The Eternal Emperor

Chapter 74: Misconception (A.N)

(Author Note)

I've seen that you all are taking this as an end for the fanfic, and it sure as shit ain't.

Oh hell no, we barely getting started. Some chapters to pass a few decades, advance some stuff and get the Empire on proper war gear. Get to some events i've included on the previous chapter/s, and then we begin the WAR anew. So many multiverses to visit, so many to burn and conquer, and who knows, maybe some will pose a real challenge.

While i may make a list and wait for you all to vote(if not just decide by myself) - give it a week or two before continuing - we sure as hell ain't stopping this train.

Go big directly with Marvel or DC, or creep around Mass Effect, or HALO... though with how i plan to enact the breach into other multiverses, i may just have to make it random...They will be much more expansive then Star Wars as well, cause i originally thought the star wars part was going to be shorter... but here we are nearly 150'000 words in... well, we'll see exactly how long those will be, maybe even have simultanious invasions into more than 1 at a time. 

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