The Fallen Gamer

Chapters 71-75

A/N: There's R-18 in the second half of this. It can be skipped for anyone not interested in that.

"Well now, isn't this quite the interesting family reunion? Hello, 'mother' and 'brother'," Hela said, both terms dripping with sarcasm. Loki looked at her without any recognition. Frigga didn't seem to recognize her either initially, but did after Hela had called her mother.

Hela was truly beautiful and radiated power, similar to the Fallen's own tainted light energy. As the goddess of death, I figured she employed some kind of dark magic. She was tall, even for an Asgardian woman, standing just over 6 feet. Her bust was large, and her figure perfectly toned. Underneath her thin black armor, all of her curves were accentuated. She was the perfect blend of beauty and death.

"Hela…" Frigga said with a hint of loathing. She then had some kind of realization dawn on her face as she changed her expression to confusion. "My memories are telling me to despise you because Odin claimed you were evil, but now I don't know what to think…" Frigga trailed off.

Hela smirked. "Is that what happened? One moment I was anguishing in the mighty defeat of Asgard and the next some kind of psychic wave attacked me. I could feel it trying to manipulate my mind, but thankfully my patron saved me. When I awoke, the people of Asgard had turned on me. Odin himself had set up a fake trial and cast me out to Helheim. WHERE I HAVE BEEN FOR 1000 YEARS!" Hela shouted in rage. "Now that the bastard is dead though, I'm finally free!" She glanced around the throne room momentarily before her eyes fell on the remaining shards of frost magic. Hela let out a laugh. "Was that what killed the mighty Odin, some weak and paltry Frost Giants!? And right in the middle of what remains of Asgard as well… Oh, how far have our people fallen." Hela lamented. Loki muttered angrily in the corner about Frost Giants not being 'paltry or weak.'

"Pretty fucking far if I had to be honest," Azazel said as he walked up to Hela. "Long time no see." He gave her a casual wave, as if she hadn't just spent 1000 agonizing years in prison.

Hela snorted at his nonchalance. "Of course, among the first people I see in 1000 years is the winged pervert of his black perverted order…" Hela scoffed. "You seem to have not changed in all this time. Where did your kind scurry off to while Asgard was under siege!? We could have used your aid, especially since we were supposed to be allies!" Hela finished, glaring at Azazel. I felt her magic power radiating off her in anger. She was easily in Ultimate class.

Azazel raised his hands up in surrender. I knew he was still stronger than a 'mere' Ultimate class, but if the Grigori were allied with Asgard, and it appeared we were, he would feel responsible for allowing its near destruction. Although the circumstances were not our fault, as our whole race was basically spirited away in Father's massive ritual.

[Hela - Asgardian Goddess of Death - Level 56: Hela is incredibly angry, confused, and lonely after being betrayed and locked away for 1000 years. In her heart, she knows that Odin cared more for his power than his daughter. She did not lose any of her power when Asgard was destroyed, as she started drawing power from #####]

"Um, hello Lady Hela. I know you're probably really mad at my brother, but it wasn't his fault. We had no choice in what happened and were forced into another dimension. We couldn't even return if we wanted because there was a world-eating giant red dragon guarding the dimensional gap," I said to Hela, who was still glaring at my older brother. The woman hadn't so much as glanced at me yet.

She spun around angrily with a glare on her face. "And who are you to–who are…" Her eyes widened largely when she looked at me. I heard Azazel and Penemue let out chuckles as the rest of the people in the room watched Hela in confusion. Her cheeks reddened slightly before she spoke to me again. "Ehem, I apologize, fair lady, for my behavior just now," Hela said to me much softer as she gave me a wide smile and stepped closer. "I never knew that Azazel had such a lovely younger sister." She reached me and tilted her head forward until our faces were close together. I felt my cheeks heating up as she was unexpectedly coming on to me!

Usually, it had to be me doing the flirting. This was a nice change, especially since it was making Lady Sif so obviously jealous! I glanced quickly towards the side and saw the golden-haired goddess gnashing her teeth next to the confused queen.

