The First Dragon of Marble

20) First Adventure as a Couple (R-18)

This chapter starts a little smut and is only the beginning of the Lucy's and Ladon's physical relationship. You have been warned.

Chapter 20

We make our way to the shop while chatting when we get close, I ask, “I saw that you used daggers in the test. Is that all you use?” “Well, I trained in a lot of weapons, but my style is more of a ‘kill them before they see me’ style.” I raise my eyebrow and start thinking that her background may be more than just a village girl. She looks away from me and keeps walking. “Lucy, I know you haven’t told me everything about yourself, but I will wait when you are more comfortable.” She looks back at me starts to say something but notices that we are at the store front now. We go inside and see Vincent behind the counter looking as imposing as always with his stature.

“Hello Vincent.” “Ah Ladon and Lucy, right? Welcome how can I help you?” We move to the counter and exchanging greetings. I look at Lucy for her to tell Vincent what she needs. “Um I would like a couple daggers, throwing knives with straps to hold them underneath my armor, chainmail, leather armor, a bow and a quiver with arrows. Please.” I add on, “The best you got and as many arrows and knives you have.” Lucy looks at me with an anxious face. I smile and say, “Don’t worry about the price. This is more for my peace of mind. I want to make sure you have what you need to be safe.” She just sighs and nods while muttering under her breath, “Overprotective dragon.” I roll my eyes ignoring her complaint and nod towards Vincent.

He stands there for a moment thinking about what he has in his inventory. Soon he moves into the back to gather what he thinks we will like. We look at the weapons on display while we wait for Vincent to come back. Lucy keeps looking at me with side glances filled with worry. “Is this because of what I said before we came inside? I hope it does not eat at her. I didn’t mean to pressure her or cause her to worry.” Eventually Vincent came back and set the equipment down on the counter. We walk back over and inspect the equipment.

Lucy picks up two daggers and observes them. Vincent starts his sales pitch. “The daggers are darksteel with simple wooden handles.” Lucy checks the daggers for sharpness and seems satisfied as she sets them down with an impressed expression. She looks at the throwing knives and straps as Vicent explains that they are just simple iron knives and made to be disposable. The straps are just simple straps to hold the knives. “The chainmail is the best I have in stock right now. The links are woven darksteel, but adamant weapons would be able to pierce through. The armor is made from imported earth golem skin with horned bear fur for padding on the inside.” I am impressed by the quality of the chainmail and armor. The chainmail is made from the same metal as my spearhead and axe heads. I have been on a few jobs since being back to throw off any suspicions of myself when I have attacked the Stray Dogs, and my weapons have yet to become damaged. The armor being made out of earth golems is surprising since above their skin is just rock that they collect for an extra layer of protection. Horned bear fur is soft and a good insulator, but it could become rather hot to wear in warmer weather. Luckily it is around autumn right now, so Lucy won’t be overheating any time soon.

Vincent moves on the bow and arrows. “The bow is also imported from the elf’s kingdom. It is made from ash wood and imbued with elven nature magic. The arrows are just simple arrows that are made here in Melcox. I have gathered all that I have which is around a hundred.” Lucy tests the bow by pulling the string back a couple of times. She nods, “Thank you Vincent. This is all very good equipment.” He smiles, “I pride myself with outfitting the right equipment for each customer.” “How much for all of it?” Vincent thinks for a moment and says, “How about three gold and twenty silver coins. The most expensive item you are buying is the bow since it was imported.” I pull out the coin from my earring and give it to him. “Thank you again Ladon.” I smile and ask, “How is Helen? I didn’t see her when we left the inn today.” “Still a little shaken from the attack, but still energetic as ever.” “Good. Just so you know I took care of the ones who were responsible but there could be stragglers looking for petty payback. Make sure she is safe. I know she can take care of herself, but I am sure that if her big and strong man looks out for her, she would love that.” He laughs, “Haha. Thank you. I’ll keep an extra eye out for any idiots who think they can hurt the love of my life.” I smile and shake his hand. “You and me both brother.” Lucy stores her weapons and armor in the ring of storage I gave her after killing Musir. We exit the store and are on the street.

