The Death Mage Who Doesn’t Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 297 - Death Mage 297 – The second stage begin

Death Mage 297 – The second stage begin

Going back in time a little – shortly before Madroza was heavily wounded by Ereshkigal’s ‘Counter.’ Juliana and her allies were fighting inside the crimson mist of ‘Bloodlust.’

A monster resembling a two-and-a-half-meter-tall Goblin, of a race which had been temporarily named ‘Goblin-like’, was being forced in Juliana’s direction by the arrows of the half-Minotaur girls.

“Commander… I mean, Nee-san! It’s headed your way!” one of them said in warning.

“This is a technique that was passed onto me by Saria-san – Great Deadly Slash!” shouted Juliana.

The halberd in her right hand came crashing down upon the Goblin-like’s skull, splitting its head and chest in half. The Goblin-like fell towards the sea with an unpleasant scream, its blue blood spraying all around it, before being caught by the tail by Bellmond.

“Are we taking that with us? It doesn’t look very appetizing,” said Juliana, aware that Goblins didn’t taste good unless they were made into Gobu-gobu.

“Juliana, I understand that you are in your growth period, but you do not have to adopt Danna-sama’s way of determining the value of prey. This is for research, not for eating,” said Bellmond with a wry smile as she dealt a finishing blow to the Goblin-like and stored its body in an Item Box. “That large attack – did you fail to perform a martial skill?”

“Yes. My ‘Spear Axe Technique’ still has a long way to go.”

Juliana had trained in ‘Spear Technique’ as a knight in her previous life, but after being pseudo-reincarnated as a half-Minotaur, she had trained using axes, clubs, and halberds.

‘Spear Technique’ was focused on speed, and did not make use of the superhuman strength she had now. And because her body was developing quickly, it had been easier for her to train with weapons focused on strength than ‘Spear Technique,’ which required dexterity.

Perhaps it was wise for her to learn a form of ‘Spear Technique’ that matched her body once it was fully developed, but… learning new Skills was never a waste, so Juliana and her new sisters had been training with new weapons together.

“More importantly, how is the strength of the enemies you are fighting? Perhaps you would be fine with fighting monsters that are a little stronger?” suggested Zadiris, who had been clearing monsters outside the mist of ‘Bloodlust.’

“No, we would not be fine with that!” said Juliana, shaking her head. “We are less skilled overall than Natania-san’s group, so the ones we are fighting now are just right.”

Juliana was leading ten of her half-Minotaur sisters, who had been birthed by the body that was Juliana’s in her previous life.

She herself was just as skilled as Simon and his group, but her sisters were still below the level of a B-class adventurer, so they were being allocated weaker monsters than Simon’s group.

As for their transformation equipment, they were using an all-purpose liquid-metal one as their bodies were not fully developed yet, and they were wearing armor on top of it.

The reason they were able to fight in the crimson mist of ‘Bloodlust’ was because the monsters were weakened from having to use their Mana and abilities to withstand ‘Bloodlust.’

“Stronger monsters than this… Rank 10 and above would be too much for us,” said Juliana.

“Mmm, I see,” said Zadiris. “Ah, oops,” she said, turning around to see a purple Slime appearing from inside the ‘Bloodlust.’

This monster seemed to have charged through by relying on its innate durability and the structure of its body, which was unhindered as long as the ‘Bloodlust’ didn’t damage its core.

“Everyone, stay back,” Bellmond warned. “‘Petrifying Demon Eye’ is not working. I have no other choice. ‘Eight Cutting Blade Threads.’”

The Slime’s highly viscous body was cut into nine pieces by Bellmond’s threads. It seemed to have been fortunate enough to avoid damage to its core, or perhaps it had multiple cores because it was an advanced race of Slime – the separated pieces of purple slime were still wriggling and trying to rejoin into one piece.

But before it could do so –

“‘Fierce Shining Blades: Chaotic Dance!’”

Blades of light conjured by Zadiris’s ‘Light Princess Magic’ cut the Slime into even smaller pieces. Seemingly unable to regenerate this much damage, it was engulfed by the ‘Bloodlust’ and disappeared.

