The Dictatorial Lords

Chapter 39 - Willis returns

that’s all. Three days passed peacefully, and everything went according to plan. The outside market was also planned out by the rat people working overtime. The rest is just as planned.

Since that day, people from all ethnic groups have sent out a few elites from their groups. Each contacted their closely related ethnic groups. Let them settle in Oroz. Is there a mighty army here, a tall city wall. benevolent lord. Now it’s going to be expanded. Don’t take this opportunity. When the population increases in the future, it will not be so easy to join.

“My lord, my lord. I saw Willis’ caravan. It may take ten minutes to arrive. Sure enough, Willis returned with the group of refugees.” Lawrence ran to Locke and said.

Locke looked happy: “Oh? Come back so soon? Come on, let’s go and have a look. I thought it would take a few days for him to come back. “

Lawrence led Locke out of the city. really. In the distance, there was a long line of caravans. Locke is not in a hurry. Just standing by and waiting for Willis. Just look at the fairs the Rat People are building. It looked almost exactly as he had imagined. Wait until the market is built. Oroz can be said to usher in an explosive period.

Just when Locke was thinking. Willis’ caravan has finally arrived. Locke quickly greeted him. Give Willis a hug. He smiled and said, “It’s hard work, Willis. Come into the city, haha. How many are these refugees this time? They look a lot, don’t they?”

Willis was very excited to bring back so many refugees for Oroz when she returned from business for the first time.

After calming down, he replied: “Lord City Lord, this time I brought back more than 20,000 refugees, and some of them didn’t follow. They didn’t believe that we built a city on the Wigrit Wilderness. Ha. If they know, they will regret it. No one wants to take them in except us. They can only become refugees or slaves.” Willis said mockingly.

Locke was overjoyed that there were more than 20,000 people. It’s much easier to upgrade a town to a city now. Lead the group to the center of town. The people in the city also received the news. A large group of human refugees were brought back by Velis. All come to watch. This posture is crowded.

Standing on the high platform in the middle, Locke said loudly: “Everyone, be quiet. I’m the lord of this city, you can call me Locke. First of all, I’m very happy to have you here. I believe you are no worse here than you were in Qingjiang Principality before. Some of you are freemen, some are slaves, some are merchants. Etc. No matter who you were before. Come to our Oraoz. All are our Oraoz residents. Well, that is equivalent to freedom What the people want. Later I will order people to allocate houses for you.”

Locke paused and said: “You don’t have to worry about the harsh climate on the Wigrit Wilderness, where fresh water is no longer a luxury. Every household is free to use it. Don’t worry about safety. We have strong warriors. As long as you abide by the law and build our city together. You can enjoy the benefits the city brings to you.” Locke looked at the reassured refugees below. From the panic they entered the city to the surprise on their faces, he saw the change in his eyes. It took a lot of courage for these refugees to follow Willis to Oroz.

Everyone knows about the Wiglott Wilderness. Robbers crowded. The lack of fresh water resources makes it difficult to grow food. If it wasn’t for the Eagle Kingdom not accepting them, they really didn’t want to come up to the Wilderness of Wiglott. Now that there is everything Locke promised, it seems that there is hope.

Locke continued: “I believe there are some skilled people among you. You can join various shops and workshops in the city. You think you are capable. You can also form a caravan. Open a shop, don’t worry about money. You can be in the city master The government credits a sum of gold coins to start a business. It is also possible to form a mercenary group to **** the caravans in the city and protect their interests outside from harm. It is all right. Of course, to form a mercenary group, you must stay in the city for a full month. to apply, whether it is you or the rest of the city.”

Seeing some people’s expressions of emotion, they began to whisper. Locke raised his voice again: “Quiet!” The crowd below was quiet. He continued to listen to Locke and said: “When you came, you saw what was being built outside the city. That is the market we expanded to the outside world. In the future, a large trading area will be formed. If you have ideas, you can also apply to the Ministry of Commerce to be stationed. There are restaurants, hotels. Shops with all kinds of jobs. Waiting for you to discover. Now, it is not built. You can also go to work. Some people calculate points for work. Points can be exchanged for gold coins, fresh water, food, etc. As long as there are in the city. You can use the points to exchange.”