We start walking to the inn as I ask Lucy, “Is there anything else you need for tomorrow? We may be gone for a few days, and I already have your camping gear in my earring. But if there is anything else you need, we’ll go buy it now before it gets dark so that we can head out first thing in the morning.” Lucy just keeps walking without answering seemingly in her own world. “Lucy?” “Hmm…Yes?” She snaps out of her daze. I repeated my question, and she answers, “Not anything I can think of if you have already gathered what we will need.” I nod and we continue towards the inn. We eat dinner in the pub area and chat with Cliff and Helen who seems to be back to her cheerful self. Once we were done, we both went up to our room.

Lucy takes a shower first and then I jump in after. When I come out Lucy is sitting on the bed in a tunic that is too big for her. “I guess some things haven’t changed.” Thinking of the night wear that girls wore in the past. I sit beside her in just some pants and ask, “Are you okay?” She looks at me and says, “Yes though I want to put everything out in the open like you did this morning. You never really let me tell you since we had to rush to the guild.” “Ah, I see. Sorry, sometimes I get caught up in my own plans. It may because I had to be on a constant move in the dungeon.” She shakes her head and smiles, “It’s not your fault. I should have told you sooner, but I didn’t know if I should. I don’t want to drag you into my clan’s problems.” I raise an eyebrow, “Clan?” She nods, “Yes, the village I am from was not just a farming village. It was the home of the Moon Rabbit Clan. A clan that protected a sanctuary for the Goddess Fauna. She is the goddess who created the mink races.” I lean forward and put my hand on my chin. “Hmm, by sanctuary do you mean something like a holy site?” She nods, “I guess you could say that. According to the Elders’ the Moon Rabbit Clan are supposed to protect her sanctuaries around the world which help control the chaos of mana.” “Wait so it’s a dungeon?” Lucy just shrugs her shoulders.

“To be honest I do not know, though possibly. I was considered cursed, so I was never allowed or told much about the sanctuary. Everyone born into the clan is trained in what we call The Luna’s Embrace style. It focuses on surprise and speed. I was almost done with my training when the bandits surprised my clan and captured me. Though thinking back, they may not have been bandits to begin with.” I digest her information and think. “Hmm…she may be right about the bandits not being bandits. It seems they did not fill her in on much since they most likely despised her. It may have been the country itself or a rival clan.” I lean up and say, “If you had the chance would you like to go back?” She looked surprised by my question, “Wait! You are not mad that I have not told you everything about myself before now?” I kiss her to calm her and say, “I don’t care about who you were or did in the past Lucy. Besides you are telling me now, no?” Her eyes tear up, “Whatever did I do to deserve you Ladon? I am so scared that you are just a dream.” I bring her into a hug. “I am no dream my love.” I brush her hair with my hand for a few minutes before she begins again.

“There is one more thing that I have not told you, yet.” She leans back to look into my eyes. “Do you remember when you said that you felt something pull you towards me when you were close the Easy Flower?” I nod. “Yes, and even when we are apart when I was jobs or in the slums when you were recovering, I felt it again.” She smiles and says, “On the day you came, I felt something similar. Under all the pain and hunger, I felt when you were close that feeling washed away anything else I felt. And like you I can still feel it when we are apart.” I think for a moment and then say, “I wonder what it is? Is it some kind of magic or intervention from the gods?” “Does it matter?” She says with worry in her voice. I look at her and see her eyes look a little hurt. “No, it doesn’t. Whether it is the gods or simply fate it does not matter. We are together because we love each other not because of someone else’s inclination, yes?” Lucy jumps at me tackling me causing me to lay on my back on the bed. She whispers into my ear making me shiver. “No, it does not matter. I love you and no one or anything will ever change that.” Then she nibbles on my ear making me shiver even more. “Oh god if she keeps doing this I don’t know if I can contain myself.” She leans up to my face and starts kissing me.

