The Female Protagonist of The Abuse Article Has a System Mother

Chapter 2

Chapter 1:


very hungry.

Yoyo is so hungry.

Under a tree whose leaves were sparse and half-dead at first glance, Xu Youyou, who was only three years old, leaned against the tree trunk, lowered her head and touched her growling belly. Full of unhappy three words.

She was obviously at a carefree age, but she realized the troubles of survival too early.

This afternoon, the welfare home is rare and generous. Each child is given a big drumstick, which is usually a treat for Chinese New Year or birthdays. Everyone is naturally very happy.

Xu Youyou was accustomed to leave the delicious food for the end. Who knew that before she could enjoy this big meal, a few older children led by Hua Hua snatched the chicken legs when Grandma Dean and the others were not paying attention.

And also threatened Xu Youyou that if she dared to sue, she would rob her of food every day!

Watching a few people take two or three bites of a big, fragrant chicken leg and even eat it with oil all over her mouth, it looked very fragrant and delicious at first glance, Xu Youyou resisted it and didn’t cry on the spot.

Obviously it’s my drumstick!

She really wanted to rush up to grab the chicken legs, and she wanted to file a complaint with the dean’s grandma and the canteen auntie, but, but…

Good kids can’t fight.

A good boy should be obedient.

No one likes disobedient children.

The words of the aunts and the dean’s grandma took root in the young Xu Youyou’s mind. She didn’t want to be hated by others, and she didn’t want the dean’s grandma to worry about it, so she would rather endure it herself.

“Damn it! What to bear!”

This sudden voice startled Xu Youyou: “Who?! Who is talking?”

The little guy hurriedly looked around, but the nearest people were so far away from her that it was impossible to talk to him.

Xu Youyou looked up at the tree again, but saw nothing.

This voice seems to be… in my head?

The little girl suddenly burst into tears, obviously frightened.

“Don’t look for it, you can’t see me!”

System 5874 “looked” at the little guy in front of him. If he had a body now, he would definitely hate to poke at this guy’s little head. Don’t you know that humans are all stubborn guys?

Now that I have endured this time, those people will only intensify their bullying!

There will be a second or third time soon, and expecting the bully’s conscience to find that it is simply impossible.

But the system thought about what Xu Youyou would do in the future, so it’s not surprising that she would react like this.

Otherwise, when ordinary people encounter those things, they either break out in silence or become perverted in silence, and only Xu Youyou, the abusive heroine, would choose to forgive in silence.

5874 Take a deep breath, it’s okay!

Isn’t it just to change Xu Youyou’s fate?

Under my own teaching, I will definitely let this child know what it means to be ‘self-reliant, independent and outstanding women in the new era”!

Now the first step.

You have to make Xu Youyou trust it first, otherwise the next thing will be difficult to operate.

This small world is derived from the book among the three thousand small worlds. Compared with those worlds with special abilities of cultivating immortals, this is only a trivial one, and the rules are also rigid and lacking.

Not as complete and intelligent as the real world, the system does suffer from many limitations, such as not being able to reveal a hint of what will happen in the future, and for example, not being able to force Xu Youyou to do something, but it is not completely without room for manipulation.

Otherwise, what’s the use of it coming!

System 5874 is proud to think that he successfully graduated from the Department of Sweet Literature of the 2333th System University with the 51349th grade. Although the ranking is relatively low, he also successfully graduated!

The trouble is that this quest level is A-level, and there are two seniors in front of them who have failed. Logically, a novice like it is not qualified to take A-level tasks, but 5874 quietly used some small tricks.

Once you wait for it to successfully complete its task…

[Wow, 5874, you are so amazing, you can complete A-level on the first official mission! 】

[5874 You are the **** of our Sweet Literature Department! In the future, the Department of Sweet Literature will be proud of you! 】

[Look, look, it’s 5874, I heard that the first mission is A-level, and it has been successfully completed! 】


When 5874 thinks of this beautiful picture, he feels very motivated, and it will definitely complete the task smoothly!

