The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Empress world

Chapter 57-The World of Empress

When the cabinet system was formally implemented, those fiercely opposed to it were surprised to find that in fact, nothing went wrong in its operation.

The original six Shangshu became cabinet ministers, Ye Yuqi’s position was changed from prime minister to chief assistant, Xun Feiming was transferred to the Ministry of Households to be the Shangshu, and Shu Shulan was the Shangshu for the Ministry of Engineering.

The emergence of a new department, except for the rise and fall of positions, did not cause much disturbance.

Their new first assistants are extremely capable and seem to be used to handling government affairs that belong to the queen.

When the cabinet system was implemented on the first day, Ye Yuqi divided the memorial into several parts, and then gave them to different people for review.

After all this was done, the astonished eyes of the other people brought him back to his senses. The man who had climbed to the pinnacle of power in this standing year showed an embarrassed smile and explained lightly: “Your Majesty will let me before. Help with some memos.”

This is not something incomprehensible in the eyes of everyone. The empress’s reliance on Ye Yuqi in the past few years is obvious to all, and now it is precisely because of this matter that the cabinet can operate in such a stable manner.

At the beginning, the cabinet members except Ye Yuqi were a little trembling. They were not sure of the degree to which the Empress had delegated power. Except for some unnutritious memorials, they almost wanted to hand over all the government affairs to the Empress for review again.

It was the Shoufu who looked at those again, picked out the papers that were handed over to the Empress, and asked them to deal with them according to his selection criteria.

In their anxiety, the empress had no objection to the memorial presented, nor reprimanded them for gaining power. After a few days, the empress impatiently set the rule of presenting the memorial once every seven days except for the emergency memorial.

And this time, from seven days, slowly extended to nine days, ten days and a half month, or even longer.

Cabinet officials complained about the waywardness of the empress, while discovering how fascinating power is.

Shu Shulan’s life is even better. After her rise in position, she can do more things.

The cabinet system implemented by the female emperor is also conducive to her next plan. If the country can prosper without a monarch, then someone will always raise this point.

If there is no such person, she will also find a way to spread such remarks.

She has always been proud because she has done many things that other people in this world cannot do. She claims to be a highly educated woman in modern society, unlike the ancients, even though she knows how many talented people there are.

Everything was carried out according to her thoughts. This feeling made her feel airy. Even if she told herself to be cautious, she still felt a sense of contentment.

This is a normal thing, and it is also normal that such self-confidence is shattered by the cold reality.

The death row on the execution ground was cursing, the voice of grief and anger echoed in this space, and the people gathered around to watch the execution.

Shu Shulan happened to see this scene when she left from the Ministry of Industry. She casually asked the guards next to her: “What crime did these people commit?”

“Subordinates go down to find out.”

The clever guard walked over there, and Shu Shulan did not expect that a whim of the question would bring back such a news.

“My lord, inquired about it.”

The little guard came back soon, “These people are all radical literati. They were influenced by the newspaper during this period and said something unfavorable to Her Majesty the Queen.”

She could no longer hear the words behind, she watched the blood spray, looked at the headless bodies that were suddenly struck, speechless.

“…grown ups?”


Shu Shulan squeezed the word out of her teeth. Without hesitation, her subordinates obeyed the order and drove away. She silently wondered whether her adult was frightened by the execution. It stands to reason that she shouldn’t. In the case of King Duanyang, she still Appearing as a prisoner and beheading officer, there is no abnormality, how can the ordinary execution scene be frightened.

Naturally, Shu Shulan was not scared by the scenes of murder, she just suddenly realized that the impact she had on the world was not only good.

This was just a case that happened in front of her, and how many people lost their lives in places she couldn’t see?

She didn’t dare to think, but she couldn’t help thinking.

Shu Shulan was sitting in the carriage. The flat ground and good shock absorption system made the bumps on the road close to nothing. Her mood, however, could not get better anyway.

After returning to Shangshufu, she had a depressed expression and was not in the mood to eat. After asking someone to take a leave of absence, she lay on the bed.

This was not the first time she saw blood, but she seemed to be back when she first murdered in her previous life, feeling sick and nauseous.

Dazed, she fell asleep and had a dream.

In the dream, she still went from a female agent to the unloved concubine of the Hubu Shangshu family. She started to develop exactly the same way. She pretended to be a man and opened a snack shop.

She thought she had dreamed of the past.

When she dreamed that she was found fault by others, she was still thinking easily that Zhuang Yitong and the empress should appear next. However, the next development was unexpected. What she met was not the emperor who visited Weifu privately, but Prince.

Shu Shulan watched her dreamingly talk with King Duanyang, watched the two people get closer, watched her and Yan Xiuran fall into the cliff because of the chase, and developed feelings when relying on each other for warmth.

She looked at people with her own looks when Yan Xiuran fell down and shook her head and sighed that she kept giving in but was suspected by the suspicious monarch. She didn’t expect that she was so immature and cheatable in her dream, and she actually believed this lie. , And also fight for him.

How could it be, how could the empress be such a narrow-minded person, she wanted to refute, but could not move or speak, she could only be a bystander.

Shu Shulan just watched, watching that she fell in love with Yan Xiuran, and the feelings germinated between them, even though she was dressed as a man.

Watching them get married, and then in the bridal chamber, they are in love with each other.

She watched Yan Xiuran use her methods and techniques to strengthen her power, watched herself blinded by love, trusting each other unreservedly, planning for him wholeheartedly, and seizing the opportunity to seek the usurpation of the throne.

In her dream, she took this for granted. She truly felt that the empress was a stubborn and cruel monarch, and she also truly believed that Yan Xiuran was a graceful gentleman, and was forced to rebel in order to survive.

How naive.

However, they succeeded, succeeded in rebelling, and succeeded in becoming the emperor and queen of this dynasty.