            Still kissing her I pick her up and lay her on the bed comfortably. I slip my tongue into her mouth, and she readily accepts it. We wrestle our tongues together exploring each other’s mouths. She finally breaks away to take a breath. “You make me feel so good just from kissing, Ladon.”  I peck her lips again and lay down beside her pulling the blanket over the both of us. I turn my head and see her still looking at me with love in her eyes. I turn to my side and ask, “Do you want to continue?” She nods shyly so I lean over her and start kissing her again. She wraps her arms around my neck to push the kiss deeper as I stick my tongue back into her mouth. She starts to whimper and moan as I wrap my long dragon tongue around her smooth tongue trapping and sucking on it. At times I would pull back my tongue and bite her bottom lip while sucking on it making her breath deeply with pleasure.

            I want to make her feel even more so I use my left hand to wrap around her head stroking her long bunny ears softly and bring my right hand down the big shirt she is wearing caressing her perky breasts. A louder moan escapes her as I fondle her left breast through the fabric of her shirt. I pull back to check if she is okay with me doing this and she just looks at with a look that asks why I stopped kissing her. I smile and continue kissing her. I get bolder and snake my hand beneath her shirt and rub directly on her hardened nipples. “Ah, Ladon! Ha…haa…” I stop and look at her. “Keep going, please!” I continue kissing, rubbing and gently pulling her nipple, and stroking her ears. I decide to stop kissing her and bring my mouth to her ears. “I love you, Lucy.” I whisper into her ear and then nibble along her ear. “Oh! I love you too, Ladon. I love you so much!” I lick the inside of her ear where the fur ends close to the top of her head. “Gods. Ha…haa.” I kiss down the side of her head and jaw line. “I don’t really know if this is sensitive to her since she has fur but if seems she enjoys it.” From her jaw line I come back to her mouth and start kissing her passionately.

            I continue to stroke her ears with my left hand while I snake my right hand down to her honey pot. I rub against her panties and open my eyes to see if she has any reactions. She doesn’t stop me or shows signs of displeasure, so I lift her panties and rub her lower lips. “MMMmm.” She moans loudly into my mouth as I feel how wet she is. I part from her lower lips and find her clit and rub it gently with my index finger. “Oh Gods! Ladon.” I speed up a little feeling her hips move with my hand. “Ah…Ladon…I’m…CUMM” I cover her mouth with mine as she was about to scream. I rub faster and faster as she screams into my mouth. “MMMMMMM…mmm…mmm.” I slow down as she comes down from her orgasm and separate from her lips. She opens her eyes and smiles at me. “Wow. I have never had one so big before.” When she says this my ego is inflated as a man and I smile at her. “Thank you for the compliment.” “Hehe…it’s true. I have never been able to do that on my own.” “Oh, so you masturbate.” She widens her eyes and blushes from ears. I chuckle and bring my mouth to her ear and say in sultry and husky whisper, “That is so sexy, my love.” Her body shivers and she lets out a small whimper.

            I come back to her face and peck her nose. I bring her into a hug as we spoon. “Haa…haa…wait Ladon. You haven’t been satisfied.” I softly speak into her ear, “I’m fine, baby. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Besides when it is my turn, I want us to be connected as truly one. Until then I’ll enjoy seeing your sexy and cute face.” I kiss her on the cheek and lay back on the pillow. She turns to look at my face over her shoulder and says, “Are you sure?” I nod and say, “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable making you do something you are not ready for. Besides I would like for more privacy and time before we take that step.” She smiles guiltily and whispers, “Thank you Ladon…by the way why did you call me a baby?” I look at her confused and then remember I am in a different time. “Back when I was alive the first time we used ‘baby’ as pet names between couples.” She thinks for a few minutes and then says, “I’m not sure about baby, but I don’t mind if you call me your bunny.” She finishes her sentence in barely a whisper. I grin and say, “Ok I won’t call you baby but bunny.” She turns her face away and wiggles herself closer into me. “I’ll have to think of something to call you.” “I don’t care much about what you call me as long as I am yours and you are mine.” She nods and says, “Good night, my love.” “Good night, bunny.” Soon both of us fell into a deep sleep feeling at peace in each other’s arms.

