The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 113

Volume 2 Chapter 18 Confession

It is during times of danger when the brain becomes muddled. Unexpectedly, while they had tried to get away, they had neglected changing directions.

Leaning against a tree, Shao Qing unceasingly gasped for air. When it was finally safe, it was then that she discovered Yan Qiyue’s body was covered in a layer of cold sweat. Reaching out her hand, she helped him wipe his forehead. While she was wiping, her hand froze for a moment: “How are we going to get out?”

In any case, she didn’t recognize the road at all. Even if she wasn’t a person with a poor sense of direction usually, in this jungle, she had basically turned into one. Trying to figure out north from south and east from the west was impossible, but she could probably still figure it out. After all, it didn’t matter which direction you went. Sooner or later you should be able to leave the jungle. The only thing is where you ended up once you left the jungle couldn’t be stated for certain.

Yan Qiyue bit his nails. “I remember a long time ago in a book I read that if you cut a tree and see the growth rings, you would be capable of determining north and south.”

“The book even said that looking at the spread of the tree leaves could also tell you.” Shao Qing lifted her head up with a blank face and stared at the densely packed tree leaves. Don’t even mention trying to point out north and south, even sunlight couldn’t get through.

“That….” Yan Qiyue looked all around then finally said: “Let’s go the opposite direction of the army ants.” No matter what, they should first dodge the mad ants before making any further decisions.

Shao Qing nodded her head then the two began travelling the opposite direction of the army ants. Although they were by themselves, they weren’t worried. Shao Qing and Yan Qiyue weren’t weak. In regards to safety, as long as they didn’t get surrounded by army ants there shouldn’t be anything too dangerous.

Shao Qing’s space also had quite a bit of food. She even had utensils and seasoning. So even though there were only the two, they could unhurriedly travel, unrestrained.

The two people tried their best travelling alongside the river and with water source there was fish available. This simple life went by pretty well, but Yan Qiyue was not in the slightest bit happy.

In his whole twenty years of life, this was his first real “life” experience. It was like eating again after a period of fasting. Once it has started it couldn’t be stopped easily. Especially with his beloved person right by his side and no one to hinder him as well, Yan Qiyue began to get a bit restless.

Yet, Shao Qing didn’t bang bang bang with him! The most that has happened is him grinding against her and being pressed to the ground and whipped with a lash. But right when it was really beginning, it would just finish.

How could Yan Qiyue just bear it? He felt extremely aggrieved. All this time he liked Shao Qing, he even loved Shao Qing. Always sticking on to her, but it was all his own wishful thinking.

This is because Shao Qing had never said that she liked him and has also never promised him anything. This was basically all one-sided. Even the previous time, it was only because Shao Qing had been poisoned thus something more intimate had developed.

In reality, Shao Qing had never acknowledged their relationship…

Yan Qiyue was really downcast. Indeed, that night Shao Qing was very gentle towards him. So gentle that every time he would think about it, his face couldn’t help but heat up. Yet, Shao Qing was cold on the outside warm on the inside person. Even if it was another person, she would probably be just as gentle.

Thus, since that night, Shao Qing had not been willing to develop any more intimate relationship. With that thought, even if he called her dear or baby, even if others called her his wife, she would still be indifferent without admitting it.

Or perhaps, Shao Qing might leave when she is all healed. This is probably why when he said he will find a method to revert her to normal she simply smiled indifferently and didn’t reply.

Thinking and thinking, Yan Qiyue became even more upset. He truly believed that he had nothing that could hold her back. Money or authority didn’t help because Shao Qing didn’t pay attention to those at all. Power? Shao Qing was probably way stronger than he was. His body…. Ah, his desire didn’t mean Shao Qing wanted it too.

Speaking of these past days, Shao Qing is a zombie. She basically had none of those necessities. It was only him harassing her and Shao Qing accompanying him or being mindful of him.

“What are you thinking about?” Shao Qing had just created a fire and couldn’t help but shoot a glance towards Yan Qiyue. His expressions just now were ever-changing and can be said to be ‘complex’. In one moment he would be downcast, in one moment he would look like he was about to cry, and then in the next, he would have the sweetest smile.

