The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 23 – The Fatality Clause

There was a brief absence of immediate effect, leaving Lukas both worried and contemplative. What exactly was he expecting? He was not abandoned, however, and after only a short few seconds, Wood Nymphs burst into the clearing, charging the elves with their spears.


Green magic swirled around Lukas, filling up his HP pool and topping it off. He glanced back and saw the Wood Nymph Queen rushing to his side. Hell yeah, Lukas thought as he basked in the excitement and adrenaline of the moment. 


“Do you want me to make you invisible?” Gwyn asked, guessing what was about to happen.


“No,” Lukas said coldly. “I want them to remember my face from this night for the rest of their lives.” Besides, he wanted Gwyn to retain her Vigor boost.


The call to duty resonated within him stronger than ever. His girls were injured; they had been targeted and brutally attacked. They were counting on him. They needed him – and he would not let them down. There was no room for failure. He was their protector. In a rash, but potent decision, Lukas quickly used his recent level up to upgrade his Obedience skill, giving him more stats for his next move. He unleashed his Praise ability as sprang into action, vengeance coursing through his veins.


He only made it a few steps, however, before yet another team of Anorans surged onto the battlefield. Lukas snarled at his misfortunate, as he witnessed the odds seemingly worsen. His mood quickly lightened, however, when he watched a former opponent pull back his bowstring and launch an arrow at the Arkmere Mages. Edricht and his team had arrived, and they were intent on leveling the playing field.


The Mimic followed close behind Edricht. Using a borrowed lightning spell for Laera, he struck the golem that was lumbering towards Lukas. Lukas and the queen lunged forward, thrusting their weapons at the damaged golem. The rocky giant crumbled under their joint impact. Lukas selected his next target and surged forward.


Meanwhile, Vaymor tossed a mana potion at Larea. “Drink this. I need your magic.” Though surprised at the gift, the young mage wasted no time downing the potion.


Emboldened by his magic immunity and the presence of his agile, royal ally, Lukas swiftly crippled a mage with a flurry of strikes and removed the threat with a knockout blow. The attacking mages, many of whose powerful spells were still on cooldown, found their feeble attempts at breaking the counter-offensive useless against Lukas, as his defenses effectively rebuffed their magic. The tide of battle clearly began to shift as both Edricht’s team and the wood nymph minions each took down an enemy. Fear that had been so liberally dished out by the Anorans began to reflect back onto their faces.


Thinking quickly, Laera casted her Ultimate on the leader of the Arkmere Mages. “Lukas! The one with the purple staff has a gem.” Though too busy to respond, Lukas instinctively redirected his focus based on her advice.


The Mimic’s eyes widened with excitement as he copied Laera’s Ultimate. “What is this spell?!” Following the younger mage's strategy, he reached into the mind of an archer on the other opposing Anoran team.


Lukas’ blades slashed across the mage’s shoulder, causing him to drop his purple staff. He and the nymph queen had easily overwhelmed his physical defenses. “Give me the gem and I might let you walk out of here on your own two feet,” Lukas growled at the elf, slamming the hilt of his right sword into his nose.


The diminutive mage's eyes widened when he realized what Lukas was after. Even with his bloodied nose and multiple arrows stuck deep within his torso, he still found the courage to spit at Lukas. “Fuck off, hatchling,” the short elf griped and then activated a speed enchantment in his boots. With unnatural swiftness, he retreated beyond Lukas’ reach.


The tall Dominant was about to tie the escaping Anoran down with his Ultimate, but his forest-dwelling partner beat him to it. Roots sprung out the ground and snagged the mage’s ankles. The disruption of his flight caused him to fall flat on his face. The Wood Nymph Queen trotted over to the ensnared prey. “Give my king what he desires, or I’ll take it from your lifeless corpse,” she threatened, placing the tip of her spear against his throat for emphasis.


“You can’t!” the mage yelled, rallying his defiance. “It would violate the Fatality Clause. It’s against the law.”


“Foolish elf!” the queen glared down at her captive. “I am only governed by the laws of nature. Hand it over. I will not ask again.”


The Anoran shook his head with stubborn confidence. The wood nymph’s lips curled into a ferocious smile. With one thrust of her spear, there were suddenly only four Arkmere Mages instead of five.


Lukas felt a surge of warmth within his core, silently announcing the arrival of his fifteenth level. The forest queen picked up a radiating blue gem off the recently deceased body and presented it to her king. He accepted the gem with gratitude, attempting to summon a sense of remorse for the elf’s fate, but finding none.


Nearby, an elven archer struggled in a similar root-like entrapment, unaware that it was not the Wood Nymph Queen controlling her bindings. Vaymor crept over. “She’ll come for you next,” he whispered. “The gem isn’t worth your life. Hand it over, and I’ll help you escape.”


