The First Hellhound

Chapter 044: The Vodyakin

I walk out of the tent with a heavy head and a blush; the former from all the new knowledge, the latter… I was given a particular ointment that should prevent pregnancy if applied correctly. I was told to use it on myself, since that particular state would disqualify me from the dragon raid; however, there are others who were not chosen… and since the Tribe needs new members, apparently many, many women desire me. Or rather desire my genes, I guess. However one may look at it, I’m nonetheless not used to this level, nor kind, of attention. I wish Pola was here already – I was told she’s going to come after she takes care of her son… which will still take her some time, despite the fact it’s already evening.

As I take a whiff of concentrated musk of need in the air and hear voices of people already fornicating, I feel my dick rise. Despite that – and the fact that many of those girls are here for me – I still feel insecure about getting in contact with them. A part of me wishes I was in heat myself, as it would remove my restraints, but… it is scary to think about losing control over one’s behaviour – I get why Olka is afraid of her own adolescence. On the other hand… I can feel their lustful gazes and I freeze; I’m still terrified of talking to them. But I will have to, as they noticed me coming out and are rushing my way. I start panicking again, so – to escape from reality and to occupy my mind – I reminisce about the information I have just learned.

First is the calendar – and I still cannot believe how conveniently elegant it is, with ten days a week, four weeks a month and ten months – or 400 days – a year. I also got to know the names of those months and days of the week… which also contain names of Beastkin most important gods. Speaking of – I still don’t know what to do with a possibility they may truly exist – what even is a god, after all? I will have to talk about this topic with my Lynxkin friend later.

Another element in the naming convention of time periods are lunar phases, I think somewhat dispassionately as the Beastkin women are getting closer. While weeks refer to the phases of the Moon directly – with New, Wide (waxing), Full and Thin (waning) Week – days and months are indirect, more metaphorical; both come in pairs of Waxing and Waning + deity’s name… with a single exception. This makes a year have 5 seasons, bearing the names of gods, in order: Nadola, Zorya, Alarana, Ostaran and Vodyana; as for days they are, in order: Waxing & Waning Stvera, Waxing & Waning Vyena, Kolo, Kola, Waxing & Waning Miron and Waxing & Waning Stvoz. So, as tonight is the night of full Moon, today is Waxing Stvera of Full Week of Waning Zorya – or in other words: the 1st day of 3rd week of 4th month. I realise that with it I can pretty accurately count how long I’ve been on this world: a day or two over 40 days, which is a bit of a shock to me. The time flew so fast, I can’t recall what I did on many of those days, or when exactly I did what…

My musings are cut short when a slew of horny women finally reaches me and I can no longer shut my mind away from the cacophony of smell, sound and sight. I freeze, despite being tipped off by Nugund; it seems that no amount of rationalising can prepare me for dealing with crowds and I will have to train it. That reminds me, I was told that since I will have to be trained, I should let loose and have some fun… which is all nice and dandy in theory; in practice I have no idea what I am to do and how to interact with my… suitors? Flings?

Then I notice some distinctly different silhouettes: no doubt the Vodyakin my Darling mentioned earlier. Not thinking my actions through, I rush towards them, grab all three of them – and escape back into the tent I’ve left just moments ago. I nearly run over the Volkhlun who also has just gone outside to help me… in which he was too slow, sadly. Or maybe I was simply too quick?

“Fufufu, you have a good taste” Baba Tika of clan Karas teasingly greets me as I set the trio of Water-dwellers down. “I only wish you could have taken them somewhere else” I’m too agitated to answer her, nor the other voices I hear but can’t understand; I take several deep breaths as I try to calm down my hard-pounding heart and my poor nerves. I close my eyes and try to focus on myself… which is made somewhat difficult by the existence of hands caressing my body – especially my abs and other muscles. Regardless, I’ve managed to steady my heartbeat and soothe my nerves a little, just in time to catch one of the wandering limbs.

For the first time I can truly look at the woman who was caressing me. I knew she was a Vodyakin, but in my rush I did not really see her – or the others' – features. I can finally do it, as my curiosity overpowers my anxiety.

