lab was on the other end of the brewery.

“I am considering trying to make some wines.  My fermentation ability works just as well on fruits as it does in grains,” Mera said and turned away from him.

He didn’t leave, “I know that.  I was the one who encouraged you to branch out more.  Are you sure you do not want to learn alchemy from me?  I am told I am an amazing teacher.”  He always wore a smirk for a smile.

Mera turned and hid her frown.  Lachlan was always wandering over from his lab to talk to her.  At first, it was not unwelcome, but then he was telling her what to do with sterilization, filtering, and just about every step in her brewing process.  “No thanks, Lachlan.  I have two dozen reference books and talked with a dozen master brewers across the islands.” 

Mera could feel him frowning behind her.  She continued to work, ignoring him, and then he asked, “Do you still need an escort for your fourteenth?”

“Storme is taking me,” she said a little too hotly.

“I do not know why you keep pursuing him,” he barked.  “You and your sister should just move on.  He probably likes men,” he said a little angrily.  

“Can you just leave me alone?  I am trying to work here,” she barked at him.  He should have never attacked Storme.  If Storme found out, he would kick Lachlan out in a heartbeat.  Thinking further, that may not be such a bad thing.

He finally left, and Mera pulled out the ingredients for a blueberry ale.  This would be her third attempt.  As she worked, Remy came into the brewery.  “Mera, I have the requests from the Shiny Platinum for next week,” he placed the list on the counter.  His arrival had Lachlan coming back to her side of the floor.  “Lachlan, I have your list from Talia as well.” 

Lachlan took the list, read it, and complained like usual, “Twenty-nine stamina and twelve minor healing potions?  That is a lot of work, as the healing potions need to be decanted twice!”  

Remy just told him, “Get it done.  If you don’t want to work for Shiny Platinum Delving I will talk with Storme about finding a replacement.”  Remy sounded almost hopeful.  

Lachlan got defensive, “I just want you to know how much work this order is.  It also takes away from my personal research.”  Mera knew that Storme was paying for all of Lachlan’s materials to research potions and elixirs from a tome that Lachlan had compiled on Storme’s behalf.  It had dungeon potion recipes from every dungeon in the Skyholme islands and beyond.  She was also sure Lachlan was selling his successful creations for a substantial profit to outside parties.  

Remy just waved at Lachlan, “Get to work if it is going to take a long time.  Talia has planned two delves in the Frost Vault tomorrow, and they are almost out of stamina potions.”

Lachlan reluctantly retreated to his side of the floor.  Remy turned to Mera, “I told Talia to try and double the honey harvest.  The Frost Mead is very popular in Llorth, so if you can add a few casks again beyond normal production.”

“Sure thing, Remy,” she gave him her brilliant smile.  Fera came into the brewery and walked toward her sister.  Lachlan was already coming back across the room.  Remy deftly intercepted him and shepherded him back to his side.  Remy understood Fera hated the alchemist and was trying to avoid a blowup.

Fera’s hands were dirty from working on the roof’s gardens, “Mera, have you decided which dress to wear?”

Mera had tried just about everything on Storme.  Throwing herself at him, getting him drunk, working endlessly in the brewery.  Nothing she did seemed to bring her closer to him.  Fera still encouraged her sister to keep trying.  Until he actually married another woman, he was considered fair game.  

Mera sighed, “I don’t know.  I think Storme would like me better in the blue dress.”  Fera dropped her bundles of herbs from the roof and hugged her sister reassuringly.  

Fera had her own problems.  She had chosen Gareth instead of Storme.  Gareth was fun and large, very large in all ways.  Fera had complained about his size endlessly to Mera but never left him, even when he wandered over the last year.  And he wandered a lot.  Finally, Fera gave up on Gareth when he started sleeping at the Dungeon Academy instead of the Shiny Platinum.  He was giving private tutoring to a number of women in his combat classes in the evening.  

Mera finally convinced Fera that Gareth was more concerned with being admired than giving love to another.  He loved himself and loved being adored.  That was why Gareth and Storme had grown apart.  Gareth felt Storme was taking away too much attention from him.  When Storme was named High Mage, the most prominent position outside of being on the Triumverate, Gareth knew he would always be in Storm’e shadow.  Fera and Gareth had argued about it a few times.

