The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 154

Chapter 154 Interstellar world

Chapter 154 Interstellar World

The Winter Prison is a building independent of the planet. This is an idea proposed by a certain scientist in the empire. He initially wanted to build a mobile castle in the universe for his daughter, but until his death, he was unsuccessful.

But later generations took over his research. Although the mobile castle has not been realized, it can be done with buildings floating in the universe.

At that time, the imperial emperor applied this invention to the construction of opera houses, restaurants, scenic spots, prisons, laboratories, etc. The final success was only the Winter Prison.

This single seedling has since grown into the most restrictive prison in the empire, also known as “the **** that can’t go out”. Of course, this is only for ordinary people with no background.

Near the Winter Prison, the Empire also arranged an artificial meteorite belt to hide the prison and increase the difficulty of breaking into the prison and escape from the inside. There are also two satellites next to it to install weapons and personnel to prevent accidents.

After Ning Su mastered the layout of the Winter Prison, he had the idea of ​​using it to become the first stronghold against the empire.

This is actually very easy to do. In the interstellar age, the management of prisons relies on technological means, and no matter how strong prisoners are, they dare not easily challenge the authority of prison guards.

The reason is that the ubiquitous weapons and punishment equipment in the prison are enough to make them pull out their fangs and claws and become obedient little sheep.

Similarly, it was enough for Ning Su to easily control an entire prison.

In fact, she did not completely instigate everyone in the prison. What Ning Su did was actually use the prison’s supervision system to take over the management of the Winter Prison, and then close every door and passageway door during sleep time, and all People are separated and isolated.

Wardens and prison guards who find something bad will find that they have also become imprisoned, all communication systems will fail, and they will not be able to communicate with the outside world.

The empire would receive a message from Ning Su that Winter Prison was out of the control of the empire.

In the prison that became an isolated island, Ning Su came out of the room. The lights along the way lit up as she walked, and then went out after she left. The prison guards on this floor watched her pass by the door. Can’t figure out how Cicelli did it.

Ning Su’s first destination is the archives. The last rough exploration was not able to fully grasp the information of the prisoners here. She needs to link these information with the lives of everyone collected on the Star Network to distinguish them as they deserve it. , Was framed by the innocent.

Not only the files of the prisoners, she also checked the data of the warden and various prison guards, analyzed their behavior in the prison, to see if they can be used for her own use.

This is a huge project. If it is someone else, it may take ten days and a half to organize with a team, but for Z79, which processes countless information every day, even if the Empire Star Network is not controlled by her, he can come and go freely.

But overnight, she distinguished all the personnel.

The Winter Prison is fair in the eyes of the public. At least everyone who comes in will have enough charges to persuade others, and the files will also be recorded.

However, after combining the various whereabouts of Starnet, most of the criminals deserved the crime. Among them, some scapegoats and people who were framed like Cicelli were selected, and they did nothing wrong. It was just because they did not agree with the position of those in power. The personnel who were sent in.

He was able to improve and build the latest airship in his early twenties. He was accused of conducting illegal experiments with others in the institute, and was a genius scientist imprisoned; the top combat power of the Dominican tribe, leading the people to brave the people during the imperial invasion. In the end, he resisted, but was murdered by others he protected. He was a nomination dedicated to the empire; Aveiro, who was called a traitor to the aristocracy, who ran for the benefit of the common people, might have been the next prime minister if it were not for his position. The best candidate.

In addition to these three people, there are other available talents, people have to feel that Winter Prison is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger; or the empire is no longer saved, and everything can be sacrificed for the struggle for power and status.

Ning Su divides these files into three categories. The first category is talents who can use it; the second category is ordinary prisoners who have not committed serious crimes or whose sentences have expired; and the last category is death row prisoners who have committed serious crimes.

Prison guards are also classified into these three categories according to their various performances in the management of the prison.

At this moment, the sky is twilight, and the awakened prisoner is waiting for the beginning of the day, in the Winter Prison.

Most people have already understood that they can’t go out, and they have begun to get used to life in prison, having fun in hardship, so that they can live better for the rest of their lives.

Corsi couldn’t get used to life in prison. He was too naive and a little noble. When he was arrested, he thought he wanted to listen to the imperial police who arrested him, so he lost the best time to argue his innocence. The person who was searched in the laboratory put in contraband, and the court and other people in the research institute united and sent him to the Winter Prison.

No one believes that he is innocent. There are prisoners in Winter Prison who believe him because they have the same experience.

But it was too late, his voice could not break out of the heavily guarded prison, and he could never go out again.

He missed everything in the past, missed his unfinished research, missed the cold laboratory equipment, every time he fell asleep, he could see his laboratory in a dream, so that he couldn’t wake up in time every morning.

But today is different. Corsi was awakened by the noise in the prison. Normally, there are no other people in his cell at this time. Today, there are a lot of other five people, and they are arguing about something.

He sat up in a daze, and found that the most grumpy man in the cell was trying to pick up his chair and smash the door, cursing in interstellar language, sometimes mixed with ethnic languages ​​that others could not understand.

“Violence will have electricity…”

Before the words that Corsi kindly reminded him, he heard a scream from the other side and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

I don’t know what happened in the cell opposite, but this voice made the other people who were caught in the violent mood a little awake, thinking of the various equipment in the Winter Prison.

Corsi was still a little confused, and when they calmed down a little bit, he asked, “What happened?”

“Can’t get out.”

The person sitting in his lower bunk replied that he did not have the irritable emotions of others, and seemed to be a bit of a good show. “There is a problem in the prison. From 6 o’clock in the morning, everyone can’t leave their prison and cause trouble. There should be a lot of people, the whole floor was noisy, but no prison guard showed up.”

