The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 3

True love

“Mary! I told you not to come!

Oh, speaking of which, was that the name? I do think your father said you were a baroness or something.

Originally, if you’re a baroness, you won’t be attending this night club, which is hosted by the king. The invitations won’t even arrive at about the baroness. That probably means His Highness Rayford forced me to bring him in.

How little thought do you have to put that down by yourself and tell them not to come?

“Master Rayford! But!”

“Now I’m talking about something important! I can’t be stuck poorly and my future with you turned down! I’m sorry, but stay out of my way!

“So, but Master Rayford……!

Something on its own, a friendly atmosphere is spreading. How do you tell me to take this?

What the hell is the important story of His Highness, who misunderstood on his own, deserted his engagement on his own, and left on his own? As much as that’s “I’m sorry, Carol,” I just won’t forgive you or my father, though.

“Yes, okay, just stay behind me for a second!

“… Rayford, on such occasions, do you know what that woman, the baroness, means to make an offer to the Duke’s Lady?

“Father! But wait a little longer! Oh, I’ll be sure to tell you!

Guru, and I even think that if shame can kill people, they will die, the look of distress. Perhaps there is a cheap self-esteem, born of the position of prince.

But withstanding such shame, His Highness Rayford bowed his head.

To me.

“… su, sorry, Carol”


You’re not emotional at all.

Honestly, I don’t have any feelings for His Highness anymore, and I really want to just go home.

In fact, I bowed my head for a moment, and then you look at me in a shape that looks like I’m mad. With this attitude, are you really going to apologize?

“… I’m sorry, Your Highness”

“Hey, what’s up?”

“What the hell is that word an apology for?

“… well, that’s”

Your Highness is starving. That would be the case, too. Your Highness probably doesn’t know what’s wrong with what he did.

Of course, as far as I’m concerned, I appreciate the opportunity to be tied to my beloved Master Wilhelm, but that’s only on my inside. If this wasn’t me, it wouldn’t be weird to die on your own.

“I… woke up to true love”


“When I’m with Mary, my heart is at ease. If I wasn’t with Mary, I wouldn’t be satisfied with one thing. If it wasn’t for Mary, I wouldn’t want to be with her… I’d never met someone who seemed like that before.”

“Your Highness…”

To His Highness’s words, it is Miss Mary behind you who says so and dyes her cheeks. It’s never me.

All I can do is stare at it with my eyes that have killed my emotions as much as possible.

“Carol… I want to be with Mary more than you. So… the will to dissolve the engagement remains the same. Instead, I swear I’ll make Mary my fiancée.”


“Whatever your father tells you, it won’t change my will! As I walked with Mary, that’s what I decided!

“Oh, my… you stupid son!

What the hell is this?

Wasn’t it an apology? Instead, His Highness just declared his engagement after telling him how wonderful a woman Miss Mary is. There, my presence has nothing to do with anything.

When I glanced at my father slightly sideways, this one had a similar look. At the earliest, nothing comes to mind but a grudge against His Highness.

“Father! I have true love…!

“You don’t understand! Now it makes sense for the royal family to tie with the Duke of Ambrose! I don’t even know the extent of it, what I’ve learned so far!

“I’m not an instrument of politics! My beloved wants to choose for himself!

“A royal man speaks such a worldly myth…!

His Majesty the King, who bites his teeth.

If you yell any more, won’t your blood pressure go up?


“Sire, please calm down”

Such a low, but somewhere intimidating, voice was thrown.

Sometimes, my heart bounces. Bouncing and bouncing around as if it were going to burst. If my heart is connected to my mouth, I wonder if it will just pop out.

That’s the voice I heard many times when I was young.

As I grew up, I gradually stopped hearing voices.

Ever since your grandfather died two years ago, I haven’t heard a voice at all.

Dear Wilhelm…

“… Mm, Wilhelm, huh”

“This is a place for nightclubs. This is not a place for parent-child fights. If Lord Rayford and His Majesty succeed to the next throne make such a difference, let us give unwanted hard work to the surrounding ministers.”

“… I’m sorry. There was blood on his head.”

Ha, and a great sigh of sigh, Your Majesty.

But more important to me than that is Master Wilhelm in front of me.

Big body, not comparable to me, slightly smaller than the same age. Wouldn’t that even be thicker than my thighs, such as arms?

Hair whose gray hair accounts for the majority of hair is flushed backwards, representing a thin gray overall. And the moustache covering the mouth is white, and likewise the white jawbeard is aligned. Several wrinkles run on the deep face of the sculpture, and just as many scars remain.

This is the strongest general and chief of the Knights of Freakista – Master Wilhelm Eiblinger.

Unexpectedly, I can see it.


“… Father”

“Back off, Sharon, tell them to follow. The rest must end what you have done.”

“But, Father!

“I’m telling you to back off!

So strongly His Majesty the King commanded, and His Highness finally lowered me. Of course, take Miss Mary in that hand, though.

Well, now you can finally calm down and talk.

It’s Gilliam.

“I suppose you don’t have to confirm it at the earliest opportunity, but I’m glad you think Carol’s engagement has been destroyed by His Highness.”

“… oh, I don’t mind. But”

“This time, there was an engagement between His Highness and Carol. Anyway, Carol will forgive you. I tasted so much humiliation in such a nightclub setting. May I ask Your Highness to regret turning the Duke of Ambrose house against his enemies”

“Gu… it’s Miss Carol”

His Majesty the King has looked at me, distorting his expression as if to bite down a bitter worm.

I have no idea what the problem would be for the royal family by turning the Duke of Ambrose family against the enemy. Around there, you won’t have to know me.

But I somehow want to respond to His Majesty the King’s desperate gaze.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

“Fool…… I’m so, so sorry. This time, we will make adequate dispositions. And… let’s tie the fringe Miss Carroll deserves, under the rest of her name. It’s a good story for a bug to say forgive me to that extent…”

“Your Majesty”

Unexpected words prevented me from speaking to His Majesty the King.

If it were normal, it would be an act that would even be punished. Just because I was in a hurry, I made a tough mistake.

But – this is a good opportunity.

“Mm… what the hell, Miss Carroll”

“I’m not angry about anything. I was just afraid of the future. Because I didn’t think if I had a reputation for being abandoned by Your Highness, or anything like that, I wouldn’t come to talk to you about me. But in His Majesty’s name, if you could prepare my friendship… yes, did you tell me?

“Ah, oh. If that’s going to be a sin against the action of foolishness, let’s have it ready for any kind of fringe.”


From the bottom of my heart, I hoped.

Ever since I was a child, I admired it.

I – Carol, live in true love.

I took a step forward and gently lifted my skirt to show my appreciation.

And take that strong arm – I said.

“Dear Wilhelm Eiblinger, I admire you. Make Carol your daughter-in-law.”

Sometimes, the heartbeat jumps.

The tide makes your cheeks hot.

Finally, I have conveyed my thoughts -!

“… what?

“… what?


All that was returned to my generation of confessions of love was a short word from His Majesty and Master Wilhelm, who opened their mouths saying they didn’t know what it meant.

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