“… We cannot recover that,” said Bellmond.

“It is not a problem, is it? I believe there are more of these Slimes where Simon and the others are,” said Zadiris.

“Then it is alright. Danna-sama did say that we don’t have to recover materials if it is too difficult.”

The monster-collecting that Bellmond was doing was not a particularly high-priority task. Vandalieu had just asked her to collect what she could when Gufadgarn and the space-attribute Ghosts were busy.

“If we do anything dangerous to try and secure monster corpses, Danna-sama would scold me rather than be pleased,” said Bellmond.

“… Whether it is to reward or scold you, I believe the boy simply ends up brushing your tail, does he not?” said Zadiris.

“… Did he tell you something, Princess?”

Bellmond and Zadiris glared at each other, smiling, but with more tension than when they had been attacking the Slime. Though it was probably just a coincidence, even the crimson mist of ‘Bloodlust’ squirmed as if afraid.

But this air of tension was swept away by compliments and questions from Juliana and her sisters.

“As expected of you two! Even Simon-san and the others had difficulty with those Slimes; they are likely at least Rank 10! And yet you defeated it without even giving it a chance to strike back!”

“Your thread technique and your spells were beautiful to see!”

“Just how did you even notice the Slime’s approach? It made no sound and gave off no presence!”

The half-Minotaur girls were fanatical worshipers of Vandalieu, so Zadiris and Bellmond were like idols to them, as they were Vandalieu’s close allies.

“Th-thank you,” said Bellmond, blushing as she moved back.

Zadiris did the opposite, moving forward towards the girls. “Indeed. However, you have also been guided by the boy and received his divine protection. If you continue working hard, you will become able to defeat monsters like that as well.”

Zadiris had once served as chief of her tribe, and she had performed on stages many times this year, so she was used to receiving compliments.

“And you should work hard in your singing and dancing training,” Zadiris added. “Our religious activities are important as well, after all.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” the half-Minotaur girls said.

Zadiris was careful not to forget to utilize their respect for her to make them become magical girls… and eventually princesses.

Miriam and Kalinia just need a little more time as well. And once Juliana and her sisters join, my deepest desire will be fulfilled!

Zadiris’s deepest desire was to rid herself of the status of princess. The names of her Jobs and Skills would not change, but if there were more women using transformation equipment, becoming magical girls, and becoming princesses, she would become less special and the ‘Princess’ would disappear from her Title.

And Zadiris believed that this would also remove ‘Princess’ from her race title.

The benefits it provides to my Attribute Value growth are satisfactory, but… I am an adult, after all. But with that said, at this rate, it will take another year or two for my desire to be fulfilled, she thought, thinking of a brighter future for herself.

But Bellmond gave a sigh. “If you go too far, you might get a Job like ‘Princess Guider,’ you know,” she said, crushing her hopes.

“P… Princess Guider?! S-Such a horrifying Job could not possibly exist, could it?!” Zadiris said in a half-scream, her face pale, having never imagined such a possibility.

“Someone who leads princesses… It would match you perfectly, Zadiris-san!” said Juliana cheerfully.

This was true, and Zadiris fell silent, unable to say anything in response.

“Kanako awakened her ‘Artistic Guider’ Job, so it really could happen,” said Bellmond.

“Gah! Guiders have an ideology, don’t they?! Why would ‘princess’ be an ideology! It is just a position and title!” argued Zadiris.

“It isn’t of much use to try and convince me… Even if it did happen, Danna-sama would probably be pleased, so wouldn’t it be a good thing?”

“The boy simply enjoys making a fool of me! And I think you should rethink the idea that there is no problem as long as the boy is pleased! Besides, the battle is still ongoing! Do not let your guard down. Where have Eleanora and Basdia gone?!”

Having forcibly changed the unpleasant subject of the conversation, Zadiris looked around at her surroundings. The battle was indeed still ongoing, but many of the monsters that she and her allies were in charge of culling had left the vicinity of the ‘Bloodlust.’