            I wake up the next morning with Lucy still in my arms snuggled into my chest. I look out the window to see it still dark, but I could see the sun starting to peek above the horizon. I carefully detach Lucy from me and sit up on the side of the bed rubbing the tiredness from my face. “I need a clock. I hate telling time from the position of the sun.” I mutter to myself as I stand up and head to the bathroom to relieve myself. Once done I splash cold water into my face and then go sit at the desk watching the sun come up. I look over at Lucy and see she is still asleep. “I’ll count the money I have left then. I want to give some to Cliff since it was me that was the cause for the attack on the inn. I have already given money to the victims’ families of the Stray Dogs crimes, and I already made sure to get Lucy the best equipment we can buy right now.”

            I bring out all the coins I have from my earring and count it. After a few minutes I come up with fifty-three gold, one hundred and twenty-seven silver, two hundred and forty-two bronze, and three hundred and eighty-four copper coins. “I’ll give Cliff twenty-five gold coins and that still leaves me being pretty rich. Plus, we are going on job which will give us more money. I think it is time to find a place to rent once we get back.” “You want to find a place to rent?” I jump a little at Lucy’s voice. I look at her and see her sitting up in bed with the blanket wrapped around her. “Fuck you startled me. Haha.” I say and laugh which makes her she giggles. “Hehe…sorry didn’t mean to…so you are going to rent a house when we get back?” I nod and say, “We are going to rent a place unless you want to live on your own after you get back.” Lucy shakes her vigorously and says, “No way! I want to be with you!” I chuckle, “I just wanted to make sure, bunny.” She blushes and gets up to use the bathroom.

            About an hour later the sun is up enough for the guild to be open so we get ready. Lucy dons a tight dark green tunic and tight brown pants. The clothes were made to move freely in but does nothing to hide her hourglass curves. “God you are even beautiful in your adventurer clothing.” I say to her after finishing putting on the clothes that Tiamat gave me which were in the chest and consists of a blue tunic, black pants, and sandals. She looks at me and smiles, “Is that all you wear when you do jobs? And thank you love.” “Yes, I have my scales for armor and the sandals gives room for when my talons come out.” She nods and continues putting on the rest of her equipment. Lucy buckles the straps for the throwing knives to the upper part of both of her arms and upper thighs. Then she puts on the chainmail and leather armor over the chainmail. The daggers are crossed in their sheathes behind her back and the quiver for her arrows wrapped around her right shoulder on her back. She leaves the bow in her ring for now and stands in the room posing for me. “Well now how do I look? Do I look like a real adventurer?” I nod my head and say, “You like a sexy dangerous adventurer to be more accurate.” She rolls her eyes while giggling. “Let’s go I want to give Cliff some coin before we leave for the guild.” She nods and follows me out of the room and downstairs where we see Cliff behind the counter.

            ““Morning Cliff.”” “Moring Ladon, Lucy.” We give our greetings and sit at the bar. I look around and see no one else inside the pub area. Cliff sets our food down and we eat. Once done I wipe my face and say to Cliff, “Cliff we are going to gone for a few days for a job.” “Okay I’ll get some coins to give back for the days you have not used yet.” I stop him from doing so and say, “No keep it and also here.” I pull out a leather pouch. As he looks into it and his eyes widen as I say, “This is compensation for what happened the other night. I don’t know if you know but I was the reason why they came here and caused such a ruckus.” His mouth kept opening and closing before trying to give the pouch back finally saying, “I can’t take this Ladon.” “Yes, you can, and you will. That money came from me raiding the Stray Dogs businesses and I have already given most back to the victims’ families that I could find. I have more than enough left.” I smile at him and say, “Please keep it and put it to good use and maybe give Helen a bonus.” He sighs, “Thank you Ladon. This will help me pay off some debts I owe, and I’ll make sure Helen gets some too.” I nod and get up taking Lucy’s hand. “We’ll see you when we get back. Later Cliff, tell Helen the same.” I say as Lucy says, “Bye Cliff, tell Helen I’ll tell her all about our adventure when we get back.” “Be careful out there you two.” We wave as we go into the street and make our way to the guild.

