The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 5: Get Jiggy With It!

The Fastest Man Alive.

Chapter 5.

Get Jiggy With It!

Secret Room

Secret Location

"Well, That was a fair disappointment. Do we have an assessment of what we lost in the facility? "Asked a person sitting in a red chair cloaked in shadows.

"So far minor things, we didn't keep anything of importance at that location. It was deemed unsatisfactory for our needs other than a stop off or storage." Replied another figure cloaked in shadows sitting in his green chair.

"So we lost weapon X again. And now we have this discovery. Do we have any information on this new mutant?" Replied the shadowed figure in the red chair.

"Currently no, but I have been able to recover a recording of the outside conversation. It seems that the "collar" was a trigger for this new mutant. If we choose to pursue in the future, we need to be aware of this." Replied the shadow sitting in the green chair.

"Hmmm, an interesting trigger isn't it. We should also look into containment for this new mutant, even if that power damper collar didn't work. We know our latest assets powers are electricity based, so let us build in that direction. Let's go with triple redundancy layered with a release to direct the power to the ground. Also, make sure the asset can't overload the system." Spoke up the figure in the red shadow

"Yes, we shall create a containment suite then send our operatives to recover our new asset," Replied the green shadowed figure as he faded out of existence.

Upstate New Hampshire

Somewhere in the Mountains


So here I was sitting in a field with Logan and the few other escapees, and man did we look like a hot mess. The girl from one of the trees on the far edge of the clearing, or at least I believed she was female from her facial features, chest, and hips was dirty from head to toe. She was in what seemed to be a prison shirt covered in some green gunk. From my position, I can see that her pants were missing a leg. Which was just weird. How do you lose a pants leg in a situation like this, but she didn't seem deterred by that by any means. Next was this big guy looking around with shifty eyes. I wouldn't have paid much attention to him if it wasn't for Logan looking in his direction. Which means I better be on guard for him.

He was decked out in the same prison garb of the other chick but had no sleeves and was rocking a mohawk that looked like it had seen better days. Now the last girl was giving off a weird creepy vibe, and she kept looking at Logan like she wanted to peer into the man's soul. She also wore the same prison get up as the other two, but she had no missing sleeves or pant's leg. Hell, she was even cleaner than the others and her hair was up in a ponytail, and she looked ready to go a few rounds.

Alrighty, then I was getting tired of all this silence turning to Logan I asked the question on my mind and probably theirs also. "So tell me Logan do we have a way out of this shit show we are in?" I asked the beefy man as he just leaned up against a tree relaxing. Logan's expression took a shift which didn't answer my question. Then he looked at me evenly. "Yeah, the professor is sending the blackbird." "Oh come on, you know where we are, and you didn't tell me?" He let out a grunt at me and spoke up, "I thought you would be more worried about yourself and not where we are."

I gave him my best irritated sounding noise and looked away from the man. Now that he said something about it. I was feeling drained, all of my initial adrenaline boost and anger from waking up to my situation was bleeding off, and I had a lot to figure out. Down in that base, I had killed a man in cold blood, worse than that, I ripped his heart out and forced him to experience that for one hundred years. That was some savage shit I did, and I never knew I was capable of all that. Not only that, but I am also extremely sure that this used to be a U-men base.

That was added to my list of issues cause I remember them from the comics, but they weren't in any of the MCU movies. They wanted to harvest my organs to further themselves along their sick path of evolution. They were after Logan, and I just happened to be on the bed being cut apart first. To remember that made me shake right at my spot on the ground. This situation sucks cause now I have to change so many plans. I had thought I could be a hero, but now that I am intimately related to the X-men, that might need to change.

That means I'll also have to face a lot of their rogue's gallery and I'm in no way in any form or shape prepared for that. I need to do better. I need a plan of action and I need to figure out my way in this messed up world. Everything isn't cookies and rainbows as I used to think they were.

I can die and fast if I don't buckle down and get my shit together and the best way to start is with the x-men. I had Logan as a fighting instructor, and I had the Beast as a teacher. I needed to put that to good use.