Fera ended the hug with her sister.  “I heard from Leda that Kyle, Adriana, and the baby moved to the Black Spire today. After I graduate from the Dungeon Academy, I am going to ask Storme to work the aether crops with the Wolfsguard.  It should pay more.”

“Just ask Storme for a raise, Fera.  When I told Storme about Cloud Brewing in the capital trying to recruit me, he had Remy match their offer.  You supply the restaurant with all the hard-to-get produce every day.  You have saved those cooks too many times to count when they have run out of something,” Mera encouraged her sister.

The mutual support system had kept them going.  And in two days, they would be considered adults in Skyholme.  Fera hung out in the brewery while Mera worked.  She sampled the latest blueberry ale and gave an honest assessment—another failure.  Fera helped Mera clean up, and they went to their room. 

Their apartment was directly across from Storme’s.  They still rarely saw the High Mage as he was always busy.  Working in his room, training his two displacer beasts, at the Dungeon Academy, traveling to the lowlands and recently to the Black Spire.  They both showered and went down to Mia’s room.  Mia hosted dinner every night for their small group.

Remy and Mia were already there.  They made a good couple.  If Cilia and Leda were around, they would have joined them.  Lana and Sammie knocked and entered.  Everyone filled a plate, helped themselves, and lounged about the common room in Mia’s apartment. 

“Is Isla coming?” asked Lana.

“No, she is training the new staff at the Black Spire.  She hired an experienced grounds crew and is trying to prepare the Spire for hosting events,” Mera said.   “I worked with her a little on the landscape planning.”

“Talia might come,” Sammie said between bites.  “We have two delves tomorrow in the Vault, and she planned to sleep in her apartment.”

Lana added while picking at the fries, “Yeah, I have been a stone block pack mule with my dimensional space for her trying to save a few coins.” 

Remy asked, “Are we going to invite the new girl, Delphia, to our dinner parties?”

“No!” Mera blurted and flushed.  Everyone laughed softly.  Lachlan had come to a few of the dinners before Mia yelled at him for rubbing her thigh on the sofa.  It was one of the reasons why they had dinners in Mia’s apartment—so Lachlan was, by extension, not invited.

They moved to the large table to play cards and talk about their days.  Mia was responsible for the guards at the Shiny Platinum and attended the Guard Academy.  She always had a good story or two from either the Academy or the overnight watch.  Remy was always eager to share the success of the enterprises Strome was involved in.  Sammie, who wandered around the city most of the day, was eager to tell everyone about how everyone held the High Mage Storme, the healer, in such high regard.


Bleiz listened, invisible outside the room for a good hour before leaving.  He wondered why they never invited Storme or himself to these gatherings.  He just wanted to make sure these men and women close to Storme were not plotting against him.  He went to the roof and walked the ledge around, studying the ground below.  He would do this every two hours tonight, as was his habit. 


Mera and Fera returned to their room and slept.  They were up early the next morning and tried to catch Storme on his way to the Dungeon Academy.  They learned from the cooks that Storme was now having the teachers come to him at the Shiny Platinum in the evenings. 

Mera and Fera were mostly attending the Dungeon Academy because Storme and Gareth were here.  Now that Gareth and Fera were separated and Storme was not attending it almost made no sense to continue. 

On the walk home, Fera convinced Mera to continue, “Even if we never delve a dungeon, Mera, the spell classes are invaluable.  We would never be able to afford this education before.”  She then invoked Strome, “Besides, Storme expects both of us to graduate.” 

They did not see Strome again till the fifth day.  Leda had told them that the Maelstrom was going to take them all to Hen’s Hollow.  The twin’s parents were hosting, and Kyle and Adriana would also be back from the Spire.  Everyone was in the cargo hold waiting on Storme, nearly twenty friends.  Even Lachlan was coming, as it would have been too rude not to let him.

As Storme climbed the ramp, he seemed surprised to see so many people.  There were a few people he would not recognize.  These were other student’s in the support mage classes at the Dungeon Academy.  Storme focused on Mera in her blue dress.  She had spent hours getting ready. 