The Anoran Ranger hesitated only briefly, clearly shaken by the recent display of violence and death. Begrudgingly, she handed the gem over. “Pleasure doing business,” the Mimic said with a chuckle. He then dispelled the entrapment spell he'd just borrowed. The freed archer scampered into the forest. 


The forest returned to an eerie silence. The Anoran attack party had fled, leaving behind four of their comrades: three unconscious, one dead. Lucy remained out cold, but Gemma was starting to stir. Fiona and Laera had been hit hard, but were already back on their feet. Gwyn remained healthy, thanks to her Domiant’s efforts to shield her, and was bouncing around triaging her teammates' injuries. She was spending most of her efforts on getting their Ranger back up on her feet.


Edricht approached Lukas slowly, surveying the scene as he traversed the clearing. “I can’t believe you just took on ten of the most powerful Anoran Adventurers and came out on top,” he exclaimed, eyes wide with disbelief.


“I had help,” Lukas replied, gesturing back towards Edricht and then glanced over to where the forest queen had been regrouping her forces. He was unsurprised to see that they had already disappeared into the dark and tangled depths of the Mystic Forest.


Lukas furrowed his brow, still puzzled by his elven allies. “Did my King of the Wood Nymphs summon you?” he asked tentatively.


“Yeah,” Edricht replied. “It was crazy! A glowing white stag jumped in front of us and began loping through the forest, leading us straight to you.”


“Really?” Lukas questioned.


The elf burst into laughter. “Nah, I’m fucking with you. I have no idea what you are talking about. We heard the clash of a battle and came to investigate.”


Lukas mentally chided himself for being a dumb ass. “Well, thank you for your help. Your timing was spectacular.”


“Don’t mention it,” Edricht said. “We found a gem earlier in the night but it turned out to be a fake. Probably a capital team being a bunch of shitbags. You gave us an opportunity to snatch a real one and stay in the tournament.” The elf then sneered at one of the fallen enemies, who was slowly regaining consciousness. “We don’t like bullies, either.”


“We should head back before they decide they want their gems back,” Lukas suggested. 


Edricht nodded. “The gems are ours now. Let’s disarm the three we have here. I’ll take care of Aephas’ body. I don't think you can even begin to comprehend what’s about to unfold in the next few days.”


“Am I about to become Anora’s most wanted?” Lukas asked grimly.


“Much deeper than that,” Edricht responded. “Lukas, the events tonight might trigger an Anoran civil war. Luckily, I think Dreyfus is too arrogant to have prepared a contingency plan.”


“I just wanted to participate in the tournament,” Lukas said with a grim expression.


“Let’s get out of this forest, then,” Edricht urged. “On to round three!”


Gemma and Lucy were sitting up but still looked shaken and disoriented.


“Here,” Edricht said, offering Lukas their bonus health potion. “I’ll need your team ready to fight – just in case.”


Lukas accepted the potion and jogged over to his girls. By the time his team was up and ready to travel, another Anoran mage had awakened with a groan. He looked around bewildered, unable to fathom the idea that they had been defeated yet again. His eyes then fell on his dead team member. “You killed Aephas?!”


“Not quite,” Edricht replied coolly “He pissed off some royal forest nymph and got the pointy side of the spear in his neck. We’re heading out, so unless you want to be left in the Mystic Forest, low on health and without your staff, I would suggest you come with us.”


Edricht’s tank hefted the dead elf over his shoulder and Lukas picked up the last remaining unconscious Anoran. They began their trek back to Celestia, keeping their eyes peeled for trouble.


They reached the forest's edge without incident. Emerging from the tree line, they captured the attention of an awaiting crowd. Torchlight illuminated their approach, and the audience erupted in cheers. However, as they drew nearer, murmurs swept through the throngs, accompanied by gasps of disbelief.


As Lukas and Edricht led their ragged group out of the Mystic Forest, the atmosphere shifted. The cheers from the spectators started to fade, overshadowed by whispers of astonishment and rising tension. The sight of their group, especially the fallen Arkmere Mage slung over the elven tank’s shoulder, only fueled the speculation.

“Look at them!” one spectator exclaimed, wide-eyed. “Did they fight the Anorans again?”


“What happened in there?” another voice chimed in, filled with a mix of awe and concern.


Lukas kept his head high, but inside, a storm of emotions brewed. He was proud of their victory but also acutely aware of the weight of their actions. The crowd parted, making way for them as they stepped further into the light.


Simultaneously, two groups surged forward to intercept the returning Adventurers. One was led by a tall tournament director, his expression serious and authoritative, while the other was headed by a sneering Anoran. “Aephas has been killed? We cannot stand by and let this affront go unpunished,” Dreyfus bellowed, jabbing an accusatory finger in Lukas' direction, despite Edricth’s team carrying the body. Dreyfus’ insistence on blaming Lukas told him all he needed to know. “I demand that their entire team be arrested at once!”