            Inside is packed with adventurers starting an early day and to grab the best jobs on the board that are posted in the mornings. We walk over the board and look at the C ranked jobs and see the same goblin settlement job from last time though now the reward has risen to five gold coins and stamped with a stamp saying ‘Extremely Urgent and Dangerous’. I take it down and look at Lucy. I hand it to her and ask, “Well? What do you think? You up for killing these disgusting things?” She takes the parchment and reads it with confusion. “I wonder why this hasn’t been taken care of yet. If goblins are left alone, they can overwhelm a city with sheer numbers since they breed quickly.” “Hmm there may be more than just goblins there, but the unknown makes it even more appealing, no?” I say with an excited smile. Lucy smiles just as big and says, “Yeah!” “Alright then let’s take this up to the counter to see if there is any information about the settlement.” We walk to the counter and see that Sherry is back.

            “Good morning, Sherry. Glad to see you back.” Sherry looks up and smiles at me and then waves at Lucy beside me. “Good morning you two and congratulations for making D rank Lucy.” Lucy smiles and says, “Thank you Vice Guild Head Sherry. I did my best during the assessment.” “Sherry is fine dear. I looked at your results and aside from the incident with Don, I would say you will make a fine adventurer.” Lucy smile widens as she nods her head. “We have formed a team by the way and we want to take this job.” I say once the greetings and small talk was done. I hand the parchment over to her and she takes a look. “Hmm…so you want to take this as her first job?” She looks at me with a questioning look. “Yes, she can handle goblins and if there is anything else at the settlement that is too much for her to handle then I am sure I will be able to deal with it.” Sherry grins and says, “I suppose so, since you pretty much single handily took out the scum infesting the slums. Very well. As for the information regarding the job. There isn’t much. We have had multiple adventurers take the job only to never come back. The last information we have places the settlement deep in the forest to west. Most likely close to a water source.” I look at Lucy, “Looks like we will be gone for a while just searching for them. Still up for this?” “Of course! I think it will be good for both of us to get out the city and that small room for a while.” Lucy says with a big smile seemingly ready to get out of the city. I smile and turn back to Sherry who nods.

            “I agree it may be best for you two to be away from the city for a while. The lord has been informed about what happened to the Stray Dogs so don’t be surprised if he wants to meet you.” I furrow my brow and think, “I suppose anyone in power would want to meet someone causing noise in their city. I really do not want to be around nobles. Well, I do not know for sure how present nobles act now in comparison to those in the past. I’ll reserve judgement for now I suppose.” “By the way, what is the name of the team?” Sherry says bringing me back and I say, “Draco Oculus.” Sherry thinks for a moment and asks, “What does it mean? I have never heard the words before.” “It means Dragon Eyes in a dead tongue.” Sherry hums in thought and then smiles. “I see. Well good luck on your job and please be safe and come back in one piece. Both of you.” She looks at Lucy and nods at her to which Lucy responds back with a nod as well. We turn around and make our way to the forest.

            We reach the edge of the forest and before stepping inside I ask Lucy, “You ready?” Lucy smiles and says, “Yes, I am. We are finally going to explore and fight together.” I grin at her excitement. “Before we go inside, I want you to do most of the fighting. I’ll support you when you need it.” Lucy tilts her head in confusion. “I want you to level up as much as possible. Plus, as we look for the goblin settlement, I will be teaching you how I use magic.” She starts jumping in joy saying, “Really?!” “Yep. I’m pretty positive that we can use magic better than most people. I learned it while fighting in the dungeon and then I refined it with my father’s help.” I walk into the forest while saying this with Lucy close behind.

