The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 103 Lottery


Edited by Gumihou

Now that the Mapo had emerged from its pot, the entire live channel instantly exploded.

The viewers were enticed by this plate of food with its delicate red, green and white colours. They were shocked because they never thought that Ye Fei’s Mapo Tofu would be so enticing in terms of colour and fragrance. This was simply top-grade Mapo Tofu.

At that time, the rate of rewards appearing on the live channel also reached an all-time high.

Props filled the screen like stars filling up the sky, simply uncountable.

That day, many sections of QQ Platform’s backstage had Silver Star Deities doing their live broadcasts. Therefore, most of the supervisors and department leaders were busy monitoring their own people. Even so, there were still a few who managed to squeeze into Ye Fei’s live channel. They wanted to see what Ye Fei’s results would be doing that day.

When they heard that Ye Fei was going to make Mapo Tofu, all of these people scoffed with their noses in the air.

“Cooking tofu? If I recall correctly, didn’t this guy already make a tofu dish once?”

“Indeed, it was Cola Tofu. It was quite well made, with good selling points.

“But Mapo Tofu would not necessarily have the same impact. My wife often makes this too. I must say, each time she makes it, it was like some kind of disaster. If she did not tell me the name of the dish, I thought she had served some kind of smashed tofu with sauce instead. Can hardly find an intact cube of tofu inside. All were broken up, just looking at it made me lose my appetite.”

“Haha, the one in my family is also the same. The Mapo Tofu can suddenly transform into Mapo Douhua. [1]”

“This dish is really not easy. Although it looks very simple, it is difficult to achieve the best result because too many factors need to be controlled in the process. Although I do not know much about cooking, I also know that in order to make a successful Mapo Tofu great, skill is needed, ah [a].”

“This guy actually wants to make Mapo Tofu today. Huh huh, not that I don’t think highly of him, but he’s really making things difficult for himself, ah. I’m going to sit here and wait for him to smash his own stall.”

“Don’t say that, after all, he still has some ability. Moreover, he is from our platform. Let’s hope for his success.”

Some people were waiting to see Ye Fei make a fool of himself, while others sweated as they watch Ye Fei work.

Silver Ranker Forum.

The few Silver Star broadcasters who were not on air at that particular moment was also discussing that matter.

“Mapo Tofu ah? Hum… looks like this guy wants to dig a hole for himself.”

“This dish is too well-known. It’s something that people often order at restaurants. However, a lot of those so-called chefs would serve me something messed up instead. Once, I ordered Mapo Tofu at a restaurant and I thought they got my order wrong because it looked more like a plate of Douhua with spicy sauce. Your mom, can’t even find an intact piece of tofu cube. Just looking at that thing made me lose my appetite immediately.”

“I wonder how  Ye Fei’s dish will turn out.”

“Still need to ask? Let me tell you, I believe that he can do a good job with some weird obscure dish, but a Mapo Tofu? After all, a good Mapo Tofu has to be made with very tender tofu. That thing will break if you look at it wrong.”

When the people from the Fine Food Section heard that Ye Fei was going to make Mapo Tofu, their hearts all stuttered.

“Deity Ye wants to make Mapo Tofu? F*ck me, this dish looks simple, but it is really not easy to do, ah.”

“Yes, the tender tofu breaks too easily.”

“Mommy ah, I hate cooking tofu. It is not that I do not want to cook it, but I really cannot cook it. Once, I fried tofu. What I put in was a motherf*cking bunch of tofu cubes, and what came out of the pan was a plate of Tofu Brain. F*ck it all, it made me so depressed that I collapsed on the spot.”

“I also cook smashed-up tofu every time. There is no other way, the tofu is too soft.”

“Deity Ye really dares to make this, ah. Trying to make this dish well is really difficult.”

“Deity Ye, you must succeed, please please please.”

When Ye Fei’s followers first heard that he was going to make Mapo Tofu, none of them were optimistic about the result.

However, it turned out that Ye Fei actually created a top-grade dish!!”

Nesting within the scarlet broth, white cubes of tofu sat inside like good little babies. Don’t talk about broken cubes, not even a single piece suffer any kind of deformation.

As they stared at the plate of Mapo Tofu, the entire mob of people were dumbfounded.

“This …… this is Deity Ye’s Mapo Tofu?”

“Holy sh*t, you are kidding me, right? The tofu cubes on the plate are the same as when he poured them in, there’s not even a broken-up piece, ah!”

“It’s not just unbroken, not a single one is out of shape, ah!”

“How did he do that?”

“This guy is really good at cooking, no wonder he dares to broadcast in such a way.”

In the Fine Food Section, the moment the group of people laid eyes upon the Mapo Tofu made by Ye Fei, they first froze, then they cheered.


“F*ck, this is more than a success, this is simply too, too… too successful!”

“Uh, isn’t that still a success?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Deity Ye’s rewards have exploded.”

“Your mom, I can’t even count the number of luxury aircrafts! This time, I expect Deity Ye to set a new record again.”

“What’s so strange, isn’t every one of Deity Ye’s live broadcasts a record-breaking moment?”

“Haha, you are also right, our company’s records are to be smashed one by one by Deity Ye.”