“Dreyfus!” Jaren exclaimed, his voice rising above the commotion. “You will hold your tongue or you will be the one that is dragged away in chains. I will confer with the observers that were embedded in each team to get the full story. Only then will I, as the tournament director, determine the appropriate disciplinary actions. Simon, Geno, I need you to accompany me to the Pegasus Guild Hall. Captain Horton, please ensure that Dreyfus does not harass my participants further.”


Jaren spun around and stormed off. The two moderators he called out moved quickly to keep pace with the director’s long strides. When they filtered out of sight, Dreyfus’ anger boiled over. His mouth twisted into a scowl of hatred. He took a threatening step toward Lukas, but was halted by the guards.


“You're dead,” he growled, his eyes blazing with fury. “Your team is dead. You've declared war on us.”


The crowd began booing and jeering. A couple reporters stepped forward, eager to capitalize the drama on display in front of them. "Are you threatening to kill another team in the tournament?"


Another queried the enraged elf. "Has your personal grudge against Lucy endangered Anora's chances in the tournament?"


Lukas wanted to answer 'yes' to both of the questions for the Anoran, but he figured tensions were already high enough. Elvira snuck over to them. "Let's get out of here before you catch anymore criticism," she whispered. "We will want Jaren to finish his process first."


There was a symphony of gasps that came from the crowd as a tattered group of six Anorans emerged from the Mystic Forest. "Let's go," Elvira said, motioning through the crowd. They used the distraction of the defeated elves appearing to escape the throng of onlookers. Their path took them into the confines of the guild hall. A few moments after they arrived, the two observers from the Anoran teams entered the building as well. They made a conscious effort to avoid eye contact with Lukas' team as they scattered past them and deeper into the guild hall, where presumably Jaren was waiting to debrief them.


Elvira pulled the young team of Adventurers into a corner. "What happened?" she asked.


Lukas filled her in on the events of the night. When he finished, Elvira's brow furrowed into a look of consternation. "Jaren will likely call us in to interrogate. I would strongly suggest that you let me do that talking." The Wyvern Guildmaster looked hopefully at the Dominant.


Lukas grunted in agreement. “I believe we’re out of our depth here. Any help would be appreciated.”


Elvira sighed with relief. “You said that you leveled up after defeating Aephas, right?”


Lukas nodded.


“Okay,” Elvira said thoughtfully. “We need to be cautious about who we share that information with. It's important that we get out in front of this. I'm going to set up a press conference tomorrow morning. " She glanced around at the team, seeing a collection of solemn and exhausted faces. "Enough of this for now. Show me the gem you... uh... found. We should be celebrating your victory."


Lukas handed the gem to Elvira. She held it up close to her face, admiring its azure glow.


"Very nice," she said. "A craftsman could make a really nice accessory with this. Do you mind if I ask my grandmother for some help? With her resources, we could find someone that could make something special, perhaps even before the end of the tournament."


"Of course not," Lukas replied. "That would be awesome."


Elvira handed the gem back to Lukas, just as Jaren emerged from a corridor.


"Come,” Jaren said, motioning towards them with a tired look on his face. “Please bring your whole team." 


The seven of them followed the director into the conference room that had been used for orientation. Inside, four moderators and another tournament staff member were already seated. Jaren settled into his chair and then turned his gaze toward the newcomers, his focus landing on Lukas.


"Just for my own sanity," Jaren began, "can you confirm that you were ambushed by Anora’s top ten Adventurers, and you somehow came out of the experience not only alive, but also with one of their gems?"


"Yes, sir," Lukas responded proudly. "Though I have to correct you on one detail. I believe the gem is ours." Elvira prodded him lightly, reminding him of their agreement to let her do the talking.


Jaren caught the movement and chuckled. “That question wasn’t a trap,” he assured the Guildmaster. “I merely wanted to confirm I wasn’t being pranked. Now for the more serious matter – Aephas. Can you provide your account of the events leading to the death of the Arkmere Mages’ leader?"


Elvira jumped in. "You have undoubtedly heard accounts for four different witnesses that corroborate my team's innocence in the matter. Due to extreme danger and injuries that my team was subjected to tonight, it would be more prudent for them to answer specific questions rather than retell the events."


"I'm sure they are the ones that will be answering," Jaren said sarcastically. "Very well. Who did Lukas witness kill Aephas?"


Elvira nodded at Lukas. "A wood nymph from the forest killed him," he stated.


"And why was the wood nymph present at the battle?" came the next question.


"Because her realm was under attack," Elvira answered, earning her a glare from Jaren.


"Did you command or urge the forest nymph to kill Aephas?" Jaren asked.


"No," Lukas answered truthfully.


“Did the forest nymph refer to you as her ‘king?’”


“Yes,” Lukas responded.


“Why is that?” asked Jaren.


“Because I… uh… defeated her in a previous encounter,” Lukas replied. Fucked. Defeated. Same thing.


Elvira stepped in. "Did any of the four moderators that were present witness Lukas give a command to kill the elf?"


Despite her lack of legal authority in the matter, Jaren shook his head.


