The Divine Anime System

Chapter 136. Tian Dou Academy

A while had passed since Tang San and Xiao Wu undertook Rei's training whilst also going into the spirit colosseum. Their most recent fight was against the royal combat team and summarised in one word would be... annihilation.

With Tang San's and Xiao Wu's combination, the combat team couldn't even retaliate. Tang San made several self created control type skills with his use of energy whilst Xiao Wu was able to attack each of them with power and precision not to mention that she way unrivalled in the air.

The whole team had a party to celebrate their victory with the mvp's being Tang San and Xiao Wu. Rei decided to reward their hardwork and prepared a feast for the whole team.

"Eat you while you can, it's not often I'll cook for you." Rei said as he sat down on a chair having finished cooking.

Halfway through the feast, the teacher of the royal combat team invited the whole of shrek to the tian dou royal academy. Flander and Yu Xiao Gang had an argument about what they should really do while Rei sat by the side letting them sort it out.

"Xiao Wu, this dish is really good for you. This too. This one helps you heal spirit energy." Rei said putting food onto Xiao Wu's plate.

"Stop dad! It's too much food! Why don't you give some to mum!" Xiao Wu complained. Rei only gestured over to the mountain of food he had placed on Bai Wu's plate.

Xiao Wu dropped her chopsticks as her pile where nothing compared to Bai Wu's.

"Mn? Xiao Wu, you should eat too."

(* ^ - ^) Bai Wu said to Xiao Wu happily as she continued to eat the food.

Fatty's pile of food were no less than Bai Wu's as he wanted to savour this godly food while he could.

"Teacher Rei! Can you tell me how to cook?" Fatty asked whilst eating.

"No." It was a simple refusal from Rei.

"Please~" Fatty begged with puppy dog eyes to which Rei only got annoyed.

"Tsk! Piss off fatty." Rei said as he returned to giving food to both Bai Wu and Xiao Wu.

Tang San watched with a smile as he saw his master service his wife and daughter before eating his own dish.

Soon Flander agreed under the condition that shreks teacher's will continue to teach the students just under the name of Tian Dou academy.

A few day's later the group entered the premises of Tian Dou academy.

"Hmm, this academy really looks better off than Shrek." Rei said looking at the academy. Flander had a slight tick mark being reminded of the state of shrek but decided to ignore it since Rei was a douluo.

The teacher's led the group towards the office but were blocked by a few students taunting them.

"Haha, look at these fools entering our royal academy. What a bunch of country bumpkins. I bet they're not even worth the grass we step on." On of them said as Xiao Wu got annoyed.

"Piss off! I'll kick your ass any day." Xiao Wu shouted out.

"Ohya? You might have a rough attitude but your body is just fine. I can educate you on how to be a good little slut later." The student grinned lecherously as Bai Wu frown.


With one stomp, Bai Wu cracked the floor in a 100 meter radius.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say. About. My. Daughter." Bai Wu spoke slowly with anger as her pressure leaked out. The pressure climbed to around rank 70 before it stopped increasing. Seeing that the rank was only 70 the students gained confidence at the head masters where almost titled douluos so that the woman surely didn't dare to cause trouble.

"What? I'll train her to be my personal bitch what about it?" The student said as he believed that no would dare to cause trouble.

Bai Wu grew furious as her aura exploded out in full showing off the might of a rank 97 titled douluo.

"BASTARD!!!" She shouted as she kicked horizontally causing a blast of energy to shoot towards the students.


Sounds of bones cracking could be heard as the students shouted in pain.

"Let's go." Bai Wu said as she kicked the collapsed student away.

Rei healed their outer appearances to avoid problems while keeping or even worsening their internal injuries.

Arriving at the head office, Rei realised that they were testing Tang San's spirit power.

"This'll be interesting..." Rei smiled confusing Xiao Wu.

"What do you mean dad?" She asked.

"In the latest test, I had tested how much Tang San can take in terms of spirit power. Would you believe me if I said he could handle rank 60? I had done this training often to increase his resistant levels little by little." Rei said as the pressure had already reached 40 without Tang San breaking a sweat.

"This...let's continue." One of the people testing Tang San said as the other's nodded.


"This is unbelievable!"

"We can't go on! This is too dangerous!"

"No look, he still hasn't used his essence spirit yet!"


When it had reached 55, Tang San's essence spirit appeared to reduce the pressure.

Rei only smiled seeing the shock of the elder's.

'This is my student, Rank 33 being able to withstand the pressure of rank 60.' Rei thought.

Rei frowned as he felt a rank 93 titled douluo approach.

"Should I deal with it or you?" Rei asked Bai Wu with a smile.

"Darling you can. I'll be next to Xiao Wu." Bai Wu said as she walked over to Xiao Wu.

Poison mist soon flooded in as the 3 teachers that tested Tang San frowned before blocking.

Rei realised the reason that the titled douluo attacked was because of the students Bai Wu injured and stood up.

"The person injured them is my wife. You have a problem?" Rei asked.

"Yeah, I'll give you 10 seconds to fuck off." The poison douluo Du Gu Bo said as he tried to pressure Rei.

"Hmph, just a rank 93." Rei said as his own power exploded back in retaliation.

"Rank 95 douluo!" Du Gu Bo said as he activated his real guard.

"Poison brat wants to fight?" Rei smiled seeing Du Gu Bo trying to put up a resistance.

They were about to fight when the room exploded with the pressure that they were releasing.

Seeing that his granddaughter was below the building, Du Gu Bo stopped as the fight could endanger her. Du Gu Bo jumped down as he carrier his granddaughter away.

"Esteemed douluo, let's go. We're not staying." Flander's said as Rei saw everyone preparing to leave.

Rei gave Du Gu Bo a glance before leaving as well.

Rei didn't kill him, which is what he would normally do, because Xiao Wu was near by. Rei knew that his daughter didn't like seeing people die so he had reduced the times he killed for her sake.

Else where...

"I'm sorry prince, we have not found his highness just yet." A humanoid figure with bat like wings on his back said.

"Hmm, what's the progress so far in finding my royal brother then." A voice replied. The owner of the voice had a deep shade of red for his hair, golden eyes with a black sclera. His face was sharp and if Rei was here he would be shocked at his features as they bare high similarities with his own.

"We have narrowed down the search to multi dimensional worlds that the gods use to train their successors." The figure with the bat wings responded.

"And how many worlds have you looked through so far?" The prince replied as he looked at his servant.

"Around 2 million out of the total 150 million." The servant said as he gulped down his saliva with difficulty.

"Tsk, so slow." The prince said with a frown.

"What about the old geezer on the god's side. Is he going to die yet?" The prince asked.

"The True God Emperor is currently on his death bed. The origin rupturing poison that his highness used before he died had embedded itself deeply into the True God Emperor. Should we wait longer, the True God Emperor will be no more." The servant replied.

"Finally some good news. The war shall start when that geezer dies." The prince said standing up and walked away.

"We'll find you soon royal brother, after all royal sister had been found not too long ago." The prince muttered as he walked into a room with a teen in a prison cell.

"Dear sister, are you awake?" The prince said looking at the teen.

"Don't call me sister I don't know you." She replied with a disdainful glare.

"You are, it's just that you don't remember. Lia." The prince said crouching near the girl.

"I told you my name isn't Lia, it's Aiko...."

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