The Demon Lord and his Hero

Chapter 312: The news about Rowan's partner

"My- femur?" Lord Huvez asked looking askance at the redhead. Why did the question sound like it had a double meaning?

"He likes bones," Rowan awkwardly replied. 

Red burst out into laughter at Rowan's expression and left the place with an arm full of bones clattering as he walked away.

"What just happened?" The confused guest asked his host. 

Red happened. 

"Tea or wine?" Rowan replied as he opened the kitchen cabinet. 

"What? Tea. Yes, I'd like some, thank you very much." 


Another day passed but the stream of visitors was unending. It was difficult enough as it was to hide Riha away while the traffic grew outside their gate. But then a few tongues also began wagging. Some of the more shrewd guests snooped and dug out records of the land that showed that the property that Rowan was staying in had once belonged to Artemus. The new owner's name wasn't publicly available because Artemus had gone to great lengths to ensure that Syryn's identity as the owner was not leaked. 

Now some of the folks were asking who the house belonged to and why Rowan was staying there when he had his own property. Some more investigation led to a revelation that Syryn was also staying at the manor. This meant that Rowan was already in a live-in relationship with a rumoured boyfriend who was no longer a rumour. 

The news had been simmering under gossip in some exclusive ladies parlours but now it exploded and took Elysium by surprise. Rowan had a boyfriend. Rowan was dating a man. How was the champion going to marry the priestess of Eos if he was already with someone else?

It wasn't the nature of their relationship that scandalised the folks of Elysium. Same-sex relationships had flourished for a long time and nobody batted an eye when it happened. What they were angry about was the fact that their champion had gone against the grain of tradition to choose his own partner. People were divided into two groups, one that believed Rowan was going to leave Syryn when the time came for him to marry a priestess. The other group believed that Rowan was going to remain with his partner while marrying a priestess to fulfil his destiny.

A parlour for noblewomen where a large group of them were sharing tea and biscuits while chattering excitedly, began to talk about Rowan's life. 

"Have you seen his partner?" A young lady with long wavy hair said out loud to her friends. 

"No, why? I heard he's a prince that was banished from his kingdom for cavorting with his stepfather," another lady replied.

"Rubbish!" A third one interjected. "I heard from my cousin who knows Rowan that Syryn used to be a student at King's Hill. He defeated Rowan at the Friendship meet when he was still thirteen years old. Nobody knows where Syryn really is from but he isn't a man to be trifled with. Why! he even co-owns that very popular establishment that I know all you girls have been to. You know, that one with the good looking elf man." As she said the last part, the lady in purple hid a smile behind the rim of her cup. Salem was a very good looking man and most of his repeat customers didn't just go back because they needed refills. 

"Autumn speaks the truth," a woman wearing a lace choker necklace with a gold rose pendant on it said to the others. 

"And how do you know that, Rose?" The lady with long wavy hair asked. "Is it because you've been stalking Rowan?" 

A few giggles. Rose smirked. She didn't care about the opinions they held of her.

"Yes, I stalked him. I was there at the match where Syryn beat Rowan." Rose said Syryn's name like it was something distasteful. "Do any of you remember that good looking young fellow who came to the ball at winter Fortress with Artemus?" 

Many heads nodded, eyes shining with excitement. They remembered how beautiful that young boy had been. 

"That's Syryn."

A few gasps punctuated the air with shock. 

"Oh my!"

"No wonder!"

"How old is he now?" 

"Rose, where did you hear this news?"

"I have to see Syryn! He must be older and better looking now. How exciting!" 

Rose frowned. None of them knew what it felt like to know that the person you loved was already with someone else. Someone else more beautiful than she could ever hope to be. The excited titters of the gossiping birds ruined her already bitter mood. She had come here to smear Syryn's name but the others were more eager to gush over his good looks. 

"He is a slut!" Rose said under her breath but sharp ears caught her words. 

"What did you say, Rose, dear?" 

"A slut? Sounds like jealousy to me." 

"If you have gossip about his whoring ways then do share it with us, Rose." 

"What gossip do you need?" Rose shot back, "Use your brains, ladies. They aren't just there for gossip are they?" 

The wavy-haired girl pouted. "Don't be mean, Rosie." 

"Did Syryn not arrive with Artemus to the ball? And then we saw Rowan sneak off with Syryn in tow. Then he went back home with Artemus. In hindsight, I should have realised that Rowan was already fooling around with that-" Rose fumed.

"Slut?" Autumn supplied with a smile. 

Rose glared at her. "Yes." 

"Artemus trained Syryn and his friends at King Hill. It could just be a teacher looking out for his student you know," Autumn said to the others.

"I suspect that the manor Rowan is living in is currently owned by Syryn," Rose spat back. "The property was listed under the Artemus' name before that so take what you will of it." 

"Maybe Syryn bought it from Artemus. He is a rich man since he co-owns a very successful business." Autumn wasn't defending Syryn because she was a righteous person. The young lady just didn't like Rose and her creepy ways. 

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