The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 473

Chapter 560 Excited

Allen’s gaming career had just begun, and he entered the imprisonment.

He originally thought that he was hitting a death ending, but found that it was not.

In the imprisonment, he suffered persecution. The same Jin Yiwei person, he has some colleagues who usually don’t have a good relationship, and beat him severely.

In order to insult him, he was also put down from the stake, only tied with a rope, and then stepped on his face, verbally insulting, while preparing to pour urine or something.

But precisely because of this, he also had a chance to escape.

In this paragraph, there is a more difficult part of the operation, that is, it is necessary to let the opposite person find a way to break the rope if they can’t find it.

Here, he failed once, and he really came to the end of death—he was beaten to death in the imprisonment.

After trying several times, after a lot of effort, he finally broke the rope that bound him.

Then, he got up suddenly and entered the battle, and then… he was hung up and hammered.

Death ending again.

After trying several times, they all ended in death.

This opponent is also too difficult to fight. At the beginning, Allen also played a series of works such as “Black Soul” and “Wolf”. These games are all written with “masochistic” and “let you know how to write death words.” Some features such as’difficulty in combat’ are loved by some **** players. When the game is well done, the battle is more difficult and challenging.

Allen usually likes to play this kind of games. He is not a master, but he can definitely be said to be a veteran.

“Steam Daming” should not be such a game, at least this has not been reflected in the previous publicity. Moreover, this game does not have any options for choosing difficulty, but it should be a relatively medium combat difficulty-this is also reflected in the previous teaching levels.

It is challenging, but the average player should be able to get started quickly and play smoothly.

In other words, it shouldn’t be so difficult for the first opponent to play after the teaching level.

He is unarmed, and his body is injured (blood dissatisfaction), and his weapon is only a piece of stone that was previously used to cut the rope. But the other party is a fully armed Jinyiwei, with a mechanical device mounted on his left arm, capable of launching a hook lock, and if it is hooked, it will be pulled over and executed with a knife.

The hook lock can hide, but it is difficult to hide.

On the contrary, his attack, the damage that the opponent can cause is relatively limited, and in close combat, he will be killed if he is not careful.

“This battle is too difficult, right! The first monster in the official level, is it so difficult to fight? What’s the matter with Dimension Entertainment!”

He couldn’t help complaining.

Putting down the handle, he leaned back.

At this point in the game time, it has been playing for almost half an hour, and he intends to eat something and take a break.

After thinking about it, he made a call and went out.

The phone rang several times before someone answered it.

“Hello? Alan? Tell me something, I’m playing a game!”

“”Steam Daming”?”

“Yeah, don’t you have the first time to play?”

“Played, I have been playing for half an hour.” Allen’s tone was a little depressed, but he was a bit strange, the tone of the guy opposite…Why was he still more excited?

The person on the other side of the phone is one of his classmates, who is also a game fan. The other party is also looking forward to the launch of “Steam Daming”. However, based on Allen’s understanding of his classmate, his skills…well, it’s really good. He never liked to play the soul series. The feeling of being blamed by the crazy hammer, his classmate can bear it. Can’t help.

But for Mao… I was so miserable by this hostile Jin Yiwei, I almost lost my mind, but that guy is still so excited?

Could it be that he hit it?

Without asking this question on the phone, he said: “I am going to play for a night today, but I am a little hungry now. I am going to come out and eat something to continue. Do you want to be together?”

“Um… also good.”

After the two met, they found a fast food restaurant and ate casually, all talking about “Steam Da Ming”.

“Where are you progressing now?” his classmate asked.

Allen shook his head and said, “I was in the dungeon, and I was beaten by a guard in the dungeon so that I could not take care of myself… The difficulty of this game of Dimension Entertainment is too high! I can’t beat it at all!”

“Huh?” His classmate was stunned, and said, “Have you played that far? I didn’t get to the dungeon story at all?”

“Huh?” Allen was also dumbfounded. “Isn’t the dungeon the first plot?”

“Isn’t it?” the classmate said, “I escorted the little girl out of the mansion after I taught the level. Didn’t the minister have a close relationship with a sect called “Shangdengshe”? After leaving the mansion, don’t just enter I’m on the lamp club? Before I was called out for dinner I was matching the skills on my mechanical disk…”

“Huh?” Allen became even more confused, “What are you talking about? What the lamp club…choose to release that little girl, wasn’t she caught in the imprisonment just because she violated discipline?”

“Why release that little girl? Escort her out…”

At this point, Alan has figured it out—it seems that although the two are playing the same game, the protagonist is the same character, and the starting point of the game is the same, but the main storyline seems to be… completely different. .

They entered into a deeper discussion, and after returning to his residence, Allen did not rush to start playing games. Instead, he logged on to the Internet and began to inquire about some information about “Steam Da Ming”.

Now, it has only been less than two hours since the game was launched globally at the same time. There are still relatively few discussions on the content and plot of this game on the Internet.

But despite this, he found something he wanted from some limited discussions…

The so-called “the most free linear narrative game” is really not nonsense!

Just after the teaching level, in the discussion among the players, through different treatments for the little girl, there are seven different plot paths, which can be roughly classified into three categories.

One is that if the girl is not released, or if he is released and is not found, then he will continue to be a Jinyiwei; the second is like him, if he is released but caught, he will enter the dungeon, which is also the most difficult level; the third type , Just like his classmates, if they are found but escaped, they will enter the Jianghu School, which is the so-called Shangdeng Club.

The interest was completely mobilized, and when he couldn’t find more information, he continued to open the game and began to struggle!

. m.

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