For this reason, I spent a lot of money to buy the book “Human Cub Raising Handbook” from the database. It is said that as long as you follow the book, you can raise excellent, confident, and awesome humans!

But first of all, how to explain what he just said in Xu Youyou’s mind.

What kind of identity does it arrange for itself?

—Yuyou, I am a fairy in the sky, specially here to help good children.

No, no, it won’t get much favorability at the beginning, the couple will come soon, and it will be very troublesome if they are still adopted.

-Yuyou, I am your patron saint, and I appeared when I couldn’t bear to see you being bullied.

Three-year-olds shouldn’t be hard to deceive, right?

After careful calculation, 5874 has already decided that the next step is to instruct Xu Youyou how to fight back against the children who bullied her, and then get the favorability.

Once the favorability reaches 40, it can have a real body.

Many of the next things are difficult to operate if you just talk in your mind.

Now let’s take a look at Xu Youyou’s initial favorability for it. 5874 casually opened the favorability query page.

The heroines in this kind of novel are usually soft-hearted and easy to deceive. They feel that the whole world is a good person, and the initial goodwill should be at least 10, maybe because of my domineering appearance, I can get 20. If so…


The good reverie came to an abrupt end.

5874 fell silent as he watched the “-20” shining brightly in front of him.

How can it be negative?

How can it be negative?

So what does it do next? !

The favorability level will increase by 60 in one day, even if 5874 is very confident in himself, it does not mean that it will be a daydream.

5874 urgently opened the “Human Cub Breeding Manual”, and took another second to “read” it from beginning to end, but found that there was no way to solve the current situation.

hateful! Is this mission going to end before it begins?

no! It is 5874, must not admit defeat!

“You, who are you?”

Xu Youyou asked again, there was a trembling in her tender voice, obviously she mustered up the courage to speak.

In order to make the children obedient, the aunties in the orphanage would occasionally tell stories about the big bad wolf, to the effect that the disobedient children would be caught and eaten. Obviously, Xu Youyou regarded 5874 as a bad thing.

In this case, if you were an ordinary child, I would have cried and looked for an adult long ago. Xu Youyou is definitely brave.

5874: “…”

It was silent for a second, then glanced across the entire orphanage, ‘saw” the humble dinner being prepared in the kitchen, and ‘saw” Xu Youyou’s washed white and somewhat ill-fitting clothes.

If you can’t gain Xu Youyou’s trust before tomorrow, this task can be said to fail by half.

5874 decided to panic.

[Yuyou, don’t be afraid, I’m your mother. 】

In the system school, the teacher has repeatedly emphasized that the goodwill gained by lying will not only be 20% off, but also be dismantled in all likelihood, causing irreversible results on the task, and even triggering blackmailing, newspaper offices, etc. Bad ending.

In short, it is better to hide than to lie!

But in this case, 5874 really couldn’t think of any other way to rapidly increase his goodwill.


Xu Youyou sniffed, her voice not trembling like before, but she didn’t believe it right away.

“That’s right, Yoyo, I’m sorry. Mom had an accident. Now I can only talk to you like this, but don’t be afraid. Mom will come to pick you up soon. You can eat a few chicken legs in the future!”

A lie needs thousands of lies to maintain. After 5874 said one, it seemed to light up some skills, and she really regarded herself as Xu Youyou’s mother.

“Will mom come to pick you up?”

“Of course, but it will take a few days. Can you wait?”

“Yes, yes! Yoyo will definitely wait for her mother!”

After only three minutes, looking at the favorability bar that would not move after reaching 80, 5874 breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little guilty, but after thinking about it, the probability of this lie being exposed is very low. Xu Youyou’s mother Xu Wenyin originally It’s an orphan, and it’s long since passed away, so no one should be able to break it down.

Now that this favorability level has allowed him to switch to a body with an identity, then he simply uses Xu Wenyin’s information, even if the current situation allows him to maintain at most two hours a day, it is better than now.