Locke looked at the same quiet crowd below. I feel like there is nothing to say. Thinking of Lawrence, he beckoned and asked him to arrange some people to lead these people to distribute the houses. Fresh water and food.

These are now free. In the future, you will have to work for yourself. After all, Locke is no philanthropist.

Arranged these people. Farewell to Willis. Returning to the city lord’s mansion in the eyes of Willis’ resentment, he couldn’t wait to call out the system. This time there was a war and tens of thousands of refugees were accepted. Locke didn’t believe that the system didn’t respond.

This kind of garbage system has to be discovered by the host himself every time. You tell me what’s new with you to die, right? Locke thought bitterly.

Open the system, first click on the skill column, and pull it directly to the bottom, sure enough. Two new skills have appeared.

True Martial Strike: Increases the chance of your soldiers dealing double damage.

Body Blood Multiplier: Increase the maximum vitality of your subordinates.

Simple, rude. That’s a rough explanation. It’s rude, but it’s understandable. The first to increase attack. When the enemy is not paying attention, it suddenly explodes the attack power several times the previous blow. very good. Very violent. I like. Locke laughed.

Second, the body blood is multiplied. This skill is interesting. How many times does your stamina increase? Or how many times the blood gas increased? Or how many times did your physical strength and blood gas increase? Or is the body blood the life force? Is it understandable that a dying old man was blessed with this skill, and their vitality doubled instantly? interesting. Locke murmured. No matter, buy one word. Two skills have 200 Faith Points. Cheap. This broken system is good and cheap.

Click on the character again, and pull down, nothing changes. No characters were added this time. Right. After all, there is only one war. Click on the clutter. pull down. Well this time there is one more thing. There is an extra food under the potatoes. It’s called: bread tree.

Locke thought: Is this bread growing on a tree? No way, so fantastical? After reading the explanation, I realized that this is a fruit that tastes like bread. Also top. Easy to store. Generally, it can be stored for a long time. Probably equivalent to a walnut in a previous life. This fruit really is timely rain. As soon as the bazaar was set up, I was sent this kind of food that can stand up to storage.

Look at the others, no. no. Nothing new appeared in the rest. There is only one last tech category. This one came up recently. There is only one thousand miles of voice transmission. This thing is now Locke’s trump So, Locke still attaches great importance to the things in it.

Click on Technology. Something appeared under Wanli Chuanyin. Click to view.

Knight Seeds: Seeds in some fantasy novels that allow people to become knights.

Locke was depressed. What the **** is this? Knight Seed? Something that can make a person become a knight? What am I doing with this thing? Wouldn’t it be good to exchange knights?

Depressed, Locke shut down the system and cursed inwardly. Broken system, **** stuff. If the labor and capital have such a big stance, you will give me a bread tree. Two skills are enough. Depend on.

Depressed, he walked towards Eli and the others’ training ground. On the road, everyone saw that Lord City Lord’s face was very bad. They are all wondering, who made the Lord City Lord angry, this is simply deadly.

He was going to the place where Avery and the others were training. Originally, he wanted to let Avery set up a mercenary training class. Let those mercenaries who don’t know how to follow the caravan find out. There is also the task of picking up and replying to the City Lord’s Mansion.

Across the distance, I saw Eli and his knights cultivating. Soak in the potion one by one and meditate, allowing the body to absorb the liquid as much as possible. Finished soaking. One by one, they worked hard so that the medicinal effects in the body could be absorbed perfectly. Involuntarily, I thought to myself, if in the novels of the previous life, how could the training method have been so early to cultivate the seeds of life. That’s still the same as now. . . . practiced? ? ? ? shit. Locke suddenly reacted, and the knight seed in the system was probably the one he thought of. Now think carefully about the introduction to Period Seeds, with a focus on certain fantasy novels. Nima, what’s in the novel? Isn’t it life energy, the kind of energy that suddenly burst out with extremely high attacks.

Thinking of this, he quickly walked towards Eli.

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