"Ah, nice to meet you, Hela. I am Layla of the Fallen. You wouldn't have met me 1000 years ago since I'm only around 300." I explained to her.

Hela nodded before smiling at me again. "To already be so powerful at your age, you must be something special!" Hela praised me again. I could see that she was genuinely impressed and wasn't just trying to flirt this time. Although she was still obviously flirting with her eyes, as they had never left my own.

"Yes, Layla is quite impressive. She is our most cherished younger sister, so she will be treated with the respect that she deserves." I heard Penemue remark from next to Azazel.

Hela chuckled as she leaned back from me. "Of course, I always treat those I wish to court with respect!" Hela declared.

…Wait? Court!? She wants to court me!?

"I have no idea what's going on right now…" Loki muttered.

"Hela was quite infamous for her pursuits of many a fair maiden," Heimdall explained. "Although many of them ended up rejecting her…" He whispered that part quietly… although everyone in the room heard it. Hela flinched upon hearing Heimdall as well. She turned back to me and looked–hopeful?

Why would she get rejected though? She was a beautiful and powerful goddess. You'd think the 'maidens' would be flocking to her in droves.

[Maybe it's because she's the Goddess of Death and people are afraid of her. Other than that, I got nothing.]


I looked at Hela's hopeful expression before I smiled back at her. "Well, I admit I've never really been courted before, but I imagine it will be an interesting experience," I said, and Hela smiled widely.

She reached forward and literally swept me off my feet!


"We shall go out and share a meal together post haste. I have been trapped in Hel for 1000 years, and the only thing I want is a good meal and the company of a beautiful woman like you, Layla," Hela said as she carried me towards the exit of the room.

"Okay…" I mumbled out. "Being princess-carried was an odd experience. It seemed to work though since Hela was so much taller than I was.

"Wait, are you really just going to leave without explaining anything else!?" Loki shouted out as Hela carried me through the doors. I guess that was her plan… I couldn't even imagine the pain she had to go through from being locked away that long. Honestly… 'What the fuck, Odin!?'

[Seriously, what a dick move. I wonder why he did it?]

Hela continued carrying me in her arms as we walked through Asgard's halls. She was taking in all the art murals and golden statues like they were the most precious things she'd seen in her life. "Where are all the guards?" Hela asked me.

"Um, Loki fired them all…"

Hela looked confused. "And how could he do that?"

"Because he was king…"

"That little frozen nutsack was king!?" She exclaimed in shock. "How in the nine hells did that happen!? You know what… it doesn't even matter. He's not king anymore…" She said darkly as her eyes turned colder.

"So," I decided to change the subject. "This is my first time on Asgard, and you probably haven't seen your people in 1000 years. Neither of us even knows where a restaurant is, huh?" I asked with a laugh.

Hela took a moment to process my words before she too laughed. "I guess not. I'm sure we'll find a nice tavern or something though. Even after all these years. I've no doubt my people still love to eat and drink," she said. We continued down the hallways until we reached the palace's main gates. "Annoying… even the main gates are unguarded. No wonder my bastard father was so easily slain…" Using a bit of magic, Hela forced the gates to open so we could look upon the city properly. We immediately regretted it.

…Asgard was on fire.

"What the fuck…" I said as I slipped out of Hela's arms and gazed at the scene below. The Asgardian people were straight up rioting.

"Down with the false king!"

"Loki is not my king!"

"Fratricide is evil. Down with Loki!"

Hela immediately used her magic to close the palace gates back up. With them closed, the loud rioting noises completely cut off as well. The palace had some soundproof magic surrounding it apparently. A bit of a design flaw, I think, considering we had no idea what was going on outside the walls.

"You know what… why don't we just eat in the kitchens for now?" Hela suggested. I could tell she was mentally tired and didn't even remotely want to deal with putting down a riot right now. I really felt the same. Asgardians were built differently, so I'm sure a bit of rioting wouldn't actually cause any casualties… probably.

