The Deadman

Chapter 130: Prices To Pay

Marbas is a demon that is said to have the power to cause and cure diseases. He is considered a powerful President and Prince of Hell in demonology. The demonological texts that she had read said that Marbas is able to grant knowledge of hidden and secret things, and can also give people the ability to speak different languages. He is also said to have control over the element of fire.

Grimoires and texts, Marbas is often depicted as a lion or a human with a lion's head. He is also said to be able to take on the form of a human. He is said to be a demon of great power and is often depicted as a fierce and intimidating figure.

He is summoned during rituals to heal or cause diseases, or to gain knowledge of hidden and secret things. Some rituals also claim that Marbas can be summoned to teach one of various languages.

Marbas, the demon prince of diseases and hidden knowledge, is a terrifying and formidable creature. With a supposedly lion-like appearance, he towers over mortals, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly fire. His roar echoes like thunder, shaking the very foundations of reality. His breath is hot and acrid, like the fumes of a burning inferno.

His power over disease is absolute, and he can strike down the strongest of men with a single glance. He is said to relish in the suffering of mortals, reveling in the cries of pain and despair. Those who dare to summon him risk not only their own lives, but the lives of all those around them.

His knowledge of the hidden and secret is said to be vast, and he can speak in tongues that no mortal should ever hear. Those who seek his knowledge must be prepared to pay a terrible price, for Marbas is said to demand a terrible sacrifice in return.

Marbas is not a demon to be trifled with, and those who seek to summon him do so at their own peril. He is a creature of darkness, a being of pure malevolence, and his presence is a harbinger of death and destruction.

But it didn’t matter to her.

The conflict outside has already gone too far. Many lives are lost and probably have fallen to the fight. They still believe that she can be stopped, when in truth, those who have been killed by her people have been ‘scorned’ and marked for death.

Back in 1997 she had made the same ritual. This time she made it more fraudulent by letting those who are killed to be trapped in this net where she can use it to power the gates.

The gate consists of a circular tunnel that is approximately 50 miles in circumference underground. Inside the tunnel, there are separate beams of protons that travel in opposite directions at the speed of light. These beams are brought into collision at different points around the circumference of the accelerator and focused on the gateway where the beams will ‘pry’ open the realm where it was ‘connected’.

The gate uses some of the most advanced technology in the world in order to operate. Superconducting magnets are used to keep the beams on their circular path, and powerful frequency systems are used to accelerate the beams to high energies. The detectors used at advanced and are capable of operating a wide range of particle properties with great precision.

Powered by korium, engineered to last, and enchanted. Even if they have managed to breach the defenses of this area. She had already contacted the demon and with the casualties, it only meant that they unknowingly accelerated the process.

She knew that they were coming. She knew that one day the world would try to stop her from doing this. Gambling with the lives of the people around her was already a future set on stone. She found it as an insult to these people who have already laid down their lives.

Her heart hurt seeing them die for her dreams. But as long as they are alive, she is confident she can resurrect them, give them artificial bodies.

But if there was one thing she knew was that dealing with devils led to negative consequences, both for the individual making the pact and for those around them. And maybe her arrogance will be her downfall. She will lead everyone here to their death. Nonetheless, the die has been cast and the rituals to summon the demon of knowledge and disease was starting.

The island shook.

The whole world shook.

She can feel a very powerful presence trying to connect to the realm of existence. Then without warning a horde of lesser demons came out of the gate, only to find themselves marked for death and scorned by the machine, instead becoming a fuel for the machine. Further ripping off the realm and tearing the space between earth and hell.

Great power simultaneously fueled Katey. The offerings she made and the call made the demon obviously curious. She had already evacuated the area and the rest had already left.

There was no fear in the eyes of Katey. The hundreds of souls and thousands of demons that tried to escape the gate powered her. She was a sun in this gigantic tunnel, burning with power that was unheard of before the time of legends. When gods walked among men and when apostles healed the sick.

And all of this because the world had decided to fight and risk their lives for the sake of stopping her. Giving her the chaotic energy and the souls that sacrificed to make it happen. And most of all the Mages that were lost in this conflict had given her more power she can imagine.

Of course, she was using the korium ores that are on her island to fill her massive reserve of power. She was like a battery that can wirelessly access this power without any fear of her exploding from the power.

A lion-headed figure appeared in the gate. It reached out and then slowly transformed. Dressed in a sleek and impeccable suit, it strode through out of the gate. The suit was made of fine black wool, tailored to fit his tall and muscular frame perfectly. The jacket was buttoned tightly, accentuating his broad shoulders and narrow waist. The pants were pressed to perfection, and his shiny black dress shoes clicked against the pavement as he walked.