Shu Shulan watched the scene in the hall. She didn’t look at Yan Xiuran, who was proud of her ambition, nor herself, who was full of love in her eyes. She looked down on the ground and lost her breath of life. Her face was pale and her neck was between her necks. The empress whose blood is still flowing.

How could the empress die?

How could it be possible to die so easily?

A huge sense of absurdity enveloped her, making her more aware that this was just a dream.

Just like the traversal novel that the soft little girl showed her when she was protecting an employer before, all the plots seemed so routine, with a cookie-cutter ending.

However, the follow-up development is not a routine. Shu Shulan, who gave her lover all the trust, was unsuspectingly broken her hand muscles and hamstrings by the person next to her in her sleep. The iron chain passed through the pipa bone and was locked behind the palace and opened up. In the dark room.

Shu Shulan looked at the stupid self in the dream, with a look of horror and pain, and watched Yan Xiuran appear with a woman who looked exactly like her.

That is her stand-in, used to stabilize the court. After all, there are still many people she has friends with. She also has prestige among the people. If the queen suddenly disappears, there will be a big disturbance.

A color of resentment appeared on “Own”‘s face, and Yan Xiuran babbled in front of her, declaring victory.

He said that he still loves himself, and if it wasn’t for his own queen who was restless and tried to intervene in the court and the army, he would not do it.

When Shu Shulan heard the man in the dream, she laughed at the loser in an extremely arrogant tone: “Women should stay in the backyard by their duty, and don’t intervene in the men’s war.

If you are obedient, I still plan to raise you, but you are too obedient.

How can you, like those two restless women, try to get a woman into the court. ”

The handsome face was full of malice. He threw a book to the ground with the words “Women Training” written on the cover.

“My queen should be the example of women in the world. I ordered people to write this book. In the future, everyone in the world will know that it is your work.”


He stopped walking outwards, turned his head and did not hide his cumbersome mood: “Before that woman died, I also gave her this book in your name.”

The woman he contemptuously declared is naturally only the Empress.

Shu Shulan didn’t know what she was feeling, she looked at Yan Xiuran with extremely cold eyes.

He is proud. He has the highest authority to get rid of all those who cannot be used to it. He does not need to wear a mask to deal with his wife, and he does not need to endure other people’s finger-handling. He can do things in accordance with his will and suppress them. The status of women is restricted by layers of shackles.

Yan Xiuran didn’t want another empress, and likewise, she didn’t want a second Shu Shulan.

At this time, Shu Shulan, who was floating in the air, was numb. She watched herself being repeated by the palace staff day by day, watching the flesh and blood almost grow together with the iron chain, trapped in this dark room forever. Watching those eyes gradually lose their look and become hollow.

Shu Shulan’s unbearable heart will not change the direction of the dream, the consequences of blindness are just as serious.

She saw Yan Xiuran stepping into this small dark room again, and the **** behind him was holding a white silk.

He looked condescendingly at himself with a withered expression, and showed a smile mixed with pleasure and sarcasm: “Do you know what’s wrong?”

It took a long time for the woman with her head to move. She slowly raised her head and answered, her voice was dry and hoarse as long as she didn’t speak, but her words didn’t mean any gentleness: “Is it the fault of not seeing you clearly?”

Yan Xiuran is not angry, and the words of the loser will not make him feel: “For the sake of our husband and wife, I will give you three-foot white silk.”

“A mean man, do you still expect me to thank you for death?”

The soft white silk wrapped around her neck and sealed the thin lip. The pain of suffocation made her complexion ugly, and the man on the other side didn’t even blink his eyes.

She seemed to have become the self in her dream, and the intense suffocation made her pull the cloth on her throat in pain, breathe in nothing but nothing.

At this time, she heard the cold voice of the Empress.

“Shu Aiqing?”

Shu Shulan opened her eyes blankly. She was not in that dark room, nor was she the queen who saw the wrong person and was betrayed and killed by betraying the world, but the Yun Dynasty Yipin Shangshu, the celebrity in front of the female emperor; the female emperor is still alive, and Yan Xiuran had already turned into loess.

She breathed fresh air greedily, and the empress was indeed beside her, sitting beside her bed.

“Your Majesty, what’s wrong with me?”

“Some cold, the imperial doctor said it was the cause of overwork.”

The female emperor raised her eyebrows, “Aiqing doesn’t have to work so hard.”

It was the waiting maid who found her dizzy and dizzy. She asked someone to ask for the doctor. She happened to ran into the female emperor who came out with the emperor’s doctor and went to her mansion together.

“Your Majesty is worried.”

“Since Ai Qing knows, don’t do this anymore.”

Someone brought the medicine bowl, and Shu Shulan wrinkled her face and drank it. She was so bitter that she ate several candied fruits.

She suddenly asked in a soft voice: “Your Majesty, if you find that you want to do something, it is good, but there are many people who oppose it, and many people will die for it. What would you do?”

“Revolution is always accompanied by blood and tears.”

The female emperor’s expression was cold and sharp. For a moment, Shu Shulan felt that all her small abacus was seen by the other party, as if she was stripped naked and thrown into the public, even more embarrassed than herself in the dark room in her dream.

“Just knowing that you are correct is enough.

The Shu Shulan I know is not such a person who looks forward and backward. ”

Shu Shulan trembled and looked at the female emperor’s expression again. The other party had returned to the usual gentle appearance, as if she was not the one who said that.

The empress left after sitting for a while, and Shu Shulan’s mind was in chaos. For a while, it was a scene in a dream, another was a picture of a previous life, and another was a variety of this life.

Slowly, she came up with a whimsical idea, which made her fight a cold war, and the fingers of the quilt were white.

how can that be possible?

She muttered silently, how could there be such a person in this world?

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