"Is my team under any obligation to protect their competition from the dangers of the Mystic Forest?" Elvira pressed.


Again, the director shook his head no.


"Then there is no case against my team," Elvira concluded firmly. "They are exhausted and need their rest. I would request that you officially declare their innocence and release them without further delay."


"Dammit, Elvira," Jaren said, "you know who I have to face after them."


“I do,” Elvira acknowledged with a nod. “I also know you’re the right person for the job.”


Jaren let out a groan, then turned to face Lukas. He blinked a few times and then smiled weakly. "Let me see the gem so that I can officially declare you victors of round two."


Lukas nodded and handed the gem to the director. “Congratulations,” Jaren said. “You’re headed to the third round… provided we can get you back into the capital.”


"I think it will be easier than you think," Elvira said with a smirk.


Jaren snorted and returned the gem to Lukas. "There's nothing easy about what's coming,” the director complained. “Though I suppose I could start with Edricht’s team. Geno, could you go fetch them? Wyvern Guild, you are dismissed for the night.”


As Lukas stepped out into the corridor, he felt a wave of relief wash over him, mingling with exhilaration. The warmth of their recent victory buoyed his spirits, but the lingering tension in the air served as a reminder that the political machinations would continue well into the night. 


Upon returning to their inn, they ran into a waiting David. “Are the rumors true?” he asked, a mix of anticipation and concern etched on his face.


“Might need more context than that,” Elvira replied with a knowing smile, “but yes, they are true.”


“Wow,” David mumbled. “Well, congratulations are in order. You all should get some rest. I’ll stay up and keep watch.”


“That would be wonderful, David,” Elvira said gratefully. “Thank you for looking out for us.”


Without further ado, the exhausted young adults slipped into their beds, surrendering to the comforting embrace of sleep as the weight of the day began to fade from their minds.




The guild hall was bustling with a lively crowd of admirers, reporters, and others who were simply curious about the rumors from the previous night. At the center of it all, Elvira sat on the stage flanked by her team of six Adventurers, poised to face an eager audience.


The first question came swiftly and directly. “How did Aephas die?”


“We will not be commenting on anything related to the ongoing investigation being conducted by the tournament leadership,” Elvira recited her practiced response.


“Congratulations on your win,” a reporter started. “What will you do with the gem?”


“We hope to create something extraordinary,” Laera replied, her excitement palpable. “We’ll be consulting with my family about what we want to craft.”


“Assuming round three is back in the capital, how will you return to continue in the competition?”


Elvira stood for emphasis, drawing attention as she spoke emphatically. “We hope that many influential people will recognize the disgrace Dreyfus has brought upon this tournament by attempting to eliminate the competition through dubious tactics. We urge those individuals to stand up for what is right. I believe that if enough voices are raised, my team will be able to return to the capital.”


“This next question is directed at Lukas,” a reporter announced. “Rumor has it that you single-handedly defeat the combined forces of the Anoran teams. What motivated you to fight as fiercely as you did against such overwhelming odds?”


Lukas was about to correct them, but decided to issue a warning instead. “Knowing that my teammates were in danger pushed me to extreme lengths,” he replied. “They were hurt pretty badly, and it’s my job to protect them. I did what I needed to do, and will continue to do so moving forward.”


A murmur passed through the crowd, and the reporter pressed on. “So do you think Aephas got what he deserved?”


“Anyone who threatens my girls will meet their reckoning,” Lukas replied curtly.


Elvira coughed loudly, quickly interjecting. “A firm reminder to everyone, we are not commenting on any investigations underway by the tournament staff.”


Despite her intervention, Lukas continued to gaze out into the crowd, his expression unapologetic and fierce, a silent testament to his commitment to his team. Several more questions followed, many of which revolved around the death of the Arkmere Mage, each met with Elvira’s standard ‘no comment’ response.


Eventually, the Wyvern Guildmaster wrapped up the press conference and guided the team out of the guild hall. As they stepped outside, a couple of carriages rolled closer, halting right in front of them.


“Ah,” Elvira said, eyeing the vehicles with curiosity. “Looks like they decided to come.”


Grandma Velda was the first one to step out of the carriage. She rushed over to Laera and embraced her. “My sweet granddaughter!” she exclaimed. After several long seconds of hugging, she glanced over at Lukas. She shuffled over and wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you. Thank you for protecting her.”


Fiona snorted. “Protecting?! Laera was one of the only ones fighting the entire time.”


“Did you just compliment me?” Laera said, raising her eyebrows at the redhead, who frowned at the realization. The blonde girl then strolled over to Lukas and cuddled up underneath his arm. “And Lukas saved us all last night. I love my man and how hard he fights for me. He deserves a reward, and I will gladly give him one tonight.”


Grandma Velda cleared her throat, blushing. “Uh, Laera, your parents are approaching.”


Elvira chuckled at the awkwardness and then turned towards her parents. “Have you talked with Dreyfus recently?”