            “First things first, try to flow your mana throughout your body not just your hands.” I say as we stop for the night and make camp. We found a clearing where I made a temporary shelter with stone walls. I made holes for ventilation and for the smoke from the fire in the middle to escape. We are sitting on a bunch of furs to make a temporary bed that I had bought. “I always hated camping and being out in the field when I was in the army, but this is rather comfy if I say so.” I think to myself as I watch through my Dragon Eyes as Lucy tries to circulate mana throughout her body. She struggling to let the mana flow, so I say in a soft and calm voice. “Let the tension in your body fade. You are safe and I am with you. Let the mana flow freely so that it can form mana veins.” Lucy with her eyes closed asks, “Mana veins? I have never heard of such a term for mana flow.” I think for a moment and say, “Let the mana flow and carve out waterways inside your body is the best way to describe what I am referring to. By letting the mana flow freely and just like water, it will flow throughout your body by following the path of least resistance.” Lucy strains her face trying to understand what I am saying. “Um…okay I’ll try.”

            “Okay bunny, that is enough for today.” I say after around an hour of Lucy trying to let the mana flow throughout her body. She opens her eyes and looks down disappointed in herself. I come closer and raise her chin with my finger. “Why the long face my love?” I ask. She takes a deep breath and sighs, “Haa…I was hoping to impress you by completing the mana veins or whatever you called them tonight.” “I am impressed, Lucy.” She looks at me in confusion. I chuckle, “You are a mink and in just an hour you have made more progress than I did in a few months in the dungeon. The reason I stopped you is that the process can take a toll on your body and soul. I am having you do this in a safe way. My father said he was impressed with me but warned me that I had done so much damage to myself in the dungeon from mana overheat that it put a tremendous amount of strain on my organ. He healed my mana organ, but he is not so easily visited where if you do the same, we can take you to him.” Lucy looks at me suspiciously and says, “Really? You aren’t just saying that because I am your little bunny?” “Haha. No, Lucy,” I laugh at her remark, “I am being serious I promise. I am very impressed.” I kiss her and put my forehead on hers and whisper, “I am so proud of my little bunny.” She smiles cutely and says, “Okay, I believe you then, love.”  She kisses me on the cheek and hugs me. After we eat, we snuggle up in the furs and go to sleep after I put up an early warning spell specifying against large predators, like bears and wolves, and monsters around the clearing.

            In the middle of the night, alarm bells go off inside my head warning me that something is outside the shelter I built. I look next to me and see that Lucy is still sleeping peacefully. I gently shake Lucy awake. As her eyes slowly open, I put my finger to my lips and then point outside the shelter. She nods and puts on her chainmail and brings out her daggers. When I see that she is ready I make a hole in the wall and look out of the shelter for the intruder. With my Dragon Eyes I can see in the dark as if it was daylight and what I see is a group of goblins that number five. They are inspecting the stone shelter by poking it and talking to each other in their garbled language. I close the hole and lean into Lucy’s ear to whisper. “There are five goblins with spear sticks. I’ll open a hole in the wall opposite of them that way you can do your thing. I’ll climb on top of the shelter to keep an eye out for more and cover you if you need it, okay?” I lean back and see her nod.

            I open a hole in the ceiling and jump and then look around. I see no other monsters around, so I open another hole on the opposite side of the goblins to let Lucy out. She casts Shroud, a darkness element spell, that helps her blend into the shadows and the darkness of the night. I use my Dragon Eyes to see her magic signature to keep track of where she is because even though I can see in the dark, her spell helps her blend into the lack of light. I see her silently sneak wide going into the trees and circling behind the goblins. Soon I hear a *thunk* and then see an arrow in one of the goblins’ head. Before the others have time to look around another one dies from an arrow in the neck. The last three start to panic and run for the trees as two more arrows strike true into two more goblins. The last goblin reaches the trees and then I soon hear a garbled cry as it seems Lucy ambushed it in the darkness and assassinated it. She comes out of the trees and undoes her spell.