I don't remember all of my marvel verse trivia, but what I do know is that all these groups are going to be well funded and very ruthless. While I was all lost in my thoughts out from over the forest came a silver disc looking object. It was ole bucket helm himself, and it looks like he came prepared today. Magneto dropped his flying saucer in the middle of the clearing, looked at us then looked at the others. I wanted to geek out so much, but It had been a long day, and no matter how cool he looked in his iconic helm I wasn't in the mood for his shit.

He was about to find out the hard way how foul my mood was. With him was the blue goddess of death herself Mystique standing at his back right shoulder. Next to her was: holy shit is that Sabertooth? It looked like him, and damn was he massive. He stood a good six feet ten inches from what I could spot. Sabertooth had that weird yellow and brown onesie suit on with the fur around his neck. Damn, he noticed Logan first then his eyes flicked at me. While looking at me, he smiled. Well fuck I was not in the mood for his alpha male ego bullshit today. If this came to a fight, and I was hoping to the high heavens that it didn't come down to that, I would have to tank Magneto with a blitz attack first, cause he would be the linchpin in their group.

"Rejoice for I have come to save you, my fellow brothers and sisters," Was how the man started. "I have come to not only to save you but also give you a place among my brotherhood of mutants."

"Magneto we all just finished escaping with our lives. Make them the offer and stop the drama play. Please, cause I'm not in the very best of moods. So make your offer and if they want to leave with you, take them. Those that want our help we will take them back to the school with us. Since our ride is already on the way." I spoke up from my position, cutting him off. I couldn't help but snort.

"And who might you be?" Came Magneto's question. And with that, I realized that I still had the speed force Hayabusa helm covering my head and face. With that as a queue, I sent the helm away. Pretty neat trick right, I had realized that after I made all my speed force constructs, they became little sensations in the back of my mind. So while I was going about dismantling the base, I decided to create mental blocks in correlation to each construct.

"Ahh young Mr. Blake fancy meeting you here." came Magneto's reply as I showed everyone my face. After all this, I'll have to find time to see what more I can do. Again, I had to kick myself for only using my powers for speed. At least I was extremely aware now of what I lacked and can make some improvements before the world decided to kick me in the nuts again.

Yeah, I should have kept my mouth shut because with that statement Magneto's eyes narrowed then Sabertooth took a step forward. I took a look at Mystique. She smiled at me and then took a step back. That was interesting, and I knew I couldn't trust her; she always had an angle no matter how lovely those hips were. She always tries to get an edge over someone, and I'm dating Gwen. I can't go off galavanting with the three-hundred-year-old blue goddess. That was when my mind clicked; this lady was over three hundred years old. The only way she could have survived and live this long is to have some skills, and I want those skills. I knew there was no way I could trust her, but I needed the skills she had.

Fighting Logan can only get me so far, and I already have the Beast for my other issues. I noticed Sabertooth edging closer to our spot. Logan was already checking him out, and I realized this was about to be another brother bullshit scrap. What shocked me more was when Sabertooth made his statement to me.

"What did you say kid?" asked the big brute known as Sabertooth. I shared a look with Logan as I got up from my spot.

"Do you mind if I take this fight?" I asked Logan while rolling my shoulders.

"Yeah Kid, just don't kill him. I think you have done enough of that today." Was all Logan told me. Then he just sat on the ground and leaned back against the tree and just looked in our direction like he was about to enjoy a show. In a way I guess he was

"You have a lot of confidence in the kid," Came Sabertooths gruff voice. All Sabertooth got in the form of a reply from Logan was a snort. Yeah, that caused me to chuckle inside. With that, I had my mind all made up, and I planned to go all Raiden God of Thunder from Mortal Kombat all across his ass. He was going to learn not to bother an omega level teenager going through his existential crisis.

First, I had to toss aside the machete because Logan asked me not to kill the man. Then I pulled on my well of power from the speed force. This allowed my body to burst forward with massive amounts of electricity. When I did that, Sabertooth pulled a half step, and that's when I heard him say, "Oh!"