Laera’s father grunted. “He would do well to avoid us right now,” he responded, with a threatening undertone to his voice. 


“Hmm,” Elvira said. “Glad you are picking your daughter over some pretentious politician.”


“Elvira!” Flora exclaimed.


“What?” Elvira said with a shrug. “I wasn’t sure what side you would fall on.”


Her father frowned at her, but that was the extent of his outrage. “Have there been any more incidents since the forest?”


“Dreyfus did announce that we’ve ‘declared war’ as we left the forest,” Laera said. “Whatever that means.”


“That’s a big promise for a man who is about to be stripped of power,” Velda said.


“Dreyfus is going down?” Elvira asked, with a hint of excitement.


“Leaders of the Anoran parliament are rushing to the capital as we speak,” Laera’s father said. “We are holding an emergency session where an interim Commissioner will be appointed, and Dreyfus will be relieved of duty to await an impeachment trial that will be held in Anora following the end of the tournament.”


“Hopefully that’ll make it easier to get Lukas’ team back into the capital,” Elvira commented. “Grandma, you should take a look at the gem they won.”


At the mention of their prize, Lukas pulled out the glimmering blue stone and showed Velda. The elder Anoran’s eyes widened as she took in the precious gem. “Wow!” She exclaimed. “In the right hands, this could easily be the centerpiece of a legendary accessory. I imagine it could give an impressive boost to a mage’s mana.”


“Do you know of anyone that could craft something before the end of the tournament?” Lukas asked.


Grandma Velda studied the gem closely, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I do have a few connections who’d be able to help,” she replied thoughtfully, “However, we’ll need to be mindful of our timeline. Crafting something special takes time, and the tournament's end is approaching fast. If we can get it to the right artisan, they might be able to set it into something remarkable before the final round. Don’t worry, leave it to Grandma; I’ll handle it.”


“Thank you, Velda,” Lukas said, relinquishing stewardship of the gem to her.


“How about we grab some lunch?” Laera’s mother suggested. “The official written report of what happened during round two should be arriving soon. We can wait for it while enjoying a meal.”


Much like Eberlorn, the finest restaurant in Celestia was located within the guild hall, so Laera’s father led them back inside. They found their way into the rear of the guild hall, where the restaurant was located. The warm glow of midday sun streamed through the large stained-glass windows as they entered the dining room. They were seated at a long table adorned with freshly polished silverware and ornate centerpieces, which added to the regal ambiance of the space. The scent of savory dishes wafted from the kitchen, teasing their appetites as they communicated their orders to the waitress.


The food arrived and light conversation danced across the table as they ate. Lukas and Laera’s family didn’t have much in common, but they did discuss previous tournaments. As their meal came to an end, they could hear muffled commotion emanating from the main part of the guild hall.


“I bet that’s the report from round two arriving from the capital,” Flora speculated.


“Why is it coming from the capital?” Lukas asked. “The round took place here.”


“The capital is where the print shops are,” Elvira explained. “They were primed and ready to churn out a large number of copies as soon as the draft came in.”


They rose from their table and made their way back into the main room of the guild hall, where they discovered a swarm of people clamoring to get their hands on the freshly printed reports. Excited voices merged in a lively cacophony as tournament enthusiasts animatedly exchanged thoughts on the latest round’s highlights.


“Let’s see if we can get a few copies,” Velda said, deftly weaving her way through the throng. A moment later, she emerged triumphant, holding a small stack in her hands. Elvira grabbed one and her parents snagged another. Laera got one from her grandmother and the rest of the team was content to peek at hers. The report was titled Saga of the Second Round and Lukas wasn’t surprised to discover that over half of it was dedicated to recounting their battle with the Anorans.


The chronicle also detailed how both the capital teams found their gems with remarkable speed, and placed a fake gem for Edricht’s team to later find. Another section described how the Knights of Pallandor ventured directly past a hidden gem, only for the Arkmere Mages to snatch it up just minutes later.


Laera’s parents spent a considerable amount of time poring over every written detail of their daughter’s clash with the Anoran teams. Their frown deepened as they read how Laera was targeted by the opposing archers as she stood defiantly against them. Flora reached the end of the narration and glanced over at Lukas, a blend of newfound fear and admiration flickering in her eyes.


While they were wrapping up their study of the report, Jaren emerged into the guild hall. Several others approached him for a quick conversation, but the director eventually made his way over to Lukas’ group.


Jaren nodded at the others in the group before turning to Lukas. “Orientation for round three is scheduled for two days from now, in the arena staging area, following dinner. I'm optimistic that your capital issues will clear up.”


Lukas thanked Jaren, who moved on. The Silverbreeze family determined that their time to return to the capital was fast approaching. Elvira grabbed Lukas’ arm lightly and looked up at him. “I’m going to go with them to make sure Dreyfus’ gets what’s coming for him. I’ll be back tomorrow evening with carriages to help you travel back to the capital. Don’t have too much fun without me! Oh, and I’ll be working on the reward I promised you for winning round two.”


