The First Strong

Chapter 15 - No need to be so troublesome

Dong Wenbin is hard to accept such a fact, but with the warning from Teacher Wang, there is such a result, so that he can only suppress the idea of ​​revenge first, and prepare to figure out the situation.

But even if everyone guessed that he was doing a ghost, no one dared to laugh at him in person.

And he then found the boy and asked what was going on. I didn’t expect that smashing, I don’t want his shoes, and I don’t talk about it because of anything!

Under the anger, Dong Wenbin can only continue to press the fire, let Lin Yun pay more attention to the situation of Shen Lang.

It’s been a week of calm and calm.

Shen Lang has reviewed the course again this week because he used to work hard. After the review, there is basically no problem with the backrest. Others need to understand the calculation composition and the like, and they also understand 7788.

A week of cultivation has also helped his realm to be well consolidated. However, the energy consumed in jade is not so fast, and it is only based on the practice of “Yin and Yang Bozhenzhenzheng”.

There are still shortcuts, and Tiandi Dibao is not so easy to obtain, but like the previous Sutra martial art, it will refine the remedy!

Alchemy is a powerful method that produces far more than a single drug through various recipes and special refining methods.

Modern science is also the same way, such as a small multivitamin tablet, which can contain all kinds of vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. These trace elements, if they pass through food, require a large amount of ingredients.

Of course, alchemy is no longer a simple extraction and purification process, perhaps a mutation process that changes the molecular structure.

At this stage, Shen Lang can still do very limited. Not to mention the need for alchemy furnaces, but also the requirements of alchemy for skill. With just a good material, he can’t get anything.

However, it is still possible to lower the standard and use some common medicinal materials to make some basic liquids.

One day, I took time out at noon, I found a medicinal material store to find out, and found that I needed to buy some common medicinal materials, and I added a lot of money!

The medicinal materials are ordinary, and to achieve a certain effect, they can only win by quantity. And people generally sell by two, and some even sell by money, by gram. It takes a lot of money to buy a lot.

Shen Lang can’t afford it now. In desperation, I decided to go up the mountain and try my luck to see if I can find any precious medicine.

Time is set for this Sunday.

There is a half-day holiday on Saturday afternoon, let the students go home to get the living expenses, with some supplements (also have dirty clothes to take back to wash), he is on Sunday to ask Mr. Wang for leave.

In order to prevent the mother from worrying, Shen Lang was as usual, and received the living expenses from her mother. I stayed at home for one night and went hiking early in the morning on Sunday.

He did not go to the broken boulder. At the beginning, his small array of methods was both a protection for jade and a gathering effect. The aura around the area has been absorbed by jade, and of course it is impossible to breed any precious herbs.

Time is only one day, you must speed up! It is developed everywhere, and it is impossible to have a deep forest in the old forest. It can only be searched for a remote mountain forest that is relatively untouched.

The physical strength of Shen Lang is not the same as that of the past. Even in the remote forests where there is no way, the speed of travel is very fast.

It’s just a pity that from morning to afternoon, he didn’t know how many hills he had over the mountains, but he didn’t find a valuable precious medicine!

This made him a bit disappointed, he was still unreliable, or he tried to make a lot of money, so he could buy the ready-made labor results.

But one day, there is also a little additional harvest – high-intensity over the mountains, a certain amount of exercise for his body, especially in terms of speed.

The direction he traveled was to come to the county seat. After giving up, he came out from the mountain forest and found the big road to the county.

“Help! Come and help!”

The sound of the rushing rushing along the mountain road, the sound of crying for help, is a strange surprise. Looking through the sound, I found that there was a car crashing out of the cliff, nearly half hanging!

In the past, there were two people in the car. The driver in front did not dare to move in the slightest, and did not dare to turn around and shout. Just called a life-saving man is a middle-aged man in the back seat. Hearing the footsteps, he shouted for help.

What the middle-aged people can do is to call for help, and they don’t dare to turn their bodies back to look at them, so as not to let the car fall.

“Talent! This technology is absolutely, how can you get stuck so good?” Shen Langqi is amazing.

Now the car looks like a big wind, and it can shake the car down. Or if a bird falls on the front of the car, it will lose its balance.

The driver’s face was pale. For this “windy talk”, he did not even dare to open the argument, lest the speech affect the balance.

The middle-aged people are not so good. He even has the heart to escape by himself. This is the door to open the door. It is estimated that the car will lose its balance and fall comrades… Little brothers! Don’t be kidding, life is a must! ”

The middle-aged man only dared to turn his neck a little, and the body did not dare to have a big movement.

“I have called the police, but the water can’t save the fire. Can you help us find a few stones behind the car?”

If someone outside puts a pile of stones against the rear of the car and makes the car a little firmer, the driver in front can have a chance to climb to the back seat carefully, and the two will escape from the back seat. Who is moving now, it is possible to crash!

It is not difficult to find a stone. The two tragedies of the two are that no one has passed, and they can only wait for fear.

“Move the stone? Don’t be so troublesome!” Shen Lang walked behind the car.

He didn’t laugh again, and everyone was alive and kicking. He had to laugh and wait for someone to be safe again.

“Little brother, do you want to sit up yourself? I am afraid that you can’t balance it when you press the car, or press a few big stones first!” The middle-aged man saw the dark waves through the rearview mirror, thinking that he wanted to take the body. Compressed.

Shen Lang listened to a slight sweat, although he alone has more than one hundred kilograms, faster than moving stones, but who will take his own life to test! If this is not suppressed, sit down and go down the cliff together?

He is too lazy to explain so much, squatting down, touching the place where he can start, and then grabbing the fierce pull to the back!

“My analysis has been considered, pressure… ah-!”

The words have not finished, I feel the car tremble, he could not help but exclaimed. The driver’s seat was already vacant, and the driver didn’t even dare to breathe. The car moved and directly screamed, and the whole person was scared.

Shen Lang said that it is not so troublesome. It is to directly transport the “Da Shou Mi Long Xiang Shen Gong” and pull the half-dried car back!

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