The Divine Anime System

Chapter 126. Collision of the soul

'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!' His own voice filled with regret and pain flooded his mind as Rei clutched his head.

'HOW COULD YOU!!! GET OUT OF MY BODY!' The voice continued to shout as Rei felt like his mind was going to break in half.

Rei clenched his teeth as his spare hand clutched at the boulder he was sitting on, he broke it to pieces easily as his body fell to the ground. Rei opened his eyes in pain as he felt like a struggle was happening in his soul.

'Who the fuck are you!' Rei shouted back in his mind as he tried to resist the pain to no avail.

'THAT'S MY LINE!!' The voice shouted back as Rei felt like he was losing control of his body before wrestling it back.

Rei gave off a muffled cry of pain as he didn't want to disturb Bai Wu.

Rei stumbled onto his feet as he tried to walk only to trip and fall.

"KUAH!!" Rei suddenly threw up a mouthful of blood as he continued to struggle.

'This is my body! WHO ARE YOU!' Rei shouted as he struggled with the pain.

'REI TODOROKI! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BODY! I HAVE TO FIND EVE!' His voice shouted back exerting more force to take control.

'Who is Eve! ARG!' Rei cried in pain as blood started to flow out of his eyes and nose.

'TRASH!!' His own voice rang out as Rei felt his mana stir.

"Fuck!" Rei cursed as he wanted to get as far as he could.

"Lei?" Bai Wu suddenly asked as she was awoken by the noise. Looking at Rei, Bai Wu was shocked as she saw how Rei had blood flow out of his face and clutched his head in pain. Bai Wu was about to go help Rei when he turned around.

"FUCK OFF SLUT!" His voice shouted out as Rei clutched his head.

"DON'T CALL HER THAT YOU BASTARD!" Rei cried out as he stumbled around.

"Lei? What's wrong!" Bai Wu panicked seeing Rei like this.

"Bai Wu, sorry I'll be back soon ok? Wait for me." Rei said trying to smile but failed as his smile soon was replaced by frown as he resisted the pain.

Turning around, Rei had his external tail bone turn into four wings as he took off as fast as he could to the inner area.

'Lei! Tell me what's wrong! LEI!' Bai Wu's panicked voice rang out in Rei's mind as he could only ignore it as he continue to fly.

But he couldn't fly straight for long as he twisted and turned abnormally in the air.

"ARGG!!" Rei screamed out as he fell out of the sky.


A crater was formed from the impact as his external tail bone thrashed around signalling his mental struggles.

'ARRGGG DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!!!!' His voice rang out in rage.

'I don't know and I don't care!' Rei retaliated as he rolled on the ground in pain.

As Rei was having his mental struggles, Eve had gotten an emergency notification from the system about Rei's soul and body slowly destroy itself.

"WAIT WHAT! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!" Eve shouted out in panic halfway through training as her teacher watched her in worry at her sudden outburst.

"Eve what happened!" Ophilia asked Eve as she retrieved her wire gloves.

"Rei got his memory back but it's destroying him on the inside! How could he memory return this suddenly! Wasn't it supposed to be when he enters the higher realms?!" Eve said in a panic as she dismissed Mirai and quickly sat down in a lotus position to enter the system's mainframe.

Ophilia frowned when she heard what her student had said as realised that this was probably the system god's doing from what she understood.

'Tsk, that bastard pulling this trick.' Ophilia frowned as she left the area quickly to find the system god.

Eve who was in the mainframe quickly had a look at Rei's codes as she saw his soul slowly break apart.

"No no no....this...THIS IS THE WORST SCENARIO!!" Eve shouted out in anger and fear. Rei's soul was slowly killing itself as it was trying to fight 'itself' for control. And in return, his body was slowly being destroyed as well. While he is immortal, if his soul is dead his immortality will do nothing.

Eve quickly tried to stabilise everything as she used the codes to try repair Rei's body while it was destroying itself.

"Shit! It's destroying faster than I can heal it, DAMN IT REI! YOU BETTER NOT DIE!" Eve shouted out with tears in her eye's as she desperately tried to keep Rei alive.

