The Divine Anime System

Chapter 162. Sequence Casting

Having shown Fey Kamui, Rei turned on the TV and had a look at the date.

"2093...I know the Tatsuya and Miyuki enter the first high school in 2095. So I'm two years ahead of them." Rei muttered seeing the time.

"So master has to teach for two years before you see them?" Fey asked as she sat near him and watched the TV as well.

"Yeah, what time is it now?" Rei asked as the TV oddly didn't show the time.

"Erm, 10:58pm?" Fey said looking at the clock.

"Mn, I'll go take my bath." Rei nodded as he stood up.

Walking upstairs, Rei saw the huge bath. Undressing himself, Rei looked in the mirror. The last time he checked his body was quite a few years back. His muscles were highly compact but didn't look ugly. He still had some flesh padded around the edges, so he didn't look like a dried-up corpse. His features were a lot sharper now as he looked quite handsome. His red iris contrasted against his white hair as he noticed something different.

Originally, his irises were pure red but now his left iris was that of a red silver whilst the right was red gold. His hair had some changes as well as they had some aspects of black and red encroaching on the tips and the roots of his hair. They weren't large but enough to notice the slightly darker tones in his hair.

"Strange." Rei commented seeing his look. Shrugging slightly, Rei soaked his body into the bath as closed his eyes.

"Haaa....." Rei sighed out in relaxation.

'I should do this more often.' Rei thought feeling the hot bath was rather pleasant.

Rei spent 30 minutes in the bath as he felt his muscles relax completely in that time. Walking out, Rei wore a loose robe and a towel around his neck.

"Fey if you also want a bath you can go for one." Rei said as he walked into the living room.

Turning around, Fey saw Rei's figure wearing loose robes and his damp hair framing his face. She blushed heavily as she quickly replied.

"Ah! Yes! Ok! I'll go for one now!" She said rushing towards the bath.

Rei only laughed slightly before sitting down and activated the laptop.

"Let see... First High School.... First High School.... found it." Rei muttered searching through the net.

"Ei? How convenient. They're looking for a teacher to teach some magic lectures." Rei muttered seeing the First High School recruiting for some teachers.

"Hm, requirements are: a good understanding of magic theory, practical applications of magic, real time reactions and the ability to simplify and teach lectures."

'Why only a good understanding? Why not great understanding?' Rei though seeing this. What he doesn't realise is that they don't have the same prestige as they do in the future. Last year, 2092, the Third High School won the Nine Schools Competition so most above average teachers are looking at Third High School instead of First High School.

Only after First Magic High won the competition did they slowly start building some reputation for themselves.

So in order for them to recruit some decent teachers, they have to lower the requirements and go for an interview instead hoping to luck out and get someone good. If not, they could only stay with their numbers as it was better to go with quality than quantity.

"I'll just need to arrive for their public testing tomorrow." Rei read on and smiled.

'Kamui is too complicated to teach, not that I'm planning to teach it... The other two spells aren't fully practical yet either. I'll need to at least prepare something relatively simple for them.' Rei thought as he had an idea.

'How about I introduce them to Sequence Casting?' Rei thought before nodding as it was simple yet also quite ground-breaking should they apply this practically.

Going through his notes, Rei jot down a few example lessons he would teach.

Finishing his preparations, Rei decided to sleep since he had nothing to do through the night.

Finding his room, Rei turned to the bathroom.

"Fey! I'll head off to bed, you should too when you finish." Rei called out before entering his room.

Making sure his hair was dry, Rei laid on the bed and closed his eyes.


Programming a domain using the information plane.

Options of application so far which won't kill the people who use it in this world:

1- Sequence Programming

2- Sensory enhancements


Tonight, Rei didn't dream about his 'memories' rather his mind worked to try perfect Domain type magic.

Opening his eyes, Rei turned to the clock and saw that it was 6:30 am. Shrugging slightly, Rei looked in the closet for some clothes that fit this era rather than his indestructible set of clothes he obtained back in Boku no Hero.

Looking in the closet, Rei decided to choose the more professional looking clothes. A black T-shirt, black suit pants and a long white lab coat.