Lukas and his team watched the blonde-haired elves leave the guild hall. 


“We will definitely be having ‘too much fun’ without her,” Fiona remarked as if the Anoran had challenged her. “We were too tired last night, I can assure you that will be remedied tonight.” 


“Let’s head into the Mystic Forest while we have daylight,” Lukas said, “but after we return – you girls are mine.”


They left the city of Celestia and ventured into the depths of the enchanted forest. Excitement built within Lukas as he walked alongside his companions. Without the pressure of the tournament, there was almost a calming atmosphere surrounding them, even as they approached the first clearing that was teeming with goblins.


Lukas and Gemma lunged forward, cutting through the swarm of green foes with practiced precision. Fiona vanished in a flash, reappearing on the far side of the clearing where she quickly dispatched two opponents with deft strikes. Meanwhile, Lucy and Gwyn unleashed an initial volley of arrows toward the fight, but the melee fighters moved with such ferocity and agility that it became challenging to target a single enemy without risking friendly fire.


Within moments, the swath of battling goblins was reduced, leaving only a quiet rustle of leaves behind as the six friends continued along the forest trail. As they walked, the path narrowed, claw-like vines and thorny bushes threatening to encroach upon them. The spiky flora twisted together, forming towering hedges that created a semi-dark tunnel. Following the trail in single file, the oppressive foliage began to wane, hinting at a potential exit from the prickly labyrinth.


As they pressed forward through the widening tunnel of thorny brush, the air grew thick with tension, and the whisper of magic crackled around them. Suddenly, the overgrown foliage began to writhe and shift, revealing a pair of enormous, vine-like creatures emerging from the shadows. Their bodies were crafted from twisted branches and thick vines, with ominous green eyes glowing menacingly from their gnarled faces.


“Thorned Ents!” Laera shouted, her voice cutting through the mounting dread as she recognized the looming threats.


The two ents sprang forward, their long, thorny limbs swiping at Lukas and his companions. Instinctively, the group scattered, but they were still in a relatively confined space. A sharp branch sliced Lucy across her shoulder, spewing blood into the air. Laera lunged forward and the ent swung another branch at her, which she ducked under. A third Ent appeared from the foliage and grabbed Gwyn with a thick, branchy hand. Its sharp, pointed fingers dug deep into her flesh. 


Laera flung a fire bolt at the closest creature, engulfing it in flames. "Gemma," she called out, 

"ignite your sword. They're weak to fire damage."


The flaming ent lashed out with a fiery and spiky limb, dealing a hefty blow to Lukas’ chest before succumbing to Laera’s magic. Lukas glanced back at Gwyn, only to see her ensnared by the grasp of a third ent. Numerous prickly vines wrapped around her petite form, causing her to cry out in pain. Ignoring his own wounds, Lukas barreled over, his blades flashing as he sliced through the vines that held Gwyn captive. “I’ve got you!” he called out, pulling her toward where Laera was unleashing her magic. Gemma charged past, her sword ablaze and roaring with intensity as she slammed it into the pursuing ent.


Lukas glanced down the tunnel they had come from, where he saw Fiona engaged with a fourth ent that had come up from behind them. The creatures gnarled branches thrashed down toward her with terrifying speed. She dodged elegantly, her agile body twisting just out of reach. 


While the redheaded assassin kept the flanking ent locked in combat, Laera roasted the second ent and Gemma chopped through the third. They were finally able to reinforce their rear and take down the last remaining enemy.


“That ambush was sneakier than the Anoran’s surprise attack,” Fiona said. “I didn’t know the plants could jump at us.”


“You would’ve known that if you actually researched like you were supposed to,” Laera shot back.


“Ah, yes. Did your many hours of book reading save us from getting caught wiping our asses?” Fiona retorted.


Laera frowned in response, clearly unamused.


Sensing the tension, Lukas felt it prudent to divert everyone’s attention. “Hey, look at this!” he called out, holding up a diamond-shaped piece of bark that emitted a faint green glow.



Thorned Ent Core



Regrowth (triggered, single-use): when consumed provide a moderate level of health regeneration for 60 seconds at the expense of increased fire vulnerability



They gathered the remaining loot and pressed onward. After several more hours of adventure, twilight enveloped the landscape, casting long shadows among the trees. Eventually, they turned their steps toward Celestia, leaving the lingering dangers of the forest behind.


After returning from the Mystic Forest, they all took turns bathing and then convening in one room. Lukas was more than eager to end the drought and wasted no time pushing Gwyn to her knees and dropping his towel.


"Wait!" exclaimed Fiona.


Lukas shot her a glare that challenged her assumption that she could issue commands. She gulped, but continued. "I meant to say... Sir, may I make a request?"


"Out with it," Lukas demanded.


"I would like to show you the benefits of appointing me as your harem queen, Sir," she requested.