After comforting himself for a few words, 5874 quickly moved on to the next topic: “Is Yoyo hungry?”

Xu Youyou lowered her head and bit her lip: “You’re not hungry, don’t worry mom.”

5874: “…” I hate that iron is not steel!

“Yuyou, a good boy can’t lie.”

5874 told herself to be patient, Xu Youyou is still only a three-year-old child, she must guide her patiently, step by step, and… gan! If it weren’t for the fear of attracting the attention of the rules, it would definitely scare the little bear children.

Those who dare to **** it 5874 cover, the courage is fat!

“Then, then I’m a little hungry, it’s about to have dinner, Yoyo can persevere.”

Listening to Xu Youyou’s cautious voice, 5874’s “mother-heartedness” was instantly inspired, but it also knew that it was impossible to rely on Xu Youyou’s small arms and legs to grab food, and it would be even more of a loss in case of injury.

“Yuyou, do you believe in mom?”

Xu Youyou: “?”

After a while, Xu Youyou walked up to Grandma Wu, the dean who was watching the children playing under the eaves, raised her head slightly and carefully tugged at the corner of her clothes: “Grandma, Youyou is hungry.”

The wet big eyes blinked, like a deer in the forest in the early morning, making people feel soft and pity.

Grandma Wu smiled: “Yuyou is hungry, dinner will be served soon, can you bear it a little longer?”

She still had a few candies by her side, but if she gave it to Xu Youyou for no reason, the other children would not see it very well. In addition, there were only ten minutes left after leaving the meal. Grandma Wu thought about asking Xu Youyou to wait for the problem. Not big either.

“Okay.” Xu Youyou patted her stomach and nodded obediently.

This cute appearance made Grandma Wu finally couldn’t help rubbing her head. Xu Youyou was born in the orphanage. It can be said that Grandma Wu raised it. The little guy is cute and sensible, and his body is very healthy. , Logically, he should have been adopted early.

But I don’t know if it was bad luck or not. There were several interested families, but they always failed due to various reasons. The delay reached the age of three.


Grandma Wu thought of the couple who had an appointment tomorrow, and hoped that this time it would go well.

The conditions in the orphanage are still a bit poor, of course she hopes that Xu Youyou can live in a normal family.

“Yuyou is growing, so she has a big appetite.” Grandma Wu smiled and hugged Xu Youyou and let her sit on her lap: “Is the chicken thigh at noon delicious? It was donated by a kind person, and there will be more at noon tomorrow. Oh.”

As a small 18th-tier city, Yuxian County’s overall economic level is quite average, and the conditions of welfare institutions are naturally not very good. It is rare to get a few donations a year, and the government’s donations are also very limited. Really expensive.

Not to mention that many children in orphanages have various physical problems, which cost a lot of money.

So this time, some kind people donated a few boxes of quick-frozen chicken legs, which is also a good thing for Grandma Wu and the others.

“Yuyou didn’t eat.”

Grandma Wu was taken aback by Xu Youyou’s answer: “Didn’t Youyou eat chicken legs?”

“Hua Hua and the others took away the chicken legs, but Yoyo didn’t eat it.” Thinking of her mother’s advice, Xu Youyou gathered up the courage to say this, and immediately lowered her head after speaking, as if she was afraid that her grandmother would think she was disobedient.

But it didn’t. Grandma Wu put her hand on Xu Youyou’s head again, and her voice was kind and gentle: “This is what Huahua did wrong. Grandma will criticize them and compensate Youyou for a chicken leg at night, okay?”


Xu Youyou raised her head instantly, her big round eyes full of surprise: “Okay!”

What my mother said is true, it turns out that grandma really doesn’t find her troublesome!

“Well, listen to me, right?”

5874’s triumphant voice appeared in Xu Youyou’s mind again. It knew that this grandma Wu was really kind, and if Xu Youyou said it, she would definitely not ignore it.

