The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 19 - An inch of gold 19

The silly aunt fell down on the snowy ground, her whole body shrank into a ball, her shoulders trembling, and her head hung down, not daring to look up at people. Huo Weilou looked at the silly aunt, and it seemed that she was holding a little girl.

Bo Ruoyou whispered: “Master Hou, she is a fool.”

That night, when I was in the front yard to check people out of the mansion, the idiot stood in the corner and was not conspicuous. Therefore, it was the first time Huo Weilou saw her at this moment. Bo Ruoyou whispered the relationship between the old lady and the idiot. The brow furrowed tighter.

Surrounded by embroidered clothing ambassadors holding swords, Huo Weilou was even more imposing, Bo Ruoyou stepped forward and squatted softly, “Silly girl? Why are you here?”

The silly aunt shrank tighter, and Bo Ruoyou said: “Look at me, you saw me last time.”

Silly Aunt was stunned, and then slowly raised her eyes to look at Bo Ruoyou, but she had a dull look and a dazed expression, as if she couldn’t remember when she had seen Bo Ruoyou.

Everyone knows that silly aunt dementia, Bo Ruoyou is not surprised to see that she can’t recognize herself, just looking at these eyes, although they still look good, they don’t have the beauty of that day, but under the light of the lights, they are somewhat inexplicable. familiar. But the scar was still on her face, Bo Ruoyou only had a startled glance that day, but when she looks closely now, she feels even more shocking than that day.

Bo Ruoyou’s heart slipped a little weird, and then asked softly, “What are you doing here?”

Although it is close to the ancestral hall, it is also deserted. Moreover, the ancestral hall has just been burned, and there is still a smoke and flames around it. If nothing happens, how can you come here?

Silly Aunt lowered her eyes again, shrunk her shoulders and said nothing.

This is a bit difficult, she is obviously more afraid of people than that day.

Bo Ruoyou looked at her up and down. She was still wearing the plain coat last time, and the shoes were stained with slush, but she couldn’t see any abnormalities, and her legs and feet were weak, so she wouldn’t be the one who committed the crime.

There are only the footprints of the embroiderers and the idiots on the ground. In comparison, the footprints of the idiots are very obvious. She injured her left leg, so the footprints are always darker and lighter, and smaller and thinner than those of the embroiderers. Ruoyou looked in the direction of the bamboo forest, then went to see the trace left by the murderer.

The wormwood was withered and covered with snow, and the traces of being trampled back and forth were very obvious. Bo Ruoyou carefully compared it and found that it was exactly the same as the footprints he saw outside the courtyard of Zheng Wenyan’s study last time. Naturally, it can also be seen that the footprints are different from that of Silly Aunt.

Bo Ruoyou frowned for a moment: “The people who are only suitable for the people’s daughters are not lame, and they are wearing winter jackets of different shapes. They should not be silly, but she refuses to speak and can’t ask why she is here.”

Among all the suspects, the most troublesome are those with dementia or madness like idiots. Huo Weilou promptly said: “Take it to the front yard and ask the steward who lives with her.”

The embroiderer responded, and He Cheng also hurried over at this time. On the way, he knew that Bo Ruoyou had seen the murderer. At this time, when he saw Bo Ruoyou, he was afraid and said: “Xiaobo, never want to come out alone. ,Too dangerous.”

Bo Ruo hurriedly responded, Huo Weilou glanced at He Cheng, and the embroidered clothes envoy stepped forward and said, “Master Hou, I have searched all around. There are a lot of traces, but they are all extremely chaotic. There are guards, and the subordinates suspect that the murderer has been bypassing these desolate places to avoid martial law these days. To the north of this bamboo forest is a plum forest, and after the plum forest is a high wall in the backyard.”

The words were settled, and Bo Ruoyou later realized that he smelled a faint plum fragrance.

Huo Weilou stepped up to the direction of Meilin, He Cheng and Bo Ruoyou followed, but for a moment, a yellow fragrant plum grove came into view. The bamboo forest was unattended, and the place was farther to the north, and it was even more barren, Rao. So, in the winter of the first lunar month, the winter plum blossoms in the cold, and under the light of the fire, the pale yellow stamens are clustered on the branches, and the fragrance is floating, and the fragrance is astonishing.

The embroiderer raised his hand and pointed, “There are also some people in the Meilin, but it is empty here and it is not easy to hide. There is a dry well at the far north. The subordinates of Shicai have checked it and no one is hiding in it.”

The dense bamboo forest can even Tibetans, but the plum forest is sparse and the plum trees can be swept away at a glance.

The murderer appeared suddenly, and was almost caught. Huo Weilou ordered people to search the entire Hou Mansion. After half an hour, Zheng Wen’an and others were gathered in the main hall of the front yard. However, including Zheng Wenrong, everyone was there tonight. certificate.

Zheng Yunni came the latest. As soon as she entered the courtyard gate, she saw the idiot standing outside the hall. The idiot stood quietly with her head down, but she heard the steps and turned to see Zheng Yunni, her face was terrified. After taking a few steps back, his back hit the corridor railing.