That's all he was able to get out because with my next movements, I blasted myself at him.

Today, I woke up on an experiment table in a lab and he came here with his bullshit. Sabertooth was about to experience the full force of my bad mood today. Logan only asked me not to kill him. Lucky for me, Sabertooth has a healing factor, so that means he can take some punishment.

Like I said, that's all he was able to get out because, with my next movements, I blasted myself at him flying horizontally across the grass with his chest as my target. The goal wasn't to kill him only to break a few ribs. It turns out Sabertooth had great reflexes because he surprisingly tried to swing at me, and he had some crazy fast reflexes because when my fists made contact with his chest, he thought he could get me with a hammer blow from overhead. He was sorely mistaken, because with my fight slash training time with Logan. I no longer dropped my guard after dealing massive amounts of damage to my opponents.

That was a hard learned lesson, and I was grateful for it because it showed right now with me thrashing Sabertooth back to Magnetos feet. With the overhead blow going straight for my back, I decided to grab hold of Sabertooth's body. Spinning myself around him at my hyper speeds, man I love being able to go as fast as I wanted.

With myself sped up faster than the rest, I grabbed Sabertooth from the back around his waist, then I dug deep, and then launched us both into the air.

There was no escaping for Sabertooth, and we came down hard in the form of a German suplex. We hit the ground with such force the trees shook all around us.

Sabertooth bounced back up off the ground roaring at me, but I was ready for his retaliation. Flying at Sabertooth at super speeds I was on him in a second. With just a turn and twist of my hips, I planted the sole of my foot straight into his jaw and I launched Sabertooth clear off the ground. Turning back around to face my flying foe, I reached and snatched Sabertooth out of the air by his waist. Then with a mighty heave and a twist, we launched clear into the air again. A savage grin came across my face because I had the mother of all power bombs ready for him. With gravity taking back over, we came down with a devastating crash with all of the focus of the devastation aimed right at Sabertooth. Within that same nanosecond, all the electric charge that was being built up within me blasted out and focused on Sabertooth.

Everyone heard it, and then they saw it. Everyone witnessed the flash of lightning then the charge, after that the fighters vanished later reappearing in a German suplex right in front of Magneto. They watched as the young man got up, dusted himself off then went to check to make sure his opponent was alive then went back to the side of his friend. Everything went silent with the only sound present was the sizzle of fur from the one known as Sabertooth.

Even the forest had gone silent from that explosion of action. From across the way, Mystique had a definite smile on her face. Well, shit! Trying not to get her attention got me her undivided attention. With that, she came forward to our corner of the clearing as Magneto went to talk with the rest.

"I can tell you have made some improvements." came Mystique's voice from behind me.

"Nope, am still adjusting," Was all I could reply to her. With her so close to me, I was trying hard not to roam my eyes all over her form. One must show respect to the lady that can be anyone you ever knew because when your backs turned. She could decide to slip a knife across your throat when you're least expecting it. I heard a sigh from Mystique before she spoke again.

"Must you act so stiff around me?" Mystique asked and I heard the frown in her voice. Yeah, that threw me for a loop, and I couldn't help but sputter. And queue Logan's bark of laughter at my expense.

"Listen, I am trying to be respectful, okay, and you're making it hard just walking around naked like that." came my quick reply to the gorgeous blue lady before me.

"Oh, that I can fix easily." she hummed, and just like that she changed. Spectacular would be the word to describe it.

It started with a ripple from her head then moved its way down. Then she was standing before me with the look of an Amazonian. Mystique kept her body proportions, but now she had this fierce warrior woman look to her features. Her hair was now of a brunette color, her face was far more angled and sharper looking, and she was wearing a blue pants suit. Hell, she even included glasses. Talk about the ultimate power lawyer. Hell, I am pretty sure she probably has a law degree or more than a few in different subjects. She has been alive for one hell of a long time, gotta pass the time somehow.

That had to be for me. I had known Mystique could make clothes, but I should have figured she would be able to make lenses also. Then I had to open my big mouth.