The weaker monsters and those without the intelligence or ability to stop ‘Bloodlust’ were devoured by it, and the stronger ones were to be defeated by Juliana’s group, Simon’s group, and Zadiris.

It seemed that the only ones left were the few being commanded directly by the demigods.

But Eleanora and her group were nowhere to be found.

“Eleanora was enveloped in the ‘Bloodlust’ during battle a little earlier, and is on something of a high…” said Bellmond.

‘Bloodlust’ consisted of very tiny split entities of Vandalieu. In other words, being enveloped in ‘Bloodlust’ meant being enveloped in Vandalieu. Eleanora had become intoxicated at the thought of being surrounded by a countless number of Vandalieus.

Perhaps this could be considered brave of her, even if her divine protection did make the ‘Bloodlust’ harmless to her.

“Hmm, if she is still on a high, finding her will be troublesome,” said Zadiris. “Hmm? This is…”

The ‘Bloodlust’ grew thinner, as there were now less nutrients for it to feed on and multiply with, and a shout that sounded like a roar came from the other side of the mist.

Then there was a great gust of wind, scattering the ‘Bloodlust’ in the direction of Juliana and her sisters, causing them to let out a startled cry.

“This is a wind-attribute spell or a Breath attack! Brace yourselves!” shouted Zadiris.

They prepared themselves for their last formidable foe. Realizing that she would not be able to use her threads in this wind, Bellmond frowned and raised her other weapon, her tail.

But what they saw in the direction the wind was coming from was not a powerful foe heading their way.

It was a pair of fleeing, wounded demigods.

“GAAAH! My eyes, MY EYES!” the Colossus bellowed, his hands covering his bleeding face.

“I won’t forget this! Next time, I’ll definitely kill you next time!” shouted the Elder Dragon, who had lost half of its tail.

Vigaro and Eleanora were there as well.

“Hmph,” Vigaro snorted. “Such boring threats!”

“You’re entirely right,” said Eleanora, bemused. “All bark and no bite.”

But it wasn’t that the battle had been easy.

“No, it was quite a hard battle. We couldn’t call for aid, either,” said Basdia.

“The split entity of His-Majesty-kun was just saying, ‘This is just right for everyone,’ too. Well, it was hard, but we did manage to repel them without suffering any major damage,” said Zandia.

They had no wounds, but there were traces of blood on their bodies.

“Basdia! I have a vague idea, but… what have you been doing?” asked Zadiris.

“Mother, it’s good to see that you’re alright,” said Basdia. “We were fighting the ‘Gale Colossus’ Pozeri and the ‘Whirlwind Dragon God’ Zanaffar, the ones that just ran away.”

“While we were dealing with the monsters that are too strong for leveling Simon and the others, we saw them trying to blow the ‘Bloodlust’ away with wind,” added Zandia.

Pozeri and Zanaffar, a Colossus and Elder Dragon of the wind attribute, had manipulated the wind to cut them off from the others. Thus, the four of them had been forced to fight against two demigods on their own.

But as the four of them had been able to use the ‘Familiar Spirit Demonfall’ Skill to summon split entities of Vandalieu, they had not actually been cut off from help.

However, Vandalieu’s split entities had determined that the four of them would be able to defeat the two demigods, so no other reinforcements had been sent their way. As a result, the battle had taken place as Pozeri and Zanaffar had intended, but Basdia and her allies had been victorious.

“You look surprised,” said Eleanora. “Did you really think I would stay obsessed with the ‘Bloodlust’ forever? Even Van-sama’s split entity said: ‘‘Bloodlust’ doesn’t act like doctor fish, so please stop.’ So I stopped after a while.”

“… You correctly guessed why I am surprised, but what is a ‘doctor fish?’” said Zadiris.

“Based on its name, it seems to be a venomous fish,” said Bellmond.

TLN: Doctor fish are the fish used in services where the fish eat the dead skin from the feet. In Japanese it is in katakana (ドクターフィッシュ/dokutaafisshu). 毒/doku is the Japanese word for poison or venom, so it kind of sounds like ‘poison fish’ in Japanese, hence the misunderstanding.

