The Farm

Farm life

Chapter 1: Farm life

Jaune really wasn’t sure how his life had gotten to this point. A small gust of wind whipped by caressing his face as he stared at the suns slow sinking into the distance. The sound of nature never felt so sweat in these moments as he stared out over the field approaching dusk.


Jaune had personally wanted to be enlisted in the Kingdoms army, but after failing the fourth time he was finally made to give up on his dream of protecting the kingdom. The memories till this day still brought his mood in general down.


Letting his eyes slip for a moment to look at the watch on his hand he saw that it was approaching 7pm which was milking time. Trying to pep himself up for what he had to do next, he shook his body and began to make his way to the barn around the back.


He had grown up in a pretty well off family, his father being a veteran that had come back from active duty, a feat that was getting harder every day. Honestly Jaune wasn’t sure what started the war, he probably should have when he wanted to join the army.


But then, when all your 7 older sisters had already enlisted and were ‘fighting the good fight’ as they said, why would he even hesitate?


Well it seemed he should have, what with his asthma from a young age stopping him from properly working out and building his body enough to join, not that having asthma wouldn’t have been enough on its.


Sure he was smart, but the kingdom had many smart people, working in labs and other places helping the war efforts. They didn’t need his noodle arms to try and fight back the Empire. In the end with no clear goal in sight, it was more happenstance than not that he became a farmer.


A sign posted on the street one day had drawn his attention, asking for more able body men, women and families to start producing more food for the ‘troops’ at the front. At least he would then be helping in his own way, or those were the thoughts at the time.


Stopping before the barn, Jaune couldn’t help but slowly caress the timber that held the latch to open the doors. Though he had only been at it for about a year, he had to admit he was starting to truly love farming.


Of course there were problems when he started. First off, what the heck does a farmer do? Jaune thankfully had help from the Kingdom government in learning, came with the deal and him having no experience, though it wasn’t the best help if he was being honest.


There weren’t many spare people that could teach him, the war was too much of a pressing issue for them to spare someone, so he only got a small booklet of what he would have to do. He was thankfully smart enough to at least start.


It just took around a month or 2 to learn how to plough the field properly, especially with the old rickety thing he had to lug around to do that, his arms never had a better work out, though his back was screaming by the end.


It still took him longer than what would have been acceptable but at least he was finally able to plant some seeds, until he got that down, he had to make most of his living expenses of ‘milking’.


Some would say it wasn’t the best idea to just give someone a book and let them go, but given enough time someone would be able to produce what the kingdom wanted, even if they had a few mistakes on the way.


Learning to ‘work the land’, plant seeds and grow edible food, that was awkward at the start, but thankfully as mentioned he had some help. But then that help had come from the most unexpected place, or person rather. Along with her came the biggest shock Jaune had in the whole experience.


Pushing the unlocked doors to the barn open, a stench hit his nose instantly, honestly after so long he had become used to it, even finding a small amount of comfort in it, though at the start he would admit it was off putting for him.


A moan quickly hit his ears as his eyes trailed over the middle walk way, bits of hay splashed about, he’d need to clean that up later. To his right a few bays of hay were stacked, ready to be used later, while to his left a small room housed his small office.


A small side toilet lay inside, with a desk and a few packs of grain for ‘feed’ for the ‘animals’ that hadn’t been used in a long time. But Jaune only let his eyes wander for a second before they quickly went to the back of the barn.


Being a relatively big barn, there were 8 more stalls heading towards the back, one specifically used for washing while the other 7 were for more ‘animals’ that he either requested or was given. Though with 5 of them already filled there wasn’t much room left, and he didn’t think he could accommodate more even if he tried.


Not that the stalls were really used much these days, they were only generally used for ‘milking’ time, but not all the time. The lights were already on in the barn when Jaune stepped in, no doubt flicked on by the person moaning in the back. A small thankful smile appeared on Jaune’s lips as he slowly started to make his way towards the noise.


You see there were 3 things a Farmer had to do when they signed up for the Kingdom.


  1. They had to move all their belongings to the designated middle of nowhere, where the farm was situated, basically the farthest point from the front lines or anyone else.


  1. You have to learn how to work a farm, ploughing the land, planting seeds and growing crops for the kingdom, which if Jaune were to be realistic was impossible for one person.



  1. And finally you had to ‘milk’ the ‘animals’ or ‘livestock’ for the Kingdom. Which Jaune found the easiest now.


Outside of that there wasn’t much else that was expected of Jaune, of course he could order more ‘livestock’ whenever he wanted, he even got to pick from a list given to him by the kingdom. At the time Jaune thought ‘milking’ meant something like cows.