"Why did you change your skin color? I honestly don't mind the blue. It's just the whole nudist thing that was throwing me off." I questioned with a tolt of my head. And with a tilt of her head, she changed her skin back. Yeah, she still looked good to me. Man, I was going to get into so much trouble when I told Gwen all about this later.

"So tell me why don't you want to join us?" Mystique asked me straight to my face. So now I had to think. Hell, I could do what I wanted with any supergroup, but I didn't want to do it from their side. It took me a while to formulate my answer for her, but I only had one answer.

"That answer is rather simple. Your brotherhood of mutants has allowed itself to be viewed as a world terrorist organization. I can't be a part of that when I decide to put my name out there. Yes, I get that you do what you do for metahuman kind, but you guys never stopped to think about how you're doing things. For example, Magneto came here, flying on an open saucer, and no one is wearing a mask. That's just ridiculous, think about that. If Eric or anyone in the brotherhood wanted a regular life, they can't because they have been spotted on camera doing something. Then they are being categorized as a terrorist to the public. Yeah, I'm metahuman and proud, but I'm not stupid. The protection of my own identity is critical if I want to do anything. And I can't have any of that being associated with terrorism. It's not much, but I'm trying to think about the long term, and I do not need to separate myself from the rest of the world. That's also another ridiculous point you guys are missing, but I am just a moronic teenager. I want a chance to change the world in my way, and I can't do that following orders from Magento. The things I want to do will clash with his views, but the Professor is flexible on everything. So we can do great work together." I told her being as straight as I could about the situation. Since she wanted an honest answer.

I hope I don't get killed for telling it like it is.

"I'll come to find you, and we can have a proper chat," With that, she just stared at me, humming to herself. With a flick of her hips turned around and headed back in the direction of Magneto and the rest of his crew. It seems like he was able to get two of the escapees to follow him. While Mystique hummed to herself, she set the one known as Benjamin before her with a leveled look while mulling over his little tirade. He keeps raising fixed points, but it seems there's more to it that he isn't telling. His world view can't be this broad without experience or prior knowledge of what's to happen. Hmm, I remember that he had some warehouse in Hell's kitchen. I'll have to find time to stop by.

"Well, damn, I guess I'll be going to the school where you learned to do that." Came the voice of the girl over from the far edge of the clearing.

And with that, it was like a dam broke loose cause overhead the X-Jet came flying in low then out jumped Storm with a swoosh she was flying down next to us. She took one look at me and frowned, yeah I was not in the best of shapes or conditions. Blood was dry on my torso and legs. My face was caked with dirt, and my hair was an absolute mess. My hair was filled with dust and moss and anything else you can imagine from an underground base. She was about to speak, but before she got the chance, Logan stepped in.

"Not right now O, let's just get back, it's been a long day enough already." Logan spoke up, cutting Ororo off from saying anything.

"Alright, but this isn't over," Strom replied while she eyed my clothes with the blood splashes all across me. Placing a hand to her ear, "Hank, come in. Yes, they are leaving. We are clear for a pickup,"

Ororo eyed the group across from us, and as we all looked in that direction. Magneto's giant silver metal disc started to levitate up off the ground and zoomed out of sight heading to wherever they called home. With them gone out of sight, the X-jet landed with the loading ramp descended, and we got on. The first person I saw as my head got into the plane was the Professor.

His brows were in a frown, which means he must be having a telepathic conversation with Logan. Well, fuck my life can't I have a break for once I was not looking forward to having a conversation about my actions down in the base. The Professor let out a breath then sighed, which in turn amazed me I was not expecting to see the man so saddened.

"Young Mr. Blake I will have to apologize for what has been allowed to transpire. It saddens me that you have had to go through such an ordeal."

Well, what the shit I was not expecting that from the man. I was prepared for a scolding, yes. I was ready for him to tell me that I can no longer come over on the weekends, yes. I had not expected him to apologize to me of all people. I was so undeserving of this man's apologies.