Lukas almost groaned, but curiosity got the better of him. "You better make it quick." The tip of his erection brushed against Gwyn's cheek as her tongue delicately curled around it, her expression reminiscent of a child sneaking a cookie from a jar. 


A dangerous fire flickered in Fiona's emerald eyes. "Girls! Present!"


She got several confused looks in return. The redhead grunted with displeasure. "Get naked, bend yourself over the bed, and present your asses to your master. Do not make me ask again!"


The girls hurried to comply, but apparently it was not fast enough for Fiona. She summoned her magical whip and cracked it across Gemma's backside. The tall brawler was stunned for a moment, giving the freckled assassin the opportunity to turn to Lukas. "I've always wanted to do that," she whispered excitedly.


"Oww!" the reanimated brunette complained, glaring back at the redhead.


"Ass in the air!" Fiona shouted. "Get in line for your master."


 Gemma glared, but followed the redhead's instructions.


"Be careful," Lukas said with a smirk, "or you might have a rebellion on your hands. And I might just help them punish you."


Fiona grinned, licking her lips. "I think they won't mind what I do next. Now look at all these beautiful asses, sir. They're all lined up for you."


Lukas had to give her credit, the sight in front of him was very appetizing. Four plump asses were on display for him, with glistening little slits begging to be filled. Eight butt cheeks pressed together to create a voluptuous line of fuckable flesh. Each of his girls had a different color and shape of ass, offering Lukas the most lascivious buffet he could imagine.


"I will prepare them for you, Sir," Fiona said, her voice tinged with lust. "Gwyn first, since she obeyed the quickest."


The redhead knelt behind the half-elf and buried her face in the pale tush. The smaller girl moaned with pleasure as Fiona worked her tongue along her slit. 


"So wet already," Fiona remarked, pulling back. "This slut is ready for you to use." She grabbed his hard-on and lined him up. She rubbed his tip along her wet folds, before pulling it back slightly. "Silly me. I got her ready, but I need to get you ready too." Then she shoved Lukas' throbbing cock into her mouth and hummed pleasantly. She worked his shaft up and down, until he was lubricated with her saliva. Then she cheerfully guided him into Gwyn, who moaned happily. Lukas thrust forward, enveloping himself inside the half-elf's needy cunt.


"Fuck her hard," Fiona egged him on. "I'm going to get the next slut ready."


She jumped over to kneel behind Lucy. "Looking good, Lucy," Fiona said as she slapped the caramel-skinned ass in front of her. "Let's see if I can turn you into a gushing whore for our master."


Lucy moaned as the redhead's tongue dove into her sex. Fiona's fingers groped the girl's ass as she ate her out. Her two hands gripped the brunette's buttocks, spreading them apart to allow more access for her eager tongue. Gwyn's orgasmic screams filled the room, prompting Fiona to give Lucy's ass one last spank before moving on. 


"Sir, the next bitch ready for you," Fiona said while shifting over and finding Laera's clit with her fingers.


Lukas wasted no time sinking his length into the welcoming depths of his caramel beauty. He gave her several deep strokes, savoring the captivating tightness of her pussy. He pounded away at the curvy brunette until he brought her to a climax. Lucy's pussy shuddered and convulsed, tightening around him as if begging to stay. The harem queen, however, urged him to continue. "The filthy elf slut is begging to be the next fucktoy. She adamantly insists that both of her holes are at your disposal." 


"What?!" Gwyn protested. "Both of my holes were available too, but–"


Fiona flung her arm out and placed a loud smack on the half-elf's ass. "Do not speak! Master has one use for you right now and it doesn't involve you talking." She followed up her censure with another spank. Gwyn zipped her lips shut in silent submission. 


Lukas stood behind Laera, preparing his hardened rod for an anal invasion. "You promised me a reward, elf," he said in a low voice. "I'm going to take it now." He grabbed her cheeks and parted them, and then plunged his shaft deep into her unyielding tightness. Her muscles clamped down around him like a vice, resisting his plundering, though her moans of pleasure told a different story.


He felt a warmth beneath him as he looked down and saw glimpses of a beautiful redhead trying to lather up his balls with her tongue while he plowed away at the Anoran's tight ass. She eventually resigned to licking the elf's cunt while her hands grabbed his balls and gently massaged them. 


Lukas felt the stirrings of his own climax approaching, which were only inflamed by the filthy mouth of his harem queen. Fiona kept up a steady stream of depraved encouragement while her tongue worked its way through Laera's folds. "I love watching you destroy that filthy elf slut with your huge cock!" she said with excitement. "You fuck her ass so well hard. Her body is begging for you to shoot your seed deep into her. She needs you to cum inside her. Blow your load into that tight elven ass."


Her words were the tipping point that brought Lukas over the edge. He pummeled into the elf's backside until he exploded, filling her back entrance with his seed. He pulled out and immediately felt Fiona's hand on his shaft, stroking him to keep him hard. "Take care of her pussy while I get your last pet ready," she said while looking up at him with her green eyes.