The woman I’m holding right now is much shorter than me, not even reaching my breasts when standing. She’s pretty petite, with flat chest – but her hips are surprisingly wide and she’s got a thicc, fish-like tail. Her skin is covered in tiny blue and white scales, smooth to touch. She has gills and a film of water covers large parts of her head. Her face looks similar to Human face… as long as one doesn’t pay much attention to her large, glowing, yellow eyes with black sclera, her nose being just two thin, vertical holes and her wide mouth filled with sharp teeth; I was initially a bit disturbed by her looks, but the longer I look, the softer and gentler she appears – especially her smile. Lastly, she’s got no hair, only delicate fins on her head – and I realise the ones on the sides are actually her ears. I can’t help but reach towards them, fascinated; she closes her eyes and leans in… purring!

I take my hand back and look at the other two. The woman on the right is what I would call a Mermaid – although an unusual one, to say the least: while her upper body is that of an attractive, Human-looking woman with ample breasts, dark skin, dark purple hair and hazel eyes – it’s her lower body that draws my attention, eel-like, long, smooth and slimy. I feel an urge to touch it, but shake it off and look at the last Vodyakin in the room – and I’m honestly a bit shocked, as I recognise her: the only Vodyakin to partake in the ritual drink sharing today.

I look at her delicate features, at the first glance not that dissimilar to the first woman – blue-white scales, similar face with glowing eyes, fins on the head – but the longer I look, the more differences I notice. The most striking is her lack of tail in any shape or form – but it’s just the beginning. She’s also taller and slightly more toned and lean than the one beside me. I also start noticing slight red pigmentation here and there on her, giving her a distinct, intriguing appearance; especially when I notice it in the glow of her eyes, which gives her a more mysterious quality. She’s also breathing air like the Eel-maid. Additionally, she’s the only one to have any sort of decorative jewellery, as one of her – to my surprise – elfin ears is pierced; a small bone earring, carved to look like a flower, adorns it. It gives her a somewhat more dignified appearance, contrasting with the laid-back, chill Mermaid and the clingy woman.

“Ah! Ummm… what are your names?” I’m not sure how to start the conversation with them and that lame opener is still better than nothing; at least I didn’t stutter! “I’m Kora… but you know that already, don’t you?” I feel quite awkward, but it seems they don’t mind that – though to be fair, I can only easily read the emotions of the Mermaid, who asks something to the earring-bearer; she says something back in their language, no doubt translating my words – it seems she’s the only one to understand and speak Kolokolan. Is that why she was the only one to be a part of the ritual at the Gathering?

“Schleh’Visaa” she suddenly says, pointing at herself. “Rhress’Ozghasaa” she points to the Mermaid who smiles and waves at me. “Vlass’Shomolee” the last one hugs me when she’s called. “Our Names, Land Dweller” she continues with a peculiar, emotionless and monotone voice, pronouncing every word separately and with solemnity. “We Mate Here?”

“Err… I would like to know more about you” I’m a bit taken away by her straightforwardness and blush; I feel the petting of my stomach muscles stop and look down to see the Vodyakin woman – Vlasshmolee, if I’m not mistaken – and I see her watching me with clear fascination and awe, making my blush deepen. “Umm… and why is she so interested in my face and muscles?”

“Vlass’Shomolee Is Curious Creature” the answer comes after a bout of translation and discussion. “Many Land Dwellers Skin Change, Many Water Dwellers Not. Many Land Dwellers Big, Many Water Dwellers Not. Many Curious” she shrugs and the other woman nods. “Vlass’Shomolee Very Curious. Very Young. Broodless Yet” so she’s just a virgin? How does that explain her… clinginess?

“That’s not… is this normal?” I ask, pointing downwards. “Is this the norm of your younger…” a chill runs down my spine. “Is she… She is an adult, right?” Fuck, I hope she’s not a minor… she does smell like an adult, but one can never be so sure with an unknown species.

“Vlass’Shomolee Is No Fry” I breath in relief. “Rhress’Ozghasaa Is No Fry. Schleh’Visaa Is No Fry” she tilts her head. “Is Qo’Rah Smell Not Good?”

