The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 14: Making Moves

The Fastest Man Alive
Chapter 14:
Making Moves


Before we had even taken off for the dam across the Canadian border, Logan had taken me aside. “Look kid ...I'm The Wolverine. I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice. And this isn't a situation like the last time. That other time you were in a rage when you took down that base. This time you're sober, and you might have to kill a man in cold blood. Am not going to tell you not to come but you need to understand this isn't like that.” That brought me up short because as much as I was super hyped going on an adventure with Logan. Yeah, finding another base like the one I was trapped in was not something I was looking forward to experiencing. Killing outside of anger wasn't something I was looking forward to because even though I had no regrets about what I did in the heat of the moment. This situation was going to test my resolve.

I was still thinking about the inclination of my choices on the matter when Logan had taken off on his Harley. I stuffed those thoughts to the back of my mind, and I took off right next to him. Unfortunately, I didn't have my license yet, but that was okay I had far too much energy to burn. So riding in that little sidecar, Logan pulled out wasn’t going to happen today. Since my body was slowly giving up sleep for the speed force, I was using my time to design new tech. Alfred was currently in a new body he had made for himself, and he was in his backpack form. This body had my new and improved microprocessor chips and a few miniature rail gun designs I was tinkering on. 

The miniature rail guns were sending out buckshot at mach seven in a quad barrel setup, which allowed us to cheat using shotgun shells in an emergency. 

The pack was powered with a spark of my lightning since I learned that I could infuse power into batteries as long as the frequency was in sync and that they will last extremely long. I wanted to extract some of the speed force down into a particle, but the tools were not available to me yet. Also, I didn't want to fall back and rely on Tony's arc reactor to be the particle housing. The speed particle was going to be my secret ingredient in powering a lot of my technology. With Alfred secure on my back, I was running alongside Logan on our way to get him some answers.

We crossed the Canadian border late at noon. We had no issues, which was strange really; but I had no complaints about it.  We were currently two miles out from the Dam Alfred had marked on the map, it wasn't a hard trek through the forest since there were clear animal trails to use and ever so often Logan was pointing out soldier routes to me. 
This location was supposed to be some hidden base so that was no surprise to me since it would be unusual for no one to send out patrols.

Logan was noticing things that a city kid like myself had no clue about. That made it a very worthwhile learning experience for me. We soon came upon Alkali lake, and it was massive. The first X-Men movie did this lake no justice at all and somewhere in the gigantic dam is the information for Logan and the formula for Adamantium. Also known as one of the most durable metals known in the universe. We trekked up along the coast of the lake while weaving between the tree to keep out of the line of sight from the dam.

We got to about a football field length away from the dam when everything went to shit. 


Overhead came a helicopter heading for the dam, and it looked like an old Huey transport chopper with an extended cargo bay. The helo was camo green and had blacked out windows, Logan and I watched it land on top of the dam and soldiers popped out of the back pushing what appeared to me prisoners forward. The soldiers were marching them forward when someone had tripped. From my location, I couldn't see if it was a boy or a girl, but I did notice the soldiers waving around guns. Then there was a red beam that blasted out of the person on the floor. I knew that red beam, I have seen those beams in movies before. Those beams were so iconic it was up there with Logan's claws and Captain America shield. My heart was racing, and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate right here on the spot.

Bap! Bap! Bap!

That was when I heard the gun blast and my heart stop.

There was no way that…….  Did that happen?

I didn't even pay any more attention to Logan, I was up the wall and there among everyone within a split second. And it was who I thought it was. Scott fucking Summers the iconic leader of the X-men and wanna be Magneto’s second coming. He was dead on the ground with three shots to the chest. The Boy Scout snuffed out just like that no chance to fight back, no escape just a triple tap to the chest and boom dead.

This, this right here is why this fucking universe scares the shit out of me. You don't know what will happen. Then I felt it that cold shiver was moving its way up my spine. That feeling of your death looming at you back. That feeling of lack of control was back again, and I was terrified.


“You didn't have to shoot him, man, he only fell.”

“What the fuck? Who are you?”

With my appearance, everything kicked off all at once. With the death of such an iconic person, I now knew that I had no such thing as plot armor in this life.

A promise was made to myself when I realized what universe I was in. I promised myself that I would make a change, make a difference. I would become a beacon for everyone in the future, but what did I do — all this power and what have I been doing with it.

Nothing but let it all go to my head.

I wasn’t angry now, no; now I was focused, and this base was finished. The guards still had their guns on me when I looked up to meet their gazes. My face must have looked dreadful because they all flinched from the look I gave them. I heard the sound of one of the triggers clicking, and that was my signal to begin. With my motions flowing like water my claw constructs came out. Then I began to eviscerate every guard present on the top helipad. There was no escaping me, a soldier tried to jump off in an escape attempt, but with force constructed hand he was brought back directly onto my claws.