His face was etched with sharp features, with piercing red eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness. His hair was slicked back, and his skin was ashen and cold to the touch. Despite his impeccable attire, there was something unsettling about him. His very presence seemed to cause the temperature to drop, and the shadows seemed to deepen around him.

The malevolence that radiated from him, and knew that he was not a creature to be trifled with. He seemed to be on a mission, his destination clear.

The demon, dressed in his impeccable suit, approached Katey. Despite his fearsome appearance, he greeted her politely, with a small bow and a smile.

"Good day, my lady," he said, his voice smooth and cultured. "I hope you are all having a pleasant day. Then again… I saw a glimpse of what you did and I must say I am awed."

Katey was taken aback by the demon's politeness, unsure of how to react.

“Your power astounds me and this complex matrix you have made. It is fascinating.”

He flicks his finger. Two chairs and a table. He sat in front and politely gestured for Katey to sit down. 

“It’s not everyday you can find such a brilliant mind. I have heard your desire. I must compliment you again, milady. I must say that this is quite a devilish scheme. Even demons would fear  your resourcefulness and brutality.”

“I’m here to ask for knowledge. I have souls to offer.”

“Indeed. A delectable source of power. Mages that can be turned into pawns. In this closed-off world they are quite valuable.”

The demon stopped talking. He looked up somewhere and the politeness in his face disappeared, replaced with a seriousness that she couldn’t properly express.

“Ah, it seems that there are anomalies outside the ethereal plane. A being of such power seems to dare and eat the magic of this world. Do you know this? Or perhaps this is why you are so desperate, milady?”

“I need to know if you can grant me the knowledge, demon. I want to know that and that only.”

“A reasonable demand. I would like to continue this discussion and it hasn’t been long since I was able to be entertained by a human, but that is impossible.”

The power in Katey roared. The demon silently looked with a raised smile on his lips.

“I do want to deal with you, madam. I can respect humans like you. But unfortunately, I know my limits. Granting the knowledge of time and space to individuals would put me into great danger.”

“You are the demon named Marbas. What do you fear?”

The demon turned towards the side. A figure clad in black and walked with a pale sword at hand appeared. She raised her brow at the figure.

“Fear isn’t the right word. But a time wraith in this time and space means that I can no longer interfere.”

“You can’t be serious.”

The demon ignored Katey and eyed the man clad in back.

“I greet you, time wraith. Or do you call yourself a bleak walker nowadays?

“Leave, Marbas. Go back to your realm. You are not welcome here," the figure warned. "Your presence is a corruption of this world. Leave now, or face the consequences."

She could see the demon felt a shiver run down his spine as the voice continued, its tone growing more menacing. "You have been given fair warning," it said. "Leave now, or face our wrath.”

The demon turned to her. “As you have heard, I am not welcome here.”

Then as if the demon didn’t want to be in the presence of the wraith. Turned into a plume of smoke rushing back to the portal. She was about to reach out when the figure clad in black armor disappeared.

It materialized in front of the  gate. The wraith held a sword in its hand, its blade shimmering with a pale otherworldly light.

The wraith began to move forward and raised its sword high. The gate was massive and the wraith swung its sword, cutting through the gate as if it was of tofu.

The wraith stood victorious, its sword held high, as the gate was simply sliced in half, corroding as if melted by an acid. The tunnel was silent once again, save for the distant echo of water dripping from the ceiling.

The Wraith turned to Katey whose power was simmering out of her. She knows that if this creature attacks. It would mean the death of her. If a demon like Marbas would heed the warning of this wraith. Then what is she in front of this being?

The helmet retracted, showing a familiar face. She knew the face, but there was not a single expression that made her think this was her husband… did this wraith kill him and took over?

“Your path is cut off. Normally, it is my duty to slay you down. But I cannot do that while your husband’s soul watches.”

“What have you done with him?”

“Nothing. This is simply the price he and you need to pay. You will not find them again and perhaps because of your stubbornness. You might have doomed this world by attracting the magic-eater to this world. You have the will, but you do not see it. You have time, but did not know it. Instead you wanted more than this. To even clash two worlds together, not knowing the consequences. And through your choices, your man will pay for it. He now owes me a debt and this is because of you.”

“W-wait. Explain this to me! Please, wait!”

The time wraith did not bother. Its helmet closed and it turned its attention elsewhere. This time it was a far more dangerous creature than everything that she had felt. Covering the area as if dragging it into its own world. She can feel her power being absorbed, no, eaten by this being.