[Eh, I'm sure they'll be fine once they tire themselves out. At least the Bifrost wasn't on fire, so you'll be good to go when it's time to leave.]

'I'm sure even if it was, Hela employs dark magic so she could travel to Midgard at any time anyway,' I responded back to the System in my head.

It didn't take long for us to find the kitchen since thankfully there were directions along the walls. Once again, there wasn't a single staff member in sight.

"My younger oaf of an adopted brother even fired all the cooks!?" Hela exclaimed upon seeing the empty kitchen. "What kind of King makes his own meals!?"

"He was only king for like a day…"

Hela turned to me in genuine shock. "He was king for one day and the city is literally on fire, the palace staff are all gone, and Odin is dead…"

I nodded. "Yep. And he tried to kill Thor but failed because I saved him."

Hela smiled at me before she walked over to what I think was a magical fridge. She opened it up and the smells of many delicious meats assaulted my nose. "Well… at least there's that. Thor was quite rambunctious as a child, but I did care for him. He was my blood brother after all." She said with a look of fondness. She then pulled out a giant slab of what I could only describe as manga-meat before she carried it over to an equally massive stove. She plopped it right on there, and pretty soon my mouth was watering from the delicious smell wafting through the kitchen. Hela apparently knew how to cook. That was strange for a princess, but then again, she was also supposed to be an Asgardian general.

While the meat was cooking, Hela walked back towards me. With a wave of her hand, two black chairs were instantly conjured for us to sit in. "So Layla of the Fallen. Tell me about yourself. You have incredible beauty, but I'd like to know more of the woman I'm courting."

I blushed at the reminder before I started telling her of my past few adventures on Midgard.

Instead of disregarding the people of what she would consider a lower realm, Hela listened with rapture and seemed to be genuinely impressed at how far the people of Earth had come technologically and magically. When I mentioned that the Time Stone and Space Stone were currently on Earth, her eyes widened.

"Two Infinity Stones! And somehow no one in the greater universe knows they are there?" She asked and I nodded. "Interesting…" She muttered before sighing. "Unfortunately, neither will be able to restore Asgard. The Time Stone could have done it, but not after 1000 years have passed. The only one that can do that at this point is the Reality Stone. Even then, changing reality on the scale of creating an entire planet would also require the Power Stone," Hela finished with a sigh.


Hela obviously didn't know that very soon all the Infinity Stones would surface and all somehow end up on Earth. It wouldn't be too hard at that point to snag them and use them to restore Asgard.

[It'll be crazy hard if they are in Thano's possession by that point… The MCU severely nerfed their power. With 5 Stones, Thanos should have absolutely bodied anyone that fought him in Wakanda.]

The system had a point. I definitely wouldn't let him gain anymore stones. It's pretty much confirmed that he has the mind stone at this point, but that's all he has. If the events of Guardians of the Galaxy 1 have yet to occur, and I don't think they have, then he shouldn't have the power stone yet. I could venture out to Xandar soon and clep the Power Stone off of Ronin's corpse before Thanos takes it for himself.

[Now that's the spirit of a true meta gamer!]

[Quest Initiated! -Infinity- What are six measly stones compared to the awesome powers of the gamer!? Gather the six stones for yourself and absorb their powers!]

Following that, the meal with Hela was peaceful and nice. We ate while having light conversation with each other about our pasts. She obviously had a much longer story than I did given her age and experiences. She also told me the reason she thinks Odin banished her. After its destruction, Hela started drawing power from her patron, Lady Death, and not from Asgard. Instead of diminishing like every other god of Asgard, Hela's powers actually started to grow as Lady Death started showing her more favor and granting her more tasks. Hela speculates that Odin feared her growing powers and banished and sealed her away before she surpassed him. With the newly brainwashed people of Asgard on his side, it was easy for him to do it. Surprisingly, Hela holds no grudges towards her people for that.