On the outside world, Ophilia was raging as she could feel the panic from Eve.


"What do you want Ophilia. Shouldn't you be with Eve?" The system god said simply as he looked at Ophilia.

Ophilia pointed her finger at him as she shouted.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO WITH REI! HIS SOUL IS BEING DESTROYED FROM THE INSIDE!" Ophilia personally wouldn't care, but it was the lover of her student and she couldn't bare to see Eve like this.

"Hou~ Kuhahahaha!! So that little shit actually dared to sleep with that slut. Heh, it's no wonder his soul would turn on itself. His past memory and devotion to Eve certainly surpassed my expectations, but now it hates itself for betraying Eve. Serves him right." The system god grinned as he felt like he did the right thing. How dare he cheat on Eve, killing him like this was letting him off easy. If he could, the system god wouldn't mind torturing Rei for what he had done.

"You!!!" Ophilia was speechless as rage overwhelmed her.


Ophilia gave the system god an earth shattering punch as he was sent flying.

"How dare you!!! DO YOU REALISE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! DO YOU NOT REMEMBER HOW MUCH EVE LOVES REI!" Ophilia shouted out as she looked at the system god climbing out of the rubble.

"Che, I know how much Eve loves Rei. But he doesn't deserve her." The system god said with a frown.

"That's not for you to decide!" Ophilia said with anger as she took out her wire glove and was about to attack the system god out of rage.

The war god and element god showed up as they restrained Ophilia.

"Ophilia! Calm down! Don't do something you'll regret!" The element god said as he restrained Ophilia with wind pressure.

"FUCK OFF! I'LL KILL THAT BASTARD!" Ophilia shouted out as a golden aura burst out of her pushing the element god away.

"Ophilia! Stop! Think about how that lass Eve would think if she finds out about this!" The war god shouted back as he also released his aura causing the surroundings to break with the collision.


"OF COURSE I DO! REI'S MY SUCCESSOR! DO YOU THINK I'M NOT MAD!" The war god shouted back. Ophilia frowned as she eventually retracted her aura. However, her face was still twisted with anger as she glared at the system god.

The three gods looked at the system god who stood looking at the trio.

"Old friend, you've truly disappointed me today." The element god said as he looked at the system god.

"So you're standing up for that little shit." The system god said with a frown.

"Old friend, even as a doting father you should not have gone this far. And don't think we don't know that Eve isn't truly your daughter. You merely assumed that role of her father and she accepted it. So why are you going this far to 'protect' her?" The war god said causing the system god to frown.

"I treat her like my own daughter. Is it really that unnatural for a father to protect his daughter." The system god said with a frown.

"This is no longer protecting her old friend. You're imprisoning her this way. While I am disappointing, I am still your friend so I won't do anything about your decision. Just know that I won't stand for anything else you would do with that Rei lad. He's my successor after all." The war god said as he shook his head and turned around to leave.

"Old friend, I hope you don't make anymore mistakes. We need to put our focus in the war to come instead of interfering with the young." The element god said as he cupped his hands and turned to leave.

"Pull anymore of this shit and I'll be back." Ophilia said as she too turned to leave.

The system god frowned as he watched his three 'friends' turn to leave. He stood there until they went out of sight. Sitting down inside a room, the system god slammed his hand into the arm rest as he had rage fill his eyes.

'Rei...just you wait.' The system god thought.

Meanwhile, Eve was in the mainframe with tears and sweat covering her face. She was moving her hands as fast as she could to help repair Rei. She couldn't go help him at the scene either as she isn't able to send a projection to Rei nor is she able to send him a message.

"COME ON! PLEASE!" Eve cried out as she watched Rei's slow and painful path to death.

"Eve! Can you hear me!"

Eve suddenly heard her teacher's voice as she quickly realised that her teacher could help her.

Exiting the mainframe, Eve opened her eyes as tears flowed out of her eyes.

"Master! Please help Rei I beg you PLEASE!" Eve grabbed Ophilia's clothes as she begged with tears in her eyes.