He walked up to her, “You look amazing, Mera.”  He leaned in and kissed her cheek.  He then produced a sparkling blue necklace.  Little sparkles of light were in the stones, and it was clearly enchanted.  “Congratulations on your fourteenth,” he placed the necklace around her neck.  Mera was flushing even as Storme gave Fera a similar necklace but with green sparkling stones instead.  “I will be on the bridge,” he addressed the group.

Everyone came to admire the gift.  Fera pushed Mera to go after Storme.  The skyship flight would only take about ten minutes.  Mera found Storme on the bridge, studying the new wall maps.  Rippon had molded wood to secure the map panels to the wall.  Mera asked, “What are you thinking about Storme?”

He turned and smiled, “We are going here,” he pointed to a spot on the map, “in two days to look for pirates.”

Mera was surprised, “Pirates?  Why?”  Mera knew from her friends they were going on a secret mission to the lowlands, but they had not revealed the details.

Storme put on his grin, “Because I was forced to by Loriel.  She constantly forces me to do things I don’t want to do, and I try to make the best of it.  I think we have a rough understanding of each other now.”

Cilia, who was on the bridge, was holding her tongue.  If Leda was here, she would be defending Loriel as she was more vocal, but instead, Leda was in the cargo hold with everyone else.  Mera actually liked Loriel, and she even joined them for dinner every once in a while. 

“But why pirates?”  Mera asked again.

“Because I need another skyship, and I am not in the position to purchase one.  This way, I can legally take one and help others in the lowlands by removing a threat,” Storme explained patiently. 

Mera knew there was a big secret her friends were keeping from her, and this must be it.  “I do not understand the risk you are taking.  What if you never came back, Storme?  What about everything you have built?  What about Freya?  What about…”  Mera had about to include herself, but that would have been too much.

“I will just have to make sure we all come back,” Storme said with his stupid grin.  “Anyway, we are just scouting the mountain range.  We may not engage at all.”

Storme walked to Mera, “Your hair and makeup look amazing,” he reached out, and her heart pounded as he reached for her chest but just brushed the blue necklace instead.  “This necklace has two enchantments on it.  One is the simple sparkle enchantment.  You can adjust it to make it glow instead for a nightlight.  The other enchantment is a weak environmental aura.  You will never sweat or be cold while wearing it!”

Cilia announced we were landing.  Storme smiled, offering his arm, “Shall we go, and I present you?”  Mera smiled weakly and allowed him to take her arm.  They waited while everyone else departed for the tavern in town.  Fera and her date waited as well.  Storme escorted Mera as she was introduced to all her friends and family as an adult.  The High Mage soon disappeared as the festivities began.

Mera was upset.  He had not even remained long enough for a dance or two.  Gareth arrived at the part alone and was dancing with Fera, who was too drunk to be angry.  Maybe Storme left because he knew Gareth was coming?  Remy took pity on her and asked her to dance.  She started drinking and soon forgot about her Storme problems. 

Mera did her best to enjoy the party.  Leda, Cilia, Talia,  and Sammie had to delve tomorrow, and they were all going on the pirate hunt the day after.  Mera found herself resting in a corner late in the night.  She was surprised when the darkness said, “You should stop pursuing him.”  Bleiz emerged from the darkness and sat next to her.

“Storme?  Where is he?  And why should I stop?”  Mera asked the mysterious Wolfsguard, meeting his eyes.

“He went to his cabin on the ship to make enchanted weapons for the Wolfsguard, who are joining us on the pirate hunt.  He grunted comically, “I am younger than you, golden hair.  I do not understand any more than you, but I am good at reading people.  Whether he wants to admit it or not to himself, Storme feels betrayed by Aelyn.  He could not even bear to look at the information Loriel gave him on where she went.  And then Gareth left him as well, which hurts him more than he will admit.  He works himself to exhaustion to avoid his emotions.”

Mera was going to ask Bleiz another question, but he was already gone.  She would keep trying.  Even a stone would erode with enough time. 

The next week, she went to classes on the first day, and at dinner that night, it was just Mia, Remy, and her sister.  Sammie, Leda, Cilia, and Talia had not returned from their pirate hunt.  That was expected as it was a good fifteen-hour flight on the Maelstrom to the mountains.  When they were not back for dinner the second day, and then the third day, she started to get concerned.  After two weeks, they started to fear the worst, and maybe the Maelstrom would not return.





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