"They were under—and are still under—mind control," Hela said. "What use would being angry with them achieve? No, the fault lies with my father. At least after banishing me, he apparently erased all memories of my 'crimes' from their minds. Now I can return to Asgard under the identity of a long-lost daughter of Odin or something," Hela explained. She was still working out the details, but I'm sure she'd figure it out.

I asked her what she thought about Thor taking the throne, and she simply stated that he lacked the current power necessary to guard an entire realm.

I had to agree because even once his powers are restored he wouldn't be above high class. The other pantheons would laugh at him when they returned. Even Yasaka, the leader of the supposed 'weak Yokai Faction', was still an Ultimate Class being that could use the Ley Lines of Kyoto to reach the peak of that realm.

Following our meal, Hela stood up and gave me her arm. I giggled as I took it and she started leading me out of the kitchens towards somewhere. I wasn't quite sure where we were going, but this was the first real date I'd ever been on and I was enjoying spending time with such a gentle-woman. I think in a weird way, I was actually happy that Asgard was currently rioting as it was just me and her spending some alone time together. We wouldn't have been able to have such deep conversations in a public tavern with potential eavesdroppers everywhere.

Sif was incredibly jealous right now! She was also annoyed with herself for breaking down like that earlier in the throne room. Her memories were tampered with? So what!? Deep down, she knew who she was. If she couldn't trust her past, then she would just put faith in her future!

In her mind, her future never included having a potential partner—let alone one of the female variety. That was until the beautiful Fallen Angel Layla had outright told Sif that she was interested in her. Such boldness! Usually, courting is done much slower on Asgard due to how long-lived everyone is. To openly declare your feelings for someone was incredibly rare. And yet it had happened to Sif!

And then, when Sif was having her small mental breakdown back in the throne room, Layla came right up to her and started comforting her. It was after she recovered herself to defend the Queen from the Frost Giants that Sif realized Layla might be a perfect match for herself. Sif was a goddess and a warrior. Layla was a powerful Angel who relied on magic. They were the perfect complementary pair!

And then some unknown goddess who was apparently the crown princess—according to Azazel and Heimdall—and erased from Sif's memories appeared out of nowhere and declared she wanted to court Layla! And Layla accepted…

Sif was saddened by the news and nearly fell into a depression. That was until Azazel and Penemue mentioned to her that in Fallen culture, it was rare to have a single partner. Apparently, Lord Azazel even had an entire harem of Fallen at his disposal even if Penemue remained his 'number one.' That meant that Sif still had a chance! And she was going to take it and not give up. She still wanted to make sure this new goddess didn't try anything funny with the woman she was starting to develop feelings for though.

So, using the magic that Queen Frigga had taught her in their many training sessions together, Sif turned herself invisible and followed Layla and Hela on their impromptu 'date.' Sif was sure that Hela had noticed her, judging by the smirks she kept sending the invisible goddess's way, but Layla had not.

Sif begrudgingly admitted to herself that Hela was doing a decent job of wooing the 'fair maiden.' When she personally cooked her a meal and the pair spent over an hour talking, Sif wasn't able to hear what they were talking about as Hela had thrown up some powerful magic that blocked Sif from overhearing. Some time later, the two finished their meal and stood up to leave the kitchen. Sif seethed as Hela wrapped her arm around Layla's waist and led them down the palace halls…towards the wing where palace guests were meant to stay. Surely, Hela wouldn't be bold enough to attempt anything on their first date, would she!?

Sif's hopes were dashed though when Hela and Layla reached the guest quarters. Hela turned to face where Sif was hiding and gave her a wide sultry grin. Hela then turned back to Layla and pushed the beautiful angel against the wall as she passionately kissed her!


A/N: The following is all R-18 and can be skipped.