“I haven’t a clue,” said Eleanora. “The effects of ‘Familiar Spirit Demonfall’ have worn off, so let’s ask Van-sama when we meet up with him.”

As this conversation was taking place, a demigod’s scream and a shrieked “Retreat!” came from the direction where Borkus, Jeena, Bone Man, and Luciliano were fighting.

“I think our time to retreat will come soon as well. I wonder when the order will be given?” said Zandia.

A few seconds later, ‘World Piercing Destructive Hollow Cannon’ was fired from Vandalieu’s severed arm, and the God of War Horns Sirius, who had been kept hidden by the God of Mirror Images Larpan, was destroyed.

Immediately after that, Vandalieu, who had been struck by Brateo’s fist, was sent flying like a football.



But there was no time for Zandia and the others to be surprised. Twisting space so that her voice would reach them, Gufadgarn spoke.

“We are retreating. Please follow Vandalieu and swiftly make your way to the real Cuatro.”

“Alright,” said Basdia with a small nod.

With that, everyone hurriedly made their way towards Cuatro. This gave the appearance that they were retreating because they were shaken by the sight of Vandalieu being sent flying.

Meanwhile, Vandalieu, who had allowed himself to be punched on purpose, allowed his momentum to carry him some distance before deciding to stop.

But before he could, Cuatro gave a screech as it flew into his flight path, and Legion provided a soft landing for him.

“Alright, nice catch.”

“How bold of you to fly directly into our chest.”


“Chest…?” Vandalieu echoed, just as confused as Enma. “Yes, well, thank you,” he said, enveloped by Legion’s soft flesh. “Now then, let’s begin our retreat. I’m going to have the fake Cuatros charge forward and self-destruct, so gather everyone together. I’ll undo ‘Bloodlust’ as well. The four captains, fire your signal flares just in case.”

“Aye-aye, sir! Give the signal to retreat!”

Soon after the Four Dead Sea Captains repeated the order, signal flares rose into the air. As the fake Cuatro left, everyone returned. Many of the demigods had suffered wounds that were by no means light, and they were in a state of chaos with the loss of Sirius, who had been relaying Gorn’s orders across the whole battlefield, so they were in no state to give chase.

“No! Bring down that ship! Bring it down at any cost!” shouted Brateo.

He and most of the other demigods were in a state of disarray, and they were now forced to desperately attempt to bring down the fake Cuatro that was charging at them.

If Sirius were still alive, and if both Madroza and Brateo were still here to lead the others in battle rather than Brateo alone, Gorn would have likely divided his forces into two groups. He would have had himself and those around him deal with the fake Cuatro while sending Brateo and Madroza to pursue Vandalieu and his allies.

But the only thing they were capable of doing now was sinking the fake Cuatro.

“Ugh… Even though we have dealt considerable damage to them and reclaimed Radatel’s ashes… we have lost almost all of the monsters we sent, as well as Sirius and Lubug. Alda, if you do not finish nurturing your treasured Heinz, things will come to an end before he becomes more than your treasure…!” Gorn murmured, staring at the sky from which the smoke had now cleared, but there was no sign of Vandalieu and his allies, nor of his fleet of ships.

《The Levels of the ‘Monstrous Strength,’ ‘Super Rapid Regeneration,’ ‘Underworld King Magic,’ ‘Super Strengthen Subordinates,’ ‘Augmented Vitality,’ ‘Murder Healing,’ ‘Self-Strengthening: Murder,’ ‘Transcend Limits,’ ‘Hollow King Magic,’ ‘Soul Destruction Fighting Technique,’ ‘Musical Instrument Performance,’ ‘Muscle Technique,’ ‘Magic Fighting Technique,’ ‘God Devourer,’ and ‘Surpass Limits: Soul’ Skills have increased!》

《‘Strengthened Attack Power while activating a Magic Cannon’ has awakened to ‘Augmented Attack Power while activating a Magic Cannon,’ and ‘Coordination’ has awakened to ‘Group Coordination!’》

《You have acquired ‘Divinity: God of Music!’》

《‘Divinity: God of Music’ has combined with ‘Demigod!’》

An incident occurred across the human societies of the Bahn Gaia continent and everywhere else in the world, in which statues and carvings of the God of War Horns Sirius crumbled and broke, and the priests and shamans that worshiped him cried out and lost consciousness.

