The Eclipse Of The Shattered Sovereign

Chapter 1: "What the fuck is an 'ECLIPSE'?"

'Oi you little fuckin' shit, get your ass up and fuck off to school!'

Shouted my foster parent, Henry, if you could even call him a parent. He is a tubby, sad man who thought he was going to be big in life until he had a rude awakening and was brought down to the sad reality he lived in now.

I got up all groggy and dreary as I looked at him storming off back downstairs to the living room and go back to being the pathetic couch potato he is.

'Good morning to you, you tubby cunt,' I cursed under my breath, I then made my way to the bathroom and took a hot shower. 

'Ahhhhh...' I let out a satisfied sigh at the rivulets of the warm and soothing water colliding with my parched skin. This was the only bit of joy and satisfaction I was going to have the entire day.

After about 10 minutes I walk out after completing my morning hygiene which consisted of brushing my teeth, flossing and some menial skincare, consisting of washing my face and applying moisturiser to my pale wheatish skin, it wasn't riddled with acne, just the occasional pimple. 

I head downstairs dressed in my dull uniform, the emblem of my secondary school on my dark blue blazer, which used to be a rich mixture of sky and navy blue now visibly dull and turned almost grey.

I walk past the living room and shot a glance towards Henry's pathetic self, sitting on that godforsaken couch watching the TV and angry at the world. Sitting next to him was his girlfriend, Fanny, she was a right prick. Henry would allow her to beat me whenever he got pissed at me for no apparent reason.

The bruise on my forearm was thanks to that bitch.

Seriously that failure of a foster father would get infuriated by my mere existence, as if I had wronged him. He merely treated me like a slave, that was actually the main reason he fostered me so that someone could do the chores in his rundown home in his stead.

Tch... what pathetic fat man.

I then walked to the kitchen and had a heart breakfast of a slice of stale bread and water... Yum. After that I just left and 'fucked off to school' how Henry would put it.

My neighborhood wasn't all that great, no it was shit, but honestly what can you expect when you live in the centre of Brixton. All the houses either had their roof tiles falling off or looked like a haunted house straight from the Addams family.

My school was particularly nearby, only a 10 minute walk. On the way there I could see an asshole I know from school, Briggs, chatting it up with some chavs who also go to my school. Oh boy that guy was the definition of someone who wanted to make his life worse.

That guy has a vaping addiction, is in with the local gang and deals drugs in and out of school.

Like bro what the fuck. Just so you know he has a loving family by the way, so he has no excuse.

Ignoring his nearby antics with the chavs. I just trotted on and reached my secondary school by 8.05am, just on time. 

In my opinion, school wasn't all that great, it had its highs and lows. For me it was mostly lows. Why? I was what they called a 'Neek', in simple terms a smartass, mainly because in my sciences and maths GCSEs I'm predicted 9s and everyone else is predicted around a 4 or a 5, some 6. In essence I was in a school full of wannabe roadmen, seriously the coats they wear on a daily basis make me cringe internally.

Due to this I was heavily targeted by the wannabes, not that I gave a shit.

Today was a surprisingly docile day, no one outrightly hurled insults or did anything. Yes there was obviously the occasional 'Neek' and 'Brown Boy' but nothing too aggressive or violent.

Well since nothing interesting happened at school, I might as talk about myself.

My name is Amura Arrancar, I am 16 years old, I'm in year 11 and I attend Scarborough Secondary Academy.

I'm an orphan, I've been that since I could form my first thought. How Henry said I became an orphan in his words: 'Yer parents did the right thing by dumping worthless shit like you at a fire station when you were a wee pain in the ass.'

Thanks for that Henry, very descriptive...

But that sums it up, I'm just a bastard of a child that's wanted by no one and hated by almost everyone and too smart for his own good. From where I was and how I was treated, I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere in life and I accepted that. To be honest I didn't really care anymore, I just numbed everything out.

I sometimes to ask myself, why did my birth parents abandon me... eh, I'll never know anyway so no point wasting energy on it.

With the screeching buzz of the bell, the school day had ended.

I made my way back on my usual route back to that hellish place I reluctantly called home, where I had to see Henry and Fanny's ugly mugs again and probably get beaten by them again.


A sudden cry for help broke me out of my sullen daze. I snapped my neck in the direction where the wail came from. 'Oh that's bad.' I mumbled to myself quietly.

You remember that asshole Briggs right, that cunt was mugging some poor old lady that was minding her own business in an alleyway not far from the cornershop.

I walked along trying to ignore the pleas and cries for help and mercy. But as I walked along, I felt a pang of guilt and disgust at myself.

'Are you seriously going to leave someone in need' I thought, I stood there contemplating what I should do before I heard the woman scream again 'AAAHHHH'. Fuck it, I thought, might as well put that good for nothing in his place.

I then marched on over as I readied myself for the confrontation, I then stood at the entrance of the alleyway as I took in the scene. There stood Briggs overpowering the poor lady, him in his wannabe roadman get up with a trapstar windbreaker, pants sagging below his arse and a sheisty. The lady in a meek trench coat, the fabric worn out, almost crying from the way Briggs was overpowering her as he tried to snatch her purse and phone.

'Oi Briggs! stop being a fucking prick and let her go!' I shouted, snapping him from his fervor.

'Amura you brown mutt, fuck off this is none of your business' He retorted with that weird slang that roadmen do, it's seriously cringey.

'Help me! Please-!' The woman begged until she was harshly cut off by Briggs to a slap to the face.

'SHUT UP YOU BITCH, GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING SHIT' He roared, his anger exacerbated by my intervention.

I then reached my limit when he slapped her, I couldn't watch anymore, I then dropped my backpack to the floor and marched towards him and kicked him off the lady, sending him stumbling across to the opposite wall almost losing his balance and tripping. 'AGghh!' he groaned in pain.