Shao Qing really wanted to go over and touch his forehead to see if his temperature was alright.

Yan Qiyue coughed lightly but didn’t speak what was on his mind. He simply said: “I’m just thinking when the two of us will be able to leave this place.”

Shao Qing calculated it for a moment. Once they returned back to the base, her injuries should be basically all healed up and it would be time for her to go search for Er Dai.

Seeing that the time of departure was near, Shao Qing couldn’t help but tell Yan Qiyue: “I just found a non-poisonous mushroom to make you soup. You need to make sure to develop a better habit of drinking some soup when you eat dinner. This would be better for your stomach. In the future, when you are doing any research, make sure to set an alarm. Don’t always skip breakfast and lunch or else you’ll give yourself stomach pains.

Bringing himself over, he leaned against Shao Qing. “In the future whenever you call me, no matter how important the experiment is, I will just throw it to the side. Moreover, won’t you always be making soup for me…”

Shao Qing rubbed Yan Qiyue’s soft hair and quietly replied: “But, sooner or later I will have to leave…”

“Don’t say it….” Yan Qiyue hurriedly interrupted her. He quickly shut his eyes. He didn’t want to bring it up but why did Shao Qing have to bring it up.

Why was she determined to ruin his delusion? Even in a dream…. she won’t even let him have it.

“Even if I don’t speak about it, I still have to leave. Shao Qing calmly said. “Right now my body is nearly all healed up. Once I send you back to the base, then I am going to go search for my family.”

Yan Qiyue curled up into a ball against Shao Qing, looking very sad. Even though he was lanky, his entire body very thin, he was still a man. Shrinking into a ball and slightly shuddering, Shao Qing couldn’t help but seize him by the arms and lightly say: “I want to thank you for these past days. If there’s an opportunity, I will definitely come to see you.”

Yan Qiyue didn’t say anything. He just continued to shudder. It was as if he went back to that day he had personally murdered his stepfather. Everyone could see how pitiful he looked in front of the police, but no one could see that when everyone was gone, he had curled himself into a ball and was shaking within his blanket the entire night.

And the current him now was even more desperate than that time.

How could this person be so cruel? How could she just give up like this? Just say she doesn’t want it and throw it away. Yes, it’s because she doesn’t care. That’s why she could so casually throw him away like it just didn’t matter.

Feeling something wasn’t right, she pushed aside the bangs in front of his face to reveal his delicates brows and eyes. In front of her, Yan Qiyue had always been a rather delicate and obedient person. So much that after the rather intense affairs, he appeared even more frail and sexual.

But he had never looked like this. Right now he gave off the feeling that if Shao Qing just gave him the slightest touch, he would shatter into pieces.

Shao Qing had never encountered this type of man before. That’s why when they interacted, she had always used her awkward gentleness to treat him. However, in this moment, Shao Qing was somewhat helpless. Clasping his face, his charming eyes were pitch black and lacking focus.

Shao Qing had heard Yan Qiyue speak about his past before including the time he had murdered his stepfather. Right now, Shao Qing knew it wasn’t the case that Yan Qiyue didn’t care. As before, his heart always had a knot and right now this knot was about to explode.

“Snap out of it.” Shao Qing frowned and quietly spoke. It was only after a long time did Yan Qiyue slowly awake. Curling up into a ball, he placed his head on his knees giving the impression he was in a panic.

She was eventually going to abandon him, so what’s the point of struggling?

A bit anxious, she felt that she might have given a blow to Yan Qiyue. Scared of her leaving, this sweet loving man who called her baby was on the verge of collapsing.

When they had initially met, Shao Qing had never thought that she could affect a man in such a profound way. So she had never worried about what would happen to this man if she left.

“Yan Qiyue, snap out of it for me.” Shao Qing picked Yan Qiyue’s chin up. Hardening her heart, she forcefully bit Yan Qiyue’s collarbone leaving behind faint teeth marks. At the place of the teeth marks, a trace of blood was oozing out.

Yan Qiyue shuddered then he lifted his hand to cover his eyes. His frail appearance was so pitiful. It was after a long time that he eventually used his hoarse voice that attempted to contain his fear to voice his concerns: “Can you not leave…. You could bring your family here…. Is it your boyfriend… I won’t tell him the things that happened between us. As long as I can see you…. Even if it is from a distance, I’m fine with that….”

