The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 35 - I rely on! So shameless!

  Chapter 35 I rely on it! So shameless!

  Jun Muqian interrupted with a smile: “I’ve seen it in my dream.”

  Lou Xingxun is testing her.

  She knew from the first sentence he just said.

   But if it’s so easy to let him see, she would also have the title of Lord in the Eastern Region.

   “…” Sure enough, Lou Xingxun fell silent. For a while, he seemed to smile, “Ms. Mu is such a wonderful person.”

   “Thank you.” Jun Mu slightly curled her lips, “Compared with His Royal Highness, I am still far behind.”

   “Hahahaha!” Xu Ye’s words made him extremely happy, Lou Xingxun laughed, his brows became more romantic, “My palace really likes Mu girl more and more.”

   “That’s a coincidence.” Jun Mu drew her hair together and smiled lazily, “I also like myself very much.”

  啧, compared to her in sultry skills?

   really tender.

After hearing the words, Lou Xingxun glanced at the purple-clothed woman calmly, and sighed: “If Girl Mu is a man, she will definitely be favored by many girls.”

   “No, you are wrong.” Jun Mu’s light gleamed, charming and deceptive, “There were already many girls who fell in love with me.”

   Although these words are exaggerated, they are not false. In the previous life, there were indeed a few girls running after her.

  She also wants to be a man, but she doesn’t have this function.

   “My palace committee really envy the girl.” Lou Xingxun suddenly laughed, and the conversation changed. “It’s really fortunate for me to have such a skill at a young age.”

   “To each other.” Jun Muqian didn’t want to pester him anymore, interrupted, “His Royal Highness, if you don’t want to go in, give me the key.”

  Ming Ming Da Gan Wang looks quite stupid, how can his son be as cunning as a fox?

  If there is an inadvertent answer, you will fall into it.

  Lou Xingxun looked at her profoundly: “Then go in and talk about it.”

  No heavy soldiers were arranged around the treasury to handle the hands, only a door was used to block the people coveting the treasure inside.

  Although only a key is needed to open the door, Jun Muqian keenly discovered that the workmanship of this key is very complicated and the model is so precise that it is impossible to duplicate the second one.

  Even, even if the key is inserted in a slight deviation, it cannot be opened successfully.

“Girl Mu may not know that my father was fortunate enough to invite an agency teacher.” Lou Xingxun said as he opened the door with the key, “This agency teacher has a very weird temper. No matter how much gold and silver are given, he won’t do it.”

   “He made this door and this key by himself.”

  There was a “click” from the keyhole, and Jun Muqian heard that there were countless small sounds at this moment.

  The magnificent door slowly opened, as if a sleeping giant lion was quietly waking up at this moment.

  She has heard of things like mechanism art.

  The spell starts from the spell, and the machine is born from the heart.

   looks very small, but it is indeed the most powerful existence, which touches the whole body.

  It’s no wonder that Da Ganwang is so self-confident. With such organ skills, it is indeed Huaxu’s number one treasure house.

  After the door is opened, the entrance is a long corridor.

  Jun Muqian followed Lou Xingxun and walked forward along the stone steps, and when his eyes widened, he really came to the core.

  There are thousands of shelves in the main hall, which are arranged in categories.

  The colorful flow of light reflected by various things is full of dazzling arrays.

  Jun Muqian squinted her eyes and glanced quickly. She has to say that there are some things here that she really feels good.

  At this time, Lou Xingxun suddenly turned his head and smiled lowly: “People like a girl must be not interested in tacky gold and silver jewelry, why don’t they just look at the others?”

   “Hmm—” Jun Muqian nodded, “It’s true that I am a very vulgar person, and I want all good things.”

  After all, this is the reward that she finally wanted.

   “If Girl Mu can take away all the things here, it is also a skill.” Lou Xingxun smiled again, “Father said, Girl Mu wants to take it, so she takes it.”

  His smile was very meaningful, and he seemed to be certain that she couldn’t get much at all.

  Jun Muqian shrugged, looked away, and walked forward first.

  It is true that under Lou Xingxun’s eyelids, she couldn’t move these treasures into Hun Yuan Ling, otherwise he would definitely start to test her again, which would be more troublesome.

  It seems that I really have to think of a way.

  Jun Muqian first came to the shelf where the elixir was placed, and she could smell the strong fragrance of the medicine across the jade box.

   “Miss Mu, the elixir here is above the third grade.” Lou Xingxun’s voice came from behind, “All kinds of effects are available, you can take it whatever you want.”

  ”Seven star flower, ice grass, black wood vine, hollow white lotus…”

  Jun Muqian scanned the labels one by one, did not open the box at all, and did not pause in his eyes.

  She looked very fast, she quickly read all the shelves, and finally picked out five elixir.

  Lou Xingxun looked at the elixir, and his eyes became more amusing: “Girl Mu is still a pharmacist? These medicines seem to only be able to refine one thing.”

   “Spirit quenching liquid.” Jun Mu said faintly, “As for the alchemist, it is not yet.”

  ”Wash the spiritual roots and force out the impurities?” Lou Xingxun raised his eyebrows, “You didn’t use it for yourself.”

  ”Is this nonsense?” Jun Muqian began to look at the next shelf again, “What do I do with the quenching liquid.”

  Spirit quenching liquid is a medicine that can only be used by people who have never practiced.

  Since it has been decided to build a sect stronger than Tianyinmen, you can’t just take care of yourself.

  Lou Xingxun was noncommittal, stopped talking, and followed along.

  Just after the two left the shelf where the elixir was placed, suddenly, a very faint smoke hovered from the waist of the purple-clothed woman, directly covering a jade box.

  If you look closely, you can see this plume of smoke rushing quickly across dozens of shelves, and in a short while, it’s a full circle.


  Jun Muqian’s footsteps stopped for an instant, and his expression changed slightly.

  Wait, why does she seem to hear the full belch again?

  Hun Yuanling, what is this guy doing? !

  Lou Xingxun could not see the abnormality of the purple-clothed woman. He just asked, “What kind of weapon does Miss Mu want?”

   “Whip shape.” Jun Muqian answered casually, and then quickly sank his consciousness into the sky, wanting to see if something changed in Hun Yuan Ling.

  I just took a look and almost jumped.

  Because of the elixir she had seen before, all of them were placed right next to the Spring of Life and Nature at this moment.

  With her superb memory, she can be sure that none of them are left for the great goddess.

  Jun Muqian: “…”

  Too shameless!

  This bell is more shameless than her!

   is simply a robbery in broad daylight!

  Moreover, how did this guy move things by himself?


  Jun Muqian suddenly remembered that the Linglong Suxin Pill given to her by Rong Qing was missing, and immediately admired Hun Yuanling.

  It seems that her shamelessness is not enough, she has to learn.

   Originally intended to let Hun Yuanling converge, at least to leave some for Da Ganwang, but at this time, Lou Xingxun’s words attracted her attention again.

  (End of this chapter)

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