Going downstairs, Rei made a simple western breakfast of bacon, sausage, waffles and egg.

Drawn in by the aroma, Fey walked downstairs in a half-asleep state.

"Good mornin masta~" She spoke with a slur showing that she wasn't fully awake just yet.

"Eat up, in an hour or so I'll be heading to First High School and apply for a teaching position." Rei spoke as he finished his meal. Making himself a cup of coffee, Rei sat on the sofa and watched the news. While he didn't need coffee, Rei thought that since it was available why not have it? He didn't need food either but since it tasted good, he might as well eat.

The news was boring as Rei lost interest quickly.

"UWOO!!! Delicious!" Fey suddenly cried out behind Rei who smiled slightly.

Several clangs could be heard due to the friction of both the knife and fork hitting the plates.

"When I go to First High School do you want to come along?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm fine staying at home master." She replied quickly swallowing the food she had in her mouth.

"Suit yourself." Rei said as he stood up and washed the cup.

Wearing some shoes, Rei walked to the door and pulled out the card for the house.

"I'm heading out." He said as he left.

"Un take care." Fey replied finishing her meal.

Locking the door, Rei started to walk towards the First High School. He couldn't help but feel like the roads and this house were more familiar.

'I'll probably remember later.' Rei thought as he dismissed the thought.

Walking towards the First High School, Rei could see the countless students walking around towards their class. Even now, Rei could see the clear discrimination between ranks.

Ignoring this for the time being, Rei walked towards the place where he would go for an interview.

'Wait isn't that Mayumi Saegusa?' Rei muttered seeing her with some younger looking individuals.

'Ah right, 2093, the year when the student president was just a first year.' Rei thought as he walked away.

Mayumi glanced over at Rei as she saw a handsome man walk towards the teacher recruitment room.

"Is that the first teacher coming for recruitment?" She asked as one of her friends replied.

"Yeah it seems so. Other teacher's left for different High Schools."

"I see." She muttered before turning back to her friends.

Walking in the room, Rei saw that the teacher seemed lifeless whilst he rested his head on the desk.

The teacher was called Kazuo Tsuzura. He was a middle-aged man with wrinkles showing his age. Short hair that seemed tell that he will be bald in a few years. He wore a white T-shirt with a grey vest and a white lab coat much like Rei.

"Ah! Someone actually came!" He cried out in surprise seeing Rei.

'Wait no one came?' Rei thought in confusion.

"So what do I do for this interview?" Rei asked sitting down.

"Since you're the only one we just need you to hold a test lecture is that ok?" He asked as he looked at Rei with a smile.

"Wait is that it?" Rei asked as it was too simple even if he was the only applicant.

"Yeah that's it, no one else came and the time for recruitment will be over soon. So I'll just need you to hold a test lecture to see your abilities." He said as Rei nodded. It was reasonable.

"Alright, so where do I go?" Rei asked accepting his reasoning.

"Hehe just follow me." He smiled as he stood up. Rei followed him as they started to make their way through the school.

"As you can see, we don't have many teachers since Third High School poached most of them away. However, this is also an advantage as we can give the students some experience in leading people as well. Not to mention this year we have a few students who belong to the ten great families." Kazuo explained as they walked.

Kazuo kept talking about how the negatives weren't negatives and that it could be beneficial to Rei in order to solidify the view he had on First High.

'You know, even if you didn't tell me I would have tried to join anyways.' Rei thought but still nodded to his statements.

"We're here. If you need any help just gesture to me alright? Good luck." Kazuo smiled as Rei walked through the door.

Walking on the podium, Rei could see the students not give him two shits as they chatted.

"Alright, quite down the lecture will be starting." Rei spoke into the mic but most of the students didn't listen to him. Rei felt an urge to punch some kids who were clearly sneering at him.

'Don't punch them, don't punch them.' Rei thought as he brought his right hand up.

Kazuo was curious as to how Rei would silence this bunch of unruly students.

"Mute." Rei said as he snapped his finger. The hall became eerily silent as some students widened their eyes in fear when they couldn't make a sound. They tried to clutch at their throat.

