The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 97 Waves Caused by the Wheel of Fortune


Edited by Gumihou

Even in Ye Fei’s dreams did he not expect that the system would give him such a big gift, the Comprehensive Collection of Sichuan Cuisine, Level 2 Limited Authority, making Ye Fei so excited he could not sleep until the middle of the night.

By the time he fell asleep in a daze, it was almost dawn.

Ye Fei slept comfortably all the way until 11:30 a.m. before he crawled out of bed.

After washing up, he did not even make any breakfast, eagerly rushing over to turn on his computer and enter his channel. He wanted to see whether the platform had installed the Wheel of Fortune.

And so, the moment he entered his channel, Ye Fei beamed.

At the upper right corner of his channel was a wheel-like thing. The wheel was made up of many small wedges, each with an ID inside. There was a red arrow on top of the wheel, pointing down at the usernames. Smacked right in the middle of the wheel was a red button with the words ‘Wheel of Fortune’ written on it.

“That’s right, that’s how it should be.”

Ye Fei was still very satisfied with QQ platform’s level of efficiency. To be able to develop the Wheel of Fortune and installing onto the channels overnight, the effort that had gone into it was definitely not small. It’s possible that the technical department did not close their eyes at all the whole of last night.

When he thought of this, Ye Fei felt somewhat touched. Certain people stood aloof from worldly affairs, aiming to just do their best in their allotted work. Such people should never lose their jobs and should never be treated unfairly.

QQ platform should not collapse ah.

While Ye Fei was still lost in thought, quite a few people had already entered the channel.

One such viewer just entered, with the username ‘Ant Rides a Galloping Turtle’ [1]. Seeing that name, the corner of Ye Fei’s mouth curved into a smile. Ant that rides a galloping Turtle, can a little fellow like you even gallop up to twenty meters an hour?

This viewer who just came in noticed that the channel was different from usual.

“Yi~~ Has Deity Ye’s channel been revised? Why is there an extra wheel of fortune?”

The people who came in before him were also discussing it.

“Everyone, what is this extra thing in Deity Ye’s channel? A Wheel of Fortune? Is Deity Ye going to do some divination and fortune-telling on the side alongside his live broadcast?”

“Puuu~ Upstairs, did a crater appear in your head in an explosion? You even thought about divination and fortune-telling.”

“Then, what else could it be for?”

“I don’t know, but when Deity Ye goes live in a little while, he should tell us about it.”

Not only were the people in the channel curious, even the QQ Platform staff were confused.

Backstage, staff from other sections saw this ‘Wheel of Fortune’ thing as soon as they got to work.

“En? Hm? Have our platform channels been updated?”

“What’s going on?”

“Look, there’s an extra Wheel of Fortune thing on our Song & Dance channel, what’s with that thing?”

“Hold on, hold on, let me see. Yi, it’s true, eh? ‘Sup with this? I didn’t hear about our platform planning to change things, ah. Before, if the platform wants to do any technical revisions, they would at least send out an internal notification. Why didn’t we hear anything about this?”

“Gushing Rivermouth’s channel in our Storytelling Section also has one.”

“All of our Outdoor Sports Section channels have them too, ah.”

“All of our Fitness Section channels have them too.”

“What does this thing do?”

“I don’t know, I’m also purely dumbfounded looking at it.”

“Is this a prank by the technical department?”

“How is it possible? Unless the technical department was kicked in the head by a donkey, would they dare to joke about such a big thing?”

“Then what do you think this is about?”

“How would I know? The platform should send a notice later, just wait and see.”

Fine Food Section.

The entire staff of that department were all Ye Fei’s iron fans by now. Therefore, the first thing they did when they got to work was to enter Ye Fei’s channel.

As soon as Liu Ping was in Ye Fei’s channel, his eyes zoomed in on the Wheel of Fortune. The fellow exclaimed, “Oh Mai Gawd, Deity Ye’s channel has been updated? How come there is a Wheel of Fortune here? What is it for?”

With a single sentence, everyone flocked to Ye Fei’s channel and they began to speculate on the Wheel of Fortune at the upper-right corner of the page.

“Wheel of Fortune? Well, surely we can tell from its name alone. It’s a spinning wheel that brings fortune to people.”


“Xiaomin, you explained it so well, very apt, very fitting.”

“Go wait at the side, what’s the use of you talking? This thing wasn’t here yesterday, but it’s suddenly here today.”

“I do not know how, ah, the company did not send out any internal notifications. Let’s wait and see, it should be clear in a moment.”

At that time, Feng Tianlai arrived.

Liu Ping hurriedly called him over, “Supervisor, Supervisor, quickly come over, something big has happened to our platform, quickly look at this thing.”

Feng Tianlai was stunned. Something big has happened to the platform? Why don’t I know about it?