So I had to stop him at all costs, so I interrupted him, "Listen here, Professor it's okay these things just happen, but I don't blame you or anyone. Only the people that did this. Your school was built as a haven. Others are trying to prey upon your hard work. We are going to have to put a stop to them. Whoever they are."

The Professor gave me a small smile then turned to the new person coming up the ramp.

"Why hello there young lady I have been told by one of my teachers that you would like to join us at our institute." The Professor spoke to her. Hell, I just realized we don't even know her name.

So I faked a cough and then interjected myself again. While scratching the back of my head, I couldn't help but ask, "Excuse me, but we never got your name after everything was going down."

She looked back and forth between myself and the Professor, but all he had was a kind smile on his face. That was when she spoke up. "My name is Amanda Waller, or you can call me The Wall."

She raised her hands and projected multiple reflective panels in the air. While she was doing all that my mind was short-circuiting because I knew that name. That name belongs to one of the most infamous people of the DC universe. She ran her suicide squad. Yeah, talk about worlds colliding. I hope she isn't like that Amanda Waller.

"That's excellent! Fascinating abilities! It looks like you are making physical type constructs. What do you think, Benjamin?" came the Professor's voice breaking through my daydreaming.

"Yep, it looks to me she is creating some psionic construct," I replied to the Professor while turning to take a better look at what she created. She had made many small one foot by five inches of just thin floating psionic walls. I was fascinated by what she was doing, but the nerd in me wanted to look in the cockpit where I could see DR. Mccoy piloting the X-jet.

I turned away from the cockpit and focused more on Amanda since I'll most likely have a chance to check out the jet later if I asked. So I took myself to one of the window seats. No way was I going to miss the site during this ride. I looked up after strapping myself in. Only to find Storm walking by my position. She stopped for a moment like she wanted to say something to me, but thought better of it then left for the cockpit. That's strange she hasn't said much to me since the time she was at the cookout. Honestly, I don't want to be on her wrong side but no one is perfect. I have been learning that since gaining my powers, even supers are still human at the end of the day.

So whatever the situation I was having with her I'll have to ride it out until it passes or figure out something that she likes and make peace. Amanda was talking to Professor more about herself. She was an orphan, and her parents died when she was young. She lived with her aunt, but the people that took her killed her and snatched her from the car. Damn, that's what you call a tragic origin story, but I held my mouth shut. This was one of those moments where I couldn't just let my mouth run. Now she was coming with us because of my fight with the big furry guy. That comment drew a laugh from Logan over in his seat. Then he decided to open his big mouth.

"You should have seen it, Chuck. He laid a suplex on old fur face. Laid him out flat! I wish I could be there when he wakes up. Ha!" went Logan while leaning back in his seat. And with that, we blasted off back to the mansion.

I blocked everything out and finally succumbed to my exhaustion. I was completely unaware as giant blue paws wrapped around me, pulling me out of my seat and then laying me on a softer bed. Nor did I notice the sting of the needle going into my arm. I was lost to the world with dreams of hero-ship and beautiful women, asking me to kiss their babies.

"So what do you think about him, Logan?" Asked the Professor from his location as he watched Dr. Mccoy tends to both his patients.

"I'll admit Sparkles did take down a lot of bad guys, but I can't be the judge to that mess. Here is what I do know from the moments I do have with the kid. He has a good heart. But: We have to put it in the right place and help him with an outlet. Otherwise he is going to create one for himself." Spoke Logan from his spot next to the Professor at the view window to the labs.

"Has anyone noticed his movements are different? It feels like how a predator walks." Asked Storm from her position.

"Yeah, that might be my doing actually." Spoke up Logan while scratching his beard.

"What do you mean Logan ?" Asked the Professor as he turned his chair to face the man.

"I took Sparky to the danger room to see what kind of skills he has. Well, it turns out his body is learning a lot faster than his head. Cause after a few exchanges he was getting better and better. I could feel it with each blow we traded, and I could see his body adapting to the situation faster and faster. I don't even know if the kid realized what was happening."

"So speed, and that electricity arn't his only powers then?" Asked Storm from her side of the Professor.