In the Amid Empire, a knight who was said to have received Sirius’s divine protection suddenly collapsed mid-meal, his face falling straight into his plate of stew.

Fortunately, he was wearing a talisman that reduced damage caused by the fire attribute, so his face did not suffer burns, but… as he had been eating in the corner of a shop, it was some time before he was discovered, and he had almost drowned in the stew.

Entirely unconcerned by such tragedies, Vandalieu and his companions teleported to Gartland, the underground region beneath the Demon King’s Continent.

They were beginning the second stage of the plan.

“Most of the preparations have been done in advance, but we still need to change Jobs,” said Vandalieu.

Although they had not defeated many demigods this time, they had slain around a hundred monsters of Rank 10 and above. Thus, the Jobs of the members of the ‘Heart Warrior Brigade’ had naturally reached Level 100, as had those of Zadiris and the others, which allowed them to change Jobs.

Thus, the Job-changing rooms aboard Cuatro, in Sam’s carriage, and in Gartland were currently being used at maximum capacity.

The second stage of the plan would begin after some rest to recover from fatigue and restore Mana, and after a meal, so there was time for everyone to change Jobs. However, there was little time for them to get accustomed to their new Jobs.

Ordinarily, changing Jobs would not require one to drastically change the way they fought in battle unless they acquired a very strange Job, but… there weren’t any Jobs for Vandalieu that weren’t strange.

“Lately, Zadiris and the others are seeing strange Jobs as well. I think ‘Princess Guider’ was just said as a joke, but… Kanako became an ‘Artistic Guider’ through her idol activities, so it could be possible,” Vandalieu said to himself as he reached out to touch the crystal ball.

《Jobs that can be selected: Fallen Warrior, Insect Ninja, Chaos Guider, Hollow King Mage, Eclipse Cursecaster, Demon Ruler, Creator, Tartarus, Wild Spirit, Dark Battery Cannoneer, Magic Staff Creator, Soul Fighter, God Destroyer, Qliphoth, Dark Beast User, Spirit Therapist, Artisan: Transformation Equipment, Hollow Shadow Caster, Balor, Apollyon, Demigorgon, Soul Devourer, God Devourer, Nergal, Ravana, Shaitan, Chi You, God Spirit Mage, Ouroboros, Rudra, Blood Ruler, Demon Electricity User, Yin Guider, Divine Guider, Juggernaut, Underworld God Mage, Berserk Muscle User (NEW!)》

“Hmm, as I expected, a new Job related to ‘Muscle Technique’ has appeared.”

It was a different Job from that of Zorcodrio, his teacher, but Vandalieu’s ‘Muscle Technique’ was something of his own, so there wasn’t anything unexpected about a different Job appearing… and it was impossible for him to acquire the same Job as Zorcodrio anyway, due to his ‘Cannot learn existing Jobs’ curse.

“Well then, I select ‘Chaos Guider.’”

The second stage of the plan would likely involve defeating multiple demigods… Brateo, Madroza if she was still alive, and Gorn at the very least.

Thus, it was likely that Vandalieu’s Job would reach Level 100 once more by the time it was over.

That was why he had decided to use this opportunity to take a Guider Job… If he took a Job with the name of a different god, it was possible that it would affect the plan. ‘Pale Rider’ had been useful in restricting the enemy’s movements, but there was no guarantee that the other Jobs would be beneficial.