Of course Hela noticed that the Fertility Goddess Sif was following them the entire date. It mattered not to Hela though. The beautiful golden haired goddess was always pining over one person or another–Usually it was Hela's brother Thor. It seemed that after 1000 years though, Sif had finally realized that was never happening though and switched her targets to Hela's current paramore. Hela normally would have scoffed at such a turn of events… but the thought of getting all three of them in the same bed in the future did send some pleasant thoughts through her. Gods was Hela pent up! A 1000 year dry spell was not good for her mental health! Thankfully for Hela, the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on happened to be right in the throne room waiting for Hela's glorious return to Asgard. Ok–it wasn't exactly glorious as her idiot brother Loki was running things into the ground, but it would be glorious soon enough! For now though, Hela had other things on her mind besides ruling.

"Is something wrong Hela?" Layla asked her as they reached the guest wing of this new, and smaller, palace.

Hela gave one last look towards where Sif was hiding invisibly. She sent her fellow goddess a victorious grin before she turned back to Layla. She pushed the smaller beautiful woman up against the wall causing her to blush furiously. "Nothing is wrong, my dear Layla, everything is absolutely perfect." Hela said and then pressed her lips into Laylas. Pretty soon both of them were moaning into the deep kiss.

With their lips still attached Hela opened the nearby guest room door and the both of them slipped inside. Hela closed the door before Sif could slip in after them. Things were about to get hot and heavy and Hela didn't want any interruptions.

Hela smirked as she pushed Layla down on the bed in the room. Thankfully it was a fairly large bed easily big enough for the two of them and the activities they'll be performing on it soon.

Now laying on the bed beneath Hela, Layla's face was completely red and her eyes were burning with desire. Layla hadn't gotten any action since her single night with Natasha and now she could feel her own Sin of Lust burning inside her. She wouldn't be able to stop now if she wanted to. The goddess hovering over her was incredibly beautiful and powerful as well. That just made it even hotter in Layla's mind. Layla had let Natasha take the lead last time due to her own lack of experience, and this time layla knew Hela would be taking the lead because the goddess clearly wasn't the 'bottom.' Layla was fine with that. She found herself enjoying being wrapped in the arms of the larger beautiful goddess.

Hela leaned her face downwards and planted another kiss on Layla's lips. At the same time one of her hands reached forward and planted itself on Layla's chest over her clothes. Layla moaned into their kiss at the contact. Hela's partner was wearing some midgardian garments she was not familiar with. It mattered not though as Hela had 1000s of years of experience and a spell for almost everything.

"Eeeeeep!" Layla squeaked out as she went from feeling Hela's hands on her chest over her clothing–to directly on her bare breasts. A moment later, Layla realized that she had somehow been completely divested of all her clothing.

Hela gulped at the sight beneath her. Layla of the Fallen seemed to be the embodiment of sin itself. Her breasts were large and absolutely perfect in every way. They also seemed to be very sensitive as a few squeezes had Layla squirming. Hela trailed her gaze downwards as she fell upon Layla's lower lips. They were absolutely beautiful, completely hairless, and already dripping with anticipation. Hela didn't want to keep her partner waiting long.

With another use of her spell, Hela was soon also laying completely naked over Layla.

"Wow…" Layla exclaimed as the goddess's breasts were suddenly right in front of her face. Layla wanted to reach out her mouth and latch onto them. So she did just that.

Hela moaned as she felt Layla's soft lips brush kisses along her chest. Layla alternated planting kisses between each of Hela's large breasts. They were perfectly perky and didn't sag a bit even as she leaned over her. The body of the goddess was clearly just as perfect as her own. Layla opened her mouth slightly before latching onto Hela's left nipple.

Hela let out a small moan at the pleasant sensation of Layla's tongue on her nipple. She didn't want to be one to not reciprocate pleasure however. Hela's hand traced downwards before finding Layla's pussy. Hela ran her fingers up and down Layla's lower lips causing the angel to shiver pleasantly. Hela could feel how wet Layla was from just a few touches. She wanted her to be even wetter though!