Ophilia felt her heart ache with pain as she saw her student like this.

"Eve stand up first, we'll think of ways to help him." Ophilia said as she helped Eve up.

"How can we help him? His soul is tearing itself apart." Eve asked with panic.

"This whole thing started with his separate feelings for you and his new love. We either erase his memory completely or we can try make him come to terms with his own choices." Ophilia said as she could only do this to try ensure Rei's survival.

"But how do we do it?! He hates himself, I can't help him either since I'm stuck here." Eve said looking at her master.

"Who do you think I am? I am the war saint Ophilia. I can send a projection to the world but it'll only last up to around 30 seconds to a minute." Ophilia said giving Eve hope.

"But isn't the projection important to a god?!" Eve said in worry for her master.

"Eve do you think I can't spare this much for my favourite student?" Ophilia said with a motherly smile.

"Master...THANK YOU!" Eve cried out in happiness.

"Alright, time is on the essence so you shouldn't waste time. Remember you only around 30 seconds to a minute so make it count." Ophilia said as Eve nodded.

Eve's body was covered in a golden glow as Ophilia clasped her hands together.

Eve closed her eye's as Ophilia send out the projection.

"Make it in time." Ophilia said as he had sweat cover her forehead since projections wasn't her strongest area of expertise. Just sending one took way more effort for her compared to other gods.

Back in the douluo dalu world, Rei was struggling in the inner area of the star dou forest as hundreds of years had passed.

He had already lost around 40% of his control as he sat in a lotus position with blood and injuries appearing all over his body.

Currently he was in his mindscape facing off against himself as they fought for control.

Sparks flew everywhere as Rei and his past self exchanged blows.

"Do you know what Eve will think when she know this?! She was there from the beginning when we first reincarnated! She helped us when we were down! She followed us no matter what we did! Yet you betrayed her!" His past self shouted out as ice and fire covered Tengoku and Kyoki.

"So you want me to betray Bai Wu then huh?! You fucking hypocrite!" Rei shouted as he activated his ring of Atlas as a golden energy shield wrapped around him.

"EVE WAS EVERYTHING TO ME!" His past self shouted as he jumped up and traced out Gae Bolg and threw it towards Rei.

"BAI WU IS EVERYTHING TO ME AS WELL!" Rei shouted as he twisted his body as he also threw Gae Bolg.

The two demon spears clashed as it exploded destroying more of Rei's mindscape and soul in the process.

"IF WE CONTINUE THEN WE'LL LET DOWN BOTH WOMEN WE LOVE!" Rei shouted as he could feel the destruction of his soul speed up.

"SO WHAT!! I DON'T DESERVE HER ANYMORE! I'LL USE MY LIFE AS COMPENSATION!" His past self shouted out as more blades appeared behind him shooting towards Rei.

"CRAZY BASTARD!" Rei shouted back as he had his heavenly demonic beast avatar mixed with his other avatars protect him.

"HAHAHA I KNOW I'M CRAZY! WHO DO YOU THINK KEPT ME SANE! NOW I HAVE BETRAYED HER WHAT USE IS IT TO KEEP SANE!!" His past self shouted with tears of blood in his eyes as he sent elemental dragons towards Rei.

"Che, DO YOU THINK SHE WOULD BE PROUD OF THIS!" Rei shouted as he ate the elements and sent it back.


I AM THE WRATH OF SIN!" His past self shouted out as crimson energy tattooed his body.

"TWISTED MOTHER FUCKER!" Rei shouted out as he too started to chant.

"I AM THE HOLY IN HEAVENLY DEMON!" Rei shouted out as golden energy tattooed his skin.



Rei and his past self chanted as they sent waves of attacks to each other.



Gale started to pick up as their energy flared to life.



Rei's mindscape started to twist as it's scenery started to change.





Both Rei and his past self's energy had reached it's peak as the chant was almost finished.



With one more pulse of energy, both reality marbles appeared and clashed with each other.