Standing at the door, Bo Ruoyou happened to see this scene.

Zheng Yunni looked at the foolish aunt coldly, as if she was dissatisfied with her being here. It can be seen that Bo Ruoyou looked out the door, raising her chin, and entering the hall with demeanor.

In the hall, Zheng Wenan was talking, “I have been ordered by the Lord Hou, I have been watching them clean up the fire in the ancestral hall. The fool is clumsy, and today is the manual labor called by the family. I don’t know why she ran there. .”

“Master Hou,” Zheng Yunni said at this time, “She went to make Huang Xiangmei for her mother. Although there are a lot of plum blossoms in the house, her mother only loves Huang Xiangmei, and only the plum forest in the north is Huang Xiangmei.”

There is an explanation for this, but it sounds a bit strange to make a foolish person go to Zhemei at night.

Huo Weilou looked at Zheng Yunni for a moment, then looked at Zheng Wen’an, “Are you sure that your mother’s robe burned?”

Zheng Wen’an hesitated and said: “The third brother sent the maid beside his mother to burn it. Generally no one will keep the things of the deceased, and the robe is not gold, silver, or jade…”

When he said this, he had never seen the robe burned with his own eyes.

Huo Weilou glanced at He Cheng, and He Cheng left the hall.

When Zheng Wenan finished speaking, seeing Huo Weilou silent, he hesitated and asked, “Master Hou, what clues do you have?”

Huo Wei Building searched the Hou Mansion, but did not say why. When everyone arrived, they also asked about the fool. Therefore, everyone did not know what happened tonight. Huo Wei Building’s eyes were slightly condensed. I was bumped into the bamboo forest in the east.”

As soon as this statement was made, everyone’s expressions changed, especially Zheng Wen’an froze in place, “What… met the murderer?”

Zheng Yunni also asked: “Can you see the appearance clearly?”

Huo Weilou said solemnly, “I haven’t seen it clearly.”

Zheng Wenrong stood aside and said: “Then she must be hiding in the bamboo forest. Maybe she has been there for the past few days. There are so many remote places in the mansion. Lord Hou can send more people to search.”

Fu Gonggong sighed: “Four Lord, I have already searched, and there are indeed many people around, but I still haven’t found anyone, and I don’t know where they are hiding. Everyone must be careful these days to avoid being injured by the murderer. “

Zheng Yunni’s powder fist clenched his cuffs tightly, his expression was condensed, Zheng Wen’an was thinking about something too, but his thoughts did not belong to him. At this moment, He Cheng entered the hall door, and Huo Wei Building saw that he wanted to say something but stopped, so he ordered everyone to withdraw.

When everyone exited, He Cheng said, “Master Hou, I have already asked. The old lady’s maidservant burned the clothes that day. She handed the clothes to a rough lady who burned the clothes. The lady was a little taboo and threw the robe away. After entering the brazier, she left. According to the woman, when she went to serve the brazier later, a lot of debris was burned in the brazier, and the clothes were no longer visible. I thought it was burned out.”

I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, but I’m still suspicious. At this time, another embroidered clothing envoy came in and said, “Hoye, the fool lives in the lower house on weekdays, and lives in the same courtyard with more than a dozen rough envoys in the inner courtyard. Because she is loved by the elder lady, she has an independent small wing room.” After a pause, the embroidered envoy said: “The ruthless lady who burned the old lady’s clothes that day also lives in this courtyard.”

Huo Wei Lou Meifeng moved, “Take someone to her room to have a look.”

Bo Ruoyou also gave birth to a strange feeling in her heart, such a coincidence, is she thinking wrong?

She looked out of the hall and saw the idiot shrank in the corner, avoiding Zheng Yunni and others. She hesitated for a moment and walked towards the idiot. She pulled the idiot and let her follow her into the house. Maybe she was so friendly, and the idiot followed suit. Following up in the hall, Bo Ruoyou closed the door and squatted in front of the idiot, and whispered softly: “Aunt idiot, I am a doctor, can you show me your old wounds?”

Silly Aunt stared at Bo Ruoyou in a daze, seemingly surprised, but she didn’t dare to come, and felt that Bo Ruoyou was friendly and did not resist. So, Bo Ruoyou’s hand followed her ankle and touched her. .

Upward is the slender calf, but almost only a layer of flesh on the calf is left on the bone. The scar is rough, and under close feeling, you can feel the signs of bone fracture and healing. Thin Ruoyou frowns first, then loosens. After a sigh of relief, she stood up and gently stroked the top of her shameless aunt’s hair, “The injuries are all healed, it’s all right.”

Silly Gu’s eyes were relieved, and Bo Ruoyou took her out, and then said when she entered the door, “The injury on her leg is real, and her lame leg is real. She can’t be murderous.”

The author has something to say: When everyone feels most confusing, the truth is near.

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