Right now, the people in the live channel nearly jumped up and down from sheer excitement. That’s because the first lottery was to be drawn once the dish was made. Everyone wanted to be drawn, everyone wanted to be the lucky audience.

Ye Fei also did not keep his viewers waiting. After setting the Mapo Tofu on the table, he made for the laptop. On the way out, he grabbed little Sharpie with him. He dare not let this fellow stay in the kitchen on its own. This creature was a threat to his food. Just one slip of attention and the food would be snitched.

Sharpie was so depressed it wanted to die. When Ye Fei grabbed it on his way out like a piece of extra luggage, its eyes remained glued onto the plate of wonderfully made Mapo Tofu. Its little tongue kept licking its lips non-stop.

After closing the kitchen door, Ye Fei sat before his laptop. Seeing the monitor covered in reward items, his heart pounded with excitement.

“Stop, Deity Ye is here.”

“Stop swiping for now, you won’t be able to see the lucky draw later.”

“Yes, yes, yes, pause for a moment. The exciting moment has arrived, I want to be the first lucky audience.”

“Go turn into a hammer, the first one will be this mommy!”

“Sister, why don’t you stay home with your kids? Why are you here to join the fun?”

“Little Fellow, shouldn’t you be at home serving your wife? What are you doing running around here for?”

“I… Aiya, not to talk to you anymore, I’m gonna be drawn as a winner.”

When Ye Fei sat down in front of the computer, his monitor instantly cleared up as people waited with bated breath.

Looking at the live channel that was cleaner than his face, Ye Fei suddenly regretted creating this lottery thing. This f*cking thing was blocking his reward item time, ah. Just how much money was he losing from this?

Even so, once he thought of how excited this group of supporters are, Ye Fei’s heart also calmed down a bit. If he were to nitpick with such a devoted group, wasn’t it too improper?

Isn’t this a reward?

This is a reward… right?

It still feels a little sore.

Putting his ambiguous feelings aside, Ye Fei smiled and said, “My dear fans, the Mapo Tofu is ready, is there anyone who would like to try it?”

The crowd, “…….”

“Deity Ye, can’t you cut the bullsh*t?”

“Still asking if there is anyone that wants to eat? Can’t you tell that our heads have almost flown off already? Everyone is trying to grab it.”

“Deity Ye, you will have no friends if you do this, giving you advice for free.”

“You will be beaten when you go out.”

“Deity Ye, if this mommy is beside you, you would absolutely be bitten to death. Let me tell you, I just swapped a new mouthful of teeth, they are made of porcelain.”

“… Puuu, upstairs, what is your venerable age this year, ah?”

“Eighty-two, why?”

“I… Hello grandma, goodbye grandma.”

The live broadcast channel was simply way too joyful, regardless of each person’s real age, at that moment, they were ten thousand percent excited!

Ye Fei rubbed his hands and laughed, “Alright, alright, since everyone is so enthusiastic, then let’s draw one for now. First of all, this thing is random, I am not sure who will be chosen. The rule still applies, if you do not want to come over and cook with me, that’s fine. If it is too inconvenient for you to come, let others come in your stead. They can come in your name.”

“Got it, got it, hurry up hurry up hurry up.”

“Deity Ye, draw me draw me draw me ……”

“Upstairs, you haven’t flown yet?”

“You’re the one who flew, your whole family flew together.”

Since everything had been clearly said, Ye Fei placed his hand on the wireless mouse and said, “Everyone, it’s starting, ah.”

“Aiyo, holy sh*t, start, ah, I’m so anxious waiting for this, ah.”

“Cut the crap, silence in the playing field!”

“With god’s blessing, be sure to draw me, draw me, draw me.”

“Your mom, God can draw you to death… God, draw me please.”

“Ancestors above, bless your best descendant, allow me to dominate in this lottery. Once I learn how to make the food, I will first make a plate for you to try.”

“Puu~~ upstairs, are you damn sure your ancestors can eat the dishes you make?”

“Use as offerings.”

Just as the crowd was making a commotion, the cursor hovered over the three words [Wheel of Fortune].

He gently clicked.

[Gumihou: Eh, did a little bit to increase drama]

[a] These people are making it sound like Mapo Tofu with intact tofu cubes needed some mystical power. Let me tell you, if you have a deep pan with a strong handle and a good fire, you can make Mapo Tofu with soft tofu and still keep the cubes intact.

The secret is to NOT touch the tofu with a spatula or whatever once they are in the broth. Shake the PAN instead. You may spoon the broth over the tofu cubes, but shaking the pan is often good enough to coat them thoroughly.

When you want to serve them, scoop the Mapo Tofu out with a spatula, NOT a spoon. You can also pour it out onto a deeper plate, like Deity Ye.

That’s it, that’s the secret to not turning your Mapo Tofu into Douhua.

Shake the pan.

Pill Bug TL Notes:

[1]  AKA Tofu Brain.

Basically, when poorly done, it looks like tofu that has been mashed up so much it is almost soy milk. Properly done, it is a block of tofu that is so delicate it is barely holding together, melting into soy milk on your tongue. Still, it is almost tasteless, needing syrup for flavour.

Gumihou: It’s always hilarious to me that it’s translated as ‘tofu brain’.

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