《You have selected ‘Chaos Guider!’》

《You have acquired the ‘Guidance: Chaos Path’ and ‘Chaos Path Enticement’ Skills!》

《‘Chaos Path Enticement has combined with ‘Dark Dream Demon Creation Destruction Path Enticement’ to become ‘Dark Chaos Dream Demon Creation Destruction Path Enticement,’ and ‘Guidance: Chaos Path’ has combined with ‘Guidance: Dark Dream Demon Creation Destruction Path!’ to become ‘Guidance: Dark Chaos Dream Demon Creation Destruction Path!’ 》

《The ‘Body Expansion: Tongue’ Skill has awakened to ‘Limitless Body Expansion: Tongue!’》

《The Levels of the ‘Group Commander,’ ‘Group Coordination,’ ‘Deadly Venom Secretion: Claws, Fangs, Tongue,’ ‘Demon King Artillery Technique,’ and ‘Shadow Group Binding Technique’ Skills have increased!》

Name: Vandalieu Zakkart
Race: Dhampir (Mother: Goddess)
Age: 12 years old
Title: Ghoul Emperor, Eclipse Emperor, Guardian of the Cultivation Villages, Holy Son of Vida, Scaled Emperor, Tentacle Emperor, Champion, Demon King, Oni Emperor, Trial Conqueror, Transgressor, Black Blood Emperor, Elder Dragon Emperor, Food Cart King, Genius Tamer, True Ruler of the Red-light District, Patron Saint of Transformation Equipment
Job: Chaos Guider
Level: 0
Job history: Death-Attribute Mage, Golem Transmuter, Undead Tamer, Soul Breaker, Venom Fist User, Insect User, Tree Caster, Demon Guider, Archenemy, Zombie Maker, Golem Creator, Corpse Demon Commander, Demon King User, Dark Guider, Labyrinth Creator, Creation Guider, Dark Healer, Disease Demon, Magic Cannoneer, Spirit Warrior, Bestower, Dream Guider, Demon King, Demiurge, Whip Tongue Calamity, Divine Enemy, Dead Spirit Mage, String User, Great Demon King, Vengeful Berserker, Destruction Guider, Dark King Mage, Pale Rider
Vitality: 602,195 (+24,087) (Increased by 22,396!)
Mana: 10,436,996,698 (+10,436,996,698) (Increased by 310,893,476 in total!)
Strength: 62,931 (Increased by 1,522!)
Agility: 56,357 (Increased by 2,065!)
Stamina: 68,164 (Increased by 1,753!)
Intelligence: 80,864 (Increased by 1,768!)
Passive skills:
Monstrous Strength: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)
Super Rapid Regeneration: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)
Underworld God Magic: Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)
Status Effect Immunity
Magic Resistance: Level 10
Dark Vision
Dark Chaos Dream Demon Creation Destruction Path Enticement: Level 10 (Transformed from Dark Dream Demon Creation Destruction Path Enticement!)
Chant Revocation: Level 10
Guidance: Dark Chaos Dream Demon Creation Destruction Path: Level 10 (Transformed from Guidance: Dark Dream Demon Creation Destruction Path!)
Constant Mana Recovery: Level 5
Super Strengthen Subordinates: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)
Deadly Venom Secretion (Claws, Fangs, Tongue): Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)
Limitless Body Expansion (Tongue) (Awakened from Body Expansion (Tongue)!)
Augmented Attack Power while Unarmed: Small
Strengthened Body Part (Hair, Claws, Tongue, Fangs): Level 10
Demon Thread Refining: Level 1
Mana Enlargement: Level 10
Increased Mana Recovery Rate: Level 10
Augmented Attack Power while activating a Magic Cannon: Small(Awakened from Strengthened Attack Power while activating a Magic Cannon!)
Augmented Vitality: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)
Strengthened Attribute Values: Reigning: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)
Strengthened Attribute Values: Worshiped: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)
Strengthened Attribute Values: Demon Empire of Vidal: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)
Self-Regeneration: Cannibalism: Level 3
Augmented Attribute Values: Cannibalism: Level 3
Strengthened Attribute Values when Enveloped in a Soul: Medium
Murder Healing: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)
Self-Strengthening: Murder: Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)
Increased Magical Power while equipped with a Staff: Small
Strengthened All Attribute Values: Large (NEW! Combined with Strengthened Agility. LEVEL UP!)
Active skills:
Blood Rule: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)
Transcend Limits: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)
Golem Creation: Level 8
Hollow King Magic: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)
Precise Mana Control: Level 3
Cooking: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)
Divine Alchemy: Level 2
Soul Destruction Fighting Technique: Level 6 (LEVEL UP!)
Greater Multi-cast: Level 6
Surgery: Level 8
Embodiment: Level 5
Group Coordination: Level 2 (Awakened from Coordination!)
Super High-speed Thought Processing: Level 7
Group Commander: Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)
Thread-reeling: Level 8
Throwing: Level 10
Scream: Level 8
God Spirit Magic: Level 3
Demon King Artillery Technique: Level 7 (LEVEL UP!)
Armor Technique: Level 10
Shield Technique: Level 10
Shadow Group Binding Technique: Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)
Transcend Limits: Fragments: Level 2
Spirit Therapy: Level 2
Whip Technique: Level 3
Spirit Form Transformation: Lightning
Staff Technique: Level 3
High-speed Flight: Level 2
Musical Instrument Performance: Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)
Dancing: Level 2 (NEW! LEVEL UP!)
Muscle Technique: Level 3 (NEW! LEVEL UP!)
Magic Fighting Technique: Level 2 (NEW! LEVEL UP!)
Unique skills:
God Devourer: Level 9 (LEVEL UP!)
Deformed Multiple Souls
Mental Encroachment: Level 9
Labyrinth Creation: Level 5
Great Demon King
Root Source
Divine Enemy
Soul Devour: Level 10
Vida’s Divine Protection
Earth’s Gods’ Divine Protection
Group Thought Processing: Level 8
Zantark’s Divine Protection
Group Control: Level 8
Soul Form: Level 4
Demon King’s Demon Eyes
Origin’s Gods’ Divine Protection
Ricklent’s Divine Protection
Zuruwarn’s Divine Protection
Perfect Record Technique
Surpass Limits: Soul: Level 3
Mutation Induction
Demon King’s Body
Demigod (Combined with Divinity: God of Music!)
Experience gained in previous life not carried over
Cannot learn existing jobs
Unable to gain experience independently

