The First Hellhound

Chapter 030: The First Night Under The Great Oak (18+)

I walk away from the camp, my right hand intertwined with Pola’s. I can feel the heat of her body and smell her arousal. I feel my heart pounding in my chest and a blush on my cheeks. I’m glad we are leaving others behind – I could barely stand all that flirting from the Foxwoman throughout supper; only the presence of others stopped me from taking her there and then. And she – as well as everyone else – knew it. Which made my embarrassment even deeper!

Still, as I am led by my sexy Lisitha into the forest, I can feel my confidence leave me. Not because I am dreading what is to come – I am looking forward to it with great enthusiasm – but because I still feel somewhat shy about my own sexuality. I know I don’t do anything wrong, but I just cannot shake off this idea I’ve got stuck in my head. The idea of ‘what would people say?’

Suddenly, my date stops and hugs me. “What’s wrong?” She asks, concerned. “Are you feeling unwell? Should we go back?”

I shake my head. “T-that’s not it…” I stutter, getting even more flustered. “It’s just…” I stumble for words, stunned by my shame and desire alike. But Pola only tilts her head and waits patiently for my answer. “It’s that… I know we are doing nothing bad, but…”

“…but that line of thinking does not help to remove the reservations and taboos you have got ingrained into your mind in your past life as a Human, right?” She finishes for me and I can only nod in agreement – then I look to the side, embarrassed. But she turns my head back and looks me in the eyes; a concern visible on her face. “It’s all right. You don’t need to pay any mind to that any longer” she pauses for a split second. “Unless you want to?”

“No!” I exclaim, worried she might be getting a bad idea. “It’s that…” I brace myself. “A lot I… we have been doing would be deemed… inappropriate, to say the least” I start talking faster, as if some dam has just been broken. “But it’s not like everyone was like that back then! Mostly my family and the people my parents associated with. B-but I’ve had also other friends, on the internet, who would be very supportive of… of… of m-me now!” I end with deepening blush.

“See? You worry too much about others – others you know are not here, and whose opinion you wouldn’t even value” the Foxkin says with a tone that is simultaneously soothing and authoritative. “What matters is what you yourself want. And I know” she pulls me in and I lean towards her, so close my ear is right beside her mouth. “I know that right now, you want me” she whispers seductively and and I feel my knees go soft; she then kisses me on the mouth.

That makes all my barriers break and I embrace her with passion. My hands wander all around her body – and hers do too around mine. We lose ourselves in our desire, finally being able to satisfy all that bottled lust; I know that my partner masturbated when I was indisposed – it's impossible to hide the smell released during the act after all – but it is but a pale substitute of the real thing. And now that I’ve tasted it – the hunger for more can only grow.

As we caress our bodies – I roughly and frenetically, my partner sensually and masterfully – we also take off our clothes. Soon we are standing there, together, looking at each other in a moment of calm before the storm of incoming intense sex. I – fully naked, with my cock and nipples fully erect and my pussy dripping wet; Pola – bare but for the collar I lent her and her decorative magic foci, with her clit and nipples fully erect and her pussy dripping wet. She covers herself coquettishly, using her hands and tail; all of it serves only to accentuate her curvy – but fit – figure. In contrast, I am much, much less composed, exerting my entire willpower to the brink just to stop myself from jumping at her and taking her here and now. And I know she knows she is in control.

“Oh, no! There’s a Vixen in heat on the run in the forest!” Exclaims the horny Lisitha in a sultry voice and I drink every word off her mouth. “Will there be someone – a huntress, strong, fast, virile – to catch her?” She lowers her voice, gradually, to the whisper; the anticipation is killing me. “Will there be a right one to” she smiles, her smile exuding carnal need. “Catch and breed her?” And with that, she suddenly darts to the side and runs away, giggling – and I follow immediately, with a howl as I’m too aroused to speak for now.

We run through the empty forest, all dangerous monsters long gone, frightened by me days ago. Pola gracefully evades my chase, again and again, with a glee. And she’s using her magic too, creating illusions and changing perspective! But I am getting better at this game! Her every escape gets narrower and narrower as my reaction speed improves. Her every mirage gets easier to predict and avoid. And as I’m getting closer and closer to finally catching her, all my worries evaporate and shame dissolves; it’s so liberating! At some point I even started giggling, realising it only after the fact.