The wraith materialized in the vast expanse of space and stood before this creature. The darkness was all-encompassing, and the only light  was the sword in its armor-clad hand, its blade shimmering with an otherworldly light that resists the darkness

She could sense the presence of a massive creature, a being of cosmic power that was devouring the magic of the world. She knew that this creature was a threat to all life and that it had to be stopped.

Without hesitation, the wraith launched itself at the creature, its sword raised high. The creature was massive, its body made of writhing tentacles and a gaping maw. It let out a deafening roar as it lunged at the wraith, but the ethereal being was too quick.

The wraith swung its sword, cutting through the creature's ethereal tentacles with ease. The creature let out a piercing scream as it was bisected, its body falling to the ground in a heap.

The wraith stood victorious as the creature's body dissolved into the void of space.

The ‘armor’ that was covering the wraith broke. Even the deployable armor that the body of her partner was wearing shattered. Wounds started to appear. His left hand fell on the ground and his eye was simply hollowed out.

He fell back-first. She saw this essence leaving the body of her partner. Katey’s heart fell. She ran to her partner’s side and held him. “I am sorry for t-this…” He tried to speak, but his throat didn’t allow it. She could feel his soul slipping. Like a lamp that has emptied out its fuel source.

The wraith stood before them, he took one glance at Katey and said with such deplorable pity.

“And is the price you must pay.”

He looked at Kato with respect, bowed, and disappeared as if it didn’t exist in the first place.

It took Katey for a while to understand the words of the time wraith before she found herself breathing furiously. Her shaking hands couldn’t move. She tried to cast a curing spell and found the magic.. Lacking as if she needed to fill herself before it could be used. It was so minimal. She tried to hurry him to a treatment chamber and yet the equipment couldn’t fix what was trying to leave.

She gaped, her mind churning and her heart breaking into a million pieces. She held his hand tightly, feeling the warmth slowly fading from his body. Her partner, once strong and full of life, was now nothing more than a shell, his soul slowly slipping away as if it couldn’t hold on to his used up body.

Katey couldn't bear the thought of losing him again. “Oh god, no, please, not like this, ah, I just want my family back! I just want them back! Please no! Please, no, no, no, no, please, I’ll be good, please, no, don’t take him away from me! Please. Kato Kastel Lores! Don’t you dare leave me like this! Not like this damn it!”

She leaned down and kissed his forehead, feeling her tears fall onto his skin.

She sat there for hours, watching as her partner’s breathing grew shallower and more labored. She knew that the end was near, and she couldn't bring herself to leave his side.

Finally, her husband's breathing stopped, and his soul slipped away. The woman felt her heart break as she realized that he was gone. She let out a heart-wrenching cry, the tears falling freely from her eyes. She stayed there, holding his hand and crying, this time it was her who had to watch her partner die.

A pain that once broke her partner now breaks her.

It was Katey’s turn to watch him die this time, knowing the price they had to pay was too much.





A new year comes to the world and people from all over the world celebrate the year of 2100. A new century comes on the first day of the year. The conflict that lasted months has finally come to an end.

The sun was setting over the island of Wisteria, casting a warm orange glow over the battle-scarred and damaged landscape. The people of the island had gathered in the town square after emerging from their bunkers and had come waiting anxiously for the announcement they had all been waiting for.

Finally, the leader of the coalition forces that had invaded the island stepped forward, a white flag of surrender held high. He was followed by the commanders of the nations. Behind them were the allies of Wisteria, proudly standing as if they knew that they were right. Their heads bowed and defeat was on their eyes. The islanders let out a cheer as the leader spoke.

"People of Wisteria," the leader said, his voice loud and clear. "I come before you today to announce the surrender of the coalition forces. We have fought a long and difficult battle, but it is clear that we cannot defeat you. And that in the name of all good and righteous we formally surrender and leave our fate to the victors."

The islanders erupted in cheers and applause, tears of joy streaming down their faces. They had fought bravely and fiercely to defend their home, and their victory was a testament to their strength and resilience. Despite the armies that were set against them and despite the fury of the world.

They won.

They protected their island nation and won the battle.

The leader of the island stepped forward, a broad smile on his face. It was a man named Jed, clearly exhausted and worn down  but stood in front of the defeated with chest up high and chin raised. There was pride in him that was shared by everyone.  "We welcome you as our guests," he said, "and we hope that this marks the beginning of a new era of peace and understanding between our people. We have lost so much today. Good men that were led by the greed of others. The right people will be tried for slander of our nation and the destruction and loss of lives. I promised you that we will get our justice from this tragedy!"

The Island of Wisteria won.

But somewhere a woman grieves.



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