‘I mean what else could it have been?’


Well he was in for a big, big shock when he met his first tenant. Jaune slowly pushed the door to the stall open and peered inside as the sound of moaning got louder.


The first thing that Jaune saw when he entered the stall was the luscious red hair that was slightly ruffled. A small smile made it to his lips as his eyes trailed down and he caught sight of the half closed emerald eyes and red face of the occupant.


With a slightly round face, small nose and red lips, her face was entrancing, even as she sucked in air in a rushed manner. Her skin was a healthy shade of white, only covered up by a tight fitting red bra that held her DD cup breasts, somehow this just seemed to enhance her lithe body below, her slightly defined six pack showing the tight upper body she had. Jaune appreciated those define curves before trailing off into her pelt.


Her white pelt shinned with detailed care as it trailed down the rest of her body, her front and back muscles bunching as she kept herself standing on four strong hooves, resting on her hind was a type of skirt that covered her backside and kept her pelt warm, a small protrusion at the back for her tail to freely sway.


Standing before Jaune was his first ‘animal’, or specifically a Faunus, Pyrrha Nikos. The only distinguishing factors between humans and Faunus were the animal traits that all the Faunus population carried. Thought there used to be an amiable relationship between the Faunus and Humans, that had distinguished over the last decade with the beginning of the Vale Kingdom and Faunus Empire war.


Once again Jaune didn’t know what exactly started the war, but he had grown up with it ever since. But back to the main topic, Pyrrha wasn’t just at the farm because she was a Faunus, it was because of what she was doing right now and what was between her legs.


Continuing to pant and moan in front of Jaune, he couldn’t help but have a slight blush as her half lidded eyes seemed to lock onto him and the ‘thing’ between her legs grew an extra inch in length. Her hands wrapped around and continued to stroke the 10 inch length with a slightly increased vigor.


Pyrrha was what is known as an ‘Alpha’, a Faunus born with both a vagina and a dick, sometimes called Futanari, though Jaune had no clue where that word came from, shortened to Futa as a derogatory term as the war went on. Alphas’ were the only huge thing that was different about the Faunus race to Humans, humans only having 2 genders.


Being stronger in general than both other sexes and laden with a huge libido, they had been part of the Ruling class of the Faunus Empire for a long time and had produced its strongest warriors, from what Pyrrha had told Jaune over their year together.


Yes ‘milking’ the ‘animals’ for the kingdom, was actually making an Alpha Faunus cum and collecting it!


To say this threw Jaune for a loop at the start was an understatement. Why the hell would the Kingdom want such a thing, what would they do with it? But he had signed up to be a farmer and it was for the Kingdom, so with probably the most high-tech equipment on the farm that was given to him, he had got to work.


Of course there were a lot of rules around ‘milking’ which made sense. The kingdom was currently at war with the Empire and Pyrrha was technically a ‘Prisoner of War’, when that thought had entered Jaune’s mind, especially that he was technically taking advantage of a prisoner, it had never sat right with him.


Maybe that was what lead to all that had happened over the last year. Jaune honestly wasn’t sure. Shaking the thought from his mind Jaune didn’t waste much time in walking over to Pyrrha who was still moaning and rubbing herself.


Attached to the top of her cock was a small suction device that stuck to the head of her shaft so nothing was wasted. When she finally exploded, the stream would quickly be sucked into a tank off to the side, which he would then later give to the Government collector when he came down.


It was Jaune’s main source of profit for the farm. Though the food was in high demand, for some reason the spunk of Alpha’s was more sort after by the army, government and research labs from what he had been told.


It was actually his main profit before he could finally start actually farming.


Pyrrha’s eyes stalked Jaune as he made his way over, her breath getting a bit more hitched as he finally made it to her side and slowly lowered to his knees to her side. Her front hooves stamped in approval and out of the way as Jaune finally got to his destination, her throbbing meat at eye level and towering next to him  


Unlike one would expect of a general horse or centaur, the Alpha centaur had her cock positioned at the front of her body, resting just below her human like abdomen, just below its connection to her horse body, while her actual pussy was situated at the back near her ass.


She had a small cock sheath of only 2 inches her hanging ball bellow smooth and glistening in a build-up of sweat as the rest of her glistening rod stuck out the other 8, finishing off with a flat but wide head, already leaking a bit.


Jaune’s eyes flickered to the rod before him before finally having his eyes trail up into Pyrrha’s glistening green eyes. Off to the side he couldn’t help but notice the small hooks to the side of the stall.