“No boyfriend. But I have a child and a lot of comrades. When you first met me, you have also seen my situation. There’s a high chance that they are also injured. I have to return…” Shao Qing quietly spoke: “I live in S city survivor base. I can promise you that if you are willing, you can move there with me. If you aren’t willing after I take care of my family I can come to find you.”

Expecting to be discarded, Yan Qiyue moved away. A pair of bright red eyes like a rabbit who didn’t eat his carrot was now glistening with brilliance: “What did you just say?”

“I said, if you are willing to move, we can live together. The house I have in the S city survivor base is rather small. If you do move, then I’ll request a larger house. If you aren’t willing to move that is okay as well. I’ll come to visit you often.” As soon as Shao Qing finished speaking, the originally dispirited Yan Qiyue came pouncing over. Rolling about within her embrace, he asked: “You’re not going to abandon me?”

Shao Qing nearly fell onto the ground because of him: “No, I was just worried that since everything is going well here you wouldn’t want to leave. If that is the case, won’t me saying I want to take you away and you saying you won’t leave be a slap to my own face.”

“That won’t happen. Wherever you go, I’ll follow.” Yan Qiyue was happy instantly. He thought he was going to be thrown away once again. Fortunately, Shao Qing wasn’t ready to throw him away.

Relaxing, Yan Qiyue was completely content now as he lied on Shao Qing’s chest. “You have a baby? How big is he? What does he like? Do I need to bring anything for him?”

Shao Qing poked the fire and replied: “My son is one this year. I gave birth to him when I had turned into a zombie, so his physique is different from the average baby. Even though it hasn’t been even one year since his birth, he already looks like a 4-5 year old child. You don’t need to bring him anything. In addition, I am taking care of a zombie. His name is Er Dai and doesn’t bite. However, he really sticks to people. I am also taking care of a poor girl named Shao Tong. She’s very reserved and doesn’t speak much. Finally I also have my teammates. I have a small superhuman team. The members consist of my family and Yan Hanqing, Gu Chuan and Gu panpan. They are all really good people. You’ll understand when you meet them.”

In an instant, Yan Qiyue was able to organize everything into a chart within his mind. From the order of introduction, he could tell what place that person was in her heart.

So even though Shao Qing had mentioned that all of them meant the world to them, there was still a ranking. The ranking was probably her son first, then Er Dai, then Shao Tong and finally followed by her teammates.

Someone who is in a similar situation as her, Er Dai sounded quite threatening. Shao Tong was a young girl, so her threat could be eliminated. However, Yan Qiyue’s final goal was to rise to Xiao Baozi’s spot.

Although they haven’t even moved yet, Yan Qiyue had already started calculating.

Shao Qing looked at Yan Qiyue’s face which was in deep thought and couldn’t help but laugh: “What are you worried about? Relax. You’re super adorable. I’m sure everyone will love you.”

Yan Qiyue was finished by the ‘you’re super adorable’. Originally trying to decide his strategy, in an instant he became bashful.

Just when he was about to say something, he could suddenly hear the faint sounds of footsteps. His expression became chilly as he shouted: “Who’s here!?”

“It’s me.” From a hidden spot, the youngster who had questioned Shao Qing before came slowly walking over. Yan Qiyue originally wanted to let out a breath, but suddenly felt something didn’t seem quite right.The paleness of the youngster was horrifying, while his expression and march was stiff. He couldn’t help but ask: “Weren’t you running away with Qiao Mo? Why would you suddenly appear here?”

“We got separated…..” the youngster’s voice was hoarse, while his gaze seemed lax. As he approached he was suddenly blocked by Yan Qiyue forming a wall to block him: “Who are you? No, what thing are you!?”

The youngster’s mouth pulled into a stiff smile: “I’m your comrade….” When the last word came out, he suddenly opened his mouth and a bright red tongue came lashing out breaking apart Yan Qiyue’s protective screen. Yet, his target was Shao Qing.

Yan Qiyue’s expression was cold. His powers surging forward, he directly solidified the atmosphere around the tongue. Shao Qing in response quickly pulled out a knife and sliced the tongue off cleanly.