“What?!” I’m a bit taken aback by her question. “Of course I can smell that! It’s just… I have never had any contact with your Kind and I’m not sure if we have the same standards of adulthood! I just wanted to be sure, that’s all” I explain hastily, flustered.

“Don’t worry about it, darling” an elderly voice startles me; I’ve completely forgot about Tika! “It’s a good question to ask, especially when someone acts so immature” there’s a delicate bite in her voice aimed at the young Vodyakin woman; and Shlevissa nods sagely at that.

“So… what do you do everyday? Or how do you relax? And… why me?” My barrage of questions leads to a lengthy discussion between the Water-dwellers.

“Vlass’Shomolee Hunt For Tribe. Vlass’Shomolee Watch Land Dwellers. Rhress’Ozghasaa Sing And Magic For Tribe. Schleh’Visaa Speak For Tribe. Schleh’Visaa Teach And Magic For Tribe” she nods, as I struggle – hopefully successfuly – to understand her; the next part, however, is too esoteric for me. “Tribe Want Strong Brood – Qo’Rah Strong Spirits Of Fire Blessing. Water Dwellers Strong Spirits Of Water Blessing. Spirits Of Water Spirits Of Fire Not Like. Spirits Together Strong. United. Peace” she struggles to find the correct words – to be fair, she’s using a language foreign to her, one she needed to learn from scratch – and I struggle to get the meaning of her words. Luckily, we have someone who can help us through it.

“Vodyakin don’t believe in Gods, but rather in multiple spirits living everywhere – in objects, trees, stones” the elderly Bobala chimes in. “They believe that many objects – especially made from metal – host spirits of fire and that’s why they rust underwater. I think they believe that if they have kids with you, they will be able to use metal and other objects freely” the stoic Water-dweller nods in agreement – and I also now know their reasoning. Although…

“That won’t work” I say, before I can stop myself; now I have their full attention on me. “Look… it’s got nothing to do with fire – it’s just how metal is” everyone tilts their heads in confusion and I sigh. It seems like I have to explain some basic chemistry… in a language that, I realise, lacks many words for concepts such as ‘molecule’ or ‘atom’! “Erm… the thing is, everything is made from very, very small parts – and they interact with each other constantly; those parts in metals are very well structured, and while fire cannot really destroy them – melted metal is still metal – when you put it in water, parts of water will destroy this connections and form new, stronger ones; neither metal, nor water, but something completely different and new, which will then slowly destroy the metal object” the confounded silence is deafening – but not for long, as the other two Vodyakin start talking, probably demanding an explanation. Shlevissa starts doing that… and I can see her coming to some conclusion as she does so.

“Spirits Of Water Sprirts Of Metal… Love?” That’s not what I meant, but… I nod; it’s close enough and I have no better way – or knowledge, to be fair – to explain it. Still, it seems that Vodyakin woman is deep in thought. “Qo’Rah Strong. Give Strong Fry” her eyes lit up – even her speech becomes more emotional, if slurred. “And Wais! Giff Wais Fry. We Meit Now!”

So... I have a bad (for me) and a good news.

The bad (for me) news first: Polish team has just crashed out of the Euros, taking a large chunk of my engagement in the turnament with them. Which means that with less excitement on my part, I will be able to focus on the writing again! (Seriously, it became such a distraction I considered going on a hiatus till the end of the games, but... not anymore)

The good news is... we are finally getting back to some 'action'! And it will be the longest (I think) streak yet - I plan for it to be at least three chapters long, each in a different configuration and with different participants! And we are starting with our three Vodyakin girls, who I felt needed an introduction first, as they belong to a drastically different sophont. Speaking of...

...what do you think of the chapter and the new characters? I have a lot of fun writing them. Who is your favourite?  And what do you think the calendar - and by the extention: Beastkin Pantheon? We will get an explanation at some point as to why it is set in that way and order, along with all of those Deities - so be patient! If you have questions about that, we can talk about it on my Discord, to not spoil other readers.

Link to the Discord:

Anyway, thanks for reading, and as always: feel free to comment (especially if you notice any mistakes!), leave a favourite, rate - and maybe even write a review? Peace!

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