Layla's eyes widened in surprise when she felt the sensation of one of Hela's fingers slip inside her tunnel. It didn't go particularly deep, but it went even deeper than Natasha's tongue had gone before! She felt Hela's finger swirl around inside of her. Every small movement caused Layla to squirm in pleasure.

Layla had forgotten about Hela's chest momentarily, but the goddess was ok with that. Seeing Layla writhe in pleasure was a delight in and of itself. Gods–she missed this so much. The lack of company was the most agonizing part of being locked away for so long. Hela wasn't going to let her partner go for a while yet! Not until they were both fully satisfied.

Layla continued to squirm and writhe in pleasure as Hela fingered her. Everytime Hela swirled her digit around Layla let out a beautiful moan. Hela wanted to see the girl let herself go completely so she pushed her finger in even deeper. Both women seized up when Hela felt her finger meet some resistance though.

"You're a… really?" Hela asked in surprise. A virgin Fallen Angel? She didn't think such a concept was even a possibility. She couldn't say the dichotomy didn't really turn her on though.

Layla blushed. "I'm not…kind of. I've been with another woman, but she never went… that deep. We never used any toys either." Layla admitted with a continued blush. She knew she'd lose it eventually. That eventually possibly turning into today was just a pleasant surprise for her.

Hela had a choice to make here. She could just continue their fun with less invasive pleasure… or she could crank it up with some special magic and really make Layla experience the best night of her life. Hela smirked to herself. She'd obviously chosen the latter option. Who was she!? She was Hela, the Asgardian Goddess of Death. A being that was feared all over the cosmos in the past. She wasn't about to let anyone else in the future potentially take her future wife's maidenhead! And Layla being her wife was something that Hela had already decided the moment she laid eyes on her. She just had to make the beautiful Fallen Angel fall in love with her first! She knew Layla would have other partners in the future as a Fallen Angel–that was just how they were wired. Hela wanted to be her number one though.


Hela slammed her lips into Layla's once again causing the other woman to squeak into her mouth. Hela plundered Layla's mouth with her tongue. The latter moaned out in ecstasy as Hela resumed twirling her finger inside Layla's tunnel. Hela's finger didn't go any deeper though and stayed close to the entrance. Hela wanted Layla to be wet enough and prepared for what she had in store.

The two continued to passionately kiss as Hela's finger never stopped sending Layla more and more pleasure. After a few moments of Hela's ministrations, Layla felt the sensation of an impending orgasm approaching. She started to moan more frequently into the kiss and her breathing picked up.

Layla was going to C—huh? Right when she was almost at the peak, Hela stopped moving her finger and extracted it. She also broke their long kiss as a trail of saliva glistened between each of their lips.

"Why'd you stop?" Layla whined out.

Hela just smirked down at her before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I wanted you to have an unforgettable experience with me." Hela whispered close to Layla's ear. It was the kind of whisper that promised Layla something extremely pleasurable was about to happen to her.

Hela muttered lines of some language that Layla was surprised she didn't recognize. The language must have not originated on Earth for her to not understand it. A moment later, Layla let out a gasp and felt something big and hard poking her.

Layla's eyes widened in shock. Was that…

Hela smirked down at her partner. "Tell me, Layla. What do you think? I learned this magic from a foreign space goddess who claimed that it would always bring a pleasant surprise into the bedroom." Hela said and Layla was now certain that Hela had just magically given herself a cock. A relatively large one from the feel of it pushing against her folds.

Layla bit her lip. "Can you teach it to me later?"

Hela smiled in happiness. "Of course I can. How about I show you how it properly works first though."


Hela reached downwards and grabbed hold of her newest appendage. It was quite large in her opinion, and it was giving her sensations that were somewhat foreign to her but felt good all the same. With her hand, she pushed the cock forward until it reached Layla's entrance. The girl under her took a deep breath before Hela started pressing forwards.