Finally, our frolicking comes to an end. My lover trips – too theatrically for it to be an accident, not to mention the perfect patch of soft grass she conveniently falls on. I stop, panting, no idea if more from lust or exhaustion. “Oh, no!” Exclaims the Foxwoman, looking back at me and raising her rump off the ground, getting me the perfect view of her moist hindquarters; her tail sways in a temptating manner. I can also clearly smell her arousal. “It looks like I need help! If only there was a strong, sexy, blessed huntress, who would give me a helping hand” she licks her lips very suggestively and shakes her backside. “Or, preferably, some other hard part!”

That is enough to push me over the edge. I howl to the sky and pounce at my playful partner. I enter her nigh immediately, doggy style. She’s so flooded I hit the jackpot despite barely aiming, her lower lips parting before my girth with no resistance. “YES! GODS, FINALLY!” Pola shouts, nearly as loud as me. It’s the last coherent words that leave our mouths, as it excites me even more and I start pounding her with fervour. The overwhelming pleasure we both feel leaves the both of us incapable of speech, we can only grunt, snort and moan in unison. It might even be a better, more intense sensation than my first time in the lake.

I have no idea how I managed not to cum right after putting my dick in her coochie. But I know that I’m getting close – and I quicken my pace even more. That’s too much for my lover, who suddenly starts shaking and howling while spraying my legs with girlcum in an overwhelmingly immense orgasm. The intense squeezing of her vagina puts me over the edge, and – with one final push – I knot her up, my sperm exploding directly into her womb. My own howl joins hers and I lean on her, absorbing the pleasant warmth of her body. We pant together, completely spent but happy. Finally, I slide to the ground, pulling her with me – and now I am a big spoon as we lie on the bed of the grass.

We cuddle in silence, satisfied and exhausted. I take Pola’s hand in mine and smooch her ear that is within my reach. It makes her grip my hand stronger and lean into me more. I touch her head with my chin and we stay that way, still, for a few moments, just enjoying each other’s closeness.

“That was fantastic” my partner is the first one to say anything. “I am so filled up it looks like I’m pregnant!” She chuckles, caressing her stomach; I take a glance and it indeed appears to be rounded. “It’s such a shame there’s so much time until the next Full Moon” she purrs with disappointment; disappointment I do not get immediately – but then it hits me like a truck.

“Do you… does it mean you want me to get you pregnant?” I ask, shyly. Hearing that, the Lisitha changes position. She now looks me in the eyes, hers full of surprise.

“Yes?” She sounds confused. “Why wouldn’t I? You have every quality a girl could desires – and then some!” I blush at that statement. It’s a new feeling for me; I’ve never really got complemented in that manner before.

“R-really? So w-what are t-those?” I inquire, stuttering – and it makes my Foxgirl beam a beautiful smile at me.

“Hmm… to start with the most obvious” she begins with a coquettish tone. “You are stunningly beautiful” my blush deepens. “Be it your charming face; your silky fur; your firm, toned muscles; your enticing smell; or your impressive mark” I nearly burn my face at the last point and I try to hide because of my giant embarrassment – but it only results in Pola’s chuckle. “All of it is great, but it is your eyes that immediately catch attention; they are truly one-of-a-kind” she pauses as we look at each other – me, suddenly being so self-conscious of the act, late to notice the prolonged pondering of my lover. “You know… I’ve heard that the eyes are the gates through which shines a spark of a person’s soul; I’ve always thought it a meaningless flourish used by corny foreigners to make girls they fancy sleep with them… but it fits you so well!”

“W-what are you trying to say?” I ask, flustered; the compliment may indeed be corny, but it somehow works on me. “What kind of person do you see in my eyes?”

“I see someone who is full of life and exuberance, enjoying every waking moment of her life. Someone who is kind and compassionate, willing to help even total strangers in need. Finally, I see someone very honest and open-minded, not afraid to tell the truth – even when it is not pleasant” my blush deepens with every reason listed, but the last one gives me a pause; my confusion must have been visible, cause Pola soon explains. “Your past life wasn’t very pleasant – it made you cry, for Goddess sake! – but you didn’t shy away from sharing it. You also respect opinions of others, even if you disagree with them” to my surprise her tone turns melancholic for a moment here. “I know you are closer to Olka in worldview – but you aren’t rejecting me based on that.”