The one in the lower bunk stood up as he spoke and leaned over to Corsi’s bed: “There is a problem in the upper level of the prison. I don’t know what it is, but it looks serious.

We just have to wait. ”

Without waiting for Corsi to answer him, the man murmured himself: “It’s not someone who has escaped from prison because of such a big battle, right?”

“There is anyone else here to escape from prison?”

Corsi’s eyes widened. He was someone who had thoughts like this before, but after getting to know the Winter Prison in detail, he gave up such a plan.

Not to mention the various precautions inside the prison, that is, to successfully get out of the prison, without the correct route, it is easy to be intercepted by the meteorite belt, and the garrison and weapons on the nearby planet will not let any escaped. Under such conditions, almost Cut off the possibility of escape.

The lower bunk thought for a while and found it impossible: “Yes, to escape from prison is to seek a dead end.

Anyway, there must be a problem, we just have to wait. ”

This kind of dialogue didn’t just appear in this cell. When it was breakfast time, there was finally a voice outside the cell, but it was not the movement of the door opening, but the robot delivering the food.

The door only opened a small slit below to push the plate in.

The robots came and went in a hurry. They only fed the food provided in each cell and closed the door, leaving behind a group of confusing prisoners, wondering what happened.

When the breakfast was over, the robots took away the plates and wreckage again, without any communication.

Many inmates in the prison were not very good-tempered, and now they have begun to have a chaotic trend. At this time, the prison broadcast finally sounded, but it was not the voice of the warden that they were already familiar with, but a female voice.

“Good morning everyone, I am your new warden.

Since last night, I have taken over all the affairs here. Since the affairs have not been processed yet, please stay in your own room and do not try to go out.

The food needed for survival will be delivered by the robot. Please stay quietly in the room, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. ”

They had never heard the voice on the radio, and had never heard of the warden’s leaving before. The whole thing was strange.

As smart as Corsi has figured out the key, I am afraid it is not replacement, but change.

It’s even crazier than the jailbreak they had guessed. They directly changed the entire Winter Prison. I don’t know what kind of talent can do this in one night. It must have taken a lot of time to make preliminary preparations before they can succeed. .

There are many people like Corsi. However, there are still many idiots in the Winter Prison. After hearing that the new warden is a woman and the voice is not harsh, some prisoners who have become accustomed to domineering and blessed began to roar. , I didn’t want to do anything, just to tease the new warden in the name of joking.

If it were the former warden, they would never dare to do this, but subconsciously underestimated the female voice on the radio.

Ning Su ignored the prisoners, most of them would not receive the same treatment as before, and she didn’t have to care about them.

She began to read some names and asked these people to follow the robot to the top warden’s office. Among them was Corsi’s name.

Those who didn’t read the name were upset, and those who were read were a little nervous. The warden who came out inexplicably didn’t know what kind of person it was, and they had to be on guard.

The doors of some cells were opened. The broadcast only said that the rest of the people stayed in the room and only those who were read their names could go out. However, some bold prisoners didn’t care about this. They wanted to test the bottom line of the new warden, so they The people around him threw out the door, or relied on his own strength to squeeze out the people who should have gone out by himself.

These people all paid the price. The prisoner who left the cell passively did nothing, but was pointed at his body by a few lasers, forcing him to retreat into the cell. If he dared to take a step forward, the rays of light would split him without hesitation. body of.

The prisoners who threw others out, and the prisoners who walked out arrogantly, were directly charged for their lives by the weapons installed in the cells and passages, and they were hit with precision without affecting others.

These things happened at the same time. Many prisoners died before they could react, and even the murdered ones did not react, and their faces still maintained their previous expressions.

The remaining prisoners in the cell were shrunk like quails at the place farthest from the door. Those thrown out crawled back to the prison, for fear that they might have any misunderstandings by the warden. End.

Some of the people whose names were pronounced were also a little timid, and walked out the door cautiously, led by the robot waiting quietly at the door, to the upper floor, even the sound of footsteps was extremely soft.

The commotion before the entire prison was like the illusion of everyone, except for the sound of breathing, footsteps and mechanical operation, no movement was heard.

The female voice on the radio was still calm: “In my control area, please abide by the order I gave. This is not a consultation, but a notice.”

While waiting for the selected person to enter, Ning Su controlled the situation in the Winter Prison while boarding the star network to observe the affairs of the top empire and other areas.

Unsurprisingly, the independence of Winter Prison was announced by the empire’s senior officials and severely accused Cicelli’s behavior. This time, the people of the empire did not fall to the ground and accuse her, and many people spoke for her. In addition, , They are most concerned about how Cicely did it.

Ning Su posted a video on Xing. This video resides on’s landing page like a virus. As long as you log on to, you must watch the video before proceeding to the next step.

The new emperor looked at the video in front of him with a sullen expression, the knight leader next to him bowed his head, and he did not dare to show up with the others.

What she released was the video released in court, not only that, but also brought the prison interrogator to coerce and lure Cicely’s team back.

At the end of the video, Cicely, dressed in prison clothes, stood in the warden’s office and issued an invitation to declare war on the empire.

“I believe in the law, but if the people who enforce the law can’t bring fairness and justice, I want to do it myself.”

“At this time three days later, I will present something else, about the secrets of the Winter Prison.”

The last segment of the video is played in a loop. The emperor can know what kind of public opinion will come next without having to log on to the star network. Everyone knows what kind of shock it will cause when the hidden dark side is exposed. .

This is no longer a problem with Cicelli alone or the power of the new emperor. This is something that all the nobles in the empire tried their best to cover up.

They no longer choose internal friction, and even start to join forces.

The first, second, and third legions quickly assembled, and the Royal Knights were also ready to go. Numerous spaceships rose up, leading soldiers toward the Winter Prison, and the battle was about to start.

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