"No, I believe that might be a secondary reaction happening. I believe that the speed is creating the lightning and that in turn, it's conditioning his body. All that seems to be happening in a loop, continually improving young Benjamin." Came the voice of Dr. Mccoy as he exited the lab and joined the conversation.

"Like a muscle stimulus is what you're saying right, Hank?" Asked Logan with a thoughtful expression.

"Precisely, but far more advanced. Not only that, but if my scans are correct. Benjamin has a healing factor that's just as advanced or even more so than yours, Logan. Once he reaches his peak physical condition, he will stay like that. His body is already consuming his body fat and building muscle. That should be impossible because of what Logan has told me. Young mister Blake hasn't eaten for one whole day yet his body is producing muscle and has already grown an inch since we last scanned him right before the abduction." Stated Dr. Mccoy with a thoughtful look on his face.

"How about we keep him here for a week. We observe him, and then we decide after that." Offered Storm.

"Yes, I believe that would be wise." came the Professor's reply. With that, the Professor shifted his attention to the second person in the lab sleeping on the bed.

"And what of our young Amanda Waller?" asked the Professor.

Logan spoke up first this time. "From what I can tell, she was down there when we got taken in. Didn't do much when we busted her out, just stood by herself and observed everyone. Also, when she was speaking to you earlier in the jet. I couldn't smell a lie, nor did she have a skip in her heartbeat. So I think she is clean. All she would need now is a shower and a place to sleep."

"Her scans also check out. She seems to be not contagious. Her powers do take on a psionic composition to them. So I would recommend we take her in also." Spoke up Hank from his observer's location by the door.

"Well alright, I Will get in contact with services and see what I can do for her." replied the Professor from his chair.

You know how some days you feel so tired you could die from exhaustion? Today was one of those days, and so was last week. Today though I have been running a mile without pulling on the speed force. Not that I wasn't fit, no I was before I got my powers, it's just that running miles with hundreds of pounds of weights on your back is a sure-fire way to die of exhaustion. I couldn't quit because I had the Wolverine behind me doing the same damn thing. And if he could do it so could I. That was until I was out here doing the same damn thing as him. It seems after my latest adventure, Logan and Hank took an interest in me.

Logan was punishing my body, yet Hank was pushing my mind. I was getting battered from both sides, but I refused to give up. They were giving me a chance to maximize my abilities to the fullest, and I wasn't going to quit now because it was hard. I learned my lesson on what happens when I slack off. It is then that the universe decides to kick my ass again: and I refuse to be in a situation like that again. I was studying anything and everything that placed in front of me. I had read so much I started to speed read, and I realized I could begin to go into an auto-capture mode. I went through everything in the library and everything he had in the database. With permanent perfect recall, I was cheating hard. I had rewritten the definition of enhanced genius-level intellect with a super photographic memory. And I abused the hell out of it every chance I got so much so that Hank was making references to his favorite authors and their esoteric works. Since I was the only one that got it, he made a lot of inside jokes. It became dank, and it was so cool.

I had also finally made up with Ororo, and it turns out she likes gardening. So I went to collect some rare flowers from the rainforest. It took about thirty tries until she finally smiled at me. Now here I am in the gym training with Logan before I had to leave for home. And yes I hated him all over again. He talked me into doing the iron man challenge without powers, and man did it suck. As much as I was in complaining teenager mode, I know this was good for me. I had noticed my gains after I had awakened. It seems since I had a healing factor supercharged by the speed force I was always going to be in. what was for me at the time, peak condition. But, I had to put myself in my best possible physical condition first; otherwise, it was going to take a while to get there and I was not going to pass up an opportunity to be trained by the Wolverine again. His body was a constant after photo at a gym, and I wanted that for myself.

All he did was chuckle at me as I pushed out the last of my hundred set to the iron man challenge. One of these days I'm so going to sabotage his cigars.

Since am starting something fresh.

You can find me on discord

Let's Keep Hope Alive.

Send comments I will read them all.

Since this whole writing thing is new please bare with me.


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