“… Why has my tongue become able to expand infinitely?” Vandalieu wondered as he checked his Status.

But he left the room behind, going over his plans in his head once more – absorbing the Demon King’s spiracles and spurs, eating a hamburger made using the fresh meat of a Colossus, having a short rest, and making sure there was nothing unusual with his body before the second stage of the plan.

Half a day later, just before dawn, as the sky above the continent began to grow lighter, Vandalieu and his companions stood at the end of the tunnel inside Gartland – just a short distance away from where Botin was sealed away.

“Now then, we will begin the second stage of the plan,” Vandalieu announced. “Gufadgarn, please take care of Mom, my child, and everyone else.”

There was a long pause, and then Gufadgarn finally said, “Very well.”

And with that, the ‘Evil God Behind Vandalieu’ left him and teleported to Cuatro’s deck.

“Press on. To the goddess!” said Juliana.

“Yes, Ma’am,” said Vandalieu as he began digging the last part of the tunnel.

Job explanation (Written by Luciliano):

Pale Rider

A Job with the name from a legend of another world, one of the four horsemen who bring about the apocalypse. It is apparently a horseman who spreads death and disease where it goes, and Job’s name suggests that it might have an effect or two that would cause concerns regarding hygiene, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

The Job’s actual effects turned out to make it possible to spread disease with a discriminatory function, allowing Master to add some degree of control to diseases he creates with ‘Underworld King Magic’ and ‘Bloodlust.’

It is unclear as to what would happen if someone other than Master were to acquire this Job, but… I would presume that it is impossible for one to do so without the ability to use death-attribute magic.

Incidentally, I shall also record that for some time after Master acquired this Job, he did not allow anyone who is not Undead or does not possess ‘Status Effect Immunity’ or ‘Status Effect Resistance’ near him.

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