"You are mistaken," Lukas stated. "She is not the last one."


There was a twinkle in Fiona's eyes as she smiled. "I was hoping you would say that."




They awoke earlier in the morning crammed on top of the bed. They had gotten used to large beds to have their orgies on and the Iron Feather did not satisfy their space requirements. No one complained too much, they would be back in the suites at The Golden Griffin soon enough.


The inn provided breakfast, and they ate voraciously as they prepared for a day exploring the caverns. Lukas still hadn’t assigned his fifteenth level that had been granted by Aephas’ defeat, but he felt it best to prolong any upgrades until the third round of the tournament. While they were shoveling down their morning meal, the morning’s issue of the newspaper arrived at the inn. Lukas was no longer surprised to see that once again, his team made the front page.


The Hatchlings Defend the Nest

By Olivia Holden


Yet again, the tournament has produced a stunning feat of bravery and skill worthy of legend, only to be marred by controversy. The Wyvern Hatchlings emerged victorious from a harrowing confrontation in the Mystic Forest, defeating an elite coalition of Anoran mages and claiming a prized gem.


Why were the promising young Lukas and his team fighting off Anora’s top ten Adventurers? Speaking on condition of anonymity, official sources have confirmed that Commissioner Dreyfus Skydrake of the Anoran Parliament ordered the two teams to ambush the rising Adventurers, intending to ‘leave a painful reminder of the consequences of crossing Anora.’ 


Official tournament observers described a chaotic battle amid the enchanted trees, with spells flying and the sounds of clashing weapons echoing throughout the forest. Initially, hope seemed lost for the fledgling Wyvern team, as all its members were brought down within moments of the surprise attack, never even given the chance to strike back.


Yet, Lukas defied the odds, rising from the ashes to deliver vengeance upon his enemies. In an inexplicable twist of fate, both forest creatures and another competing team joined the fray, turning the tide of the battle. When the dust settled, the Anorans were defeated, with their leader, Aephas Livendrow, lying dead on the forest floor. While tournament leaders assert that the death was due to the intervention of the forest creatures, Lukas himself declared that he would stop at nothing to protect his female companions from harm. 


The tragic demise of Aephas, a loss that has sparked outrage and sorrow among the Anoran population, has inflamed the political landscape. Across Anora, sentiments of disgrace permeate, though the reasons behind this sentiment are divided. Some are horrified at the use of the Arkmere Mages as hitmen, while others focus on the elimination from the tournament’s second round. In what was likely his final words as the Anoran Commissioner, Dreyfus issued a chilling death threat against the young team as they emerged from the forest. He has since been 'asked' to step down from his position given the scandal that has surfaced. A temporary Commissioner has been appointed in the interim while Dreyfus’ fate awaits him back in Anora. 


Many celebrate the prospect of Dreyfus facing the gavel of justice, while others are calling for Lukas to be apprehended and held accountable in Anora, regardless of any investigation conducted by tournament officials.


Lukas’ unexpected ally, Anoran Edricht Dorrach, has expressed to the press his profound admiration for the young team's competitive spirit in the tournament and the high standards of honor they uphold in their conduct. In a statement that is likely to draw ire from his native land, he said that he holds them in higher respect than either of the recently-eliminated Anoran teams.


The events of the Mystic Forest have not only reshaped the tournament landscape but have also ignited debates about honor, justice, and the true nature of competition. The Wyvern Hatchlings’ incredible victory has catapulted them into a blaze of notoriety, but it has also cast a shadow over the actions of those who sought to manipulate the tournament for their own ends.


The news of Dreyfus’ almost certain downfall put everyone in high spirits as the Adventurers geared up for their trek into the forest. There was an undeniable bounce in their step as they made their way toward the mountains, excited to find a new cave to explore.




The group of six returned just in time for dinner, their stomachs rumbling in anticipation of a hearty meal. Elvira joined them, bringing her promised carriages to help them move their belongings back to the capital. The evening meal was informative, with Elvira filling them in with updates from the capital.


"An interim commissioner has been appointed and Dreyfus no longer holds any political power," the Wyvern Guildmaster explained, "however, I would be careful to assume that he doesn't have any supporters remaining. I did take advantage of his crumbling influence, though. I seized the opportunity to put some pressure on Justice Nocht. I had to bring it up multiple times, but eventually someone important took action and now he's facing a corruption investigation. Lucy's warrant is temporarily suspended, likely to be revoked."


"That's great news!" Lukas exclaimed, grateful once again for Elvira's support. 


The Anoran’s smile widened at Lukas's enthusiasm; she was happy to be of use to her Dominant. "I’m just doing what I can to help.”


The group wasted no time finishing their food and then packing the carriages. Before long, they were ready for their short trip back to the capital.


“So,” Lukas said, speaking to his team as they began rolling down the road, “what do you think the third round will be?”


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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