The helicopter was spinning up his rotors to get away, but it was already too late. I was now carrying a fist full of lightning, and the plane was about to feast on it.

The helo was no more, and now it was time to dismantle the base. My choice was made, if you don't stop the bad guys, they will keep on being assholes. Alfred hopped off my back to look at the new people I had just rescued but they weren't important right now. Right now, I had to inform Logan about the change of plans.

“Wolverine, come in Wolverine.” “What happened kid? Why did you vanish?” “Things happened, so we have to be flexible now. I have metas on the top helipad I need you to guard them while I go destroy the base.” “I wanted answers, and this was supposed to be a simple smash and grab kid.” Logan was now growling at me. “Wolverine. This wasn't going to be some ordinary base.” My answer though got me a snort in return. “Top right, well come get me and don't forget to get what you can about me after your finished rampaging.”

Before he was able to hang up the com’s, I was already down the side and bringing him back up to where all the Metahumans were stationed. 

With my sudden disappearance and reappearance, everyone jumped. Some guy even asked me if I was a teleporter. I was going to liberate everyone held captive in the base then I was going to bring them back to the X-mansion. I would have to build a Metahuman research and development department within the company soon. I wonder if I can get Ororo to do the counselor job, I do have to admit to myself that I don't want Charles with such a position. 

“Alfred go through the ducts and get to the server room, shut down any self destructs and download everything. I want all their files about experiments and all the tech they have cooked up. Also, funnel all their money into our accounts after you clean it.”

With Alfred knowing what he needed to get done, I was already down through the door into a hallway filled with guards armed to the teeth heading upstairs to the burning Helo wreck.

“I hope you guys wore your brown pants.”

With that, I brought out my six arms construct then proceeded to tear into them.

Psylocke: Sexy Badass Mercenary for Hire.

Spiral was laid back with her legs kicked up on a desk while she filed her nails and painted the others. Her day was boring as could be, and she hated to take jobs like these. 
Fucking Mutant hunters, yes they pay well, but their treatment of her kind still made her skin crawl. Though the unique toys she gets to play with aren't all bad either and as much ammo as she can carry and specially made toys to order. Nothing can beat that one bit, well maybe a muscled hunk tied to her bedpost might come in a close second, but a lady will have to make due. She was regretting taking this job. Not only was the base's lead operations manager a greasy shit face but they had a shit base stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Now she was stuck in the security room babysitting the cameras, but she would have to mark today as her lucky day on her calendar. She scoffed at the guards that lost control of the mutant guy and then watched his powers blast out almost wrecking everything. Ugh, now she had to do work. With her index finger and middle finger against her forehead, she concentrated and felt within the astral for the mind within her vicinity for turmoil. Within the milky stream of nothing, she felt the ripple, but she also felt a raging tide of power approach. It was easily the most power she has ever felt being projected from one person. This she would have to investigate carefully, maybe it was time she went for a stroll along the lake and find this little morsel for herself.  She shut down the mind of the person that was causing problems, but when she got up to leave to find that source of power, she noticed a flicker on the screen. He wore a dark red suit with lightning moving up and down its sides. On his chest, he wore a bolt of lightning as his symbol. She knew that symbol, something about some fast hero out of New York. She watched as he stood there over the dead body of the Mutant, and when he raised his head up, she saw the savage visage of an oni coming to reap them all. She felt the cold press of a blade against her throat with just a glance at his face. 

Then he moved, or better yet he vanished from his spot. Every person on the outer helipad suddenly lost their heads, and then he sent a bolt of pure power destroying the air support. That was all she needed to see to know it was time to leave. She was already paid, and they didn't have all the money in the world for her to stay and fight a speedster willing to kill. She called up all the guards for intruders and opened all the cages to help cover her escape. This base was going to be destroyed, and she was not sticking around to fight. There was one way out now, and she was going to kill anyone that was in her path to escape.

Moving like flowing water, none of the guards could stop me. Every guard that appeared within my sight got reaped. I had created two extra arms to throw out ninja stars I was constructing on the move. Any person outside of my reach that wasn’t in my way found a star sticking out of their throat.

Each ninja star had a one-inch circle with four-inch curved spikes sticking out along the outer ring. I was creating them and sending them as they were being created. I kept my internal timer on each so that they would disappear after a solid three minutes. 

This would leave the wounds open for them to either bleed out or make it in time to save themselves. And they should thank their lucky stars I don’t plan to follow up to make sure they are dead.