Technically Jaune was supposed to strap Pyrrha down, a blind fold over her eyes and gag in her mouth as her front and hind legs were bent down and then locked into place. Before he hooked the ‘milker’ to her, setting it to a high setting to milk her faster and more efficiently….but then Jaune was never that cruel, maybe it was because he had grown up with 7 sisters, but after the first time he could never make himself do that again and with how things had come along over the year, he would never even think to do that now.


No Jaune had quickly figured out that while the ‘Milker’ was good, he could get Pyrrha and the others to produce more if he treated them nicely, as the people they were.


That was why Jaune had kneeled before Pyrrha now, Jaune found out she got off a lot easier when he helped her, specifically when his hands helped her. Slowly his hands raised as Pyrrha stopped her motion, her breath coming just a little quicker.


Though it wasn’t the biggest cock in the world at only 10 inches, it had a girth and strength to it that would put others to shame. Jaune had to reach with two hands to clasp around it properly. With practised ease his hands drifted past her glistening balls, giving them a small brush over before grabbing the base of her equine girth.


A shudder went through her body as her face flushed a deep red; her hands no longer distracted coming to grope her own breasts. A grunt of anticipation left her lips as Jaune finally started to move his hands up and down, slowly at first, making sure to rub his thumb on one particular vein as he went, something she loved, before slowly getting faster and faster.


The moans that had stopped for a second, quickly exploded into a ravenous maelstrom as her front hooves seemed to shake in weakness as he continued.




It took less than a minute for his ministrations to cause and explosive reaction as her seed exploded forth, quickly being sucked up by the machines strapped to her, her feet pounding into the ground in pleasure as her back arched.


His grip tightened as he felt the seed flow through her girth passing his hand even as he continued to move his hands up and down, though he did slow down and put more pressure in his while also scratching the back of the head to induce more pleasure.


His knuckles turned white as he continued to grip tighter, only seeming to make it feel better as she climax for a straight minute before finally petering out. But that of course wasn’t the end. Other than being a centaur who were known for their endurance, she was also an alpha.


The equine cock seemed to spring back to life not even a seconds after its explosion and seemed to stand even straighter, as Pyrrha came down from her high. Her hands still gripped her breasts as she mashed them together, her nipples standing stiff and ready for more punishment.


Used to such a thing Jaune just continued to jerk her off, his grip lessening to give it an easier glide. The musk that had been slightly muffled before exploded out as Pyrrha continued to get off and release her unique pheromones, assaulting Jaune’s face in the process.


As said before, at the start it was a bit awkward and he didn’t like the smell, but after helping a certain other Faunus under his care, though she qas quite demanding, he had started to get used to the smell that now drifted about. Moving his face a bit closer he made sure to lock eyes with Pyrrha before taking a sniff.


That only turned her on even more as her eyes turned red and her hooves stomped again, more pre-cum leaking out. Though it wasn’t a full blow orgasm, Jaune knew from the tightness he just felt in his hand it was still a lot.

So he continued for the next hour, he continued to coax load after load out of his first Faunus tenant, her screams of pleasure filling the lone barn.




“……Mmmmnnnn….Right there…*Shluck*....yes….Keep going”


“…yes….yes…I’M CUMMING!!!”




After the first 4 loads Pyrrha’s back legs finally gave out and she rested her body down, making sure not to trap Jaune’s body in any way as he continued.


Working the shaft, flicking the head, and running his thumb along a few of the prominent veins along her length, it wasn’t long before she reached her 10th orgasm, something Jaune was slightly proud of after all the effort he had put into perfecting his ‘care’ over the last few months.


Finally her front legs also gave out and she fully rested on them, restricting how he could get access to her. Pyrrha took in ragged gasps as her bra was now soaked in a noticeable layer of sweat, her eyes were hazed out slightly as if not in the moment, but by the way they moved every now and then to her Blond minstrel one could tell she still sort of knew what was happening.


Her hazed eyes tracked him as he had to reposition more to her front kneeling before her. A glint of excitement entered her eyes as the smile on her face wavered a bit of drool leaking out.


Jaune always liked to look at her face when she let loose like this, her flushed cheeks, her excited eyes, the dopy grin on her face. Usually she was a bit more serious, that’s why he loved that he could help her reach these moments of bliss and help her relax, she had helped him so much in their time together.


Knowing that the end was near, he finally used his finishing move, or that’s what his nerdy self called it, being an avid gamer before he had to move out here, where the internet connection was worse than anything he could have imagined. Not that he had much time looking after the farm and his Faunus.


Letting one of his hands loose her moved it lower as his other continued to stroke. Gently caressing the smooth balls below he started to entwine his fingers back and forth slowly fondling them, something he knew Pyrrha loved. Going gently to build the passion, his concentration on the task was broken as Pyrrha’s hand gently caressed his head.