            I jump down from the top of the shelter and say, “That was awesome Lucy! I still can’t believe how well you take down monsters. You fight like a ninja.” She smiles as she blushes. “Thank you, but what is a ninja?” I tell her about the assassins and intelligence clan that used to exist in feudal Japan. “Wow! They seem like my clan a little. Expect we didn’t serve any person but our goddess.” I smirk and go around gathering her arrows and stick spears of the goblins. Lucy says thank you when she takes the arrows from me but asks why I took the goblins weapons. “They are good for disposable spears that I can throw. They are the only weapons I used for a while before I could buy an actual spear.” “I see. Do you want to collect the ears?” I think for a moment and then nod. “Yeah, it wouldn’t hurt. More coin we have the better, right?” She nods and we cut off one ear from each goblin and put them in a sack that I bought in the city for storing monster parts. I put it in my earring and then stomped my foot making five holes appear underneath each goblin body and covering them. “That should keep other monsters from smelling the bodies and being drawn here so we can get more sleep.” “So, we aren’t moving on?” I shake my head. “No. The alert spell is still working so we won’t be snuck up on just like how we weren’t this time.” Lucy nods and goes into the hole I make in the shelter. We cast Cleanse to get the goblin smell off of us and Lucy puts away her equipment. We lay back down and soon drift off into a peaceful sleep.

            The next day we wake up at dawn and eat from the food that I have in my earring that can be cooked over a flame. “I miss pizza.” I say out loud as we roast some meat on sticks. “What is that?” Lucy asks as she sits close to me watching the food with a growling stomach. I grin, “It is my favorite dish. I’ll have to look around the city to see if it survived the destruction of Earth.” Lucy wraps her arms around my right arm and leans her head on my shoulder. “I never really asked, but do you miss your old life?” I think for a moment before answering. “Not really. I do miss some things, but in the end my life came to end when it was meant too. I wouldn’t trade this life to go back anyway. I have you and that is enough for me.” I kiss her forehead and turn the meat to evenly cook it. “If we can’t find it in the city maybe I can cook for you if we can find ingredients.” Lucy says as she turns her own meat. “Really? Do you know how to cook pies?” Lucy looks up and thinks. “Mmm…maybe I watched through the window as my mothers and sisters baked some.” I nod and say, “I see, well if I find the ingredients, I’ll ask you to make it for me then because I am not very good at cooking…Wait! Did you say mothers?” I show a surprised expression to which she chuckles and says, “Yes, mothers.” “Did your father have multiple wives?” This time it was Lucy turn to have a confused expression. “Yes…my father and most of the men in my clan had at least two or more wives.” I shake my confusion away and think, “Is polygamy common now? I guess if the ratio of men and women are in an imbalance then I can see the logic in it. Well, I have no desire to have anyone other than Lucy, so it isn’t worth thinking too much about.” “Was not having multiple wives back in your time common?” Lucy asks me. I shake my head and say, “No, it wasn’t. At least not in my country and state. I think there was only one state where it was legal to be married to multiple partners. There were other countries that still practiced it though. It was more of a cultural and religious aspect though. I’m not sure feelings towards each other had much to do with being with each other though.” Lucy hums in thought and silence falls between us for a few minutes.

            “Do you not want any other women, Ladon?” Lucy asks as the meat was finally done and we start eating. I look up from my meat and look into her eyes. I smile and shake my head. “No. Why would I when I have the most amazing woman in front of me right now?” Apparently, this was not the right answer as Lucy just says, “Oh” in a defeated voice. I didn’t want to leave on a bad note, so I decide that we need to really talk about this. “Would you want another man?” Lucy looks up quickly standing and shakes her head. “No way! There will never be another man for me, Ladon!” Her voice becomes rather shaky and loud. “Okay, Lucy. Just relax. We need to talk about this because this seems to be a topic of importance to you.” She nods timidly and sits back down to nibble on her meat. “So, you would be okay with me being with other women?” Lucy continues to eat without answering. “Lucy…” “I wouldn’t care if they were good to you.” Lucy interrupts me and then I furrow my brow at her possible train of thought, “Lucy do you think so little of yourself that you would be okay with me being with someone else just so I wouldn’t abandon you?” She sees the anger on my face and remains quiet. “I would never do that…” “Ladon, that’s not what I meant.” She interrupts me again while taking a deep breath before saying and looking straight into my eyes conveying her seriousness. “My dream ever since I had conscious thought was having a loving family. A family who accepts me for me.”