The youngster let out a scream that was not similar to a human scream at all. His eyes changing into snake eyes, his four limbs landed onto the ground and he came rushing towards Shao Qing.

Right from the beginning his target was evident: Shao Qing. Shao Qing couldn’t make out what it was, but she quickly reacted. Extending out her hand, vines came drilling from the ground to quickly bind the youths arms and legs. With tacit understanding, Yan Qiyue raised his hand and constricted the air around the youngster. His five fingers slowly closing together, the youngster’s body was as if it had become a bomb and within the next second it exploded.

After the explosion, a white slender thing flew out, drilled into the ground, and disappeared.

“What the heck was that….” Yan Qiyue was completely confused. He had never seen anything like that. Something that was able to control a corpse and even allow the corpse to speak.

Quite obviously, the youngster that had appeared before them was already dead.

Shao Qing also didn’t know. Becoming alert, she released Da Hua and said: “I’ll keep watch tonight. You go get a good rest, just in case it returns later tonight. If you’re exhausted, our fighting strength would decrease by half.”

Yan Qiyue knew that Shao Qing’s physique was quite extraordinary. Even if she didn’t sleep for several nights, it wasn’t anything at all. Not being unreasonable or trying to show off, he just coquettishly extended his hand out to Shao Qing: “Can you hold me while I sleep….”

Shao Qing’s face was expressionless. She was always a kind of person who would be amenable to coaxing and not coercion. As a result she was eaten by the stubborn Yan Qiyue: “Make sure you’re well behaved when you’re sleeping. Don’t move around.”

Yan Qiyue immediately nodded his head sincerely. Then he quickly got up and gave Shao Qing a quick peck on the lips: “Goodnight kiss.”

Then he quickly laid down. Shao Qing was completely helpless. Holding him again, she laid out a quilt on the ground then sat down holding him.
Yan Qiyue used her leg as a pillow. Especially content, he closed his eyes. So long as Shao Qing lowered her head she would be able to see his delicate features, especially those gorgeous red lips.

She couldn’t help but think back to that night: Yan Qiyue sincerely kneeling by her side, his warm lips and nimble tongue. Shao Qing quivered. She has always been a cold person regarding those things, but after meeting Yan Qiyue it was as if she got infected going as far as to thinking of those filthy things.

Yan Qiyue secretly opened his eyes a slit to look at Shao Qing’s cold countenance. She had that appearance nearly the entire day, that face that didn’t want strangers to approach her at all. It was only the fact that Yan Qiyue had been with her for so long that he had gradually gotten used to her so that he can distinguish the small changes on her face.

For example right now, Shao Qing was absent-minded right now. Furthermore, she was also somewhat embarrassed. Could it be…. In that instant, Yan Qiyue and Shao Qing’s line of thought were in sync. Extending out his the tip of his pink tongue, he licked his lips resembling a demon fox trying to seduce someone. Facing Shao he said: “The moonlight is just right. Does master need me to wait on her?”

Then Yan Qiyue was slapped by Shao Qing: “Go to sleep and recover your energy. Don’t think about unnecessary things. There could be some creature hidden in the dark.”

Yan Qiyue was furious. If it weren’t for that human-like monster, perhaps tonight he could’ve seduced Shao Qing!
No matter what, he had to kill that thing! Otherwise, he won’t be able to get rid of his fury!

“Sleep.” Shao Qing covered up the bonfire. Even though the flame was able to disperse a lot of wild animals, at the same time it would also be able to attract a lot of beasts who weren’t scared of the light.

Concealing the flame until it was very feeble, it wasn’t giving off too much heat. Afraid that Yan Qiyue might get cold, Shao Qing took out a thick cotton jacket and laid it over Yan Qiyue’s body.

His body is too frail. It definitely wouldn’t be able to stand tossing around in the cold. The damage would be too much.

Thinking about this, Shao Qing touched her chin. Giving him tiny lashes everyday won’t do. Even though she had amazing control over her strength, it is still damaging to his body.

Now that Shao Qing had already taken Yan Qiyue under her wing, furthermore planning on helping him treat his body… then suppressing his desire is something that must be done.

Then it’s decided~

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