Her breathing while still ragged had soothed out as they came to an end, caressing the hair of the human before her, a brilliant smile lit up her face as her other hand slowly tilted his chin up towards her.


They locked eyes staring at each other as if time itself stopped, even though his hands didn’t. It felt like an eternity, but it was over too soon as Pyrrha let out one final passion filled moan as her body locked up, her eyes still on his.


Jaune felt it as her sperm travelled from her sack all the way through her shaft, finally getting to the head and exploding forth into the machine. Tugging once or twice more, while at the same time fondling her, Jaune let her length slowly retract into her sheath, the machine falling loose.


Seeing that the beast had finally retreated Jaune let his arms relax finally feeling the fatigue of working his arms so hard for so long start to catch up with him. A few beads of sweat made its way down his head as he felt the oncoming shortness of breath and tightness in his lungs remembering that he left his asthma puffer back inside.


Knees feeling sore he slowly started to get back to his feet as he was ambushed by a quick hug from Pyrrha, at last recovering from her last blissful climax. Her sticky arms and body not bothering him a little as she almost man handled him into a crushing hug.


Her head nuzzled into the crux of his neck as she took a calming breath on his shoulder before whispering in his ear. “Thanks Jaune. I…I…I’m glad I met you.” A sweet feeling swept through Jaune’s body as he heard the words, yes this was the feeling he had learned to love after becoming a farmer.


The satisfaction of a good days work.


Feeling a little strength in his arms return, he resolutely returned the hug as best he could. “Me too Pyrrha.” Of course he couldn’t help his trade mark awkwardness from showing at the end as the hug continued on a bit longer.


“I’m just doing what any other farmer should.” A chuckle that almost sounded bitter to Jaune was released from Pyrrha but before he could comment on it, he was lifted from the ground, literally.


Being an Alpha and Stronger than a normal centaur not to mention a human, Pyrrha easily lifted Jaune off the ground and with a  quick movement she swung him around and positioned him on her back side as she stood up.


His legs spreading and trying to find his balance, he quickly held on, wrapping his arms around Pyrrha’s torso as she stomped her hooves, the smile back on her face, Jaune knew she like him riding her like this.


“We better get back to the others, you know how rowdy they can get when left alone. Also don’t think I didn’t notice how tired you were after our session, did you forget your asthma Puffer again?”


Jaune didn’t even have enough strength to rub his neck in awkwardness and just resigned himself to the teasing from his companion. Slumping forward, his head resting on her smooth and defined back, he gave a shallow nod as he once again felt the shortness of breath.


He couldn’t help but let out a few coughs that racked his weakened body, causing a look of worry to pass of Pyrrha’s face. Deciding not to risk it any longer with banter she quickly trotted her way out of the barn, making sure Jaune didn’t fall off.


Locking up and turning off the light as she got out of the barn, she quickly made her way towards the house, where 4 other silhouettes were waiting for them, with her good eyes sight Pyrrha could just make out the Asthma Puffer in one of their hands.


Another smile came to her lips as she nudged Jaune on her back. “Looks like the girls were getting a bit worried with us taking so long.” Looking just past her shoulder Jaune could just make out his other Faunus Tenants, or really ‘Prisoners of war’ as they waited for him at the porch.


A smile came to him at the sight before he rested his head on Pyrrha’s back.


“Better not keep them waiting them.”  


Jaune wasn’t sure how he became a farmer, especially when he wanted to join the army, but now, now he didn’t regret that decision for one minute.




Well here is something I wrote.


So first off, has a lot of room to continue, don’t know if I will, but I have plans if I do. I’m sort of practicing my short story writing as well as smut/lemon writing by doing this, think it’s not going bad, but still needs improvement I think.


Why Futa? I just like Futa, of course as you can tell by reading this, I don’t like the whole rape aspect of Futa stuff so don’t really expect that. More of a loving type guy. Also not a guy that likes the whole, OMG she got a 2 foot cock. I mean Just not my thing, or volley ball sized balls (I’ve read that before) Keeping most of everything realistic, as much as this can be realistic lol. (Yes I know a horse cock is a lot bigger like just on average a lot, lot bigger…. That’s why it at front of body)


Also mini rant, if something says Futa, please for the love of god at least say she got a pussy. I mean the stories where they got a cock, balls and ass, but no pussy just urgh. There is actually a difference. One’s a Shemale the other a Futanari.


If you’ve read this and don’t like Futa….I mean, I hope you liked it?


To everyone else, yeah I hope you like, as said please don’t bash too much on the smut, never written any before.  


Oh yeah, got the idea from a different novel, think it was called ‘The Ranch’ Over of archives of our own.

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