            She takes a drink of water to wet her throat. “Lucy we will have a family one day if that is what you want. I hope you don’t think I plan to be adventuring my whole life.” She smiles at this and looks down at her feet. “That sounds wonderful, love. I want that as well, but I also want others to be included.” I am so confused right now. Why would Lucy be okay with me and other women? “I like women too, Ladon.” I widen my eyes and look at her in surprise. She looks back up at me and continues, “When I watched from the outside at my family, I could see the love they had for each other. I had two mothers, and they loved each other just as much as they loved my father. I saw my other siblings receiving the love from each of my parents.” Her face saddens as she reminisces. “But when it came to me, they all just looked and treated me with scorn.” Lucy puts her food down and takes my hands. “If this is too much for you and I will understand, but I truly want to be part of a family like that. I want you, me, and whoever you choose to be just as close to each other. I want to be surrounded by love that I was denied just because of superstition.” Tears start to fall from her eyes. “After you told me that I wasn’t cursed I didn’t believe you at first, but now, I see that it was as you said. They only feared me and called me the cursed one because of how different I looked compared to them.”

            I take a deep breath and close my eyes to think, “Fuck. I never expected this from Lucy. We have been close to each other for months now, but I guess that is still not enough time to truly know someone. I can feel her sincerity in her words though. Hell, I think every man has dreamed of having two or more women. I need to be honest with her just like she has been with me though.” I open my eyes and look into Lucy’s. “Lucy, to be honest I do not know if I would be comfortable with having multiple women.” Lucy starts to look hurt but nods in understanding and I continue, “I will say this though, if and only if, you and I come across someone we both develop feelings for in a romantic way like how we feel for each other, only then I will consider the possibility of us being polygamous.” She smiles and says, “Of course, that would be the only way I would agree as well. I didn’t mean that just anyone would be okay.” I smile too but then become serious. “I will say this, though I am sure it needs not to be said. I will not tolerate infidelity even if you were to be with a woman. If you ever feel we are not meant to be then tell me and we will go our separate ways at that point.” Lucy grips my arm tightly and says with conviction, “I would never ever think of doing such a thing.” She takes a breath and continues, “Let’s just lay it down then. We will only accept someone if we both see them in a romantic light. Even then we must speak about and discuss possible inclusion of such person before any type of physical activities happen. They must be willing to accept only being with us and to travel with us as adventurers.” She finishes and lets me think for a moment. I nod and say, “I may have other conditions later on since this would be my first time having multiple partners. I am a loyal man, Lucy, and currently you are taking up the only space in my heart worthy of love. I hope you can be patient with me.”

            Lucy lets go of my arm and climbs into my lap facing me. “It is the same for me, Ladon. You are the only one that I have ever truly loved. I have never known love of a parent, friend, or lover. I should be the one asking for your patience. When you came into my life and treated me as a friend and then we fell in love, you have opened my eyes to the possibility that I deserve to be happy and go for what I truly want in life.” She strokes my cheek and continues, “And what I want in life is to explore the unknown with you, to be by your side, and to be loved by you, Ladon. Whether we include anyone else is unknown. I only brought it up because you asked about my mothers, and I thought it was normal for someone to have multiple partners in life. I love you, Ladon and just like you my heart has only space for you.” I close my eyes to understand her side of things. I think about the differences in cultures that have developed and my willingness to accept such changes. Then I think about my love for Lucy and believe that she is nothing like Amy or the other women that have betrayed me. I open my eyes and look into Lucy’s. Those big beautiful cyan and dark pink eyes. “I love you so much, Lucy. You came into my life when I was at my lowest. Even though I have my parents you are the one who has helped me the most in trusting people again. So, I will believe in you, and I will try my best to make you happy.” Lucy smiles brightly and kisses me. We stay like this essentially making out for a few minutes before deciding it was time to continue our job of searching for the goblin settlement and wiping it out.

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