Rei's reality marble consisted of two sides of heaven and hell with it working in balance and heavenly demons attacking his past self's reality marble. His past self's reality marble consisted of monster's made from hate and regret as each one had red eyes fared with wrath as it too attacked Rei's reality marble.

"HAHAHAHA! FIGHT! FIGHT!!!!! THE MORE WE FIGHT THE FASTER WE DIE! HAHAHAHA!!" His past self laughed in craziness as he watched his mindscape break apart.

'To think it's me to destroys myself...I'm sorry Bai Wu..Seems like I can't keep my promise...' Rei thought as he saw that his past self wasn't going to stop.

"STOP!!!" Eve's projection shouted as she saw what was happening.

"EVE?!!" His past self saw Eve and looked away in shock and shame.

Rei saw Eve as only smiled sadly.

"So you're Eve..." Rei said as he had already resigned himself to death since he couldn't stop himself from destroying his soul.

"Eve why are you here...I don't deserve to see you..." Rei's past self said as tears of blood flowed from his eyes.

"Rei look at me." Eve said as she walked to Rei's past self.

"LOOK AT ME REI!" Eve shouted as she grabbed Rei's past self so that they were face to face.


Rei's past self looked in silence as he saw Eve's fear at what he was going to do.


"SHUT UP!" Eve cut him off.

"Are you really going to leave me behind...I waited for you in the higher realms...I trained so that I can follow you...yet you're here trying to kill yourself, WAS I THAT UNIMPORTANT THAT YOU CAN JUST GO KILL YOURSELF WITHOUT WORRY!?!?" Eve cried out as she looked at Rei's past self.

His expression faltered as he saw how Eve felt about all of this.

"But I betrayed you...How can I forgive myself for this..." He said as he looked away from Eve.

"I know...It hurts when I see you with other woman...but it hurts even more when I see you try to kill yourself. I fine if you take Bai Wu, or anyone else, just...just don't leave me behind please..." Eve cried as Rei's past self felt guilt like never before.

"Oi me. Did you get that." He said as he gave Rei a glance.

"Yeah I did." Rei said as he nodded his head.

"Well I'll give you a second chance. Don't you dare let either of them down by taking another woman. If you do, I'll be back even if I have to kill god." His past self said as he patted Eve's back.

"I don't plan to. In our life, the only woman we love are Bai Wu and Eve. No one else can be like them." Rei said as he shook his head.

"I'll take your, no. I'll take my word for it then." His past self smiled as he faded along with his reality marble.

Rei also retracted his as all of his memory flooded his mind. How he met Eve, the time they spend, their fights side by side and how the system god erased his memory.

"So that's the whole story huh." Rei said as he cluched his head from the influx of memories.

"Hais...I'm sorry Eve." Rei said as he gave Eve an apologetic smile.

"Un, just make sure you get to the higher realms soon ok? I'm waiting." Eve said as she wiped away her tears and smiled back.

Rei went forward as he felt and urge well up inside him.

Since this was inside his mindscape, Eve's projection had a physical body he could touch so Rei kissed Eve on the lips shocking her.

"This time I'll defiantly keep my promise." He said as she started to faded away.

"Un..." Eve nodded as Rei saw her disappear.

Looking around, Rei could see his soul heal itself as he wasn't trying to kill himself anymore.

"It has been a few years outside...I wonder if Bai Wu is ok..." Rei muttered as his returned his conscious to his real body.

Opening his eyes, Rei saw his body covered with blood as a result of his soul fighting itself.

Rei shook his head as he waved his hand and cleaned himself up with some water.

"Wait did I just use mana..." Rei muttered.

[Passive skill:

Harmony - Host's soul is in harmony with itself. Host is able to use both types of energy within hosts body as they have fused.

Increase in mental resistance, soul resistance, soul strength, mental strength, comprehension and access to divine energy.

Divine energy : A multi functional energy that is both produced inside the body and converted from the surrounding energy.]

"So I can use this both mana and qi now..." Rei said looking up as he started to frown.

"People have broken my barrier...SHIT BAI WU!!" Rei widened his eyes as wings appeared on his back. Rei took off as he created a shockwave below him.

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