The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 464

Chapter 452 The Lich King and Love

The final scene of “Rise of the Lich King” arrives.

Frostmourne was drawn from Mal’Ganis’ chest, and Alsace had clearly won, but he saw no joy at all on his face.

Mankind has achieved great success. With him as the center of the picture’s perspective, in the battlefield as the background, the undead army, which has lost its leader, has become fragile and easily destroyed by the human army. The Lordaeron warriors in armor shouted and screamed excitedly, but Arthas in the main perspective of the screen was blank.

He left the Lordaeron warriors cheering for the victory, and walked towards the depths of the wind and snow alone. His back was lonely and cold, until he disappeared in the snow.

The movie ends here.

After watching the film, the theater ends.

After the film was over, almost no one left the cinema with joy and joy.

But this does not mean that the movie is not good, on the contrary, because the tone of the whole film is like this, and the film is made very well, this led to this result.

“The Rise of the Lich King” has similarities with general commercial films, but also has a completely different core.

The model is very similar. The protagonist is a prince, as if Wei Guangzheng, and then a villain who endangers the safety of the people appeared in his country, and the prince eventually eliminated him.

This seems to be the most normal story, and even seems quite clichéd. The final finale is also like a family carnival. The protagonist has gone through untold hardships and finally defeated the devil.

But after seeing the movie and understanding the whole process of Alsace’s defeat of Malgaines, who can ‘family reunion’?

It seems that justice has defeated evil in the finale, but the core of the whole story is undoubtedly sad.

In Stratholme’s choice, Alsace made a choice against humanity. But if you don’t choose this way, why is there another good choice?

After the Northern Expedition, in order to revenge and defeat Mal’Ganis, Arthas committed too many crimes.

In order to prevent the expeditionary army from returning to the country, he scuttled the fleet; after hiring the natives to complete the task, they perfidiously killed them; in order to win, even if the warnings of old friends were not heeded, the curse of “Frostmourne” must be taken. The sword was pulled out, killing Muradin…

After doing so many things, in the end, even though Alsace killed the biggest villain of the movie, Malganis, is it really worth it?

Audiences who don’t know anything about “Warcraft” may ask this question.

Fans of the “Warcraft” series know more clearly that this is only the beginning of Alsace’s tragedy.

Sun Qing and others, of course, are fans of “Warcraft”. The story of Alsace was familiar to them.

But even though they had already had their psychological expectations, when they saw this place, they still couldn’t help feeling sorrowful.

For Sun Qing herself, she is not only a player of “World of Warcraft”, but also an old player of “Warcraft 3”. After entering the World of Warcraft Pit, she liked the world quite a bit, and on the contrary made up many background stories.

There is no doubt that in the entire “Warcraft” series, there is no character’s story that can be more shocking and more vivid than Alsace.

And watching this movie this time completely awakened all Sun Qing’s memories of this story-even stronger.

After all, the story of Prince Alsace that she had ever read was either from the game or from some official or fanfiction.

And these, in terms of impact, appeal, and expressiveness, are hard to compare with the art form of film.

She will shout for the soldiers in the movie, ‘For the Alliance! ’, ‘For Lordaeron! ‘And she was so excited that she was numb, even if she was a tribe; she would regret that Arthas was gradually sinking in many difficult choices, watching him kill countless undead monsters with one hammer and one sword and one sword. , But inevitably and unstoppable step by step towards the abyss, Sun Qing will also feel heavy.

This is not a movie that will make people happy.

The whole film is very passionate, the pictures are hot, there are many killings, wars, and epic scenes, but these things are generally served for the core of the film’s story.

And this core is tragic.

But only tragedy can truly move people’s hearts and leave an immortal chapter.

Sun Qing does not know whether “The Rise of the Lich King” can be included in the “immortal chapter”, but she believes that this is a very, very good movie, and can even be included in the movies she has watched over the years. For the first three, plus the extra points for feelings, it’s okay to be the first.

After the movie was over, the people of their guild would not be able to get together once, and they would definitely not just leave like this.

I found a place with a private room and had a meal together. During the dinner, everyone had a good chat, and many people even drank some wine.

Of course, Sun Qing didn’t drink it.

After eating, everyone retreated. A few men who have a better relationship in normal times, get together and plan to have a second show, find a night market and continue to drink something. And Sun Qing, a girl, went home early.

After washing up, lying on the bed, thinking about it, I feel that I can’t sleep. All I was thinking about were all Alsace’s faces, as if they were in love—it’s that this love is a bit sadomasochistic, it’s like watching my lover, walking further and further on the road of no return The kind that can’t help it.

My heart was a little blocked, and I was even more emotional, choking on my chest.

She feels if this doesn’t vent, she must not sleep tonight.

Getting up from the bed, wearing a pajamas, she sat in front of her workbench, turned on the computer, took out a WORD document, and began to crackle words.

I forgot to mention that Sun Qing’s job is a new media text editor. He works for a media company and is directly responsible for the operation of a public account under the company.

In the past, their official account was dedicated to writing articles aimed at female groups, writing some soft articles, and then pushing some cosmetics, pushing some clothing, and various other feminine products as a means of monetizing traffic. .

Before, they basically didn’t write anything related to movies, which was not in line with the user tone of the entire official account.

However, this time, Sun Qing, as the chief editor of the official account, is ready to be willful.

She wants to write an article about love, about “The Lich King”.

When I first lay on the bed, I had thoughts in my head.

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