"Sit." Rei said again as he snapped his fingers. The students who were standing up sat down straight away as they lose control of their bodies.

Kazuo narrowed his eyes seeing this.

"When I'm lecturing don't talk or move." Rei said as his eyes brought slight fear into the students.

"What you saw me do then was what I like to call sequence casting. Whilst most magicians have to write the codes to cast their spells using a CAD, Sequence Casting will allow you to make a single spell that would effect an area without you putting too much psions into the spell itself." Rei said as he started his lecture.

"For example, when I use the spell Mute. I had set up the area of effect and the command of 'who ever talks without my permission will be muted'. In order to do this, I must first set up the area of effect. This is the first step to Sequence Casting as without the area the spell will fail. To set the field, you first use your psions to cover an area like a glass dome. This area does nothing other than giving the Sequences an area to act upon. The following commands must be set up like rules within a game. For the spell mute, the command would be: 'Within the designated area, whoever talks without my permission shall be muted'. This may seem simple but in order to pull this off the codes used in the sentence must be accurate. The code for 'Within the designated area' must be the co-ordinates and the dimension of your space. The code for 'who ever talks without my permission' is a two-part command as the first part would be for the data to recognise the sound wave data emitted from your throats. The next part would be for the data to recognise that each source of the sound wave I hear shall will be targeted by the next code. The next code is 'shall be muted', this is a simple silencing spell as it stops the sound waves from travelling out of your throat the moment it detects the intent to speak. However, each of these spells combined can't be called sequence casting as it is not yet a sequence. Therefore, we need the activation code and a string of commands. When I say the word 'Mute' the sequence shall assemble. When I snap my finger, where ever the sound waves touch shall be my area of effect. When the finger is snapped, the code 'Within the designated area' will be activated followed by 'who ever talks without my permission' before finishing with 'shall be muted'. Until I disable this sequence, as long as anyone in the area of effect tried to talk with or without my knowledge will be muted unless I let them talk." Rei explained as he smiled.

"This is where the best benefit of Sequence Casting comes from. Automated responses. If I were to make a Sequence for protecting my house: 'who ever enters that isn't registered shall be locked down and detained until I let them out.' then even when I'm away from the house the sequence will activate as long as I supplied it with power to keep the sequence on standby. As to how I supply it with power, that can be a secret for now." Rei said with a slight grin as he could already see that interest in some student's faces.

"Now for the written down code." Rei said walking to the digital white board and took the pen for it.

"The code is split into different sections. For the section regarding 'who ever talks' is written like this." Rei said as he started to write.

Detect Eidos entity (Sound wave)

Positive= Detect Source

Negative= Remain Dormant

When detected source check for Living Organism Designation (Human)

Positive= Activate Sequence: 'without my permission.'

Negative= Remain Dormant.

"As for the numerical code, I have designed the Sequence Casting to be based on Binary Coding as it is more efficient than to activate codes involving several different numbers.This is due to the CAD needing to only use two numbers instead of nine reducing the time needed to find and apply the numbers. When the Sequence is activated, it will automatically translate into the information plane as data can be read in many ways."

"For those who want the Binary Code for this sequence here it is." Rei said as he started to write down a bunch of 1's and 0's.

Example being the Binary for 'Detect Eidos entity (Sound wave)' is:

01000100 01100101 01110100 01100101 01100011 01110100 00100000 01000101 01101001 01100100 01101111 01110011 00100000 01100101 01101110 01110100 01101001 01110100 01111001 00100000 00101000 01010011 01101111 01110101 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110110 01100101 00101001

Rei continued his lecture for an hour as he explained the intricacies of Sequence Casting as well as how it may be applied.

"And with that the basic lesson to the magic type I've created: Sequence Casting is done." Rei said with a smile as he erased everything and walked out. Remembering something, he walked back into the room and said.

"Unmute, release." Before snapping his fingers giving the student's back their freedom.

Stepping out before they made a racket, Rei walked away with Kazuo.

"You surprised me today." He said giving Rei an appreciative look.

"Ah yes, I haven't asked you for your name yet have I?" Kazuo said as he scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm Rei. Yotsuba Rei." Rei replied with a smile.

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