Alfred had made it to the server rooms and was able to update my map with the new information he was pulling from the servers. This base was fifteen floors easy, fuck it was huge, and I was located somewhere on the fourth floor. What I wanted to do was go through the labs and then the cells where they would be keeping all the Metahumans. While strolling through my wrist computer, I found the labs, but the following information was not something that gave me the warm fuzzies. 

“Alright, Alfred I am going to see what these mad scientists have cooked up. Keep me posted for any developments.” “Of course, also would you like me to make a move on the Baxter Foundation? Some investors have been pulling out due to failed experiments.” Alfred asked me which in turn made me super happy because at least part of my plans weren’t screwed up. “Yeah, buy up as much as you can. We need at least sixty five percent so we can have controlling rights. Also, have in the contract we won’t make any changes unless the labs blow up.” I knew the lab hadn’t had any explosions yet, but something caused the dimensional traveler to explode and give them powers.

It was time to make my move while they are desperate. I needed the name and their industry to break in with recognition. “Also let Susan know that if we do make changes, the building name will remain unchanged. That should allow her to be more receptive since her father did build the Baxter building; there is no need to change the name.” “Will do, Ben beware someone opened the cells holding the lab experiments.”

I worked my way down the sublevels systematically until I was able to make it to the labs. Though I wished I hadn’t because man was it gruesome. The operation lab still had a person laid on top and open with their insides still showing for everyone to see. 

The scientist that was working on him jumped once I kicked in the door and raised her hands in surrender. To bad for her because I was all out of fucks to give today. This base was going, and everyone I can get to will be entombed here with it.

With a flick of the wrist on one of my hands, a ninja star found its way into her jugular vein. Moving past her garbling body on the floor, I checked the patient on the lab table only to see them alive, but they were extremely dosed up on some concoction keeping them alive during the procedure. I wasn't even sure if they were aware, but this was no way someone should ever have to suffer. With a heavy heart I gave them peace, this pained me more than knowing I was wiping out a whole base of people. No one should ever have to die this way or experience something like that.

The prisoners were gathering gawking at me like I was some nightmare, but that's fine for now. I needed them compliant and following orders. Nothing else mattered at the moment just getting them out. “Move up this way and follow the trail of bodies out, you will find a grumpy guy up top. The rescue will be here soon.” And with that, I was moving again.

I felt tremors through the floor, so there had to be something big on the floor below me.
On the tenth floor was a massive monster hulk size. And damn he was ugly, his skin was grey, the hair on his head was in patches and matted. And he was rampaging all across the lab which had what I wanted, fuck. He was throwing around the guards who were trying to put him down, good. He was located on the left side with the massive cage and on the right side was the tank with the holy grail of material. The tank contained a bubbling dark silver metallic substance that could only be Adamantium. This trip was going to pay off more than I thought it was. The tank was connected to a significant number of wires leading to all over the lab. 

Hell, the bottom didn't even look like it was connected to any flame, so how were they also keeping it in a melted state. Since I located one of the ultimate metals, it was time to take down the big bad. With all six arms extended, I went right for his jugular at high speeds. With a quick swipe, all of my claws went right through the side of his neck, almost taking it clean off his body. With him taken care of, I used his body as a springboard and went for the rest of the guards frozen firing positions with the rounds still floating in the air after being fired out of the rifles.

With all the bads taken care of, it was time to check on the prisoners. Metahumans were ranging from small kids to full-blown adults. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about the situation but save who I can. Giving them the same informational speech like I did the others, it was time to move on to the next floor. Life had far more in store for me than just strolling along like it was a picnic. The hulking brute I had put down stood back up, and only light scars were located on his neck where I struck with my claws. Fuck he had Logan's healing factor. I was going to get settled in for a long fight, but I knew better than to fight people like myself and Logan. Today I would have to make some sacrifices and it was time to test out a new move. Taking off at high speeds before the brute was even able to register what was happening around him, I took the monster from behind with all six arms. With my hands embedded into his back, I used the four arms made from speed force constructs to spread my aura into his body. Then I pulled in reverse and sucked in all his molecular motion and kinetic energy. It tasted fucking nasty, like fermented toe jam on a hot sunny day and fuck me I had no idea where that came from. The taste almost blacked me out from how foul it tasted to my body. If I knew that the energy came with there own taste, I would have shoved his fucking head into the Adamantium soup instead of tasting this shit.

Ugh good god, I can taste it in my mouth. Still, It was so bad I started to see spots, and I wanted to stop absorbing his molecular energy altogether. He not only looked foul, but his energy tasted filthy also. I was on the brink of vomiting when I finally absorbed everything. The brute stood there like an ice sculpture once I was finished, but there was no way I was going to leave him like that.


