The First Hellhound


TL;DR: I'm going on hiatus, will be back in November. Or December. Or 2025. I'm too pissed off to calmly think that through.


On a longer note: fucking September never ends

As you know my fucking September was hela screwed: I injured my hand, caused a car accident, changed an employer, got flooded when the pipe broke... all of those things were not only huge sources of stress, they cost me time and/or money (and will probably cause even more when I have to renew warranty for my car). It all absorbed me so much that it screwd my writing schedule - and to be fair, I didn't even have the right state of mind for reading, causing me to fall off EVERY story I've been reading (literally yesterday I finally caught up with ONE!). And being out of the loop only caused me additional stress and anxiety, even further impeding my ability to focus on writing, work, etc. It got me so bad I weren't able to finish new chapter on time this weekend.

But then everything started getting better: my injury no longer impedes me, I got insurance money, the new company has been pretty great so far... I also reminded myself why I started writing (to have fun and share my stories) and I finally started returning to my normal writing schedule... until today.

For some background: I'm using a laptop that has it's years - and even when I bought it it wasn't the most modern, it didn't have the best hardware of the time, the memory is pretty limited, and so on; still, it was enough for me at the time (and, to be fair, it still satisfies most of my needs even now (I don't have enough time to play BG3 anyway - although that is more of a whim)). Still, a few yars back I started having some performance issues and I read somewhere that it might be caused by memory being too full - so I bought an external memory disc and moved majority of my data there. And it helped, as the performance improved.

Fast forward to today. My Mom wanted to make some adjustment to her business price list - that I, along with some other business-related documents, keep for her on my disc - so that I can easily correct it for her and print if she needs (she's not very tech savy). I bring my laptop and stuff with me and boot it all up... and then she accidentally yoinks my disk away!

Luckily, it falls on my leg. Unluckily, when I try to connect it I am denied access; my computer just doesn't see it. I think (and hope) it's the issue with the cable, not the disc itself... because the warranty and guaranteed data rescue expired earlier this year. You won't believe when ;_; Add to that the fact I'm under the weather and I was just waiting for the weekend to begin, so that I can recover bit in bed, and that was enough to break the camel's back.

So I decided to go on hiatus; I'm sorry. I just can't take it anymore.

P.S. Sorry for my rant, but I'm really pissed off and devastated.

(Update): turns out the issue is with the disc, not the cable; it will either require data rescue or fixing the disc... one more expensive than the other, from what I've seen on the internet. I honestly have no idea what I should do.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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