I then instantly face the woman and help her up and with a stern voice with hidden warmth 'Go. Now.'

'God bless you son' she thanked as she clutched onto her purse and ran out of the alleyway, I then get shoved by Briggs to the floor as he kicks me in the abdomen, taking the air out of my lungs.

'FUCKING NEEK, go die' he roared as he kicked me repeatedly, I then grab the leg he used to kick me with and with a sweeping motion of my leg send him ass to grass onto the cold, hard concrete making him wince in pain and curse.

I quickly crawled to him and mounted myself on him and in a fit of rage, my face contorted from the pain lingering in my abdomen, punch him in the face a few times, every punch accompanied with a grunt. 'FUCK YOU' I shouted at him.

After my mini flurry of strikes, he yielded and put his hands up and with a raspy voice exclaimed 'STOP STOP STOP I'M SORRY!'

I then stand up and looked down at him. He was now a pathetic shriveled mess on the floor, it gave me some sadistic pleasure as I couldn't help but feel proud of myself. Without saying a word, I pick up my backpack and put it back on and leave the alleyway. Leaving Briggs to tend for his pathetic self.

I then made my way to the pavement and resume my path back to my shitty home, clutching my stomach as I winced at the lingering pain from Briggs' flurry of kicks. 'Yup, that's gonna leave a bruise' I huffed.


Briggs now with his ego severely bruised, hurriedly takes out his phone and without haste dials a number.

It rings.

The person picks up [What is it Briggs?]

'Some neek just jumped me Ali!' Briggs exclaimed, his voice slightly raspy, as he was still wincing at the pain lingering on his face.

[What say mums! Who was it! I'll bring the mandem.]

'It was that brown mutt Amura MUMs, meet me east side that's where his gaff is.'

[Aight, I'll pull up with the mandem in five, be there aight.]

'Aight.' the line cuts.


After a good 10 minute walk I was on my street, I could see the shabby home from where as was. I internally sighed knowing that Henry was going to cuss at me for merely existing.

'THERE HE IS!' a voice exclaimed.

I furrowed my brows in confusion and turned around to see Briggs along with a small crowd of about 15 men. He was pointing at me and I felt my blood run ice cold when I saw the rest of the men look in my direction.

They were roadmen from the gang that ran this part of Brixton, 'The Sunny Boys' they called themselves.

As they all looked at where Briggs had pointed, simultaneously as if they practiced beforehand they all scowled and snarled at me. One by one, they lifted up their windbreakers and unsheathed Rambos, all glinting with malice.

I knew exactly what I had to do... RUN!

Without skipping a beat I bolted through the streets and ran away from home as I knew Henry would let them in and let them take me. 

They all chased me like a pack of crazed wolves, shouting slurs and curses at me as they chased.




Unbeknownst to me they split up, I ran into an alleyway and to my horror in front of me stood Briggs with 5 other men, all holding menacing blades, jeering at me.

'Big man thought he was a hero and allat with saving that bitch' retorted Briggs as the other men laughed. I turned to run from the way I came but my heart dropped as I saw my escape get reduced to nothing as the remaining men caught up and blocked my path.

From both sides I was going to get attacked. I didn't know what to do, I was meant to be the smart one.

I quietly laughed at my plight as I backed myself into a corner as they surrounded me.

'I'm gonna die' I thought. The one time I tried to do something good, it backfired horrifically.

I remembered the lady's words 'God bless you son', I chuckled internally as I felt Briggs push me violently at the wall as he plunged the blade in my abdomen, I screamed in agony as I felt the blade slicing through my organs and flesh as blood spewed like a geyser, painting the blade red.

'If there was a God... He hated me' I thought in that moment as I looked back at my life, abandoned, hated, discriminated, alone... Alone.

I felt more blades plunge into my flesh, the visceral sounds of squelching blood and guts as they stabbed me mercilessly. As I screamed in agony, my eyes bloodshot red.

Slowly my screams died out as I saw my vision blacken, my hearing getting muffled as I slumped to the ground as I felt the life being sapped out of my vessel.

I awaited the final thrust of Briggs' blade to end it all.

I waited as I felt my life fading.

'Huh?' I thought.

I wearily looked up and saw Briggs stopped in motion, the blade inches away from my neck.

I looked around, no one was moving, 'What the fuck?' I thought, It was as if time stopped moving, there wasn't any sound except my exasperated breathing.

With a harmonious ping, a lilac rectangle outlined with a darker shade of violet materialised in front of my eyes.

'Eh? What is this?'

In bold lavender text the floating rectangle read:


Player acknowledged

Do you wish to be the ECLIPSE of another world?

Decline, and your heart will stop in 0.05 seconds.

Yes or No


The first thought that came to my fleeting consciousness was 'What the fuck is an 'ECLIPSE'?'. I was absolutely baffled. 'What is this, it's not human, we're not that advanced.'

'And what's with that choice 'Decline, and your heart will stop in 0.05 seconds.', that's not even a choice.'

I quietly observed the floating tab for a few seconds still processing the situation I'm in, blood still trickling out of my stab wounds, I knew I was going to die in about the next 2 minutes.

I pondered my decision deeply, I could just end it all here and escape my pathetic existence... Or trust this vague and ridiculous offer and maybe... maybe things might change.

I took a deep breath and I weighed the pros and cons in my mind as I debated on accepting and living or refusing and dying.

After I came to my decision after a minute of thinking as I felt myself almost blacking out from the blood loss, i do a curt nod and glare at the Lilac pop up. 

'I'm going to die anyway... might as well see what this 'Eclipse' is.'

I take a deep breath.


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