 With a savage roar, I ripped my arms outwards chattering his body into smaller ice chunks. Ugh, this whole encounter was just nasty to the extreme. My stomach was upset, and my legs felt wobbly.

“Ben, someone just opened the lower bay hatches into the underground docks for the escape sub. Also, I have purged all data from the systems.” came Alfred's smooth British voice calming me back down from my nightmarish ordeal. “Thanks, Alfred I am on it. Also, did Logan place a call to wheels?” While still trying to keep my lunch down. “Yes, after he has had several encounters with the remaining guards, he made the call for a pick-up.” “Thanks, Alfred I will meet you topside once I check the lower hanger bay. Do set the self destruct for remote detonation and upload a Big Red Button app to my halo tech phone.” “You want a big red button application on the most state of the art cellphone?” “Yep I plan to press the big red button, just get it done Alfred.”

“It was already completed between the words my and halo tech.”

“Thanks, Alfred I will meet you topside to go over what you gained from the servers, but as a precaution, please make sure we have the adamantium formula. I would hate to leave behind what they currently have here in the labs without a way to reproduce our own.”

With that, I took off towards the lower bay docks. While I was en route, I noticed bodies sliced up like they decided to jump into a blender. The bodies had blade marks all over, and a few had impaled marks right where the heart was. Interesting it seems like someone is trying to get out, but who could it be and how could they know about some escape sub. I came smashing through the bay doors and; and what I found was not what I was expecting. What I found was one irresistible ninja Viking looking lady going to town on the guards stationed to guard the mini one person submersible. She was tall for a lady making her easily six feet. She had on a pair of tight leather pants showing off those deadly curves of hers. The pants even had spikes down the side, and she had a matching black shirt with two large X’s on the front. Her hair was long and flowing dark locks with purple mixed in. What really struck me was the massive sword she was wielding while chopping the guards in half. As the gentleman that I was, it was time to help a lady in need. Putting away my crazy six arm construct, I started to take out the guards in her surroundings. 

Now that I was closer, she reminded me of a badass ninja version of Olivia Munn. Slowing down back to sync up with the standard time, it was time to get answers. “So do you mind telling me who I just rescued?” “I am no damsel  in distress, so get your facts straight.” She returned with a savage grin while strapping her massive sword to her back to free her hands up to reload both her pistols at her side.

She eyed me, so I was trying to keep a respectable distance to make sure I didn't fall into some classic cliche honey trap. “So why are you running?” I had to keep asking questions; otherwise, I was going to get distracted by her bust and the fantastic things that tight shirt was doing to it. We slowly started to circle while trading barbs but I couldn't help but feel like something was up. As my back turned to face the mini-sub she made her move. With a hand motion, I was pulled towards her, and I finally figured out why I felt something was up. 

This was fucking Psylocke one of the very few women in Marvel that uses a sword and telekinetic powers. Shit, I fell into this one alright her M.O. has always been mercenary work. So it wouldn't be a far stretch for her to be here, but I didn't know she worked for Metahuman snatchers. She reached for the sword on her back to swing it at me while I was in midair, but I had something for her, alright. My am constructs burst out, grabbing onto her elbow and blade. With a swift movement, I swung her around and slammed her onto the ground beneath me.

“Well, that's not nice. I know being hot and crazy goes hand in hand but let's please be civilized.”

“Jail stripes aren't my style.”

And with that, she hit me with a telekinetic blast but since I still had a hold on her, we flipped and rolled a few times across the ground. She landed on top of me, and I was ready to flip us back over to take back control when she kissed me. It was like pure electricity sparked through my being. I couldn't help but to give into the kiss some more as our tongues dueled. I was able to get a grip on her amazingly nice firm ass, that was when everything started to get dark, and I began to lose feeling in my extremities.

“Night, Night lipstick cost a fortune but well worth it, no worries you’ll only sleep for a few hours, enjoy.” And with that, she-cat walked over to the mini-sub and left. I was beyond furious with myself, I was able to avoid the other bullshit, but I fell for the fucking catwomen move. I was burning through whatever she gave me like I was a man possessed.

I was back up within a matter of sixty seconds, but she was already gone. With a roar, I savagely unleashed all of my lightning on my immediate surroundings. I was played that was what happened, I was simply played, and she got away. With a huff, I ran back up the top to meet Logan and the rest of the people we saved.


“Why am I smelling mint?” Logan asked while looking around for the source of the smell. He zeroed in on me, but I could only shrug, but Alfred decided to add his two cents in. “I believe that was due to his swapping of fluids with the escaping mercenary.” Came Alfred's smooth voice from his location playing with the kids.

Logan smiled at me like he already knew what happened. I guess he did since I looked like I was rolling on the ground.

“So did you grab on with both palms at least?”

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