“Liu Ping, what happened?”

“Supervisor, our platform’s channels have been revised, look at this, there’s an extra wheel of fortune thingy. Who made this thing ah?”

Feng Tianlai replied after a moment, “…F*ck, the technical department’s speed is this godly? They’ve come up with this thing this quickly?”

When everyone heard Feng Tianlai say that, they realised that he must know more about the situation.

Tang Xiaomin: “Supervisor, you knew about this thing?”

“Supervisor, why didn’t I see you calling a meeting to inform us about this, ah? What’s this thing for?”

Feng Tianlai felt depressed, thinking: I would really f*cking like to have a meeting about this thing, ah. But, this is not something the platform came up with, ah. It’s all Deity Ye’s idea. How would I know what Deity Ye is thinking, ah?

“This… ahem, ahem, it’s like this. The Wheel of Fortune displays all the IDs of all the viewers in a channel at any time. Clicking on the words will activate the Wheel of Fortune, causing it to spin. Once the wheel stops spinning, a viewer’s ID will appear under the arrow. That viewer will be the lucky person who could directly interact with the broadcaster.”

The crowd: “…….”

“F*ck, this is a good idea ah, it’s too damn f*cking godly.”

“Aiyo, if we had done this in the past, just how much would our platform’s customer traffic have increased? This thing is too interesting.”

“Yes, the lucky audience member can interact with the broadcaster. For a broadcaster’s iron fan, this is way too attractive.”

“Everyone wants to have further contact with their idol. Even if they can’t meet, it’s still not bad to talk on the phone.”

“This idea is really a golden idea, ah, I did not think there were still such awesome people existing in the technical department staff. No, I must give them a like.”

“I’ll give 32 likes! I can say that with just this one little wheel of fortune, our platform’s customer traffic will undergo an explosive increase in a flash.”

“Supervisor, this idea is really too awesome. I think that the colleague from the technical department who came up with this idea should be pretty rad.”

Feng Tianlai watched the group of subordinates who were excitedly discussing the wheel of fortune, coughed twice, then said, “Actually, this idea was not thought up by the technical department.”

“Ah? The technical department didn’t come up with it? How is this possible? The existence of the technical department is to constantly refine and improve our platform’s channels, ah. If they didn’t come up with it, then who did?”

Feng Tianlai revealed a mysterious smile and said, “Use your smart little brains and think hard, who would have such a rad idea?”

“Manager Zhao, it must be Manager Zhao, Manager Zhao has a lot of ideas.”

“That’s right, I think it’s also Manager Zhao.”

“Cough cough, you’re all wrong, didn’t you see the Supervisor’s mysterious smile just now? He must have come up with this idea, didn’t you, Supervisor?”

“Yi~~ That’s right, supervisor, you are impure, ah, to have such a good idea and hide it from us.”

“This idea must have gotten Supervisor a lot of rewards, right? Supervisor, today after work, it’s your treat oh.”

The corner of Feng Tianlai’s mouth started twitching, shouting in his heart: Such an injustice ah, I have nothing to do with this idea, okay? If I had such a f*cking smart brain,  would I still be drifting in this supervisor position? I estimate that I would have already entered the senior leadership circle of the company long ago.

“This really was not my idea, nor something Manager Zhao came up with. This is something Deity Ye came up with. Deity Ye and I met yesterday, saying that he wanted to install a wheel of fortune in his channel to increase the interactivity with the audience, and then we requested it for him. Unexpectedly, our platform’s technical department is so fast, coming up with this thing in just a single night.”

Everyone: “………”

“What? Deity Ye came up with it?”

“F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, this idea is actually Deity Ye’s? This motherf*cker is simply too rad.”

“Deity Ye is worthy of being my male god, ah, his head is really different from ordinary people.”

“Deity Ye’s channel is so tricky, I did not expect that his golden ideas are also endless ah. So powerful, my god.”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? From how Deity Ye runs his channel, you can also see that he stands out from the crowd, ah. When others do fine food broadcasting, they only devour and guzzle. How rude, ah, how crude, ah. Look at Deity Ye, when he does fine food broadcasting, he makes all kinds of delicious food right in front of the camera, how decent, ah, how meaningful, ah.”

“I … shit, a male like you talks about Deity Ye with this kind of affectionate tone, with this kind of ambiguous eyes, is that really a good thing? So filthy, ah.”

“So men can not like Deity Ye? I Tell you what, Deity Ye is also my male god, I just do not know if he has a boyfriend.”

“My @ # $%, your sister ah, get away from me, my goosebumps is littering the ground now, I really can not stand you.”



[Gumihou: Lololol, these people…]

Pill Bug TL Notes:

[1]       骑着乌龟狂飙的蚂蚁

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