The Female Taoist Priestess's Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 86: Jane got a complaint down there.

Chapter 86

"She looks beautiful." He Qingchen took the sunscreen and pulled her arm towards him, starting to apply it for her.

In no time, he had covered all the exposed skin with the sunscreen.

Although He Qingchen had chosen a rather modest swimsuit for Jian Xi, her alluring curves were still hard to conceal. So he made her put on a rash guard, claiming that the UV rays were too strong that day.

Of course, Jian Xi didn't doubt him and obediently put it on.

Even with the rash guard on, her gorgeous legs still drew many appreciative glances as she walked.

But those glances only lasted a moment before their owners quickly averted their gaze upon meeting He Qingchen's piercing stare.

Jian Xi, fully absorbed in her excitement to play in the water, was completely oblivious to this.

The beach was crescent-shaped, with many people swimming. Jian Xi was playing happily with the nearby children, splashing water at each other amid peals of laughter.

Sometimes when she was losing, she would complain to He Qingchen, prompting him to join the water fight with a resigned but doting air.

At first, the children were a bit intimidated by his imposing presence. But as they played, they soon forgot about He Qingchen's stern demeanor.

After nearly an hour of the water battle, Jian Xi resembled a drowned chick, with droplets even clinging to her long eyelashes.

He Qingchen brought her back to shore. With the mild sea breeze, she leaned back on a beach chair to bask in the sun.

Worried the brightness might bother her, He Qingchen handed her his sunglasses, then used a clean towel to dry her hair.

Jian Xi basked contentedly, "Ah, such a pity I can't swim, or I would have done a couple of laps." She noticed swimming instructors teaching on the beach and her eyes lit up.

"Brother, why don't you hire an instructor to teach me how to swim?" She blinked her large eyes expectantly at He Qingchen.

He Qingchen produced sunscreen from somewhere and applied it to her again. "No need for an instructor, I can teach you myself."

Jian Xi looked slightly surprised. "You know how? When did you learn?"

"After we returned to B City."

She should have known - they had all grown up in the mountains and were complete landlubbers back then!

After finishing with the sunscreen, He Qingchen had someone bring over a swimming ring, then began teaching her how to swim.

Jian Xi's learning ability was unquestionable. He Qingchen just provided some key pointers, and she quickly grasped the basics, able to extrapolate from there.

By midday, she had mastered yet another skill.

Swimming was quite strenuous, so Jian Xi started feeling hungry before lunchtime. He Qingchen took her to eat, then they returned to the beach.

Above the horizon, the majestic sunset bathed the calm sea in its glow. Jian Xi and He Qingchen lay together on a lounger, with her cradled in his embrace as they watched the sun dipping into the ocean.

The sea breeze caressed them, and Jian Xi sighed contentedly, "This is so relaxing."

He Qingchen said nothing, simply savoring this tranquil moment with her by his side - the first time since leaving Xuantian Temple that he felt so at peace. Most importantly, she was now his.

After spending several delightful days at the beach in City H, Jian Xi was finally ready to leave. She and He Qingchen returned to B City, accompanied by Ye Ze.

Ye Ze had essentially completed his tasks for the Metaphysics Association, so there was no need for him to remain.

The Metaphysics Association's headquarters was located in B City, so Ye Ze headed straight there upon their arrival. Before leaving, he told Jian Xi to keep next Saturday free so they could get together with Huo Chengxi, Su Yinghe, and the others.

Jian Xi agreed, then tagged her senior martial brother, third senior martial sister Gu Zhiyao, and fourth senior martial brother in their group chat, announcing their upcoming gathering.

To her delight, Gu Zhiyao, who was supposed to be filming in Hollywood, immediately replied, telling Jian Xi to be ready to pick her up at the airport next Saturday morning.

Jian Xi was overjoyed, counting down the days until she could welcome her beloved third senior martial sister's arrival!

Ever since she was young, Gu Zhiyao had doted on her the most, though it wasn't that the others neglected her. But Gu Zhiyao's care was akin to that of an elder sister - she wouldn't spoil Jian Xi excessively, and wouldn't hesitate to scold or even punish her when she misbehaved, explaining where she had gone wrong.

In any case, Gu Zhiyao had played an indispensable role in Jian Xi's upbringing.

Jian Xi had some free time before her trip to City H, having completed all her fortune-telling readings for Friday before leaving. She had returned to B City on Wednesday, so she didn't need to work for the next few days.

However, she still needed to visit the Special Security Bureau.

Thus, on Thursday morning, while He Qingchen went to the company, Jian Xi had her driver take her to the Bureau.

Qi Yunzheng was manning the bookstore that day. Seeing Jian Xi, he greeted her in surprise before gesturing for her to head upstairs.

Everyone was present, and Jian Xi also spotted a familiar face whose back view initially made her want to turn and flee.

"Little Seven, where are you going?" Xie BiAn turned to look at Jian Xi.

Jian Xi froze mid-escape, quickly replacing her expression with an ingratiating smile. "Brother Xie, I wasn't trying to leave. I just saw you and wanted to make you a cup of tea!" As she spoke, she gave Tang Xingyou a meaningful look.

Picking up on her signal, Tang Xingyou inconspicuously retreated a few steps before turning and heading towards Chief Song's office.

She had previously spotted some fine tea tucked away in the second drawer during her last visit.

"Little Seven, did you know there's a 'complaint' about you?" Xie BiAn asked, one leg crossed over the other.

Jian Xi looked puzzled. "A complaint? What complaint?"

"Feng Yuling," Xie BiAn stated a name.

After racking her brain, Jian Xi recalled who this Feng Yuling was and her face soured with displeasure.

Ah yes, the villainous old Mrs. Feng.

Jian Xi inwardly rolled her eyes. This woman was truly shameless. She had ruthlessly schemed and hired assassins to kill her husband's first love, all in her ambition to marry into a wealthy family. Then, taking advantage of her husband's heartbroken vulnerability, she had drugged him and taken him as her own. Even when her son fell for a girl of humble origins who couldn't benefit her, she had forced the couple apart.

When her son refused to obey, she had someone break the girl's father and brother's legs, leaving the family's only remaining able-bodied members bedridden. The poor girl was forced to juggle caring for them, studying, and working late into the night to make ends meet.

And that was just the tip of the iceberg - Feng Yuling's atrocities were numerous and increasingly despicable.

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