Sure enough, during dinner, Grandma Wu compensated Xu Youyou for a big drumstick in front of all the children, and also criticized Huahua and a few people, and ordered them to clean up the weeds on a vegetable field in the welfare house tomorrow.

Several children dared to speak harshly to Xu Youyou, but they did not dare to resist the adults at all. Even if they were upset, at least they did not dare to do anything in front of them.

5874 is exactly what they expected. They will definitely be able to settle down for a few days. After a few days, Xu Youyou will leave the orphanage. Who cares if these children will retaliate.

I am such a genius!

The proud 5874 watched Xu Youyou nibbling on the big drumstick happily. If there were little flowers floating behind her in the comics, human cubs would be very easy to satisfy.

At the same time, it is already thinking about how to make up for this little guy. Looking at this thin and small body, the fight is definitely a loser.

That night, Xu Youyou, who was hiding in bed, began to frantically “harass” her dear mother.

5874 doesn’t need to sleep, it has to hurry up to prepare materials, and bring Xu Youyou out of the orphanage one day earlier, and it will be one step closer to victory.

But the most important thing is to look at tomorrow.

Absolutely absolutely cannot be adopted by that couple!

This couple who prioritized sons over daughters and adopted children only because they heard from the fortune teller that they could ‘strip” can be said to be the first “abuse” in Xu Youyou’s life.

A year later, they gave birth to their baby son, and Xu Youyou was completely reduced to the “nanny” of this family, being squeezed by blood-sucking, and starting the miserable first half of her abusive heroine’s life.

As for the rest of my life…

I can’t get pregnant anymore after aborting myself. Is adopting a rival’s child with the male protagonist count as HE?

Anyway, the ending of 5874 is very disgusting. Although it is not a human being, it logically does not have the complicated feelings of human beings, but!

No feelings doesn’t mean no three views, 5874 hates those guys who don’t work under the banner of true love.

“Mom, can you pick up Yoyo tomorrow?”

“Mom, do you and Yoyo look alike?”

“Mom, Mom, Yoyo wants to hear a bedtime story!”

“Mom, are you there?”

5874 whose train of thought was interrupted: “…”

How can this kid be more nagging than him? Is raising a child so difficult? It seems easy to write in the book.

But for the sake of favorability and follow-up tasks, 5874 worked hard and told Xu Youyou a bedtime story.

“Once upon a time, there was a mermaid. One day she encountered a storm while out at sea, and a prince accidentally fell into the sea…”

Xu Youyou, who has learned to communicate with her mother without a teacher, closed her eyes and listened to the story, and a cute and well-behaved smile appeared on her face.

The story of the mermaid, she knows it!

Grandma Wu has said it several times, but she still feels different when she hears it from her mother. It’s time to save the prince next, right?

“When the little princess saw the comatose prince, she immediately told the king and queen of the mermaid country, her parents, and then the king sent someone to rescue the prince and won the thanks of the prince’s parents. The two countries established friendly diplomacy. Relationship is a win-win ending~”

Xu Youyou, who was sleepy at first, woke up instantly: “???”

How is it different from what she heard before?

Although some words are incomprehensible, the meaning can be understood.

Then 5874 said again: “Yuyou, did you learn anything from this story?”

It is said in the book that a good baby should be grasped from an early age, and the correct three views should be established from a small story.

5874 once again boasted that he is indeed a little genius who can teach children!

Xu Youyou, who was suddenly asked, was stunned. She couldn’t help but opened her eyes and looked at the dark ceiling. After hesitating for a few seconds, she remembered to reply in her mind: “Mom, Youyou doesn’t know.”

5874 was not disappointed, and said solemnly: “This story tells us a truth!”

“When you encounter a man who is unconscious and injured, don’t go to the rescue yourself. You must call the police or ask for help from the elders’ parents, understand?”

Xu Youyou nodded vigorously: “Understood!”

In fact, I still don’t understand, just a little bit.

But it doesn’t matter, just listen to your mother!

Listen to mother’s words, have big chicken legs to eat~

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