I swallow my saliva. “Has something like this happened to you?” I inquire carefully, hugging her soothingly. There is a moment of silence and a look of bewilderment on my partner’s face. But then she looks away, chuckling. “What’s so funny?” It seems it’s my turn to be bewildered.

“See? You are exactly as I described you” I raise my eyebrows, still not understanding. “Even now you care about me and my feelings. But no, it never happened to me. I don’t tend to get rejected – you know what I mean” her tone turns coquettish and I know precisely what she’s alluding to; I feel as if entire blood from my body flooded my face. But the mood returns to melancholic very soon. “No, I guess I am just… jealous.”

That statement stuns me. She's jelaous of my other relationship? Didn’t she tease me about it earlier? Didn’t she push me to chase my attraction? Isn’t she herself polyamorous? “Is… is it a problem for you that I’m with Nugund as well?” That makes the look of utter confusion spreads on her face for a bit, before something clicks for her and she smiles, then laughs; now I'm the confused one.

“Oh, Kora! That’s silly – and you know that; well – I might envy you a little bit, but that’s not a point” her tone turns sadder. “No, what I see is how similar you and Olka are – and how strong it will grow in the future” she holds me tighter. “I see how similarly you both think, your rare worldview naturally bringing you closer to each other; I see how Alarana’s mark you both have will make it even easier for the both of you to bond; I also see how she looks at you already” she sighs. “I know that I’ll never be as close to you as she is going to be. We are too different for that.”

“Don’t say that!” I exclaim with passion. “You are talking about the future! Everything can change – me, you, her… who knows, her and I may stay as friends – just friends! Not to mention that we’ve met not that long ago! There might be things you don’t know about me – there might be more similarities between us than you think…” I blush and my voice gets quieter as I keep saying that.

“Oh?” The Lisitha seems intrigued and smiles playfully. “I would like to know more – it’s only fair, don’t you think?”

“Umm...” I swallow my saliva, a bit embarrassed – I’ve never really complemented another person, after all! “Y-you said I’m compassionate and kind – but so are you; I still remember how you comforted me – a total stranger – during our first meeting” Pola’s ears twitch – is the embarrassment rubbing off? “You are very helpful – every question I’ve had, you answered enthusiastically and to the extent of your knowledge. I also clearly see you are someone who enjoys every moment of her life as well… especially with a good company” I lick my lips in what I hope is a lascivious manner. “And it is you who cracked the shell I’ve hid some of my feelings in… the ones I was told are… mmmhm?!” I am unable to finish as my lover kisses me passionately; it seems the night is going to be long.

How can you be in forest and not have some forest chase scene, right?

This chapter was very fun to write. I hope it is at least as fun to read for you! It's very interesting how it turned out. I wanted to touch on a few different things, but the last part (cuddling) flowed so well in a bit different direction than I initially intented (hint: Pola's technically a MILF), but I couldn't fit some information I wanted; oh, well, it's not that it is of immediate importance and it can wait.

Also, I've been reading some other smut and some authors put additional tags at the beginning of chapters with expicit scenes; things like fetishes, participants, etc. Would you like I put something like this as well? Please, answer in the poll.

I've finally started editing previous chapters, adding missing articles - I decided to start with ch15, since this is when we meet our Beastkin trio for the first time, and the lack of articles when referring to them by their species was what was brought to me specifically in that regard, so I decided to begin with that part; still, it will take me some time and I might still miss something. Still, I plan to finish it by April.

On the other hand: do you know Mittsies? If you played Helltaker you probably know. If not - you should play Helltaker (;-P). But seriously; Mittsies is a NSFW 18+ artist, musician, animator and programmer. Why I'm telling you all this? Because when writing The First Hellhound, I listen to Voidreckon - an album by no one other than Mittsies. You can listen it - for free! - on Youtube. In fact, I want you to go and give it a listen, as it has nearly 2 MILLION views there! It lacks only about 15,500 views as of now, so let's help reach it as fast as possible! Here's the link:


(in spoilers and missing the beginning - I'm not sure if SH allows links to outside sites, so just copy it to your browser and add www.)

Anyway, as always - feel free to comment (especially if you notice any mistakes!), favourite, rate and subscribe write a review. See you next week!

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