They both let out a gasp at the same time! Hela because Layla's entrance was so tight and squeezed her new magical cock from every angle. Layla because the new sensation of being filled felt amazing! As a Fallen Angel with the Sin of Lust, she'd figured it would. She wasn't expecting it to be this good though! Hela had barely gone an inch deep and yet Layla felt all of her nerves firing off signals of pleasure all at once. As Hela continued to push deeper, the sensations only continued to grow for Layla!

"Oh, that feels amazing. I'll have to send that goddess my regards if she's still around after so long." Hela said as she pushed inwards as far as she could go. A bit deeper and she finally hit Layla's barrier.

"Aaaahn." Layla gasped as she felt the invader temporarily halted inside her. Not for long though as she felt Hela's cock start to apply more pressure and push forward.

"Hela!" Layla squeaked. "It feels…"

Hela smirked as she pressed forwards. This was something she had never experienced before and she would treasure it. Every woman she had been with before–who wasn't terrified of her–had been older. This was truly Hela's first time with a true maiden. It felt amazing! She let out a sigh of delight as Layla's pussy gripped her cock from all sides as she pushed in harder.

"Oh fuck!" Layla squealed beneath Hela and her eyes widened as she started gasping. Hela felt a 'pop' on her cocks tip before she was able to sheath the entire thing deep inside Layla! Hela gasped in pleasure when she bottomed out completely. Layla's pussy now truly squeezed her from all sides and Hela fought hard not to come undone right then and there! Unfortunately it was a losing battle as Hela promptly felt something build inside her new cock before she let out a delicious moan and it exploded outward! Hela's whole body shook in ecstasy as she came inside Layla with abandon!

"Hela!" Layla's eyes widened and she screamed the goddesses name as she felt a sensation she'd never experienced before. She was being creampied by Hela! It felt strange and yet Layla couldn't help but like it. Her inner folds were being bathed in a warm substance and Layla wondered if there was a real possibility of herself getting pregnant. She figured there was since this spell was apparently created by another goddess.

After a moment, Hela stopped shaking as she finished cumming inside Layla. Her partner was looking up at her with a pout. Hela scratched her cheek awkwardly. "Apologies, my new love. You felt so amazing that I couldn't help myself. Now though, it's your turn!" Hela sighed as she slightly withdrew her new appendage before sheathing it back inside Layla quickly!

"Oh! Oh wow!" Layla squeaked out from Hela's first real thrust. More thrusts followed and Hela quickly fell into a rhythm that had Layla starting to see stars once again. "Oh my goddess that feels so amazing!" Layla exclaimed as Hela continued her thrusting.

Hela smirked at being referred to as 'Layla's Goddess'. She moaned herself as she started thrusting even harder. She wanted to hear Layla squeal her name more!

"Oh Hela! Yes!" Layla felt the cock repeatedly pison back and forth inside her. It felt unbelievably good. She could barely focus on anything else but the building pleasure inside of her. She knew the coming wave was going to be massive!

And it was! Hela started battering deep inside Layla as she leaned down and the two exchanged a sloppy kiss. Being assaulted above and below really got Layla going and a moment later a thrust finally sent her over the age. Layla felt like she exploded with pleasure. She threw her head back and screamed loud enough that the entire palace probably heard her! Her pussy clamped down on the cock inside her and tried to instinctively milk it for everything it had. It worked as Hela grunted once again and exploded inside the angel beneath her. This time both women were screaming in pleasure as Layla was seeded for the second time.

Hela's body shook once again and she grinned in absolute delight at the beautiful squealing Angel beneath her that she'd just deflowered and fucked well. Her magic cock churned out an even bigger load this time as she truly filled her partner to the brim. Layla shook as she could feel each pulse delivering one load after another.

Eventually though it had to end and both women came down from their peaks. Layla opened her eyes and glanced at the completely flushed Hela. "Wow…"

Hela smiled down at her. "Thank you, Layla. I'd like to continue our courting if you wouldn't mind." Hela said although she already knew Layla's answer from her glassy eyes orgasmic look.

"So would I…"



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